View Full Version : What would the OotS' voices sound like?

2007-02-05, 12:39 AM
Sort've related to the "Movie" thread, but in general terms about the character voices, assuming the Giant ever made a flash cartoon or the like.
Who/what do YOU imagine Roy, Belkar, Haley...and any other character in the comic sounding like?

Here's my pitch:
Roy: On the deep end of baritone.
Elan: Probably has a good, male singing voice...but probably normally has childish enthusiasm to rival Spongebob.
Durkon: Probably like how Gimli's portrayed in the LotR movies, with lotsa Scotch in there.
Haley: Tomboyish.
Belkar: Probably on the high-pitched end of human male range...
Vaarsuvius: A *very* tough one. There's not too many people out there whose voice can be readily mistaken interpreted for either gender.
Redcloak: Like the assistant to Smithers in the Simpsons
Xykon: Three day's hard work in a decently-equipped radiophonic workshop to achieve something echoey and dark-sounding.
Nale: As Elan, without the enthusiasm
Sabine: Y'ever hear Ashelin speak in the Jak and Daxter series...?
Thog: Probably any dense-sounding deep male voice, but I keep thinking of the head male caveman from that cartoon series Cro that came on when I was a lot younger...
Miko: If you've ever played the Soul Calibur series and heard Ivy say almost anything in a fight, I imagine Miko having that same iron-hard imperiousness in her voice, although maybe Miko's voice itself is a little higher.
Shojo: Old, querulous when he's faking senility, but surprisingly forceful when he's dropping the act
Hinjo: I imagine him being somewhat deep, actually. Maybe like Jak from Jak and Daxter. I dunno. I'll read through his stuff again and try to pay attention to the sound he makes in my head...

Consider yourself encouraged to add who/what you think the major cast sounds like, and any characters I left out...

2007-02-05, 01:08 AM
I imagined Roy sounding almost exactly like Nathan Fillion/Captain Malcolm Reynolds. But I may be unique in that view.

2007-02-05, 01:13 AM
I can't help put audiolize Belkar's voice as a slightly more sinister version of Omi's (from Siaolin Showdown). It works, though. Haley I'd probably peg close to Tara Strong. Not sure 'bout the rest.

2007-02-05, 01:16 AM
There are probably a majillion threads about this already. Find one instead of cluttering up the forum.

2007-02-05, 02:08 AM
I don't know......... Despite what everyone says about Elan's voice, I always imagined it not so high-pitched or stupid-sounding. He has a regular cheery voice......
Vaarsuvius's is an enigma, leave it at that.

You know what I really wonder about, though? MITD's voice. Well, can't help it, I'm in the fanclub, lol

2007-02-05, 02:56 AM
I don't know......... Despite what everyone says about Elan's voice, I always imagined it not so high-pitched or stupid-sounding. He has a regular cheery voice......
Vaarsuvius's is an enigma, leave it at that.

You know what I really wonder about, though? MITD's voice. Well, can't help it, I'm in the fanclub, lol
Like Keef from the episode of Invader Zim, Bestest Friend.

2007-02-05, 05:09 AM
On the subject of Soul Calibur voices corresponding to OOTS characters, I always thought that Miko would sound more like Taki, while Haley would sound a bit like Seung Mina, but Miko's voice is tricky. While she has the obvious degree of menacing authority, I also think you need to incorporate the femininity that attracted Roy to her in the first place.

2007-02-05, 05:13 AM
Two things I know:
Durkon is Sean Connery and Roy is Morgan Freeman.

2007-02-05, 05:27 AM
Elan is Weird Al Yankovic.
'Nuff said.

2007-02-05, 10:52 AM
Roy: Middle baritone. Speaks casually, but clearly (showing his formal college education).
Elan: Mid to upper tenor. Very light hearted voice.
Durkon: There is no way to get around the accent. The deep voice, although stereotypical fits.
Haley: A higher and very playful well... girlish voice (as opposed to a mature sounding woman).
Belkar: High pitched, but very gruff at the same time. Like a big professional wrestler who is permanently stuck on helium.
Vaarsuvius: Tough one. It took me a bit to realize V wasn't necessarily male when I first started reading. So the voice for 'him' I've always had a smooth lower tenor male voice. At this point, I don't trust what I hear in my head.
Roy's Dad: Deep voice of the stereotype of the old pissed off black guy. Basically Eddie Murphy in Nutty Professor as the older father.
Redcloak: After the suggestion of Alan Rickman to play him in the other thread, I can't get his voice out of my head. (More the tones he used in GalaxyQuest than in Harry Potter.) Yes, British accent and all.
Xykon: Gruff, dry, yet very energetic. One part Michael Keaton's Beetlejuice, one part Bender from Futurama.
Nale: Slightly deeper than Elan (he is evil after all). Not that his voice itself is different, but being conniving he just uses the lower end of his range more.
Sabine: Similar to the tones of Jada Pinkett Smith, yet always trying to sound seductive, even when tones of anger are coming through.
Thog: Very deep and rumbly, but upturns his tone hap-hazzardly often during moments of him.... well.... being Thog. ("If you want to be Thog's lover... you got to get with Thog's friends.")
Miko: Ziyi Zhang like, but with a slight mellower accent. Strong, noble, arrogant tones.
Shojo: Higher registers when completely in the "I'm senile" phase (similar to King Bumi from "Avatar: The Last Airbender"), but when he drops the act for some reason I imagine his voice dropping down several octaves, gaining much more strength and less of aged rattling.
Hinjo: Mid to Lower tenor. Strong but young voice.
Demon Roaches: Remember the brownies from Willow?
MitD: Lower tenor, but uses the higher points of his range. Sounds like a naive college freshman who doesn't understand why everyone doesn't want to be his friend.

2007-02-05, 12:06 PM
Xykon: sounds like Skeletor
Shojo: portrayed by William Knight

2007-02-05, 01:47 PM
First of all, hello everyone. This is my first post, as well as the reason that got me to finally sign up on these forums.

To me, Xykon totally sounds like the villain of an old cartoon, Filmation's Ghostbusters. That villain being Prime Evil.

Have a look at the Wikipedia entry for Filmation's Ghostbusters (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filmation's_Ghostbusters). I think you can also find more material by googling for it. I had some mp3s with Prime Evil voice, but I can't find them right now...

2007-02-05, 02:12 PM
I have chosen what sounds, cartoon characters, celebraties,etc. best represent the OOTS voices.
Roy : Normal voice,not too high, not to low.

Belkar : A mixture between Cartman from Southpark and Omi from Xiolin Showdown.

V : The woman off The French Chef .

Durkon : Gimli

Elan : Mickey Mouse

Haley: A high pitched girly voice.

Shojo : A mixture of the voice of Yoda and Squidward.

Thog : Patrick from Spongebob.

2007-02-05, 02:26 PM
I always imagine everyone with really high voices (except Xykon). I think it's the art.

2007-02-05, 02:40 PM
:vaarsuvius:: A transsexual voice. Hmm. Ann Coulter. KIDDING! Actually, Orlando Bloom as Legolas did a perfectly androgynous voice and it would be perfect.

:elan:: I concur with whomever suggested Weird Al. He's got the pipes AND the weird.

:belkar:: I can't go with anything high pitched or squeaky. Despite his size, his voice shouldn't be Verne Troyer's or Warwick Davis'. But it should be kinda gravelly. I'd go with Michael Chiklis, who played Ben Grimm in the Fantastic Four, Vic Mackey in The Shield, and "Commish" Tony Scali.

:durkon:: John Rhys-Davies (aka Gimli.) Hands down. Nobody can dispute it.

:xykon:: Alan Rickman (aka Snape/Metatron/Alexander Dane) in an echo chamber. I defy anyone to say it wouldn't work.

:miko:: Michelle Yeoh. Yeah, yeah, she's Chinese not Japanese. But she could do it. Also, Lucy Liu would be a good choice. Think of her performance in Kill Bill.

:roy:: Either Bruce Campbell or Samuel L. Jackson. No in between.

:haley:: She can't be too tomboyish. Remember all the "Tee-hee!" But not Harley Quinn squeaky either. I'd tap Uma Thurman for this one, who can be serious and girly depending on her role.

:sabine:: Kathleen Turner mid-1980s. (She did the voice of Jessica Rabbit.)

Lord Zentei
2007-02-05, 02:51 PM
Redcloak: Like the assistant to Smithers in the Simpsons

I always imagine his voice as that of Kif Kroker from Futurama. :smallwink:

Although, maybe a mite deeper.

2007-02-05, 02:54 PM
Xykon shouldn't have a voice. He should speak in unquoted small caps.

I always imagined Xykon's voice as being sorta deep,but more nails on a chalkboard, kind of like the guy who played Iago in Aladdin(Forgot his name).
I just can't picture him having a sinister voice, the way he talks.

Lord Zentei
2007-02-05, 02:57 PM
Xykon shouldn't have a voice. He should speak in unquoted small caps.

I always imagined Xykon's voice as being sorta deep,but more nails on a chalkboard, kind of like the guy who played Iago in Aladdin(Forgot his name).
I just can't picture him having a sinister voice, the way he talks.

Gilbert Gottfried (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0331906/). And yeah, I kind of get that too.

2007-02-05, 02:59 PM
:vaarsuvius: Micheal Jackson

*begins humming 'beat it'*

2007-02-05, 03:00 PM
Elan has always been Guybrush Threepwood to me. *Everything* about his persona has always been identical to Guybrush Threepwood, in fact. As a reaction to this, Haley has always had the voice of Elaine Marley to me... which also does kind of fit, because of the whole "pirate princess'ish" thing they've both got going on.

2007-02-07, 12:18 AM
Leather Book Wizard
Xykon shouldn't have a voice. He should speak in unquoted small caps.


But I doubt Death's voice would quite fit Xykon. The Xykopath's not serious enough. Although hearing a basso profundo with echo making Xykon's jokes...That might be worth it.

2007-02-07, 12:47 AM
After seeing someone's suggestion of Norm McDonald for Xykon, I haven't been able to hear anything else.

As for Roy, he's been sounding more and more like Frylock to me lately.

Come to think of it, Xykon does come across as a Master Shake....

Elan has always been Guybrush Threepwood to me. *Everything* about his persona has always been identical to Guybrush Threepwood, in fact. As a reaction to this, Haley has always had the voice of Elaine Marley to me... which also does kind of fit, because of the whole "pirate princess'ish" thing they've both got going on.


2007-02-07, 04:12 PM
I imagine Vaarsuvius with an English accent. Specifically, the stereotypical 'upper-class twit' accent (as I've heard it referred to).

Although it's not quite what I hear in my head, I think of Belkar's voice as being somewhere between Cartman from South Park and Bender from Futurama.

Elan's voice I imagine being fairly high-pitched, for a man--higher than Roy's voice, at least--and very bouncy and excited sounding. Nale, again, sounds English to me, although less so since it was established that Roy can't tell his voice from Elan's.

Sabine I picture as having quite a deep voice for a woman.

2007-02-07, 04:17 PM
Sort've related to the "Movie" thread, but in general terms about the character voices, assuming the Giant ever made a flash cartoon or the like.
Who/what do YOU imagine Roy, Belkar, Haley...and any other character in the comic sounding like?

Here's my pitch:
Miko: If you've ever played the Soul Calibur series and heard Ivy say almost anything in a fight, I imagine Miko having that same iron-hard imperiousness in her voice, although maybe Miko's voice itself is a little higher.
<Also Snip>

Consider yourself encouraged to add who/what you think the major cast sounds like, and any characters I left out...

I do believe Miko with an Ivy-sounding voice would be about right. Personally, I believe Taki's voice would work better, only not as high-pitched.

2007-02-07, 04:21 PM
I can't help put audiolize Belkar's voice as a slightly more sinister version of Omi's (from Siaolin Showdown). It works, though. Haley I'd probably peg close to Tara Strong. Not sure 'bout the rest.

Same about those, but I think V's voice would... what's the word... radiate power, kinda. But also give no hints to xyr gender.

2007-02-07, 04:44 PM
Two things I know:
Durkon is Sean Connery and Roy is Morgan Freeman.

Yes those are right on the money.

Belkar -> Stephen "Crazy Irish" from Braveheart.


2007-02-07, 05:17 PM

But I doubt Death's voice would quite fit Xykon. The Xykopath's not serious enough. Although hearing a basso profundo with echo making Xykon's jokes...That might be worth it.

I know, it's just my little joke. It would be quite funny,though.

2007-02-08, 12:20 AM
What follows is my opinions. You are free to disagree.

:roy:: Deep, serious, usually sounds stressed.

:haley:: High, the kind of voice that makes you think "this person seems really nice."

:vaarsuvius:: Gender-neutral, not high and not low, maybe a bit toward low. Doesn't go higher or lower when V's yelling.

:elan:: High, childish, nice like Haley's.

:durkon:: Low, similar to Gimli from the LOTR movies.

:belkar:: Sounds like he is constantly taunting or on the verge of evil laughter.

:xykon:: Hollow, not the same volume as the other characters (since technically he doesn't have lungs).

:redcloak:: Normal, not guttural like that of most goblins. Sounds unsure most of the time.

:mitd:: Childish and complaining, usually sad/depressed sounding.

:roach:: Exactly like the robots in Mystery Science Theater 3000.

:nale:: A bit deep, commanding.

:sabine:: High, with a sort of nasal quality.

:thog:: Deep, typical doofus tone. Very guttural.

Hilgya: Girly, lower than Haley's.

Zz'dtri: Hollow, quiet, and somehow disused sounding.

Yikyik: Surprisingly similar to that of Belkar.

:miko:: Masculine or gender-neutral. Commanding.

Shojo: Commanding, yet somehow the voice of an old guy...

Hinjo: Typical guy, but a little higher.

2007-02-08, 12:23 AM
:thog: sound like Cookie Monster.

2007-02-08, 05:47 PM
:thog: sound like Cookie Monster.

YES!!!!!!!!! Except the Cookie Monster eats vegetables now... So you should have said:
:thog: sound like Vegetable Monster.

2007-02-08, 06:12 PM
:belkar: - always sounds like Cartman in my head.

:durkon: - I hear the actor in Braveheart that Mel Gibson pegged with the hand-sized rock. 'I shoulda remembered 'bout tha rocks."

:xykon: - Clancy Brown, in Highlander.

:elan: - the voice of Samwise Gamgee, minus the accent, with more enthusiasm.

:vaarsuvius: - Pat, from Saturday Night Live, without whining.

:haley: - Sarah Michelle Gellar

:thog: - Cookie Monster is a good analogy

:miko: - Lucy Liu

:sabine: - Kathleen Turner

:mitd: - Mike Tyson

:roy: - Ernie Hudson (Winston from Ghostbusters)

:nale: - Same voice as Elan, pitched back in the throat more

:redcloak: - Benny from the newer Mummy.

2007-02-08, 06:14 PM
:belkar: sounds like a WoW Goblin, or like Sico Thremaplugg (( also in WoW :P))

2007-02-08, 06:17 PM
Until it was explicitly stated that Nale and Elan had identical voices, I pictured Elan like an adult Ralph Wiggum and Nale with a British-Indian accent. Actually, I still do, but I know it's wrong.

EDIT: Oh, and Redcloak totally sounds like Wayne the Goblin.

EDIT2: Amphet, you are referring to Brendan Gleeson. Rock. On.

Awesome Girl
2007-02-08, 07:04 PM
For some odd reason, they don't sound like anything to me. They tell jokes and I laugh. That's it.

2007-02-09, 12:40 AM
I keep on "hearing" :roy: as Samuel Jackson (honestly, picture samuel jackson shouting "YOU BROKE MY SWORD"... that's what I mean) and :belkar: as this guy Nick who used to be a part of my D&D club at my highschool before I was sent into exile from the school... (kindof an enthusiastic yet sarcastic quality, mid-beretones with a hint of a rustic, outdoorsman quality)

Professor Tanhauser
2007-02-09, 12:41 AM
Well, belkar could sound like bart simpson, it would suit him.

Roy, how about Vin Diesel?

V. Hmmm, I gues sdavid bowie doing Jareth would work, but slightly higher to give it that ambigious look.

Halley: Uma Thurman doing a may west imitation, like she did in that ghadawful Batman and Robin.....

Elan/Nale: Whoever did bumblebee and spiderman.

Durkon: Sean Connery. Hands down.

Xykon. Hmm, gotta be an evil voice, kinda high pitched. Ann Coulter, definitely. Or maybe Sean Hannity.

Sabine: What's her name, the big lipped actress that steals other women's boyfriends...Angeline Jolie.

Miko: Whoever does Motoko Kusanagi in the english version of GitS.

2007-02-11, 11:36 PM
:belkar: : The late, great Bill Hicks.

:durkon: : Billy Connolly or Scotty from Star Trek

2007-02-12, 09:05 AM
Roy is Morgan Freeman.
If he were about 40 years younger, sure. I still have certain fondness for Vin Diesel in the role.

Roy, how about Vin Diesel?
Ah. Second. The tricky part would be pulling off the 'straight-man' aspects. Diesel bellowing in indignant fury is a scary thing.

Shojo: Mel Brooks.

Redcloak: After the suggestion of Alan Rickman to play him in the other thread, I can't get his voice out of my head.
Oh, oh, good one.

Xykon: ...One part Michael Keaton's Beetlejuice, one part Bender from Futurama.
Pfaah! Jack Nicholson is the one true Xykon.

Needs to be deep enough that she could be plausibly male. Miko is about as strong in voice and figure as you can get before registering 'uncomfortably butch'.

What follows is my opinions. You are free to disagree.
I don't assume otherwise.

2007-02-13, 12:55 AM
I just realized who Haley has to sound like during her gibberish phase:

Midna from Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

I knew there was something about that voice that reminded me of something else while I was playing it.

2007-02-13, 01:23 AM
Who would Tony Jay (the voice of Megabyte from ReBoot) be as the best?

2007-02-13, 01:44 AM
:belkar:: I can't go with anything high pitched or squeaky. Despite his size, his voice shouldn't be Verne Troyer's or Warwick Davis'. But it should be kinda gravelly. I'd go with Michael Chiklis, who played Ben Grimm in the Fantastic Four, Vic Mackey in The Shield, and "Commish" Tony Scali.

Ever since I saw Edgar Rocha's rendering of Belkar in the filler strip section, Belkar has sounded like that in my mind. Kinda like Gus from Mission Hill.

2007-02-13, 05:43 PM
I can't really describe what I think the voices sound like... I tend to use several stock voice actors I'm familiar with in my head though, at least for some of the characters like:

:elan: Elan: Cam Clarke, being nice/silly/goofy
:nale: Nale: Cam Clarke, being very Liquid Snakey: "Hello brother", etc.
Roy's Dad: Kevin Michael Richardson (Jolee Bindo anyone?) :smallbiggrin:


2007-02-13, 08:54 PM
For Roy's dad, I can't help but think of the voice of Thurgood Stubbs from "The P.J.'s" or Eddie Murphy as Sherman Klump's dad.

2007-02-14, 02:18 PM
Who would Tony Jay (the voice of Megabyte from ReBoot) be as the best?
I can picture his voice being Xykons.

2007-02-14, 03:28 PM
Two things I know:
Durkon is Sean Connery and Roy is Morgan Freeman.


Now thats something I'd love to see happen!
Question is who could pull off Miko and intimidate "THEM"?

Josh Inno
2007-02-14, 03:55 PM
You obviously didn't see Sir Sean Connery's retirement party. Condalisa Rice.

2007-02-14, 08:54 PM
For some reason, I thought V might sound like Stewie, with a bit more effeminate.

Skippy the Dire
2007-02-14, 09:27 PM
V = Kate Mulgrew with a litlle extra butch.

Shadow of the Sun
2007-02-15, 05:52 AM
I would love David Hayter to have a role in this- he would be really good as Hinjo or even Roy.

2007-02-15, 09:09 AM
I know someone already said that Xylon should be Alan Rickman, but he might be able to pull off being MitD, considering he was Marven in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And that's about as depressing as it gets.

Lets see... since I don't really know actors/actresses... I'm gonna have to be stupid and just list examples.

Roy... seems to me like one of those just-out-of-schooling-I'm-going-to-do-something-special-and-be-remembered-for-it type of people. Definetly masculine, no doubt, but not like a full-set baritone. That'd be a little insane.

Durkon... well that's only been answered practically unanimously.

Elan... like one of those guys that are really enthusiastic about their job, even if they're, say, a pooper-scooper. "scoop, scoop, scoop, scoop all the poop!"... but anyway, definetly a tenor of some sort, that can get up into a very high range.

Haley... like one of those girls that are completely tomboyish, but slightly female enough to do things that are completely femine, like the "tee-hee." Alas, she is still not afriad of completely kicking ass for good ol' cash.

Nale... less enthusiastic Elan. Obviously.

Belkar...Deffinetly did not picture him as a high pitched voice. Maybe like some 13 year old boy going through puberty? Might work.

Vaarsuvius... just one of those voices that's like "he sounds like a girl!" or "she sounds like a man!"

Thog... one of those stereotypical stupid drunk people...except not drunk.

And... thats all my brain power for the day!

2007-02-15, 10:58 AM
:roy: -sounds like Method Man to me
:belkar: -Redman

2007-02-15, 11:52 AM
Until it was explicitly stated that Nale and Elan had identical voices, I pictured Elan like an adult Ralph Wiggum and Nale with a British-Indian accent. Actually, I still do, but I know it's wrong.

EDIT: Oh, and Redcloak totally sounds like Wayne the Goblin.

EDIT 2: Amphet, you are referring to Brendan Gleeson. Rock. On.
:elan:: and thats where I met the Leprachan. He told me to burn things.

Xykon should have a cold, reverberating, deadly serious voice. which would make his dialogue all the more funny.

Xylin Nialo
2007-02-15, 12:04 PM
:vaarsuvius: - voice should be that of Kenshin's voice, the character is male, but the voice actor is female.

2007-02-15, 12:10 PM
Durkon: Probably like how Gimli's portrayed in the LotR movies, with lotsa Scotch in there.


I guess most of them I just imagine as my voice... I've got a pretty good voice. ;)

2007-02-15, 02:55 PM
:roy:: Naturally deep. Soft and lazy pronunciation which contrasts somewhat with his extensive vocabulary (whenever he shows it).

:vaarsuvius:: A smooth countertenor. Slightly over-the-top enunciation, great variation in pitch of volume for emphasis. Especially when ranting.

:haley:: Girlish and lively. I assume she speaks considerably faster than the norm even when not actively fast-talking.

:durkon:: Slightly cracked baritone, slow and measured. The accent goes without saying.

:belkar:: slightly rough; I assume he speaks in a lower voice than natural for him. Also, obnoxious and challenging whenever he's not deadpanning.

:elan:: A fine tenor, would have a nice speaking voice as well if it wasn't either whiny or overexcited all the time.

:miko:: Distinguished bordering on the arrogant, low and very level.

2007-02-16, 06:08 PM
For :belkar: -- Denis Leary's voice would work

2007-02-21, 11:23 AM
For :thog: I'd really have to go with Alex Karras (Mongo from Blazing Saddles).

"thog only pawn in game of life"

2007-02-21, 01:59 PM
:roach: : Like the Chipmunks.

2007-02-23, 07:53 PM
Xykon: sounds like Skeletor

That's exactly how I imagine him. I usually imagine Roy sounds like Samuel L Jackson for some reason.

Michael Chiklis as Belkar, I could see that.

2007-02-23, 09:48 PM
:vaarsuvius: = Anne Coulter? AWESOME!!

:haley: = Michelle Trachtenberg.

:durkon: = Mike Myers

:belkar: = Evil Cary Elwes

2007-02-23, 10:18 PM
Shojo: Mel Brooks.Wow, that's great. Come to think of it I find picturing Mel Brooks playing Shojo utterly hilarious. "Teleport!"

As for Xykon, maybe it's all the whiteness, but I think of him having a voice similar to Killface from Frisky Dingo.

2007-02-24, 02:21 PM
Two things I know:
Durkon is Sean Connery and Roy is Morgan Freeman.

Totally agreed. I also agree with Demented on Elan being Weird Al.

Roy: Morgan Freeman, but a bit younger. Often annoyed.
Durkon: Sean Connery.
Elan: Weird Al Yankovic - cheery, dramatic, kinda goofy, tenor, but very pleasant.
Belkar: A very odd mix between a Mexican (no offense meant at all), Kyle from South Park, and the "Manic Psychotic" voice from Neverwinter Nights 2.
Haley: Kind of a tough one, I picture kind of a standard, pleasant female voice. I don't really see tomboy, but I don't see little girl either. Somewhere in the middle.
Vaarsuvius: The toughest of all. If you've played Neverwinter Nights 2, you may be familiar with the "Reserved Guardian" voice. Very powerful, but also kind of breathy, mid-range on pitch, kinda hollow. Noble. Sounds male-ish but could also be female.

Nale: As Elan, but less cheery and goofy.
Thog: Exactly like Patrick Star, except even deeper.
Sabine: Like Julia (see below) but more mature.
Yikyik: Mexican kobold (again, no offense) but partially because we see him talking in Spanish on the picture-in-picture :smallbiggrin: A bit gravelly but also high-pitched. Very angry.
Yokyok: Inigo Montoya. No questions asked.
Hilgya: A strong woman, voice German but somewhat Americanized.
Leeky: Actually quite similar to Roy's dad (see below).
Pompey: A bit nasally and annoying, but not outright obnoxious.

Roy's Dad: Easily annoyed, deep but not super deep. Older.
Julia: A dark-skinned, flirtatious, teenage girl.

Miko: As others have said, strong, noble, haughty, Asian, but occassionally goes screechy and wild when she goes on a rampage. A little reminiscent of Jaheira from Baldur's Gate.
Shojo: Also as others have said, a bit light and high pitched when acting senile, but drops a couple octaves when he's acting seriously.
Hinjo: I've got nothing, really. Asian but Americanized, mid-range, pleasant. Casual most of the time.
Mr. Scruffy: Meow?

Redcloak: Somebody already said this, but I picture something similar to Smithers from The Simpsons.
Xykon: Very laid-back and casual, but deep and gruff.
Demon Roaches: Like the brownies from Willow.
Teevo: High-pitched and annoying.
Mitd: Will Ferrell.

EDIT: Thog is a mix between Patrick Star and Cookie Monster.

2007-02-24, 02:25 PM
:belkar: - always sounds like Cartman in my head.

:durkon: - I hear the actor in Braveheart that Mel Gibson pegged with the hand-sized rock. 'I shoulda remembered 'bout tha rocks."

:xykon: - Clancy Brown, in Highlander.

:elan: - the voice of Samwise Gamgee, minus the accent, with more enthusiasm.

:vaarsuvius: - Pat, from Saturday Night Live, without whining.

:haley: - Sarah Michelle Gellar

:thog: - Cookie Monster is a good analogy

:miko: - Lucy Liu

:sabine: - Kathleen Turner

:mitd: - Mike Tyson

:roy: - Ernie Hudson (Winston from Ghostbusters)

:nale: - Same voice as Elan, pitched back in the throat more

:redcloak: - Benny from the newer Mummy.

I also agree with most of these. Cookie Monster is spot on.

2007-02-24, 09:19 PM
Really, I hear all of the OotS voices as my own, rather than associating actors' voices or the qualities thereof to them. They sound slightly different, but only from the tones implied by their speech patters. Rich is incredibly good at dialogue to pull off unique voices for every character in the comic.

2007-02-25, 12:51 PM
Belkar: A very odd mix between a Mexican (no offense meant at all)

I'm puzzled as to how this could be considered any more offensive than Scottish. Relax. :)

2007-02-25, 02:21 PM
Roy: Just a general everyman's voice, with clear grammar and the like to show he's educated
Durkon: Scottish accent
Elan: Possibly like Caboose from RvB, but a lot less like a 10 year olds
Belkar: High pitched and stereotypically Hobbit-like, but deeper and more meanacing when he's overtly planning to do something evil.
Haley: Accentless female
Vaarsuvius: Possibly a voice with a sort of echoing, pitch. Maybe with a male/female voice alternating as the echo.

Nale: An upper class version of Elan, with a slightly lower tone (think Solid Snake meets Liquid)
Thog: Captain Caveman
Sabine: Sort of a generic "vampish" [PWBP] voice
Hilgya: sort of a lapsed Scottish accent (as she's spent so long intergrating with humans)
Leeky: Like an evil hippie.
Pompey: High pitched and nasal.

Roy's Dad: Older than Roy but still pretty much the same, maybe with a bit of a "ged off my lawn!" tone.
Julia: Generic teenage girl.

Miko: Meladramatic, with a sort of upper class accent. Not quite "tea and crumpets" but more "show me more respect"
Shojo: Basically what everyone has said; crumbelly/deeper

Redcloak: Some people have said "Smithers" but that doesn't quite fit (Smithers is a doormat) so I'd say more like Kif Kroaker (I think someoen said that anyway).
Xykon: It wouldn't be a human voice (he has no lungs) so more like Black Mage's voice from the 8 Bit Theatre flashes
Demon/Angel Roaches: Just human voices, but squeakier
Teevo: That toneless female voice you get on Sat-Navs