View Full Version : One handed sword support

2014-03-31, 04:51 PM
Hello and welcome back everyone! I missed the forums so much.

I heard something about a feat one time for bonuses while using a sword one handed. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, for those that know Wheel of Time, I am trying to design a character based on Warders. Playing in regular 3.5. Any suggestions on a weapon? I was thinking bastard sword one handed because warders feel more about form and finesse over greatsword-smash-and-bash.

2014-03-31, 04:56 PM
Hello and welcome back everyone! I missed the forums so much.

I heard something about a feat one time for bonuses while using a sword one handed. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, for those that know Wheel of Time, I am trying to design a character based on Warders. Playing in regular 3.5. Any suggestions on a weapon? I was thinking bastard sword one handed because warders feel more about form and finesse over greatsword-smash-and-bash.The best support is the Tome of Battle (which fits Wheel of Time warders like a glove). Strikes do well regardless of whether the weapon is 1- or 2-handed, though of course everything else works better with 2-handers. But a longsword is better than a bastard sword, hands-down. Avoid paying the feat tax for the +1 point of average damage and use it for something useful instead, like Snap Kick or Shadow Blade.

2014-03-31, 04:59 PM
1) The feat you're looking for is Einhander. Which is an awful feat, but literally the only one in official material to do what you ask.

2) In Wheel of Time the Warders (and other swordmasters) use a two-handed fighting style. Remember after Rand loses his hand, he talks about needing to relearn how to fight because there are so many two-handed maneuvers involved.

3) As noted above ToB is your best bet, but even in ToB you're probably better off with a two-handed style.

4) If you're really wanting a one-handed fighting style, I have some homebrew focused in that area you might be interested in.

2014-03-31, 04:59 PM
Do you know of any feats that support one handed swords specifically? I think there was one in dragon but I don't know which issue or what it is called.

Awesome. Thanks so much. To be honest, I actually haven't gotten through book 2 :X but from lan's description it sounded like they fought more with style than smash n bash. I'll check your homebrew out, my DM is very open to homebrew.

2014-03-31, 05:02 PM
Frostburn has Snowflake Wardance, which lets you expend a use of bardic music to gain Cha mod to attack rolls with one-handed slashing weapons.

2014-03-31, 05:05 PM
Do you know of any feats that support one handed swords specifically? I think there was one in dragon but I don't know which issue or what it is called.

Awesome. Thanks so much. To be honest, I actually haven't gotten through book 2 :X but from lan's description it sounded like they fought more with style than smash n bash. I'll check your homebrew out, my DM is very open to homebrew.

They definitely fight with a lot of style and technique, but that doesn't preclude using two hands. A second hand provides better control and power, and historically is the preferred technique.

As far as homebrew goes Here is a prestige class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196750) and here is a bunch of feats/fixes to the various fighting styles (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=336953) (including support for the Einhander style, which can mostly stand on its own without the other fixes in that thread). I also have a Prestige version of the Swashbuckler, that synergizes nicely with the Duelist, but probably isn't what you're looking for flavorwise.

2014-03-31, 05:08 PM
The best support for a one handed sword wielder is usually to play a bard using Snowflake Wardance (Feat), Dragonfire Inspiration (feat), and the Slippers of Battledancing (DMG II item).

Snowflake wardance and the slippers let you use your charisma modifier effectively for one-handed attacks while dragonfire inspiration boosts your damage high enough for it to make a difference.


IF you're going to play a warder, then I would suggest going with a Warblade from ToB. They have enough support that you can use a single handed weapon and not fall behind in damage and they also have a host of non-magical magic resisting abilities that emulate a warder quite well.

I think there's a PrC for a Thayan Knight who is magically attached to a Red Wizard of Thay, but i forget where it's from and i don't think the prc was very good.