View Full Version : Pathfinder Help with Mad Science Character Building

2014-04-02, 02:03 PM
This Friday will be the first session of my friends' and my first-ever evil campaign (I may even make a campaign journal and put it up here for your amusement [enjoyment will likely be too strong a word]). I have been and will be busy this week so I need some help building a character for one of the members who will be late to the session i.e. missing character generation. He has given me permission to try making some gimmicky abomination as I am wont to do (This is the guy who play a Sorcerer 4/Oracle 4/Mystic Theurge 2 for all the spells per day [Final Tally: SL 1=18/day, 2=16/day, 3=10/day]). However I have a big convention for a scholarship I have received so that I may attend college tomorrow and tonight must be spent catching up on homework I delayed during our big push for scholarship completion and my several full-day field trips for quiz bowl, anatomy these past weeks. Can some Hero in the Playground please come up with a character with a nice fluffy, flavorful, gimmicky crunch.

Specs: Starting at 3rd level, 1 bonus feat at first level, 3 Traits (the group just got the APG so we want to test drive its material a lot), X Evil.

Allowed Materials: Advanced Players Guide, Core Rulebook, Monster Manual 1, Inner Sea World Guide. (We are kinda cheap and are collecting books at a very very very slow rate.)

2014-04-04, 06:29 AM
A gnomish alchemist who loves his bombs. Focus on dexterity for accuracy and intelligence for extracts and bombs per day. Use feats such as: point blank shot, precise shot, extra bombs. Discoveries related to bombs (or infusion if you want to be support-y). If you want stealth use the gnomish racial archetype "Chameleon". You love your bombs so take the gnomish favored class for as many as possible. For added fun grab vestigial arm discovery and other such weird discoveries in ultimate magic.

2014-04-05, 01:18 AM
A gnomish alchemist who loves his bombs. Focus on dexterity for accuracy and intelligence for extracts and bombs per day. Use feats such as: point blank shot, precise shot, extra bombs. Discoveries related to bombs (or infusion if you want to be support-y). If you want stealth use the gnomish racial archetype "Chameleon". You love your bombs so take the gnomish favored class for as many as possible. For added fun grab vestigial arm discovery and other such weird discoveries in ultimate magic.

Thanks for the ideas. I wrote a copy of this up and think it is quite awesome. The unfortunate thing is that the player dropped out of the campaign on Thursday. He felt that due to the obligations that have been making it difficult for us to play very often he would like to take a break from our campaigns for a while. I actually thought that my post had sunk low enough that no one would notice it so I didn't bother to edit my previous post. Thank you again for the help. I may save these ideas to use for myself sometime though.