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2007-02-04, 10:46 PM
Long preamble fluff in spoiler tags :P
Smael Graf came through the door. He was spent by the day and a half's constant journey. Graf made his way from the door into the main room of the temple and found the priest over a thick book, rows of names written in it. One name struck out in red ink: Hiranni Graf. He gave the priest of Denneth the scroll, his eyes unable to leave the red name.

"Have we found her, Timaiar?"

The priest sighed, "No, we have not yet."

"I have rode four days and two nights to fetch this cure from Wollack! I was carried by St. Gaeromon as my legs refused to take me another step! And you have been incapable of finding my daughter?"

"Smael, be patient. Greymark is a vast forest, we know she is in there. And we can still help her." The priest smiled at the man, and unraveled the scroll. The strange writing on the parchment glowed blue as Timaiar read it. The words were beautiful but virtually alien, the tongue of the gods. The priest touched the red name, and continued speaking in tongues until the words had evaporated from the page. The red ink in the book disappeared and as though an invisible pen were writing it, Hiranni Graf was written in black ink, as the others were.

The Namebook

A Namebook appears very much like any thick book. It can also be, perhaps, a scroll or thick bundle of folded papers. When read, it's quickly realized that the Namebook is a magical ledger, containing the names and other information of all the denizens in a specific area. The books are highly guarded as everyone's information, whether or willing or not, may be in that book.

A Namebook may come in a variety of types. Each book is limited; either to a predefined area or perhaps to a predefined type (i.e., the city of Greyhawk or the bloodline of Peleus).

i. Census (static). A census the most information available: Age, alignment, current location, deity worshiped, hometown, occupation, residency, and so on. The names are generally organized by family, but can sometimes be organized by other means. Most census have only 1d3+1 of these information, and updates every two years.

ii. Family Trees (static). A family tree contains very limited information, generally the names of family members and their relation through graphical means--lines connecting parents to children, and husband to wife. Dates of birth are generally given, sometimes even death-dates (if already passed away), and perhaps even location. Generally, a single Namebook (Family Tree) will limit itself to one super-family. A family tree updates every six years or so.

iii. Register (dynamic). A register contains useful information about the denizens. Aside from their names or occupations, most usefully it gives their health status (generally either living or dead, but sometimes can be "living", "dying," "dead." Some go into greater detail). This information changes as events occur; if someone dies, their name is instantly crossed out from the list. If someone enters the area, their name is written in the book.

iv. Query (dynamic). A Namebook (Query) is a bit unusual; the previous types all make use of predefined templates to provide the information; names are already organized and what information is set in stone. But for a Namebook (Query), all the pages are blank. By speaking a command word and asking a question, the book will "look" someone up in the area it was defined for. By asking, "The residencies of all the people whose last name is 'Julius,'" or "all the unmarried women in the city," the book will query that information and return it. More specific questions return more specific results (asking, "Who currently lives in the mayor's manor?" may return a single name, as opposed to, "Who's on Church Street?", which can return the names of all the people living there, walking on that street, and all the people buried there too.)

Regardless of the type of Namebook, each book possesses the following traits:

Glyph of Warding. The book is protected by a Glyph of Warding (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/glyphOfWarding.htm) spell that deals xd8 Sonic damage (Reflex save for half damage) if the book is either opened without saying the Command Word or is dealt physical damage. X is half the effective caster level of the book.

Illusory Script. With the command word, the book can be protected as though Illusory Script (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/illusoryScript.htm) were cast on each page. Unlike the spell's description, the failure of the Will save attempt sets off the Glyph of Warding.

Language. The book is written and gives information in the language of the creator. Comprehend Languages (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/comprehendLanguages.htm) can decipher the contents. Because of the book's magical nature, Read Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/readMagic.htm) functions as a Comprehend Languages (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/comprehendLanguages.htm) spell. A Namebook (Query) requires mastery of the language the book was written in.

Short Range. A spellcaster can deliver a spell Short-ranged spell by touching the target's name in the Namebook. The spell is cast as though the spellcaster were at the maximum allowable range for the spell to be cast. The target may attempt to resist spell as though the target had total concealment.

Touch. Once per day, a spellcaster can deliver a touch-based spell by touching the target's name in the Namebook. The spell is cast as though the spellcaster were physically touching that person. The target may attempt to resist spell if the spell allows for a save with a +4 modifier. If the spell requires a touch attack, the attack is made as though the target has total concealment. If the attack roll fails, the spell is considered to be spent and there is a 10% chance that the spell affects the book and activates off the Glyphs of Warding.

The Namebook is immune to Erase. It cannot be altered by Enlarge/Reduce, or by any similar Transmutation spells. The book, despite its construction, has a hardness of 5 and 15 hp. Dispel (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/dispelMagic.htm) turns the Namebook into an ordinary book. If Detect Magic (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectMagic.htm) is cast, the book is obviously of the school Divination.

Caster Level: Not yet determined; Prerequisites: Not yet determined; Market Price: n/a.

This is my first legitimate magical item that I have created; I built it from the concept first. From this point, I'm not entirely sure where to go. What do I need to do before I determine its Caster Level or Prerequisites? Is there anything I have to clarify first?

2007-02-04, 11:05 PM
Touch needs a range limit. Slay Living? Harm? Death Knell?

DM: Er, you do what, exactly?

Evil Cleric PC: Like I said, I'll bash the librarian over the head with my mace, then start pointing at the name high priest of St. Cuthbert. He'll roll a critical failure on the fort save eventually.

Good idea, but needs some limitations.

Winged One
2007-02-04, 11:17 PM
You are aware that Dispel Magic working on an item like *******'s Disjunction is a major, and probably unique, weakness?

2007-02-04, 11:41 PM
Wand of Shocking Grasp (at whatever caster level). No save. Touch range. Deals damage. Goodbye target (unless resistant to electricity).

Geas/Quest. You'll go do something for me now. No save. You'll just have to do it or else suffer the consequences.

Artifact, at a minimum; this thing shouldn't be buildable.

Maybe if the spell targetting is a once/day thing, and there's a saving throw and SR to avoid having your name and info in the book (as per Scrying, perhaps; a DC 14 (Scrying) or DC 20 (Greater Scrying) Will save to not be in the book when someone trys to find a given name....).

If, for some reason, you want it buildable....
Required spells:
(Greater) Scrying (possibly Discern Location; to find the subject).
Project Image (channels spells).

2007-02-04, 11:50 PM
This thing is most definately a Major Artifact, and the type of thing that deities will fight over.

Maybe you could get away with a Major Magic Item, if the subject must sign the Register personally and the only effects available become Scrying and/or Locate Creature (maybe, just maybe, Discern Location, if you made it really expensive; certainly nothing outside the Divination school). That'd still fit the flavor.

2007-02-05, 12:09 AM
Considering the gross power that one could have by possessing this book and being able to cast Touch/Short Range spells through it, I can either call it a Major Artifact. Or, I could limit the spells able to be used through the Touch/Short Range property so that only up to 3rd level spells can be cast.

I could also increase the saving throw modifiers, or allow saving throws where there are usually none (as though the book provides some resistance). Beefing up the security system, i.e. giving it something better than Glyphs of Warding, is also another option.

I could do both, though; I mean, keep it is a major artifact and a dumbed down version. The book wouldn't be as advantageous if you had just names and limited spell ability. Or no Touch/Short Range property whatsoever.

Though on second though (I hate to go back and edit and re-edit this post), Jack Smith's suggestion about allowing it 1/day is also a very good idea. I'm not too keen about resisting your name from being put in the book, though I've yet to fully rule it out.

2007-02-05, 12:34 AM
Third level or lower, you say? Alright, then:

Shocking Grasp lets you automatically deal 5d6 damage to any creature in the register. Go on and make a wand out of it, if you like, to kill anything you desire.

Touch of Idiocy drains 1d6 Intelligence. Aw, I'm sorry, did you need that Wizard for anything? Gee, why don't I make it up to you: In a few seconds, you won't be able to comprehend basic languages, no save, no ability to avoid.

Animate Dead can still be channelled through the register. After killing someone this way, why not make them your undead slave?

Contagion allows a normal Fortitude save to resist, but with the ability to repeatedly recast until you fail, I don't see how that matters.

Let's not forget all the fun that comes from Bestow Curse... on anyone in the realm.

If you're an evil cleric, go ahead and channel a few Inflict Serious Wounds out to anyone who displeases you. You won't need those prepared spells, anyway, given how safely sequestered you can be with this book.

If anyone gives you trouble, superpower yourself with a nice Wand of Vampiric Touch. Drain the life out of a nice portion of the population to give yourself a nice amount of temporary hit points.

Become the ultimate mind control master with the power to cast Suggestion on anyone in the nation until they fail their saves.

Or, for those in your kingdom with fewer than 7 HD, Lesser Geas.

Fugitives can instantly be forced to rest with two castings of Ray of Exhaustion.

Need I say more?

2007-02-05, 01:06 AM
I don't want to contend that 3rd level spells are powerless:

1. I was unaware of how powerful Shocking Grasp was in 3.5; 3.0 has it much weaker.

2. I need to reword some of the texts. The books definitely need limitations on their coverage. You can't, for instance, have a Namebook that covers an entire kingdom. As well, for the Touch property, but I'd rule that if the spell requires a Touch attack, then treat the target as though having total concealment. Likewise, the Saving throw bonus still applies.

3. I worded the Close Range portion poorly. The maximum allowable range an unmodified Close (25 ft). If you cast a spell, you're treated as having casted the spell as far from the target as the spell would allow. Ultimately, this means that if you attempt to cast a spell at full level, it would be out of range. Though on review, this means that even Ray of Exhaustion casted as a 3rd level spell would fail, it's 25 feet plus five feet every two levels (so 35 feet). The end goal is to limit at which level your casting the spell. I need to revise this rule altogether.

4. Animate Dead requires a material component in the eye sockets of the deceased. Even if you had a henchmen carry this task out, once you rose them, they would not be in your presence to hear your spoken command. With this in mind, the spell is just a whole lot better if you go to where they were.

5. Lastly, you have no idea or indication whether or not the spell worked unless you have some way to indicate it. A Namebook (Query) or a Namebook (Register) would give you an up-to-date indication that your Shocking Grasp did indeed kill the target. If you're in possession of a Census, then you're utterly screwed in learning it and may have to find out the old fashion way. And how would you know if your Lesser Geas worked from your point of seclusion? -- the Touch/Range properties give no feedback back to the caster.

2007-02-05, 07:05 PM
I don't want to contend that 3rd level spells are powerless:

1. I was unaware of how powerful Shocking Grasp was in 3.5; 3.0 has it much weaker.

Magic Missile and Scorching Ray are the same way. Chill Touch would slaughter someone.

2. I need to reword some of the texts. The books definitely need limitations on their coverage. You can't, for instance, have a Namebook that covers an entire kingdom. As well, for the Touch property, but I'd rule that if the spell requires a Touch attack, then treat the target as though having total concealment. Likewise, the Saving throw bonus still applies.

Doesn't matter; touch spells aren't discharged when they don't hit. No-save spell or a spell you can just spam, spam, spam, and you've got them.

Now, if there's an extra save involved of the "negates" nature, and after a failure, the one with the book can't try again for X amount of time (as per Scrying) that's a different story. Still lets you Suggest something to a ruler every night, though. Or a simple Charm Person at caster level 1.

3. I worded the Close Range portion poorly. The maximum allowable range an unmodified Close (25 ft). If you cast a spell, you're treated as having casted the spell as far from the target as the spell would allow. Ultimately, this means that if you attempt to cast a spell at full level, it would be out of range. Though on review, this means that even Ray of Exhaustion casted as a 3rd level spell would fail, it's 25 feet plus five feet every two levels (so 35 feet). The end goal is to limit at which level your casting the spell. I need to revise this rule altogether.

Go back to the caster level 1 wand of Shocking Grasp, Chill Touch, whatever. Spam, Spam, Spam... you gotta roll a 1 eventually.

4. Animate Dead requires a material component in the eye sockets of the deceased. Even if you had a henchmen carry this task out, once you rose them, they would not be in your presence to hear your spoken command. With this in mind, the spell is just a whole lot better if you go to where they were.

5. Lastly, you have no idea or indication whether or not the spell worked unless you have some way to indicate it. A Namebook (Query) or a Namebook (Register) would give you an up-to-date indication that your Shocking Grasp did indeed kill the target. If you're in possession of a Census, then you're utterly screwed in learning it and may have to find out the old fashion way. And how would you know if your Lesser Geas worked from your point of seclusion? -- the Touch/Range properties give no feedback back to the caster.
However, in the magic overview, there's this nifty clause that mentions that a spellcaster knows when a targetted spell fails (although not necessarily why - so while the Wizard knows the Charm Person didn't take, it's unknown if it's because the target was a disguised Tiefling, Mind Blanked, or just rolled a nat-20 on the save). So you keep Suggesting the same same thing, over and over, and you know exactly which time it takes, and thus, to switch over to the next. Statistically, in nat-1 territory, two Wands of Suggestion will get five suggestions through. Sure, it's a pricy way to go... but without some significant limitations/drawbacks, a spellcaster with such a thing would very, very quickly rule very effectively over everyone in the book.

Darth Mario
2007-02-05, 10:17 PM
I reccomend adding a per day use of the touch ability if you are going to make this a major magic item instead of an artiifact.

2007-02-07, 01:29 AM
I went ahead and made some changes to balance this out. Specifically:
* Removed the Short Range property,
* Added a limitation of the Touch Property and added a contingency.
* Added a component that I neglected to mention regarding language; while Read Magic allows you to read the pages, it cannot provide you with the ability to make queries in the Query namebook.

I'm still compiling what spells are needed:
Glyphs of Warding, Illusory Script (??), Scrying, Greater, Discern Location, and Project Image.