View Full Version : Artifact of ancient fertility need help

2014-04-03, 01:12 AM
So in my campaign my players happend to wander into a mountain that contained a race of bird men gaurding an egg artifact, from a kobold threat. The way the artifact work is that when the birdmen use it it makes their next egg that of a giant eagle which were the powerful ancestors of their race. When the kobolds use it, it allows them to produce a dragon.

Now my conundrum is two of my female players decided to activate the egg on themselves before giving it to the kobolds. What would the Powerful ancestor of a gnome and what would it be for a human.

Sir Chuckles
2014-04-03, 01:19 AM
A Gnome and a Human.

By the sounds of it, unless they've got something weird down the line or a x-blooded thing goin' on, that's what'll happen. Boring, but true.

Of course, that's not to say that you couldn't have free reign over what pops out after 9 months...Possibly longer for a Gnome.
Are either of them a Warlock, Sorcerer, or Favored Soul?

2014-04-03, 01:31 AM
The gnome was a bard, and the human is a barbarian/witch.

Another effect of the egg is it accelerates the gestation periods into 1 month per day.

On another note the witch just sold the babys life to a demon in order to save herself. So whatever the human spawns into is going to be half demonic anyways. also she has deception as her Patron

2014-04-03, 01:39 AM
Well, this is a perfect opportunity for the Feral template(with appropriate updates to the Savage Species version) to rear its ugly head and for you to refresh yourself on the Neanderthal from Frostburn. Or you could introduce yourself to Zarus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20041203a)and have any number of ideas pop forth from him.

Also, your player is very lucky that the character doesn't have to deal with an Unholy Scion(Heroes of Horror).

Might consider something to do with the innate SLAs of gnomes and the Magic-Blooded template from Dragon Magazine and the feat (IIRC Magic in the Blood) which grants either better versions of racial SLAs for certain races or increases their number of uses per day.

Are you running any particular setting? What sources do you have access to?

2014-04-03, 01:54 AM
Im running a sandboxx setting and all 3.5 and pathfinder books are allowed. For the gnome im actually thinking of making it a Kestrel. I know its not a throw back but it works with the tiny race/bird people angle

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-03, 07:55 AM
I would be tempted to have some form of Fae pop out for the gnome, something trickstery and sneaky with a bent towards illusion, or failing that, some nasty shadow creature. For the human, a feral Neanderthal sounds about right.

2014-04-03, 08:02 AM
I think I read someplace that Gnomes are descendants of Fey, so having something feyish pop up wouldn't be that far out of the realm of possibility. Maybe just a half-fey gnome.

seconding neanderthal from frostburn as a more primitive human.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 08:49 AM
For the gnome...

Give birth to a Pixie. Really powerful race but still playable (assuming the player is looking for a PC in an upcomming game).

2014-04-03, 09:02 AM
when the birdmen use it it makes their next egg that of a giant eagle. When the kobolds use it, it allows them to produce a dragon. What would the Powerful ancestor of a gnome and what would it be for a human.
It seems like the artifact frequently creates a larger version of the species. Birdman -> Giant Eagle. Kobold -> Dragon. Therefore: Humanoid -> Giant or even Humanoid -> Titan. Humanoid -> Giant would especially fit in Eberron, where the great Giant kingdom existed long before humans.

2014-04-03, 10:35 AM
So for the gnome im thinking

It does fit with the gnomes personality and class decisions.
It also allows the player to play her "daughter" later in the campaign if she wants. This is important atm because her gnome was captured by the birdmen during the whole egg debacle, and the party left her to her fate.