View Full Version : 3rd Ed Need some advice on how to make a major, major change happen to my character

2014-04-02, 08:58 PM
I'm playing an Aleithian Dwarf wizard right now, and we're kinda in the middle of a really long quest.

The DM's been hitting us with some occasional psionic stuff and other indications that the world we're in is at least partially driven by psionics. In light of this, I suggested to him that my wizard be turned into an erudite (S2P, naturally).

He agreed, in light of the setting and of some of the gear that he'd given us (like a house that could be moved psionically via a power point-powered machine), but we decided there needed to be a decent reason for it at least.

However, it couldn't be any of the scenarios mentioned in PHB2, because it needs to be faster than that so as not to bog down the main quest. I can't just draw up a new character either, because story reasons.

And, frankly, I'm stumped.

My suggestion to him was that Aleithilios (who has been known to pay special attention to his chosen race of dwarves) pays me a visit on the quest, mumbles some mumbo-jumbo about fulfilling the true legacy of my race (remember: filler text says that Aleithian dwarves are very psionic and indeed they have some psionic racial abilities), wave some psionic crap at me, and turn me psionic, replacing my wizard levels with the psionic levels. It was a little more in-detail than that, but that's the thrust of it.

Naturally this is not the most suitable of ideas, but neither me nor him have come up with anything.

Any suggestions would be wonderful.

2014-04-02, 09:46 PM
It's the bottom of the ninth and the bases are loaded...

**** has hit the fan and you are out of spell slots.
In the stress and the chaos of the situation, your inner reserves explode as you push yourself to the limit to cast just one more spell.
At this point on you are an StP Erudite.
You play as if you are still a wizard, act like a wizard, prepare like a wizard, ect.
But as a wizard, you are curious as to how you pulled it off.
You begin to test the limits of this ability.
Eventually forsaking your spell book as you have found a way to "master" magic through your racial abilities.
This process continues until the line is fully blurred.

2014-04-02, 11:01 PM
This plan, I like it.

*in case DM doesn't like it or anyone has any better ideas

2014-04-03, 11:36 AM
Anyone else?

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 11:39 AM
Die + Reincarnate???

2014-04-03, 11:43 AM
I'm playing an Aleithian Dwarf wizard right now, and we're kinda in the middle of a really long quest.

The DM's been hitting us with some occasional psionic stuff and other indications that the world we're in is at least partially driven by psionics. In light of this, I suggested to him that my wizard be turned into an erudite (S2P, naturally).

He agreed, in light of the setting and of some of the gear that he'd given us (like a house that could be moved psionically via a power point-powered machine), but we decided there needed to be a decent reason for it at least.

However, it couldn't be any of the scenarios mentioned in PHB2, because it needs to be faster than that so as not to bog down the main quest. I can't just draw up a new character either, because story reasons.

And, frankly, I'm stumped.

My suggestion to him was that Aleithilios (who has been known to pay special attention to his chosen race of dwarves) pays me a visit on the quest, mumbles some mumbo-jumbo about fulfilling the true legacy of my race (remember: filler text says that Aleithian dwarves are very psionic and indeed they have some psionic racial abilities), wave some psionic crap at me, and turn me psionic, replacing my wizard levels with the psionic levels. It was a little more in-detail than that, but that's the thrust of it.

Naturally this is not the most suitable of ideas, but neither me nor him have come up with anything.

Any suggestions would be wonderful.

Your dwarf is captured by illithids and has his brain removed. However, this is not the end! The illithids, ever looking for way to conquer others, decide to use his body for one of their spies. So they stuff an illithid brain into the dwarf's body. Bam, psychic dwarf.

2014-04-03, 11:48 AM
Your dwarf is captured by illithids and has his brain removed. However, this is not the end! The illithids, ever looking for way to conquer others, decide to use his body for one of their spies. So they stuff an illithid brain into the dwarf's body. Bam, psychic dwarf.

Nitpick: Aleithian dwarves already ARE psionic. 3.0 race that has some racial abilities (including a very nice 3/day immediate +3 to will saves).

2014-04-03, 11:50 AM
I'm not sure what the nature of your campaign is, but you could justify it via retraining if you were to plane shift yourself into a plane with extremely screwy time dynamics.

Just fall into a rapidly closing rift-in-time-and-space then pop out a few days' ride from the party immediately thereafter. In your own time frame, you could have been gone for years, or even decades. Make sure you bring back a strange leather sphere with a bloody handprint on it.

2014-04-03, 01:14 PM
Have the DM give you a detour of like a day or so that ends up involving a random encounter, in which you get bulls rushed into a small glowing pond of some manner.

The pond is physical Chaos Magic incarnate, have him pretend to roll randomly (by rolling a die, looking at the result, and then just making up something on the fly.), for anyone that falls into it/makes contact with it. Have the effects be minor and very, very temporary for everyone, except you, you, get your class levels changed to spell to power Erudite.

Then have them find out that the pond winks in and out of existence in random places at random times so that they can't get at it again and abuse it.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 01:35 PM

Just make sure its not the pool of the drown Panda...
Yes, Ranma 1/2 reference... Would be fun though!

2014-04-03, 01:42 PM
No, you don't want that, though if he wanted to make that one of the harmless side effects that lasts a day or two on the other people that get wet, if any, go ahead.

2014-04-03, 01:43 PM
I like your idea, although the fluff text for an erudite talks about years of study, which has been the biggest sticking point.

2014-04-03, 02:01 PM
Chaos Magic Pool changed you by doing a freaky time warp effect that caused you to Study under a StP Erudite instead of a Wizard when you were learning magic, and thus learned to be a StP Erudite and advanced as such. Boom, fluff satisfied. =) And it's potent concentrated randomness magic, it is inherently not suppose to make perfect sense.

2014-04-03, 02:11 PM
Alternatively, Chaos Magic Pool substitutes you with an alternate-timeline you, in which your goals are the same but the process wasn't. Perhaps some of your party members were dead in that reality, and you can have a tear-jerking reunion.

Shining Wrath
2014-04-03, 02:39 PM
You cast a Divination Spell, but the person / location is shielded. You try harder. A "resonance", not entirely unlike what happens when two mages with rings of spell turning cast at each other, is set up. Your mind explodes. When you awake, you find that you have powers you formerly did not - and that as you cast your prepared spells they vanish, and you cannot memorize new spells, but your new powers grow.

So you'll gradually lose your spells, but for every spell you cast, your max psion point reserve increases.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 02:45 PM

If you do go for the pool, have or loose a goatee afterwards..

Humor value if your character is FEMALE though.

2014-04-04, 02:11 AM
Find some texts/knowledge crystals/whatever that can explain Psionics 101 to your character, and study them obsessively, trying to fit this 'new magic' into your wizardly paradigm. At the right moment... EUREKA!

2014-04-04, 09:39 AM
I don't know your level but one way I could see is first you get the spells Dweomer of Transferance and Mental Pinnacle, both of which transform spells in psionic power.

Then your character went to create an even stronger and more powerful version of those spells and research it in his spare time. Eventually --> freak accident. Instead of converting part of your spells to psychic power, you converted all of your magical abilities to psionic power in a permanent and irreversible way, but on the plus side; you kept your general knowledge of magic intact and can now convert other spells to psionic power.

Personally, that seem like a logical progression and i can totally see it happening on a shorter period of time than normal retraining. If you're not high level enough for dweomer of transferance and mental pinnacle, you can start by researching lesser version of those. (if your DM and other player agree, you could retroactively say you have been researching those spell for some time)

Bonus point: select psychic reformation as one of your power since it's both thematic and powerful.

Edit : Extra bonus point: take the feat overchannel (as your next feat, or using retraining, or psychic reformation) and apply it more or less randomly to show that you do not have full control over your new powers yet.