View Full Version : Pathfinder Survivor Style!

2014-04-02, 10:00 PM
Hey fellow playmates!
My DM wants me to create a comic relief campaign to play in-between installments of his evil campaign. Basically, my DM want's to play the game every once in a while, instead of always being stuck as the mouth of god. Hear is my idea, let me know what you guys think/any suggestions you might have.

Jeff Probst has discovered a magic MacGuffin that allows him to travel between the realms of pathfinder and the real world. After recruiting a group of adventurers, he creates a TV show to broadcast in the real world. The adventurers get bonuses for completing challenges, following story prompts, and keeping their cameraman alive!

PC's would start at lvl five, with all classes, races, and alignments open to them. Let me know what you guys think!:smallsmile: