View Full Version : A dread wraith boss battle for a level 7 party

2014-04-03, 11:26 AM
I'm concluding my campaign soon and a dread wraith as the final boss seems perfect for the story. The only problem is that it is too strong as it stands. There are five PCs, a cleric, a duskblade, a paladin, a sorcerer and a warmage, so they have the firepower, but I see no way to avoid having half the party wiped out. The battle will take place next to a river, and the PCs will have full spells and health before the battle.

Any ideas how to make the battle a EL 9 or even 10 without simply nerfing the wraith? Perhaps a condition that if they meet during the battle the wraith will lose 30% health or something?

I realize that because I am the author of the campaign and know the story I'm the best man to create such a condition, but what I'm looking for really is some general examples of boss battles that aren't simply playing the creature based on it's MM entry.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 11:36 AM

Use something the wraith can't move through - this eliminates a LOT of its potential.
Sunlight - If there are areas it can't move into but the PCs can that should help avoid the auto-kill on weakened characters

If the fight is in a holy area, or one that can be made holy by the cleric, that can really limit the wraith without actually changing its abilities.

Also, make sure the cleric has access to BoED - Luminous Armor / Greater Luminous Armor. Both will help the party survive immensly.

2014-04-03, 11:47 AM
I'm probably not helping you here, but savage species' monster classes also have a CR table on them. I've been using this to throw things like a CR 2 succubus at my players, or a CR 4 mind flayer. It can also be used to make players fight 'young' enemies.

If you create a monster class yourself, you can just give the Dread Wraith enough levels in it until he is an approciate challenge to the party.

Alternatively, take a normal wraith, advance its HD, throw a template or two on it, and hopefully that'll be a nice replacement for the dread wraith.

2014-04-03, 12:42 PM
Why does it have to be a Dread Wraith? There's no fluff difference between a Dread Wraith and a normal Wraith, so the PCs have no way of knowing.

I'd advise just using an Advanced Wraith, or a Wraith with class levels. If you really need it to be Large, there are ways to do that.

That said, EL 11, especially a single foe (which are usually easier to defeat) is fine for a final boss for a 7th level party. Level+4 is standard "fighting a boss with full resources" material.

A single Dread Wraith takes at least two turns to kill somebody unless their Con is very low, so your party (given their firepower) should be able to take it down before anyone dies.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 01:08 PM
Alternatively, take a normal wraith, advance its HD, throw a template or two on it, and hopefully that'll be a nice replacement for the dread wraith.

Hehehehee..... 1/2 Fey Wraith...