View Full Version : Music "Oh! My dad likes them!"

2014-04-02, 12:28 AM
Alongside the ever popular "Who?", that's the most common response I get when I tell people I like Steely Dan. They've heard the name, sure, but they may as well not have. It gives me a chuckle because it's an amusing response that usually doesn't surprise anyone, least of all me. You ever have those sorts of reactions to telling people one of your favorite bands?

2014-04-02, 03:16 AM
...I like Steely Dan.

(also my dad hasn't even heard of them ever)

I get that reaction from people for about 90% of my music. Most people aren't into metal or darkwave or ambient. Who knew. (Er. I'm talking about the "who?" response now.)

2014-04-02, 03:22 AM
And a slight inversion: my parents (60 and 54) really like Rammstein. A lot. They've been to concerts and everything. It's hilarious to say "Oh, yeah, my parents listen to that" to every Rammstein fan I meet. :smalltongue:

2014-04-02, 04:24 AM
If I'm not listening to bands no one knows, I'm listening to classic rock, which has the side effect of "X likes them!", X being a random older family member.

2014-04-02, 05:16 AM
Almost everything I love the most. ;__;

Jean Michel Jarre is probably the one that gets most of these comments. I don't know many people my age who share as big of a passion to his creations as I do... Good olde progressive rock bands follow after it. I have to say though, I listen to pretty much exactly the same stuff my dad listened to when he was a youngster, so the comments don't particularly sound strange to me anymore.

2014-04-02, 05:23 PM
Growing up, my dad was a Parrot Head. That rubbed off on me, and for a long time Jimmy Buffet was my favorite musician. It was always funny when someone would ask me that question and then their reaction was something along the lines of "Dude, my grandmother loves that guy".

Moff Chumley
2014-04-02, 05:54 PM
Getting this one from your parents is quite difficult. Took me a few years, but I finally got one on my mom with Stan Kenton. Very satisfying.

Mostly just commenting to say, Steely Dan is great. Yeah.

Which forum is this again?

2014-04-02, 08:25 PM
I like Steely Dan. But then, I'm probably about the same age or older than the parents of most forum members here.

FWIW, my mom (age 87) is a huge Elvis fan, but she also likes a lot of classic rock artists.

Manly Man
2014-04-03, 01:14 AM
Well, I'm sure it's obvious who my favorite band is. I've only had two people my age ask who Queen was, and only three people in the entire world that I've met, counting online, don't like them.

Also, to Eldan: my own mother, having been asked if she would ever let me go to a Rammstein concert (I was fifteen at the time), replied, "Only if you take me with you."

2014-04-03, 06:15 AM
Well, I'm sure it's obvious who my favorite band is. I've only had two people my age ask who Queen was, and only three people in the entire world that I've met, counting online, don't like them.

Also, to Eldan: my own mother, having been asked if she would ever let me go to a Rammstein concert (I was fifteen at the time), replied, "Only if you take me with you."

I've only heard one person say they dislike Queen, and they ended up going to the musical (can't recall the name) and then falling in love with the music. Turned out they hadn't even properly listened to Queen before. :smalltongue:

I don't think I could ever go to a concert with my mother. Dad, yes, but he's chill. :smallcool:

2014-04-03, 11:45 AM
It's weird, everyone likes Queen, and I'm still trying to figure out why. I love Queen, I'll be honest, but it's apparently the only band everyone knows and likes!

2014-04-03, 03:06 PM
I think lots of people like Queen because they hit so many different musical styles. I don't really like them, generally speaking, but they have some songs that I LOVE.

As far as the orginal subject, I listen to a bit of everything, so lots of "my dad likes that", "my granddad likes that" and "what is that?!?!" type-music. I never really notice unless I'm at shows. Before the current hipster-folk revival, trad-folk shows (particularly bluegrass) always seemed to be a pretty old crowd. I've also gone to see prog-rock band The Strawbs a few times, and at each show I've been the youngest person there by about 20 years (I'm in my mid-30s now).

2014-04-03, 08:49 PM
I think lots of people like Queen because they hit so many different musical styles. I don't really like them, generally speaking, but they have some songs that I LOVE.

Yeah, in a lot of ways I think Queen is a terribly over-rated band. But I can't say that I dislike them; in fact I own some of their albums. My biggest problem with them is probably that their best-known songs tend to be my least favorite of their works.

2014-04-04, 06:44 PM
I'm getting into my mid-30s now, so the OP's response is probably going to start happening a lot more often. Can't say that I've ever given that response to anybody, since my dad is into Glenn Miller and pretty much nothing else. (I get the feeling he was telling the dirty hippies to get off his lawn back in the 60s; it's a miracle I know anything about music past the Big Band era).

2014-04-04, 11:56 PM
Lets just say that Queen gets a lot of, "My dad likes that" over here.

2014-04-05, 05:44 PM
Well, I'm sure it's obvious who my favorite band is. I've only had two people my age ask who Queen was, and only three people in the entire world that I've met, counting online, don't like them.

You're up to four. I don't particularly like Queen. I don't dislike them, and I did quite like A Knight's Tale even though it's a borderline Queen musical, but I don't like Queen.

2014-04-21, 02:07 AM
Queen fan reporting in.

I get a lot of "My dad likes…" responses, but I'm 34… so I'm dad age. It makes sense. All the bands I used to rock out to in the mid 80s to mid 90s are dad rock now.

2014-04-21, 08:54 AM
My dad got me into Motorhead and AC/DC I don't think he knew that those bands would become obsessions that would ruin my life :smalltongue:

My mom got me into grateful dead which is also awesome

But I like a lot of classic rock bands my parents don't really know... Every once in a while I meet some friends Dad who likes Hawkwind, Kansas, Camel, Styx and The Yardbrids as much as me...

2014-04-22, 06:54 AM
I've never gotten the "Oh my [older relative] likes them" response because either the people say they don't like metal or they don't even ask what sort of band it is (or in some rare cases even something along the lines of "I bet they suck.").

My wife really likes the Alice Cooper, Guns and Roses and such but I can't really get to like them. Similar with my father, he likes some bands which I just can't find enjoyable (Meatloaf, Deep Purple...). Some songs yes but... I don't like any band in a broad fashion. I mostly like a few songs from them. Also I learned to no longer talk about music with people... they either don't get it or are too elitist here for my taste. We were at Wacken with a few friends of mine and some other guys from the metal scene here in Aachen.

They all said that Judas Priest was awesome while my wife and I could agree that it wasn't a good performance and as such we went to another stage to not miss Skindred which was awesome for us. But since "Skindred isn't real metal" we were obviously wrong.

2014-04-22, 07:31 AM
Pssh. Has there ever been a band that is real metal, if you listen to everyone?

2014-04-22, 11:39 AM
If the band needs to be TRUE METAL to b good, then only bands of robots would be good.

I'll show myself out.

2014-04-22, 11:53 AM
Almost everything I love the most. ;__;

Jean Michel Jarre is probably the one that gets most of these comments. I don't know many people my age who share as big of a passion to his creations as I do... Good olde progressive rock bands follow after it. I have to say though, I listen to pretty much exactly the same stuff my dad listened to when he was a youngster, so the comments don't particularly sound strange to me anymore.

My dad got me into Jean Michel Jarre, although when I was little (like, 6) I really disliked it. Then one day I heard it and decided it was awesome.

2014-04-23, 03:06 AM
Pssh. Has there ever been a band that is real metal, if you listen to everyone?

Spoiler in case I got that wrong:
3 Inches of Blood, AC/DC, Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, Artas, Airbourne, Accuser, Black Sabbath, Blind Guardian, Children of Bodom, Crossfaith, The Crown, Distrubed, Dark Tranquility, Death Angel, Destruction, Dragonforce, Equilibrium, Exodus, Essence, Forbidden, Freedom Call, Guns'n'Roses, Hammerfall, Helloween, Iron Maiden, Iron Saviour, In Flames, Judas Priest, J.B.O., Kataklysm, Kreator, Legion of the Damned, Ministry, Metallica, Manowar, Megadeth, Motörhead, Mystic Prophecy, Nightwish, Northern Kings, Onslaught, Rammstein, Rhapsody of Fire, Skindred, Sepultura, Sodom, Steel Panther, Solar Fragment, Sonata Arctica, Toxic Holocaust, Violator.

Just from the top of my head. There are more but I don't know their names right now.
Furthermore there is no "real metal". There is a genre called True Metal but it is... according to wikipedia nearly nonexistent.
If you can listen to the whole discography from Band X. Nice for you. I can't. I like some songs from most bands. In some rare cases I like most of the songs.

To elaborate the problem here in Aachen. Around 2 years ago I started to experience something which I found hilariously stupid at first. Now it just goes on my nerves.
The "fans" here are all too elitist. A newcomer band plays in a bar or at a "concert" party and most of the people there just hang back and drink beer instead of partying.
Friend of mine played in a ThrashMetalBand and they managed to fill this bar quite good. But from the 20 people that went there for the band only 2 (myself included) tried to do something in the front row. The rest was around 5 meters away from the "stage".
Or everyone just hangs at the far end of the room and actively judges the band. Instead of having fun they look at them with a sour look on their face and basically just drink beer. And if you talk with them... then either you have the same taste in music as them or you suck. If you don't know a certain band, then you obviously aren't as much into metal as they are. But when they are on a festival they basically only go to the big ones they like and everything else either sucks or isn't worth their time.

Hopefully now it is clear what annoys me about the local "scene".

2014-04-23, 03:10 AM
Pssh. Has there ever been a band that is real metal, if you listen to everyone?

It's widely known that Manowar isn't metal, metal is Manowar. :smallbiggrin:


Just from the top of my head. There are more but I don't know their names right now.
Furthermore there is no "real metal". There is a genre called True Metal but it is... according to wikipedia nearly nonexistent.
If you can listen to the whole discography from Band X. Nice for you. I can't. I like some songs from most bands. In some rare cases I like most of the songs.

So yeah, there are at least three bands on that list that have never been regarded as metal ever. Not even by their own members.

Also that's quite a cross-section of genres :smallcool:

2014-04-23, 05:52 AM
Spoiler in case I got that wrong:

It was mostly a joke on elitist metal fans. I know a lot of them and as soon as you put more than one in a room, they will loudly begin to argue over whether the other's favourite band is really "Metal" or not. So far, I don't think I've ever seen a single band that was really metal according to everyone and not some form of Rock, Core, Punk, Gothic or just overall commercial posers.

2014-04-23, 06:41 AM
It was mostly a joke on elitist metal fans. I know a lot of them and as soon as you put more than one in a room, they will loudly begin to argue over whether the other's favourite band is really "Metal" or not. So far, I don't think I've ever seen a single band that was really metal according to everyone and not some form of Rock, Core, Punk, Gothic or just overall commercial posers.

There are few fanbases as contentious as metal fans, it's true :smallbiggrin:

For what it's worth, there are a few bands universally regarded as metal. I've never heard anyone call Mayhem not metal, for instance. ('course, anyone in the same room as a Mayhem fan will step veeeery carefully around him. Black metallers are... weird.)

2014-04-23, 07:57 AM
So yeah, there are at least three bands on that list that have never been regarded as metal ever. Not even by their own members.
Also that's quite a cross-section of genres :smallcool:

Which 3? I would maybe say Crossfaith and Ministry as they are more in the punk or Electro punk (or electro core metal stuff) scene from what I know... enlighten me. I would really like to know it.

And that cross-section was my point. Diversity is the nice thing in music.

2014-04-23, 08:57 AM
Which 3? I would maybe say Crossfaith and Ministry as they are more in the punk or Electro punk (or electro core metal stuff) scene from what I know... enlighten me. I would really like to know it.

And that cross-section was my point. Diversity is the nice thing in music.

Heh, well let's see.

AC/DC has always been hard rock. As has Guns 'n Roses; Axl may think he dabbled in metal, but he'd be wrong. Lemmy has stated many times that he thinks of Motörhead as a rock band, but what does he know, really. Rammstein has always played NDH (it's not the same thing as industrial metal). And as you stated, Ministry is more of an EBM/pure industrial band.

I admit that I have no idea who Crossfaith is.

Also I'd rather not dispute the metalosity of bands like Disturbed and nu metal in general. Who needs that can of worms, right? :smalltongue:

2014-04-23, 10:36 AM
Heh, well let's see.

AC/DC has always been hard rock. As has Guns 'n Roses; Axl may think he dabbled in metal, but he'd be wrong. Lemmy has stated many times that he thinks of Motörhead as a rock band, but what does he know, really. Rammstein has always played NDH (it's not the same thing as industrial metal). And as you stated, Ministry is more of an EBM/pure industrial band.

I admit that I have no idea who Crossfaith is.

Also I'd rather not dispute the metalosity of bands like Disturbed and nu metal in general. Who needs that can of worms, right? :smalltongue:

Hmm I always counted them into the metal genre due to being partly it's roots... also I would have thought Ministry is more in the direction of punk but... well apparently I have no clue.
Crossfaith is a Japanese "Electrocore metal" band. Or similar. Or Electropunk. Don't know what they were called.
Another probably unknown band is Artas which is Death/Thrash from Austria if I remember it right.

2014-04-23, 02:20 PM
And of course I'd like to mention Sepultura and perhaps Angra but that's more "hey look metal from my country" than anything, mainly because I'm not really a big fan of metal.

2014-04-23, 03:04 PM
There are few fanbases as contentious as metal fans, it's true :smallbiggrin:

For what it's worth, there are a few bands universally regarded as metal. I've never heard anyone call Mayhem not metal, for instance. ('course, anyone in the same room as a Mayhem fan will step veeeery carefully around him. Black metallers are... weird.)

They were ok, but Vigernes' solo work (under the name Burzum) was a lot better, at least until he got really weird (I haven't really liked anything since Filosofem, and even that was a bit iffy). My supervisor at the Uni was Mayhem's neighbor for a year or so. They were apparantly very nice and polite guys. A bit noisy on the weekends and dressed a bit weird but otherwise good neighbors. Until one of them ended up dead.