View Full Version : Medium -> Large Size

2014-04-03, 09:32 AM
Is there a template to increase a humans base size from medium to large? And if applied with the half dragon template would the character get the wings ability as I'm unsure of the order you have to follow when applying templates at character creation?

I thought maybe savage species would have something on this, yet at the same time I don't remember where.

Would 7 feet 10 inches fall into medium or small size? It seemed to be pushing the boundary of the two.

2014-04-03, 09:35 AM
There are 3:
Half Minotaur and Half Ogre (both from Dragon Magazine)

Half Fiend using a Huge fiend as an ancestor (Monster Manual Web enhancemenCC (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060630a))

Yes using one of these templates with Half Dragon would give you wings.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 10:11 AM
Half Ogre from Races of Destiny also.

2014-04-03, 10:12 AM
Half Ogre from Races of Destiny also.

However that is a race, not a template. It will not help if the OP wants to be human.