View Full Version : Cross Setting Combat

2014-04-02, 06:13 PM
I'm in a game right now where each player was allowed to bring in new rule systems that the other people would be allowed to use. I'm playing an artificer, and Eberron's various rules were included (sadly, dragonshards are hard to find and, as such, magical crafting takes longer than a day.) Another player, with a Samurai, has brought in the rules for Rokugan, including Iajitsu strikes and honor. And since no one else in the world follows this honor system, it's sort of allowing him to run rampant with how much honor he has to work with.

It has been implied that he may attempt to take over my homelands. While I doubt it'll come to that, I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for one on one combat between a level 10 Artificer and a level 12 Samurai that uses void points and calls on ancestral spirits for high-level spells. I'm not concerned too much about the Iajitsu strike (I can soak damage like crazy, and doubt I'd be caught flat footed anyway), but I was curious what strategies people might have. (As a sidenote, I have crafting happening while I'm adventuring so I might be able to get an item up and running if it'd only take a couple days to do, but I *don't* have access to alternate dimensions personally created for messing with the flow of time itself. Most of my tactics will likely come from infusions and spell-storing items.) I already have a couple of ideas if this conflict happens... metamagic spell trigger and metamagic spell completion are simply wonderful as far as class features go... but side input is always welcome. ;-)