View Full Version : Player Help [Pathfinder] Leshy Sizes

2014-04-04, 03:22 PM
So, I recently began playing a briarborn (think psuedo-treant) druid in a new campaign. I've been wanting to roleplay this as a truly nature focused druid. I grow all of my weapons, make all "magic" items out of unique plants and collected materials like phoenix feathers and stuff.

One of the things I've run across in my search for all nature stuff is growing "Leshy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/plants/leshy-template)" creatures as a viable alternate to constructs and such. My question comes from the line at the end.

"Attempts to create leshys larger than Small always fail—the strange spiritual energies that animate these creatures are only capable of doing so to a body no larger than that of a human child."

Does this mean I can't change the size at all, or can I make the Leshy -smaller- than it usually is? I rather like the image of a tiny size Leshy riding around on my shoulder, doing scouting missions and throwing acorns at people.

Can it be done? Does anyone see complications with doing something like this? Extra costs, stuff like that?

2015-12-08, 02:36 AM
This is an old thread, but I want to know too. So.. bump

2015-12-08, 02:50 AM
They resemble plants but with vaguely humanoid appearances, and are always Small.
Which seems clear enough. I expect you could use a temporary size-changing magic on them, but their base size is set.

2015-12-08, 05:44 PM
So using enlarge is possible but casting enlarge with permanency is not?

2015-12-09, 10:28 AM
So using enlarge is possible but casting enlarge with permanency is not?

Permancy is still a spell and can be dispelled. I don't know of any way to permanently alter a creature's base size beyond templates.