View Full Version : Optimization What Classes Could a Mimic Take?

The Bandicoot
2014-04-03, 01:13 PM
The title is fairly self-explanatory. In a recent D&D game we found a mimic that could speak common. A bit of diplomacy later and it agreed to join our party in return for regular feedings. So far it's managed to kill one bandit and knock out two thieves. We made the joke that Phil (the mimic) would start to gain class levels soon so that made me curious. What classes COULD a mimic take?

2014-04-03, 01:16 PM
As DM, it's for the most part up to you. Odds are it'd go with rogue, or perhaps fighter since it seems so melee based. Theoretically, since it can grow arms and speak, it could even take levels in a spellcasting class. Maybe a Mimic Ninja?

2014-04-03, 01:17 PM
Potentially any. There's nothing they obviously can't qualify for anyway. With 7 RHD there are probably a few PrCs they could qualify for too.

Note that, with LA --, they don't gain XP like a party member, so they level up whenever the DM finds it appropriate like most NPCs.

2014-04-03, 01:18 PM
Given that mimics are shapeshifters, how about warshaper and master of many forms?

2014-04-03, 01:20 PM
Given that mimics are shapeshifters, how about warshaper and master of many forms?

Master of Many Forms won't work without Wildshape, but Warshaper would be a nice choice, very beefy.

2014-04-03, 02:56 PM
Barbarian. +10 move speed is very useful when a gelatinous cube is faster than you are. Also, the two highest stats of mimics are strength and constitution. Maybe bear totem to create an ultimate grappler?

Red Fel
2014-04-03, 03:00 PM
Psion. It can use its shapeshifting abilities to be anything, it can be completely inconspicuous, and it can still use its powers, no bat guano, finger-wiggling, or chanting required.

All glory to the Hypnomimic.

2014-04-03, 03:00 PM
Barbarian. +10 move speed is very useful when a gelatinous cube is faster than you are. Also, the two highest stats of mimics are strength and constitution. Maybe bear totem to create an ultimate grappler?That segues well with warshaper, too. Extra speed, better stats and attacks on a whirling frenzy, pounce on a charge...

Nobody expects a bed to beat the living whoozits out of you, and growing claws and pseudopods and charging in a frothing frenzy is right out.

2014-04-03, 03:40 PM
Spymaster. Because "dining room table" is the perfect cover.

Devoted Defender. AKA "The Luggage" from Discworld.

Leviathan Hunter 3 -> Reaping Mauler 5. I'll call him "Cuddles".

2014-04-03, 03:44 PM
Devoted Defender. AKA "The Luggage" from Discworld.Has someone been following Mark Reads (http://markreads.net/reviews/category/discworld/)?

2014-04-03, 04:00 PM
Devoted Defender. AKA "The Luggage" from Discworld.

This is brilliant! And it pretty much qualifies for it out of the box, just needs some tweaking with the skills.

I am so stealing this idea.

2014-04-03, 11:57 PM
Note: in some 2E adventure in Undermountain was a moment when adventurers meet group of goblins with odd large goblin. Once fight started, large goblin turned out to be a goblin-shaped mimic.

So, how about this - mimic who can take a humanoid shape while keeping all other abilities?

2014-04-04, 12:05 AM
wildshape ranger/druid into Master of Many Forms would be fun for a mimic in the same way that using MoMF to turn into a mimic is fun. Tables that turn into tigers are terrifying.

2014-04-04, 04:55 AM
wildshape ranger/druid into Master of Many Forms would be fun for a mimic in the same way that using MoMF to turn into a mimic is fun. Tables that turn into tigers are terrifying.Oh, how the tables have turned*

How about adding the divine minion template, so instead of spending 5 levels on wild shape, you only spend 1 LA?

*into tigers.

Scots Dragon
2014-04-04, 05:05 AM
Naturally, all mimics are capable of multiclassing as beholders. (http://rustyandco.com/comic/26/)

2014-04-04, 05:48 AM
Oh, how the tables have turned*

How about adding the divine minion template, so instead of spending 5 levels on wild shape, you only spend 1 LA?

*into tigers.

Because many people do not allow that to work on grounds that either "fast wild shape=/= wild shape" or "the wild shape in that case isn't a class feature, since it comes from a template". I disagree, but its not an uncommon interpretation.

2014-04-04, 08:21 AM
This is brilliant! And it pretty much qualifies for it out of the box, just needs some tweaking with the skills.

I am so stealing this idea.
I see what you did there. :smallamused:

Mimics are good thematic fits for any Grappling-focused PrC (which gets amusing when you consider how useful Leviathan Hunter is on that chassis, combined the issues with a Mimic swimming), or any PrC based on stealth.

2014-04-04, 09:39 AM
Spymaster (Complete Adventurer) or maybe Zhentarim Spy (Player's Guide to Faerun). Max out that Disguise skill, and fool magical detection while you're at it.

For feats, try Multigrab and Greater Multigrab from Savage Species.

The Bandicoot
2014-04-04, 09:40 AM
Thanks for all the help guys. Unfortunately all I can do is give these ideas to my DM and hope he goes with them or try to push Phil in the direction in character but now at least I have a wide variety of things to push him towards.

Big Fau
2014-04-04, 09:49 AM
How about Nightmare Spinner Fuel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJbZ2thxCaI)?