View Full Version : Writer's Club Affiliation

2014-04-01, 07:23 AM
In my current Greyhawk campaign we are toying around with affiliations for the first time and one of my players asked me if it was okay for him to design an affiliation for his character. He is playing an elf-beguiler who is a novelist by trade, the whole concept strongly reminded me of Richard Castle from the "Castle" series. So he mailed me his draft for the affiliation and I could use some feedback whether this is well-balanced or not, what other modifiers should/could play a role and what to use as high-Level benefits for the affiliation. Thanks :)

The Chronicles of Greyhawk

Goals: The goals of the Chronicles of Greyhawk is to lobby for authors and to improve the book market. They also act as decentralised news agency, and information brokers.

Background: The Chronicles of Greyhawk started as an association of chronicles in Greyhawk. Originally created to facilitate research and communication between scholars, the affiliation now includes several subdivisions that cover almost all types of literature and dominates the book market in Greyhawk.
Affiliation Type: Business/College
Executive Powers: Craft, Trade,Research

Scale: 7

Affiliation Score Criteria

Acquired (Base 4)

Character Level
+1/2 levels

5 ranks Skill craft / perform /profession related to books

10 ranks Skill craft / perform /profession related to books

Skill focus craft / perform /profession related to books

Found sponsor or sponsors arts

Work (Base 4)

Owns renown library or book store
Earns money by writing / performing /selling books
Donates one day/week to affiliation activities
Has recently crafted/ performed outstandingly well (DC Affiliation Score +10/+20)
Has outperformed affiliation contract (DC+5?)

Adventure (base 4)

Well written report of adventure or exploration
Has found new information for encyclopaedia
Found lost manuscript or book


Has created /performed nothing of importance
Has recently crafted/ performed outstandingly bad (worse then DC Affiliation Score -15)
Has acted against the affiliation's interest (e.g. public burning of books, ..)
Has accepted contract but failed

Affiliation Score


Access to contracts from affiliation: +1 to gather information

+2 on diplomancy checks to influence artistically inclined NPCs

200 gp/month in royalties

Research: can research any topic, takes 1 week, works as take-20 on any knowledge check

