View Full Version : Suppressing Fire

2014-04-03, 02:10 PM
I have been thinking of running a mainly-ranged style campaign, based around a Magitech WWII setting. Seeing as suppressive fire was a very important part of that period's combat, I would like to include it in the game. However, I've been having trouble thinking of how to implement it in a way that doesn't actually force the PCs to not do anything (ex: having to make a will save to take an action). The one idea that has kinda made sense to me is to have it be a special attack that lets you make ranged attacks of opportunity for actions that happen in a certain area. What are the Playground's thoughts on this?

2014-04-03, 02:17 PM
I have been thinking of running a mainly-ranged style campaign, based around a Magitech WWII setting. Seeing as suppressive fire was a very important part of that period's combat, I would like to include it in the game. However, I've been having trouble thinking of how to implement it in a way that doesn't actually force the PCs to not do anything (ex: having to make a will save to take an action). The one idea that has kinda made sense to me is to have it be a special attack that lets you make ranged attacks of opportunity for actions that happen in a certain area. What are the Playground's thoughts on this?

If you are making a suppressive fire which is like what was used in WW1 and WWII, then it wouldn't be a ranged AoO. Think of suppressive fire firing at something knowing you will not hit anything but have the chance to hit something if a creature actually makes the dumb idea to jump out of cover.

Use spell effects like lightning bolt, or some type of limited DoT AoE like wall of flame or flaming sphere (lingering breath weapon could work as well). It fits perfectly in the suppressive fire theme which limits actions of a person if they don't want to take damage.

Your idea for ranged AoO is more like a sniper with a readied action to shoot the next person who pops out of cover. Incorporate this readied action idea into fluff for snipers and what not.

2014-04-03, 02:39 PM
Suppressing fire sounds more like taking a 20% chance of getting hit in order to pop out of your foxhole and shoot. Granted, there woudl be no precision damage due to the fire, since it'd be going all over the place.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-03, 02:39 PM
I would steal this one from D20 modern. You need some way to delineate weapons capable of automatic fire.

Then, on the otherhand, you could do something like this. Break it into two things. Aggressive autofire and defensive suppressive fire.

Autofire -
It is a full round action. You roll a number of attacks equal to double the number of attacks you would make on a full attack. These attacks are all rolled at your full base attack bonus-5, minimum 4 for heavy machine guns (emplaced weapons), and 3 for light machine guns (squad weapons). These attacks can only score a critical hit on a natural 20, cannot deal precision damage, and suffer 3x the penalty for firing at a target in cover and from range penalties. All attacks must be aimed at targets within a 15ft radius area or any point between you and that area. Making an autofire attack forces you to stand steady and brace the weapon. You loose your dex bonus to AC while autofiring without the Automatic Weapon Training feat. You expend 3 rounds for each attack while autofiring.

Suppression fire -
Another full round action. You now threaten all squares in a 45 degree arc. You gain the benefit of the combat reflexes feat, and can make twice your normal number of AOO's. Targets trigger an AOO by moving through the squares you threaten or by making a ranged attack. All Aoo's you make are at a -5 penalty to hit, and penalties to hit targets behind cover and from range penalties are tripled. You cannot make any other attacks of opertunity while laying suppression fire, and you loose your dex to AC while laying suppression fire without the Automatic Weapon Training feat. At the begining of your next turn, before you take any other actions, you make direct any remaining attacks not used at any target not behind cover in a square you threaten. Suppression fire consumes 10 ammunition, plus two rounds per AOO made.


Automatic Weapons Training
- Prereqs - +1 bab, prof in at least 1 automatic weapon
- You retain your dex bounus to AC while preforming autofire and suppression fire actions, you may move up to half your speed while firing a squad sized automatic weapon, but not an field weapon.

Advanced Automatic Training
- Prereqs - +6 bab, Automatic Weapons Training
- You take only a -3 penalty to hit while autofiring and suppression firing. The penalties for firing at targets behind cover and from range penalties are now only twice the normal penalty.

Clustered Shot
- Prereqs - +1 bab, automatic weapons training.
- You can take a -3 penalty to an attack roll to deal 2x the base damage of your weapon. This can only be preformed with a weapon capable of firing multiple times without reloading and consumes an extra round of ammunition. When wielding an automatic weapon you may increase the penalty to attack by increments of 3, each increment adding a multiple of your base weapon damage and consuming an additional round of ammunition. When taking a full attack, auto fire attack, or suppression fire action you must choose to take the -3 penalty to all attacks or to take a penalty of your choice to a single attack. You cannot make more than one clustered shot a round with a non-autofire weapon.

John Longarrow
2014-04-03, 02:51 PM
D&D equivolent = Haboob. Area of Effect damage spell that has a duration in rounds.

Adapt to other energy types or modify some of the spells to function similarly and you should have your effect.

As an example, Lvl 2 version of burning hands would do the same damage, hit out to close range, and last 1r/lvl (concentration). This forces anyone moving through the area to make a save or take damage.

Same basic effect as laying down covering fire with a Maxim or Ma Duce, just much shorter range with lower damage. Still same net effect.

2014-04-03, 02:55 PM
I know Pathfinder has the Marksman class with cover fire that staggers the target if they don't make a reflex save.

2014-04-04, 01:59 AM
D&D equivolent = Haboob. Area of Effect damage spell that has a duration in rounds.

Adapt to other energy types or modify some of the spells to function similarly and you should have your effect.

As an example, Lvl 2 version of burning hands would do the same damage, hit out to close range, and last 1r/lvl (concentration). This forces anyone moving through the area to make a save or take damage.

Same basic effect as laying down covering fire with a Maxim or Ma Duce, just much shorter range with lower damage. Still same net effect.

LOL! I actually witnessed someone saying the spell name!! It was a running joke in our campaign, and the bucket of sand. But Yes Haboob is a nice option there - the AoE would be an effective Suppressive fire effect.

John Longarrow
2014-04-04, 06:40 AM
Just making sure, you are trying to replicate what suppressing fire is used for, not trying to figure out a way to do lots of damage. If so, there are a lot of area denial spells in the game that give a better solution. Wall of Stone stops people quicker than spraying rounds....