View Full Version : DM Help Campaign Idea

2014-04-01, 08:07 PM
So I had (what I think was) a cool idea for a campaign I'm going to be running. I'll share the outline with you guys:

The party walks into a small town. Everyone in the town is scared. The adventurers find out that a high-leveled gang is going around on the Concordant Domain of the Outlands (DMG p.166) and are trying to take over all the planes from there.

They are making progress towards the center of the plane, and if they aren't stopped soon, then they will get to the center, where all magic is annulled. Them, being a non-magical group, are fine with that, and will launch their invasion from that point.

The party (level 10 by the way), will then be forcibly planeshifted to the center of that plane. From there, because all magic is disabled, they will be carried by Elvish Monks 18/Barbarians 1/Wildrunners 1/Reachrunners 1, moving at a total speed of about 1500 feet per round, to the area where the gang is located.

Then lots of fun Urban battles will ensue in a slightly limited-magic environment.

What do you guys think?

2014-04-01, 08:24 PM
The basic idea is interesting. Just try not to dwell too long on the part where the party can't use any magic, as that really does neuter entire areas of player agency and will feel like railroading if you don't quickly move onto the next part. Other than that small point (and the weirdness of the level 20 elven monks that make a living giving piggy backs...maybe something less bizarre, like pegasai with monk levels or something), it sounds good.

2014-04-01, 08:51 PM
The piggy back rides were hilarious - would they help you fight too?

Also on this "no magic plane" what about supernatural abilities?
What about Spell like abilities?
What about magical items?
What about magically created mundane items?
What about Potions?

Having no magic can get gritty at times, and a race against the clock usually means not enough time to rest up HP. That includes supernatural abilities which heal. Without said supernatural abilities the party is basically running off of how ever many HD they have with allowable per day damage.

Gold can only get you so far with non-magical items. I can however imagine the alchemist using up everyone's extra gold to buy hundreds of alchemist fire and acid flasks.

2014-04-01, 10:32 PM
Why is this non-magic "gang" such a huge threat? I mean, high-level fighters and barbarians can stand up to a lot, but they're hardly replete with plane-threatening abilities. Are they rogues? Because if they are, they shouldn't be trying to invade things.

2014-04-02, 12:40 AM
Just how are they taking over these planes? Aren't the planes full of extremely high level entities who would object to this?