View Full Version : Cat Hengeyokai

2014-04-04, 09:05 PM
I have a friend who wants to play a kitty cat healer. I have no idea how to start past Cat Hengeyokai Cleric.

Stats rolled are 15 14 16 13 15 18.

Any tips for making a kitty healer? PC Hengeyokai can't use offensive powers while in kitty form, right?

2014-04-04, 09:48 PM
if memory serves you cant use attack powers, you could use heals or utilities however.

honestly there is not much that makes playing a Hengeyokai X any different from playing anything else, what do you want to know?

2014-04-04, 10:03 PM
Well, if they have to use heals (that aren't attacks) exclusively, what would be a good healing at will?

2014-04-04, 10:57 PM
there are no at-will healing utilities that I know of, all of the at-wills that heal are attack powers that heal someone for a mod when you hit.

the best way to be a cat all the time and still be effective would be to either houserule that you can do attacks in cat form, or to refluff it such that you are always in cat form, maybe that you have a battle-cat form and a travel cat form or something.

2014-04-04, 11:00 PM
the best way to be a cat all the time and still be effective would be to either houserule that you can do attacks in cat form, or to refluff it such that you are always in cat form, maybe that you have a battle-cat form and a travel cat form or something.

Or to take the Pack Outcast character theme with shifter race and refluff the transformation to be feline instead of lupine. Then you can use attacks while fully-shifted.

2014-04-05, 07:12 AM
You are a leader, which is a healer, but not only that. Buffing, enabling, positioning, save-granting... You see, there's more to it than "stand and heal". Sliding people around to different positions or giving them extra attacks is an important part of leading.

Besides, well-built Pacifist Clerics are more of Controllers with a heal.

2014-04-05, 07:30 AM
If I understood OP correctly, he just wants to be a - cat. You can make anything be a cat - make him make a gnome (best abilities for a cat if you ask me) or a pixie and just call it a cat. Shifter also works. But anything else can go, too. Also, if you don't want him to attack, consider some guides easily found on the internet about lazy builds (a lazy warlord, lazy bard), he might multiclass to pick some of those powers so that he doesn't have to fight personally, if he really wants a cleric. In divine power, there is a healing cleric build which is also pretty non-combatant, considering other cleric builds. Anyhow, you can fluff existing powers into cat abilities easily (e.g. he jumps between someone's feet and makes him easier to be hit since the target loses balance or he gives him the good old evil cat eye).

In short, (1) call what you want a cat and (2) pick up powers that are not too directly combatant powers but rather enablers and (3) fluff those into cat things.

Have fun!

2014-04-05, 11:39 AM
there are no at-will healing utilities that I know of, all of the at-wills that heal are attack powers that heal someone for a mod when you hit.

the best way to be a cat all the time and still be effective would be to either houserule that you can do attacks in cat form, or to refluff it such that you are always in cat form, maybe that you have a battle-cat form and a travel cat form or something.

Hmm... Hengeyokai were the DM's suggestion. I'll ask about the attack powers.

2014-04-05, 12:02 PM
If I understood OP correctly, he just wants to be a - cat. You can make anything be a cat - make him make a gnome (best abilities for a cat if you ask me) or a pixie and just call it a cat. Shifter also works. But anything else can go, too. Also, if you don't want him to attack, consider some guides easily found on the internet about lazy builds (a lazy warlord, lazy bard), he might multiclass to pick some of those powers so that he doesn't have to fight personally, if he really wants a cleric. In divine power, there is a healing cleric build which is also pretty non-combatant, considering other cleric builds. Anyhow, you can fluff existing powers into cat abilities easily (e.g. he jumps between someone's feet and makes him easier to be hit since the target loses balance or he gives him the good old evil cat eye).

In short, (1) call what you want a cat and (2) pick up powers that are not too directly combatant powers but rather enablers and (3) fluff those into cat things.

Have fun!

while it would be simple to houserule, you cant use any attack powers, which are distinct from attacks.

this means the warlord and cleric powers that grant an ally attacks or don't do damage but do hinder your enemy are not allowed.

you cant use any power in cat form that says "attack", or has a attack roll, or does damage.

2014-04-05, 01:24 PM
I think Eagle Shaman is perfect for the cat. Dex+Wis, and doesn't really attack, more of a lazy build, really. However, I think it's quite stupid to connect leaders to "stand-and-heal", because that's only one side of what they do.

2014-04-05, 01:43 PM
I think Eagle Shaman is perfect for the cat. Dex+Wis, and doesn't really attack, more of a lazy build, really. However, I think it's quite stupid to connect leaders to "stand-and-heal", because that's only one side of what they do.

It's what she wanted. *shrugs*

2014-04-05, 02:02 PM
Perhaps it will change her mind. Keep in mind, it requires ranged allies to properly work. And I think it's much more entertaining.

2014-04-05, 03:31 PM
Make the spirit companion your character, and the shaman a companion or something. The kitty distracts enemies, while the shaman blasts them with animal-spirit things.

2014-04-06, 10:10 PM
Sweet. So attack powers as kitty is fine, according to the DM.

2014-04-06, 11:49 PM
I had a Druid|Warlord that could be modified if the player was willing. Wild Shape, which I believe the Hengeyokai follows the same rules, means no Weapon or Implement attacks can be made that lack the Wild Shape keyword. Lazylord attacks don't contain either keyword, so it's very possible to use pure Lazylord powers in Kitty form. Not ideal, but it could work.

But again, Leader =/= Healer, and refluffing is a big part of 4E. Find a Leader class with mechanics the player likes, and racial features that the player likes. Then call it a kitty, and have fun with your friends rolling some dice.

I'm currently just tipping the scales, getting a Bard at my table to realize she can actually be a competent character in her own right, not just someone that acts as a cheerleader, and I gotta say it's a blast to see her come into her own. Hopefully, if your player is skittish about a new rule system and just wants to play the healer because they are "easier" and always liked at a table, then perhaps you can use this as a way to slowly bring them out of their shell and into full RPing.

2014-04-07, 10:01 AM
The player is more interested in arranging pastries than anything other than kittens and healing. I'll work in some other powers, though.

Here is the sheet so far. (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=849768)