View Full Version : Party Needs Spells Advice Badly!

2014-04-03, 05:10 PM
Hey All:

Got any 1st level spell recommendations for a Ranger or 1-3rd level spell recommendations for a Archivist? Any general archivist advice would be appreciated. I've got a player who is having difficulty with his Archivist. He dsoesn't want anything gamebreaking, but some beginner tips would be nice.

Party is currently level 5.

Thanks for your help!

2014-04-03, 08:32 PM
For the Ranger:
Arrow Mind, Guided Shot, Hawkeye, Hunter's Eye, Hunter's Mercy, Low-Light Vision, Resist Energy

Arrow Mind, Guided Shot, Hawkeye are great for archer types since it lets them do things most archers can't, gives a bit longer range, and lets them hit partial cover creatures. Hunter's Eye and Hunter's Mercy are single use types of spells which buff damage / give precision damage. Low-Light Vision and Resist Energy are good lvl 1 contingency spells.

For the Archivist:
From 1 - 3, use the cleric guide and pick the best lvl 1 to lvl 3 spells available.
For other divine spells not listed under normal cleric levels: (I looked up archivist handbook for most of these)
Lvl 1: Lesser Restoration, Warning Shout, and Resist Energy from the other divine classes. Enlarge Person and Mage Armor from the domain divine spells.
Lvl 2: Mass Snake's Swiftness and See Invisibility from other divine classes. Magic Missle (the auto hit is nice but its not very powerful) and Invisibility from the domain divine spells.
Lvl 3: Freedom of Movement, Deathward, Restoration, Greater Magic Weapon, Lightning Bolt, and Wind wall from other divine classes. Fly, Haste, Displacement, Vampirit touch, Evrad's Black Tentacles from the domain divine spells.

Remember the archivist is going for more utility than just raw power. While the above spells are nice to have, and some of them are obtainable at lower levels than others, it just gives the archivist more room for different play (potentially being more fun).