View Full Version : Belt of Magnificence +1

2014-04-01, 11:03 AM
Can this be done? I have a character with all odd stats who is a wizard and I would love to have all of them evened out.

2014-04-01, 11:05 AM
Generally, +1 stat items aren't done outside of inherent bonuses for just that reason, because they're worth the same to half the characters as a +2 item. It could be done if the DM allowed it, but otherwise does not exist, and imho, shouldn't...

2014-04-01, 11:34 AM
Well if a DM were to allow it how would you price it? 12.5k? That would be half the price of the +2

2014-04-01, 11:37 AM
given that one of the parts of price calculating IIRC is bonus^2 then it would be a quarter of a regular +2 Belt of Magnificence

2014-04-01, 11:43 AM
Another option for someone in your situation is to start off the character at old age. Your mental stats (which are the ones you want anyway) would all be bumped up to the next even, while your physical stats (which don't matter as much) would be left effectively unchanged.

2014-04-01, 11:44 AM
Probably 6,000 GP. The belt is overpriced, after all. Assuming we combine the MIC's adding/improving common items chart, which lets you apply ability score bonuses to items at no extra cost, with the DMG item creation chart, which prices a +1 at 1,000 GP, then that's the price you receive. It could be argued that getting the abilities all in one item deserves a premium of its own, but it should really be the exact opposite, due to the buying in bulk effect. The returns on each successive +1 to one of your ability scores is going to drop sharply the further you go down the list, after all. As for whether odd score boosters should exist at all, I think they should. You have higher ability scores than someone with all even scores one less than yours, so you deserve to pay less for a higher modifier.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-01, 11:46 AM
Yeah, by the books, it would cost 1/4th the cost of a +2 belt. I would allow it in a game, but I would refuse to call it anything other than a "Belt of slightly better". It is less unbalancing than a item of +1 to 1 stat, as it applies evenly to all stats, so it will boost some enough to give a better modifier and not others. It would be washed under the bridge for any stat the character actually cares about when they get an item of +stat for that item, as they bonuses wouldn't stack.

If someone built a character with all odd stats, then I would sit down with them and talk about the metagame and question where they are going with the concept.

2014-04-01, 11:52 AM
If someone built a character with all odd stats, then I would sit down with them and talk about the metagame and question where they are going with the concept.
I'm not sure what you mean here by metagame and concept. If someone brought you a character with all even stats, you likely wouldn't even think about it being metagaming, or the idea that a guy with all even stats means some offbeat character concept. Even if going all odds in this system is optimal, which I'm honestly a bit doubtful of, people get to make optimal decisions all the time without it being a big deal.

2014-04-01, 11:52 AM
If someone built a character with all odd stats, then I would sit down with them and talk about the metagame and question where they are going with the concept.


No, seriously. On the one hand, you have a character that is crazy MAD and wants all 6 attributes to be as high possible, and is taking full advantage of this. In such a case, the character is probably gimped from the get-go, and even utilizing odd stats is probably just bringing him up to par in his tertiary stats, and his primary/secondary is still lower than a normal character.

On the other hand, you have a character that isn't MAD at all, focusing mostly on 1-2 stats as normal, and picks up a bunch of odd values in his other stats. The end result is still that his prime 1-2 stats are lower than a character who simply pushed those stats as much as possible, and he has slightly higher tertiary stats that provide him little to no benefit.

This topic came up a month or two ago, and I never saw a single convincing argument for why odd attributes are cheesy, or an argument for why a +1 attribute item should be banned that doesn't apply just as much to a +2 item.

Edit: Previous topic: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?333712-an-item-that-gives-1-to-an-ability-score

What I posted in that thread as a proof that odd stats don't unbalance the game:

It's not like a character with odd stats are coming out way ahead in attribute points.

Compare a 32 point buy:

Apply 4,000gp worth of +stat items:

Apply 12,000gp worth of +stat items
20/18/16/8/8/8 (1000g leftover)

Basically at 4000g you're trading a +1 on your primary stat for a +1 tertiary and +2 quarternary stat.

At 12,000g you're trading a +1 on your secondary stat for +2 on a quaternary stat.

It's a benefit for the monks and paladins of the world, who need a lot of stats at decent values. For anyone who only needs 1, 2, or even 3 stats, just going with the normal gear and sticking with even attribute values still comes out ahead. I don't see how this is a game breaking side effect, or one that is indicative of horrible game balance sense and amateur homebrewers (as some in the thread have indicated).

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-01, 12:31 PM
Well, it just seems odd to me. I would suspect they had a metagame concept that they are building the character around, and I would want to make sure we both are reading off the same page.

2014-04-01, 12:32 PM
I was thinking somewhere around 7750.

1000 Str
750 Con
1500 Dex
1500 Int
1500 Cha
7750 Total

belt of magnificence +1

also by my calculations it seems that 4 of the abilities are counted as being similar abilities on the +4 belt.

25000 total