View Full Version : Your longest 3.5/pf session?

2014-04-03, 09:03 AM
Mine is unfortunately only around nine hours, ending around four in the morning. I personally love all night gaming sessions, SO worth the drag in the morning!

2014-04-03, 09:15 AM
In my long-running wilderness campaign we typically had extended Saturday sessions, usually going 8-12 hours or so, with breaks for lunch and dinner. Our longest session was probably about sixteen hours straight--after deep exploration and a nasty surprise, the party got into a major fight and we kept going straight through the early hours until dawn. The fight was extremely involving, and came down to an epic single combat between the party's fighter and the would-be warlord, and I was the only one who realized it was taking place at 4 am.

After the fight, there was mop-up, questioning the few survivors, tending to the villagers who had been kept as slaves, etc., and once we realized it was 7 am everyone crashed simultaneously. The rest of that day felt like I was swimming through liquid lead, and we never did attempt another session that long, but it was great while we were in the thick of it.

2014-04-03, 09:19 AM
For this game I'm thinking of, we met on weeknights and had 6 hour sessions. One weekend, the stars aligned and we were all without responsibilities, so we decided to go as long as possible. ended up being about 12 hours, starting at about 10am. It was a lot of fun and we really got a lot of stuff done. Unfortunately, that ended up being the last session with that group. Never did get an answer as to why it fell apart.

2014-04-03, 09:20 AM
How long a break can you accept before it counts as two sessions? If you can count up to 6-7 hour breaks, then something like 72 hours (not counting breaks).
If you can't count more than 2-3 hours, about 20 (not counting break time).
A single non-stop session: about 12.

2014-04-03, 09:24 AM
Yikes. I don't think I've ever had a session that long. 5 hours, max. Usually the ones I attend (PFS, PF, 3.5, 4e, Gurps, DC) are usually 3-4 hours. I have done 8+ hours of gaming in a day, but that's only if I have 2 sessions line up on a break.

2014-04-03, 09:32 AM
We were young, had no life and were on a buddy trip to the cabin of a friend's parents, so no family to get involved.

2014-04-03, 10:11 AM
A few months ago our 3.5 game had a weekend where no one had anything going on (which is rare) so we started at around noon and went until 1am. It was crazy we were all exhausted and by the end of the night when we'd roll to hit something as soon as we rolled the dm just said "you hit, what's your damage". It was fun but not something we could do frequently. Oh and the wives all got pissed.