View Full Version : Optimization Challenge vs the Archdevil

2014-04-05, 01:43 AM
Hello playground, I would like to see your best skills with optimizing with some catches.

The rules are as fallows.

1: You are to make a party of four that are not allowed to exceed level 16.
2: The party must all be different classes that fit the archetype of being a front line fighter, mage, divine caster, and sneaky or ranged. The classes themselves don't matter the party just has to look this way and fulfill the roles with out being clearly being a better fit for another role. So Rogue, Ranger, Swashbuckler and the like for the sneaky role. Barbarian, Warblade, Paladin and the like for the melee fighters role. Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer and the like for the magic user role and Cleric, Druid, favored soul and the like for the divine magic user.
3:The opponents for this challenge are Aspects of the Archdevils found in the fiendish codex II and the Dukes of Hell found in Dragon #360. When someone has a party ready I will pick a random Arch Devil Aspect from Bel to Belial who will be Assisted by the Duke of hell found on their layer. That Duke and Archdevil will be the opponents your build will have to beat.
4: If a build is remade or a new one is entered a different set of opponents will be randomly chosen so you can never be 100% prepared for your opponent.
5: Lastly I will rank builds that I think can win and builds that go below level 14 level wise will be ranked higher along with builds that are less munchkiny.

I shall answer any questions interested players may have.

List of Opponents

Aspect of Asmodeus

Edit: Added more info.

Munchkiny pretty much for me means really blatantly exploiting the rules (Pun-Pun and such.) Anyway Pretty much I will score you higher for less cheese. (Though you can use it of course.)

Point buy is 32. Any source is allowed. It's an arena fight, you start in a room with your stuff and an hour of prep you head out and meet your opponents from the above Devils. The arena you are fighting in is Square about 300 ft wide. Running away by teleporting and such counts as forfeit.

Edit: More stuff I forgot.

Arena is open air and unless a devil if kicked out of the Arena for more then one round they do not forfeit. You can buy any gear you want for it's price and each character has the average starting gold for it's level. Characters have one hour prep and will start 300 ft away from their opponents.

Edit: Opponent is changed the opponent is now the Aspect of Asmodeus from FC II with having used his Summon Baatezu ability 1 minute before the fight starts. I think this is a more worthy challenge as it is pretty hard to one shot Asmodeus.

2014-04-05, 01:55 AM
Could you define "munchkiny," out of curiosity? Most of the time, I see the term used to refer to blatant cheating, rather than just character building, and putting a party of ECL 14s against epic-level fights are going to require a fair amount of cheese.

Also, what are the conditions of the fight? You said "on a layer of hell," but does that mean the party needs to be able to get there? To get out? Is this an arena fight? Are we breaking into the archfiend's stronghold? Do they have minions around? Are we being wish-teleported in blind? Are the devils going to be waiting and ready, with an ambush? Is the party ambushing them? Does the party know this fight will happen?

Also, how much prep time is allowed before the scenario, and how much prebuffing is allowed before the fight itself? What are the sources allowed? What's the point buy?

2014-04-05, 03:16 AM
Could you define "munchkiny," out of curiosity? Most of the time, I see the term used to refer to blatant cheating, rather than just character building, and putting a party of ECL 14s against epic-level fights are going to require a fair amount of cheese.

Also, what are the conditions of the fight? You said "on a layer of hell," but does that mean the party needs to be able to get there? To get out? Is this an arena fight? Are we breaking into the archfiend's stronghold? Do they have minions around? Are we being wish-teleported in blind? Are the devils going to be waiting and ready, with an ambush? Is the party ambushing them? Does the party know this fight will happen?

Also, how much prep time is allowed before the scenario, and how much prebuffing is allowed before the fight itself? What are the sources allowed? What's the point buy?

Thanks I knew I had forgotten some things. Munchkiny pretty much for me means really blatantly exploiting the rules (Pun-Pun and such.) Anyway Pretty much I will score you higher for less cheese. (Though you can use it of course.)

Point buy I will say 32. Pretty much any source is allowed. It's area fight pretty much you start in a room with your stuff and after I say an hour of prep you head out and meet your opponents from the above Devils. I will say the arena you are fighting in is Square about 300 ft wide. Running away by teleporting and such counts as forfeit. The party knows a fight will happen they just don't know who it will be with unless they do something to make sure they know.

2014-04-05, 03:24 AM
What are the rules regarding gear choice, spells that last more than one day, and crafting?

2014-04-05, 12:23 PM
What are the rules regarding gear choice, spells that last more than one day, and crafting?

You have the hour before you fight the devils to buff and you won't have time to craft. You can buy any gear you want for it's price and each character has the average starting gold for it's level.

2014-04-05, 12:46 PM
Is the arena open-air? Does forcing an opponent to leave the arena count as victory?

2014-04-05, 12:59 PM
Is the arena open-air? Does forcing an opponent to leave the arena count as victory?

Yeah the Arena is open air. And given that Devils can teleport I will say unless you boot them to another plane it does not count as they can just teleport back to the arena. So unless the Devils are running away and teleport out on their own initiative it does not count as they can come back the next round.

2014-04-06, 01:55 PM
Made a slight change to rules to increase the chance of victory for PC's slightly.

2014-04-06, 03:52 PM
This is excessively silly, but I felt like putting it together. It doesn't work if permanent spells aren't allowed to be in place before the fight, but if the party wizard is allowed to use instantaneous and permanent spells before the day of the fight, then it's an almost sure win (if the wizard or cleric roll natural 1s on their UMD checks, they still have an extremely high chance of beating the initiatives, even without Primal Instinct)

The Artillery: Grey Elf Elven Generalist Wizard 7

Str 8, Dex 18 (+4 = 22), Con 11, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats: Two flaws, Improved Initiative (1st), Chain Spell (flaw bonus), Consecrate Spell (flaw bonus), Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus) Dragontouched (3rd), Sculpt Spell (wizard bonus), Draconic Aura (Senses) (6th), Easy metamagic (Chain Spell) (Metamagic Storm bonus)
Skills: One CC rank in Use Magic Device
Important Spells Prepared

Open slots
Eagle's Splendor (cast on Factotum before fight), Dimension Hop
Chain Spell Nerveskitter
3x Dimension Door

Items of Note:

Hummingbird Familiar (100gp)
Minor Schema of Primal Instinct (2400gp)
4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
Heward's Handy Haversack (2000gp)
Metamagic Storm (5000gp)
If permanent spells are allowed: Eight books with 100 castings of Consecrate Spell Explosive Runes inside each (0gp).
Gold left: 3,500gp

The Face: Grey Elf Factotum 5/Marshal 1/Conjurer Wizard 1

Str 8, Dex 10 (+4 = 14), Con 11, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18 (+4 = 22)
Feats: One flaw, Chain Spell (1st), Criminal Background (flaw bonus), Hardened Criminal (Use Magic Device) (3rd), Improved Initiative (6th)
Skills: Maxed Use Magic Device (+18 bonus)
Martial Aura: Motivate Dexterity
Items of Note:

Hummingbird Familiar (100gp)
Minor Schema of Primal Instinct (2400gp)
4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
Four scrolls of Dimension Door (2800gp)
Masterwork tool of Use Magic Device (50gp)
Minor Schema of Metamagic Item (6000gp)
Minor Schema of Metamagic Scroll (400gp)
Scroll of Fly (375 gp)
Gold left: 875gp

The Support: Human Cleric 7

Str 10, Dex 14 (+4 = 18), Con 14, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 13
Feats: Two flaws, Chain Spell (1st), Improved Initiative (flaw bonus), Extend Spell (domain bonus), Extra Turning (human bonus), Persist Spell (flaw bonus), Divine Metamagic (Persist Spell) (3rd), Easy Metamagic (Chain Spell) (6th)
Skills: One CC rank in Use Magic Device
Domains: Planning, Celerity
Important Spells Prepared

Open slots
Eagle's Splendor (cast on Factotum before fight), 2 Guidance of the Avatar
Dispel Magic
Chain Spell Cat's Grace (DMM persisted before the fight, cast on whole party)

Items of Note:

Minor Schema of Primal Instinct (2400gp)
4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
+1 Warning Gauntlet (8302gp)
Gold left: 2,298gp

The Brawn: Mystic Ranger 6/Prestige Paladin 1 of indeterminate race

Str 16, Dex 14 (+4 = 18), Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 9
Feats: Mounted Combat (1st), Improved Initiative (3rd), Sword of the Arcane Order (6th)
Important Spells Prepared

Bless Weapon
Primal Instinct, Dimension Hop (prepared from Wizard's spellbook)
Dispel Magic (prepared from Wizard's spellbook)

Items of Note:

4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
+1 Warning Gauntlet (8302gp)
Silvered Scythe (198 gp)
Gold left: 4,500gp

The cleric will use a chain spell Cat's Grace (or it will be DMM Persisted from the night before). He also uses Guidance of the Avatar on himself and the wizard to allow them to use their Minor Schemas of Primal Instinct. The ranger simply casts the spell himself, and the factotum can UMD it naturally.

The wizard gives the cleric and ranger a pair of the closed books full of Consecrated Explosive Runes. Their job will be to wait and see for stuff to happen.

The factotum will use his Metamagic Item and Metamagic Scroll minor schemas to make his fly scroll become Reach and Chain. These go on the party before the fight starts. He then takes out a scroll of dimension door and gets ready to go.

When the fight starts, the wizard casts his Chain Spell Nerveskitter. This brings the initiatives of the party to these values:

Wizard: 4 (Improved Init) + 8 (Hummingbird familiar, doubled from Elven Generalist) + 6 (Dex) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +31
Factotum: 4 (Improved Init) + 4 (Hummingbird familiar) + 2 (Dex) + 4 (Brains Over Brawn) + 5 (Nerveskitter) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +32
Cleric: 4 (Improved Init) + 4 (Dex) + 5 (Warning Gauntlet) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 5(Nerveskitter) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +31
Ranger: 4 (Improved Init) + 4 (Dex) + 5 (Warning Gauntlet) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 5 (Nerveskitter) + 2(Draconic Aura) = +31

As you can see, the party wins initiative with any of the eight enemy combatants on any roll, even a 1.

The battle plan is as follows: The Factotum uses his Dimension Door scroll to take himself and the Ranger next to one of the archfiends, while the Wizard casts Dimension Door to take the himself and the Cleric next to the other. The Cleric readies an action to cast an area Dispel Magic at the book of explosive runes when it leaves his square, then drops it next to him, in the archfiend he's next to's space. Immediately, he casts his dispel, intentionally choosing to fail all of his dispel checks, detonating 100 castings of Consecrate Spell Explosive Runes. The Ranger does the exact same thing.

Because the regeneration of everyone but Moloch is bypassed by good-aligned spell damage, any of them except for that one is dead from the 600-3,600 points of good-aligned force damage, no save. The party is safe inside their Resilient Spheres.

If the party is facing Moloch, then the Ranger will use Dimension Hop to escape his sphere, then cast Bless Weapon on his scythe, before coup-de-gracing Moloch until he fails the fortitude save.

If the devils are next to each other, then only one team needs to actually act. Otherwise, the party can use this tactic to kill six of the eight enemies, assuming a series of two vs the party fights.

Most of the party's stats are unfilled, because the challenge doesn't require every bit of information. The Ranger could be any of the styles and still be a frontliner, and the cleric is focused on buffing the party. The wizard is a traditional battlefield controlly-type wizard, and the factotum has +6 on all the dex-based sneaky-type skills before he even adds ranks or his dex mod, so he fills the sneaky/face archetype.

2014-04-06, 04:23 PM
How much down time does the party have to prepare beforehand? With knowledge beforehand of what's coming etc.

2014-04-06, 05:24 PM
How much down time does the party have to prepare beforehand? With knowledge beforehand of what's coming etc.

It's pretty much party wakes up fully rested and has an hour for prep then they find out who they are fighting and the fight starts. (Unless they cast a divination before hand to learn the opponent. But even then thats still only an hour prep.)

This is excessively silly, but I felt like putting it together. It doesn't work if permanent spells aren't allowed to be in place before the fight, but if the party wizard is allowed to use instantaneous and permanent spells before the day of the fight, then it's an almost sure win (if the wizard or cleric roll natural 1s on their UMD checks, they still have an extremely high chance of beating the initiatives, even without Primal Instinct)

The Artillery: Grey Elf Elven Generalist Wizard 7

Str 8, Dex 18 (+4 = 22), Con 11, Int 20, Wis 10, Cha 8
Feats: Two flaws, Improved Initiative (1st), Chain Spell (flaw bonus), Consecrate Spell (flaw bonus), Scribe Scroll (wizard bonus) Dragontouched (3rd), Sculpt Spell (wizard bonus), Draconic Aura (Senses) (6th), Easy metamagic (Chain Spell) (Metamagic Storm bonus)
Skills: One CC rank in Use Magic Device
Important Spells Prepared

Open slots
Eagle's Splendor (cast on Factotum before fight), Dimension Hop
Chain Spell Nerveskitter
3x Dimension Door

Items of Note:

Hummingbird Familiar (100gp)
Minor Schema of Primal Instinct (2400gp)
4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
Heward's Handy Haversack (2000gp)
Metamagic Storm (5000gp)
If permanent spells are allowed: Eight books with 100 castings of Consecrate Spell Explosive Runes inside each (0gp).
Gold left: 3,500gp

The Face: Grey Elf Factotum 5/Marshal 1/Conjurer Wizard 1

Str 8, Dex 10 (+4 = 14), Con 11, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18 (+4 = 22)
Feats: One flaw, Chain Spell (1st), Criminal Background (flaw bonus), Hardened Criminal (Use Magic Device) (3rd), Improved Initiative (6th)
Skills: Maxed Use Magic Device (+18 bonus)
Martial Aura: Motivate Dexterity
Items of Note:

Hummingbird Familiar (100gp)
Minor Schema of Primal Instinct (2400gp)
4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
Four scrolls of Dimension Door (2800gp)
Masterwork tool of Use Magic Device (50gp)
Minor Schema of Metamagic Item (6000gp)
Minor Schema of Metamagic Scroll (400gp)
Scroll of Fly (375 gp)
Gold left: 875gp

The Support: Human Cleric 7

Str 10, Dex 14 (+4 = 18), Con 14, Int 8, Wis 18, Cha 13
Feats: Two flaws, Chain Spell (1st), Improved Initiative (flaw bonus), Extend Spell (domain bonus), Extra Turning (human bonus), Persist Spell (flaw bonus), Divine Metamagic (Persist Spell) (3rd), Easy Metamagic (Chain Spell) (6th)
Skills: One CC rank in Use Magic Device
Domains: Planning, Celerity
Important Spells Prepared

Open slots
Eagle's Splendor (cast on Factotum before fight), 2 Guidance of the Avatar
Dispel Magic
Chain Spell Cat's Grace (DMM persisted before the fight, cast on whole party)

Items of Note:

Minor Schema of Primal Instinct (2400gp)
4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
+1 Warning Gauntlet (8302gp)
Gold left: 2,298gp

The Brawn: Mystic Ranger 6/Prestige Paladin 1 of indeterminate race

Str 16, Dex 14 (+4 = 18), Con 14, Int 13, Wis 14, Cha 9
Feats: Mounted Combat (1st), Improved Initiative (3rd), Sword of the Arcane Order (6th)
Important Spells Prepared

Bless Weapon
Primal Instinct, Dimension Hop (prepared from Wizard's spellbook)
Dispel Magic (prepared from Wizard's spellbook)

Items of Note:

4x Crafted Contingent Spell Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (6000gp) set to go off if an explosive runes spell detonates within range of him (the other three are set to go off if there previous one went off)
+1 Warning Gauntlet (8302gp)
Silvered Scythe (198 gp)
Gold left: 4,500gp

The cleric will use a chain spell Cat's Grace (or it will be DMM Persisted from the night before). He also uses Guidance of the Avatar on himself and the wizard to allow them to use their Minor Schemas of Primal Instinct. The ranger simply casts the spell himself, and the factotum can UMD it naturally.

The wizard gives the cleric and ranger a pair of the closed books full of Consecrated Explosive Runes. Their job will be to wait and see for stuff to happen.

The factotum will use his Metamagic Item and Metamagic Scroll minor schemas to make his fly scroll become Reach and Chain. These go on the party before the fight starts. He then takes out a scroll of dimension door and gets ready to go.

When the fight starts, the wizard casts his Chain Spell Nerveskitter. This brings the initiatives of the party to these values:

Wizard: 4 (Improved Init) + 8 (Hummingbird familiar, doubled from Elven Generalist) + 6 (Dex) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +31
Factotum: 4 (Improved Init) + 4 (Hummingbird familiar) + 2 (Dex) + 4 (Brains Over Brawn) + 5 (Nerveskitter) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +32
Cleric: 4 (Improved Init) + 4 (Dex) + 5 (Warning Gauntlet) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 5(Nerveskitter) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +31
Ranger: 4 (Improved Init) + 4 (Dex) + 5 (Warning Gauntlet) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 5 (Nerveskitter) + 2(Draconic Aura) = +31

As you can see, the party wins initiative with any of the eight enemy combatants on any roll, even a 1.

The battle plan is as follows: The Factotum uses his Dimension Door scroll to take himself and the Ranger next to one of the archfiends, while the Wizard casts Dimension Door to take the himself and the Cleric next to the other. The Cleric readies an action to cast an area Dispel Magic at the book of explosive runes when it leaves his square, then drops it next to him, in the archfiend he's next to's space. Immediately, he casts his dispel, intentionally choosing to fail all of his dispel checks, detonating 100 castings of Consecrate Spell Explosive Runes. The Ranger does the exact same thing.

Because the regeneration of everyone but Moloch is bypassed by good-aligned spell damage, any of them except for that one is dead from the 600-3,600 points of good-aligned force damage, no save. The party is safe inside their Resilient Spheres.

If the party is facing Moloch, then the Ranger will use Dimension Hop to escape his sphere, then cast Bless Weapon on his scythe, before coup-de-gracing Moloch until he fails the fortitude save.

If the devils are next to each other, then only one team needs to actually act. Otherwise, the party can use this tactic to kill six of the eight enemies, assuming a series of two vs the party fights.

Most of the party's stats are unfilled, because the challenge doesn't require every bit of information. The Ranger could be any of the styles and still be a frontliner, and the cleric is focused on buffing the party. The wizard is a traditional battlefield controlly-type wizard, and the factotum has +6 on all the dex-based sneaky-type skills before he even adds ranks or his dex mod, so he fills the sneaky/face archetype.

This is a great plan but as I said above you don't have the time to set it up. Still I like it.

2014-04-06, 06:04 PM
Yeah, that is true. One possibility is to have each member only have one contingent resilient sphere each (saving 18,000 gold), and buying a pair of wands of explosive runes with that and some gold from the party. The wizard can cast them during the hour of prep time, and it'll have a fair chance to kill both devils with 300 minimum damage per bomb. They wouldn't be able to repeat it four times, though, and there'd still be a small chance of losing. That's two of the eight (or a chance at killing the second encounter if they spawned onto the battlefield next to each other, because both devils would die from one bomb) taken out by a level 7 party, though, which is neat

2014-04-06, 06:21 PM
Yeah, that is true. One possibility is to have each member only have one contingent resilient sphere each (saving 18,000 gold), and buying a pair of wands of explosive runes with that and some gold from the party. The wizard can cast them during the hour of prep time, and it'll have a fair chance to kill both devils with 300 minimum damage per bomb. They wouldn't be able to repeat it four times, though, and there'd still be a small chance of losing. That's two of the eight (or a chance at killing the second encounter if they spawned onto the battlefield next to each other, because both devils would die from one bomb) taken out by a level 7 party, though, which is neat

Well The opponents would be Moloch and Bel so maybe.

2014-04-06, 07:12 PM
The exalted merry band

Front line fighter aka the Holy one

Illumian Paladin with: Harmonious knight, mystic fire knight, and divine spirit. Optimized inspire courage with words of creation this guy is not only adept at being at melee he is also a buffer giving morale and holy bonuses that are hard to find. The access to wizard spells and a wizard on the party gives it all the crunchy transmutation spells for buffing.

Sneaky guy aka the Shady one

Spellthief 1 / Wizard 5 (elven generalist, spontaneous divination) / Unseen Seer 9 / Prestige bard 1: This guy knows and is really good at casting divination spells. His main task is to sneak around and learn things. When out of combat learn more things. When in combat debuff.

Divine guy aka There is something inside me

Archivist 5 / Binder 1 / Anima Mage 10

Lots of divine magic and good binding stuff

Arcane caster aka let me call some friends

Sorcerer 6 (getting the conjuration domain) / Malconvoker 8 / Fatespinner 2


So. Battle plane. Divine what you are fighting against. Create a magic circle against evil with every protection you can think off. Buff the sorcerer with everything you can that would increase his charisma. Have him bind the aspect or duke you are going to fight. Hit the bind enemy with every debuff you can. Then force it to do a task for you. Defeat the specific enemy that you are against.

Repeat with the other one.

Eat popcorn while they fight, if anyone of them survives the paladin can probably take it on its own.

2014-04-06, 07:42 PM
The exalted merry band

Front line fighter aka the Holy one

Illumian Paladin with: Harmonious knight, mystic fire knight, and divine spirit. Optimized inspire courage with words of creation this guy is not only adept at being at melee he is also a buffer giving morale and holy bonuses that are hard to find. The access to wizard spells and a wizard on the party gives it all the crunchy transmutation spells for buffing.

Sneaky guy aka the Shady one

Spellthief 1 / Wizard 5 (elven generalist, spontaneous divination) / Unseen Seer 9 / Prestige bard 1: This guy knows and is really good at casting divination spells. His main task is to sneak around and learn things. When out of combat learn more things. When in combat debuff.

Divine guy aka There is something inside me

Archivist 5 / Binder 1 / Anima Mage 10

Lots of divine magic and good binding stuff

Arcane caster aka let me call some friends

Sorcerer 6 (getting the conjuration domain) / Malconvoker 8 / Fatespinner 2


So. Battle plane. Divine what you are fighting against. Create a magic circle against evil with every protection you can think off. Buff the sorcerer with everything you can that would increase his charisma. Have him bind the aspect or duke you are going to fight. Hit the bind enemy with every debuff you can. Then force it to do a task for you. Defeat the specific enemy that you are against.

Repeat with the other one.

Eat popcorn while they fight, if anyone of them survives the paladin can probably take it on its own.

With the Opponents being Dispater and Titivilus. Sadly Dispater is possibly the worst for your group. He can cast Iron Body on himself which makes him immune to most magic.

Anyway could you go into a bit more detail with the classes and plan as I don't get how you are just going to just bind these guys.

2014-04-07, 01:59 AM
He can cast Iron Body on himself which makes him immune to most magic.


You are immune to blindness, critical hits, ability score damage, deafness, disease, drowning, electricity, poison, stunning, and all spells or attacks that affect your physiology or respiration, because you have no physiology or respiration while this spell is in effect. You take only half damage from acid and fire of all kinds.

That's immune to a small percentage of spells, and doesn't even cover much more important Mindblank immunities. TheThird is using http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/planarBindingGreater.htm , with some ability to increase the HD cap past 18 (let's check Malconvoker):

Improved Calling (Su): At 8th level...The normal HD limit for your planar ally and planar binding spells (including lesser and greater versions) increases by 2.

Yep, there it is. Some of the Demon's have 21HD, not 20HD, so check if any pair includes 21HD paired Demons. (I skimmed them)

The fact you'd run the contest and then suggest that Iron Body has something to do with protecting against against Planar Binding seems exceptionally odd.

2014-04-07, 02:34 AM

That's immune to a small percentage of spells, and doesn't even cover much more important Mindblank immunities. TheThird is using http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/planarBindingGreater.htm , with some ability to increase the HD cap past 18 (let's check Malconvoker):

Yep, there it is. Some of the Demon's have 21HD, not 20HD, so check if any pair includes 21HD paired Demons. (I skimmed them)

The fact you'd run the contest and then suggest that Iron Body has something to do with protecting against against Planar Binding seems exceptionally odd.

Ah I missed one thing I thought Mind effecting spells was included in that giant list of immunities but no matter. As I did not think Iron Body protected him against Planer binding just most debuffs. The fact that the two devils had 28 and 33 hit die is what protects them.

2014-04-07, 07:02 AM
A party of four clerics should do the trick, but since you want different classes...:
cleric, druid, wizard, sorcerer

What could possibly go wrong :smallbiggrin:

Cleric as front liner, druid as divine caster, wizard as... well, wizard, and sorcerer as ranged artillery.

2014-04-07, 09:05 AM
I don't have the relevant books, but what is the Will Save on each of those guys?

2014-04-07, 01:25 PM
A party of four clerics should do the trick, but since you want different classes...:
cleric, druid, wizard, sorcerer

What could possibly go wrong :smallbiggrin:

Cleric as front liner, druid as divine caster, wizard as... well, wizard, and sorcerer as ranged artillery.

You know pretty well that's not what I mean though that group could still lose.

2014-04-07, 01:29 PM
I don't have the relevant books, but what is the Will Save on each of those guys?

Bel +21
Dispater +22
Mammon +25
Belial +25
Moloch +30
Titivilus +25
Bael +35
Balan +26

2014-04-07, 01:42 PM
You have the hour before you fight the devils to buff and you won't have time to craft. You can buy any gear you want for it's price and each character has the average starting gold for it's level.

Even if the character has the ability to craft items?

You know pretty well that's not what I mean though that group could still lose.

What did you mean? Those four can easily fufill the specified roles. If you wanted an actual Fighter just say so.

2014-04-07, 02:33 PM
Even if the character has the ability to craft items?

What did you mean? Those four can easily fufill the specified roles. If you wanted an actual Fighter just say so.

If it can be crafted in an hour sure I guess.

I did say so about the fighters in a way. What I mean is that it's not supposed to be a caster. You can use a Two handed Ranger, Barbarian, Warblade whatever class you want that is similar to those.

2014-04-07, 02:35 PM
GTFO Speedwagon: Doomspeaker Bard, 2 Casters with Banishment as a spell, and Something to debuff SR (or optimize the casters to bypass it for Banishment).

Doomspeaker and SR debuffer optimize to go quickly in initiative order, then the 2 Casters Cast Banishment after debuffs are in place. Barring a poor SR roll (if you haven't optimized to eliminate it), the fight ends in 1-2 rounds.

2014-04-07, 02:41 PM
The fact that the two devils had 28 and 33 hit die is what protects them.

3:The opponents for this challenge are Aspects of the Archdevils found in the fiendish codex II and the Dukes of Hell found in Dragon #360.

Bel -- 22
Dispater - 28
Mammon - 28
Belial - 30
Fierna - 28
Levisthus - 25
Glasya - 28
Baalzebub - 30
Mephistopheles - 30
Amodeus - 32

There is probably some obscure way to increase your planar binding cap even higher, but not off the top of my head.

Also, I'm super confused as to why you're using fiends from Dragon360, that is about as obscure as it comes, rather than just stock Fiend Codex material?

2014-04-07, 02:48 PM
I did say so about the fighters in a way. What I mean is that it's not supposed to be a caster. You can use a Two handed Ranger, Barbarian, Warblade whatever class you want that is similar to those.

What you actually said was

The party must all be different classes that fit the archetype of being a front line fighter, mage, divine caster, and sneaky or ranged. The classes themselves don't matter that party just has to look this way.

My interpretation was that a Wizard would qualify if they went around hitting people with sticks. Wizards make better front-line fighter then Fighters do anyway.

2014-04-07, 02:58 PM
Wizard: 4 (Improved Init) + 8 (Hummingbird familiar, doubled from Elven Generalist) + 6 (Dex) + 6 (Marshal Aura) + 5 (Primal Instinct) + 2 (Draconic Aura) = +31

<Nitpick> Elven generalist's bond says, "The bonus on skill checks, saves or hit points granted by the familiar doubles." Which doesn't include initiative. </Nitpick>

2014-04-07, 03:12 PM
Bel -- 22
Dispater - 28
Mammon - 28
Belial - 30
Fierna - 28
Levisthus - 25
Glasya - 28
Baalzebub - 30
Mephistopheles - 30
Amodeus - 32

There is probably some obscure way to increase your planar binding cap even higher, but not off the top of my head.

Also, I'm super confused as to why you're using fiends from Dragon360, that is about as obscure as it comes, rather than just stock Fiend Codex material?

From Dragon Magazine, there's a spell called Implore which has a 22/24HD cap (The spell isn't even sure, as it says it's both 22 and 24HD.) That along with Infernal Bargainer and Improved Calling increases it to 26/28HD respectively. This unfortunately has an XP cost of 50xp per HD. The trick also relies on you assuming that the 'planar binding spells' that Infernal Bargainer and Improved Calling reference also apply to Implore. (The spell references it works as GPB but there is room for doubt.)

There's also Master Astrologist whose capstone increases numeric values of spells by a half of the current value. I'm not sure if it works with Implore/GPB though.

2014-04-07, 03:16 PM
When you say "never be 100% prepared", what about as if you'd typically prepare certain abilities etc? E.g DMM/Incantatrix Persisted?

For those who are interested in what they're up against

Moloch (Large Outsider); 34HD, AC42 (Touch 12, FF 39), Regen 10, DR/15 Epic+Good, Immunity to Fire and Poison, Resist Acid/Cold 10, SR30, Fort +30, Ref +24, Will +30, Melee is Claw/Claw/Bite, or Scourge
Notable Feats; Quicken SLA (Greater Fireburst, see below), Cleave/Great Cleave, Multiattack. Everything is utter gash (Weapon Focus, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes etc).
Notable Skills; +45 Diplomacy (arguable, against PC's, but in universe, is difficult to counter), +46 Conc, Listen, and Spot. No Sense Motive/Social defences. Tongues ability so can talk to everything if it needs, but no understanding of languages
SLA's; Create Undead, Geas/quest (CL20, need contingent CL22 Remove Curse), Greater Teleport (self only), Permanent Image, See Invisibility, Suggestion, Wall of Fire, all at Will. 1/day CL20 Blasphemy (need protection versus Paralysis, Strength Damage, and, harder, Daze), Flame Strike, and Symbol of Stunning.
Notably; CL20 at Will Fly.
Other abilities;
- Claws deal 1d6 Fire+1d6 Unholy with his claw attacks (2x), and creatures hit must pass a DC35 Ref or catch fire for 10 rounds.
- Scourge; deals 20 additional fire damage, divided between his attacks.
- Improved Grab (any size), Str 26
- Breath Weapon, 30ft At Will Cone, DC36 Will Negates, 10 rounds of Panic
- Summon Baatezu; 80% 1d3+1 Horned Devils 1/day.
- 100 miles teleport in a random direction if exposed to any effect which forces him to leave Avernus (and with Greater Teleport, he's safe as houses).

He's not actually that scary for an ECL14 Character; immunity to Fear Effects and ensuring you have immunity to Fire (Clr/Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 7); he certainly isn't up there with CR22 threats like an Ancient Red Wyrm; at least that has true casting to make it dangerous; including Metabreath.


Titivilus (Medium Outsider); 33HD, AC40 (Touch 19, FF 36), Regen 10, DR/15 Epic+Good, Immunity to Fire and Poison, Resist Acid/Cold 10, SR33, Fort +26, Ref +22, Will +25, 40-ft Speed, 80-ft Fly (with Flyby attack), Melee is +5 Silver Bastard Sword of Wounding (1d10+11/19-20 plus 1 Con), or Claw/Claw (adds Fear)
Notable Feats; Brand of 9 Hells (Immunity to Flanking/not Flat Footed), Combat Reflexes, Flyby Attack, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (Teleport)
Notable Skills; Bluff +47, Conc +44, Diplomacy +51 (again, in universe, dangerous), Intimidate +49, Sense Motive +43, Spot and Listen +43
SLA's; Create Undead, Crushing Despair, Greater Bestow Curse, Greater Invisibility, Greater Teleport, Magic Circle against Good, Miser's Envy, Suggestion, 1/day Feeblemind, Symbol of Sleep
Other abilities;
- Frightful Strike; DC37 upon hit by natural attack, or affected by Fear Spell
- Change Shape; take form of Large Size or Smaller Humanoid only
- Corrupting Whisper; DC39 Will or become Lawful evil for 1d8+1 hours, basically intended to destroy Code of Conduct based characters; Kensai/Paladins etc
- Summon Baatezu; 90% 1d4+4 Erinyes 1/day CL20.

As you can see; a lot more dangerous. I won't go into that as it's less obvious.


Because I'm running short of time, I'll just list these a bit more briefly;

Power Attacking Charger with Awesome Blow and Monkey Grip. At Will Animate Dead and Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Teleport as usual, hellfire storm, invisibility, Mass Inflict Serious Wounds, and Suggestion (quicken SLA), 2/day airwalk, dominate monster, and limited wish (only someone elses), with 1/day symbol of stunning. Bluff and Sense Motive sky high. +4 Huge Fiery Burst Vicious Morning Star, 20ft Aura (DC36) for 10 rounds of panic, Cha bonus to Saves (Cha 28, so +14), knows corruption and taint points and alignment of target, Summon baatezu (85% 1d4+2 Barbed Devils 1/day).


Poisonous Spikes, and Dual Wield battleaxe, At Will Limited Wish (others only), see invisibility, telekinesis. Nothing really to note as exceptionally dangerous otherwise.


Much more dangerous SLA's, Blink, Wraithstrike, Veil of Shadow for permanent Concealment, Combat Reflexes, with a Short Sword which can deal 1d10 Con damage (DC30 Fort Save), Greater Teleport obviously as well.

2014-04-07, 03:25 PM
What you actually said was

My interpretation was that a Wizard would qualify if they went around hitting people with sticks. Wizards make better front-line fighter then Fighters do anyway.

I know that but I don't want parties of Wizards.

When you say "never be 100% prepared", what about as if you'd typically prepare certain abilities etc? E.g DMM/Incantatrix Persisted?

For those who are interested in what they're up against

Moloch (Large Outsider); 34HD, AC42 (Touch 12, FF 39), Regen 10, DR/15 Epic+Good, Immunity to Fire and Poison, Resist Acid/Cold 10, SR30, Fort +30, Ref +24, Will +30, Melee is Claw/Claw/Bite, or Scourge
Notable Feats; Quicken SLA (Greater Fireburst, see below), Cleave/Great Cleave, Multiattack. Everything is utter gash (Weapon Focus, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes etc).
Notable Skills; +45 Diplomacy (arguable, against PC's, but in universe, is difficult to counter), +46 Conc, Listen, and Spot. No Sense Motive/Social defences. Tongues ability so can talk to everything if it needs, but no understanding of languages
SLA's; Create Undead, Geas/quest (CL20, need contingent CL22 Remove Curse), Greater Teleport (self only), Permanent Image, See Invisibility, Suggestion, Wall of Fire, all at Will. 1/day CL20 Blasphemy (need protection versus Paralysis, Strength Damage, and, harder, Daze), Flame Strike, and Symbol of Stunning.
Notably; CL20 at Will Fly.
Other abilities;
- Claws deal 1d6 Fire+1d6 Unholy with his claw attacks (2x), and creatures hit must pass a DC35 Ref or catch fire for 10 rounds.
- Scourge; deals 20 additional fire damage, divided between his attacks.
- Improved Grab (any size), Str 26
- Breath Weapon, 30ft At Will Cone, DC36 Will Negates, 10 rounds of Panic
- Summon Baatezu; 80% 1d3+1 Horned Devils 1/day.
- 100 miles teleport in a random direction if exposed to any effect which forces him to leave Avernus (and with Greater Teleport, he's safe as houses).

He's not actually that scary for an ECL14 Character; immunity to Fear Effects and ensuring you have immunity to Fire (Clr/Drd 6, Sor/Wiz 7); he certainly isn't up there with CR22 threats like an Ancient Red Wyrm; at least that has true casting to make it dangerous; including Metabreath.

You forgot to mention Greater Fireburst again which is possibly one of the more dangerous things about him (As he can quicken it.) but your right about immunity to fire being really all you need to take care of him.

As for your comment you can prepare what ever you like it's just that you won't know which Archdevils you fight until the hour before you fight them.

2014-04-07, 03:43 PM
Middle-Age Human, Intermediate Celestial Bloodline, Wizard (Evoker) 1/ Bloodline 2/ Wizard 2/ Red Wizard 10/ Paragnostic Apostle 3. Bloodline levels don't count toward your character level, which indicates they also don't count when determining how much xp you need to gain a level. Prohibited schools are Enchantment and Necromancy. Paragnostic Apostle abilities are Divine Understanding (Chaos), Manifest Ethos (Chaos), and Penetrating Insight.

Two flaws: Weak-Willed and Murky-Eyed
Feats: Earth Sense (F), Heighten Spell (F), Earth Spell (H), Tattoo Focus (1), Scribe Scroll (W1), Craft Contingent Spell (3), Arcane Disciple: Chaos (6), Quicken Spell (RW5), Feat (9), Feat (12), Item Familiar (15)

Abilities: Str 7, Dex 7, Con 7, Int 19, Wis 30, Cha 9, four level-up points into Wis.

Items: Periapt of Wis +6, sandals made from stone slabs, Item Familiar is a Helm of Teleportation, Contingent Spell: Teleport to within 40 ft. of the intended opponents as soon as he sees them, spell components/foci.

Preparation: Nine Simulacrums of himself, they're each a Wizard (Evoker) 1/ Bloodline 2/ Wizard 2/ Red Wizard 5. They take turns leading circles and each of them uses the spell levels gained to Heighten one spell to 20th level. He then leads a circle with all nine simulacrums participating, each of them contributes their 20th level spell, giving him 180 spell levels to work with. He increases his caster level to 40th and Heightens two Word of Chaos spells to 20th level.

Gimmick: He prepares Word of Chaos in his 7th level Evocation spell slot, and Heightened Word of Chaos in his 8th level Evocation spell slot. They're both Heightened to 20th level, Earth Spell causes them to count as 21st level spells and gives them an additional +13 caster level. Total caster level for each Word of Chaos is 53.

Daily Routine: Prepare spells, Circle Magic (contribute a 0-level spell), hour/level buffs (40 hours each) including Moment of Prescience.
Prior to combat: Cast Nondetection (DC 55), Superior Invisibility (SC).
Surprise round (opponents will be incapable of detecting him): Use Moment of Prescience for +25 initiative. Contingent Teleport to within 40 ft. of both opponents (or one opponent if they're further apart), cast Word of Chaos at caster level 53, automatically slaying them. If they were too far apart to hit both, cast Celerity and ready an action to cast Word of Chaos as soon as the other is in range. Item Familiar activates Teleport to move him within 40 ft. of the other opponent, he casts his readied Word of Chaos at caster level 53, automatically slaying it.

2014-04-07, 03:52 PM
32 point buy you say? Let's do this. (I'll be making this up as I type, so if it doesn't make sense, sorry)
I'm going to try and say, one druid, level 14.
7, 7, 18, 16, 18, 7 (32 points), then +3 Wis from levels and +6 for periept of wis. As well as +6 amulet of health, his total should be:
7 str, dex, cha
16 int
24 con (+7)
27 wis (+8)
The relevancy is this:
He has an average of 64 HP from dice rolls, and 98 from con, equaling 162. After Owl's Wisdom (+7 to wis, bumping that up to +12 modifier), so 6 level 6 spells (Which is 3 base, +2 bonus, +1 from spellstaff) and 4 level 7s. Only feats that matter are:

Any metamagic feat
Energy sub (sonic) (or electricity if you must)

Oh, you know what? Let's make him human and give him improved toughness 4 times. That's an extra 56 HP, making it 218 HP total.

Now, before the battle he makes himself immune to sonic, or electricity if Energy Sub (sonic) wasn't allowed.
Now one minute before the battle he casts fire seeds 8 times. He holds them. As long as they're within 5 feet of you, including on their turn, you can blow them up, dealing 64d8+896 (reflex half). So if you're fighting one at a time, it's really easy, if not, give half of them different words and explode them at different times.
Items: Periept of Wis +6. Thingy of Con +6, Ring of FOE, totaling 112K, I think that's within WBL, if not then make one of his feats a crafty one.
Have I missed anything?

EDIT: I haven't really thought this through like, at all. Obviously I didn't optimize this as a full build.

2014-04-07, 04:12 PM
Bel +21
Dispater +22
Mammon +25
Belial +25
Moloch +30
Titivilus +25
Bael +35
Balan +26

So is there any reason to not just hit them with a sufficiently buffed (Circle Magic for Heighten/CL pump) Banishment? Are any of them immune to that trick?

Edit: I was ninja'd. Got to remember to refresh when it has been that long.

2014-04-07, 04:13 PM
<Nitpick> Elven generalist's bond says, "The bonus on skill checks, saves or hit points granted by the familiar doubles." Which doesn't include initiative. </Nitpick>

Ah, good point. I guess he'd be a specialist of some sort with the Aggressive trait, bringing him down to +29 and still beating the Dukes.

2014-04-07, 04:49 PM
You know pretty well that's not what I mean though that group could still lose.

No I don't know what you meant. I made the suggestion for classes in good faith based on what you had stated originally. If you could narrow down what classes are eligible for the different roles I think it would be a lot clearer (and no, you don't need an exhaustive list, just give a few illustrative examples).

2014-04-07, 05:34 PM
No I don't know what you meant. I made the suggestion for classes in good faith based on what you had stated originally. If you could narrow down what classes are eligible for the different roles I think it would be a lot clearer (and no, you don't need an exhaustive list, just give a few illustrative examples).

The classes themselves don't matter the party just has to look this way and fulfill the roles with out being clearly being a better fit for another role.

So Rogue, Ranger, Swashbuckler and the like for the sneaky role.
Barbarian, Warblade, Paladin and the like for the melee fighters role.
Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer and the like for the magic user.
Cleric, Druid, favored soul and the like for the divine magic user.

2014-04-07, 05:49 PM
Level 10 Spirit Shaman, one of those dragon people. Pick two flaws, any flaws.
Feats: Extend spell, Persistent spell, arcane thesis (creeping cold), easy metamagic, practical metamagic (persistent spell), energy sub (sonic), rapid metamagic
6 (which is really 3 extra, just a precaution) crafted contingent spells, all of them resilient sphere (dispelable at will), set to go off when he's about to be hit.

Doesn't matter who wins initiative. Let's say the devils go first, whenever they make an attack, the sphere pops up. Since he can't be harmed by anything, he waits until they're within range, then persist a creeping cold on them. Should do upwards of 3 million by the time the day is over, or at least several thousand by the time the spheres let up.
rinse and repeat.

2014-04-07, 05:56 PM
Cleric 14; DMM Persist Divine Power = better Fighter than a Fighter
Wu Jen 7/Spellguard of Silverymoon 4/Incantatrix 3 = awesome party buffer and blaster for arcane
Druid 14; take the form of a Shadow Dragon, with Darkstalker feat, and you're good. When it gets to combat? Have the Wu Jen use Spellguard of Silverymoon transform you into a Legendary Ape for 62 strength, with a Quarterstaff and the typical Druid buffs like Shillelagh, Spikes, Entangling Staff, 2x Wand Chambers, etc to help with the combating
Cloistered Cleric 14; possibly the best Divine Caster there is.

2014-04-07, 06:21 PM
I have decided to make a change to the opponent is now the Aspect of Asmodeus who one minute before the fight used Summon Baatezu. This will be a much more challenging senario due to the fact that One shoting Asmodeus is hard.

The two Devils he summoned right before the fight started are Aspect of Dispater and Titivilus. Any more he summons will depend on the opponent.

2014-04-08, 12:59 AM
Here's my shot. Point buy is mostly irrelevant. Max the casting stats, otherwise have fun.

Wizard 5 / Red Wizard 10 / Archmage 1
Savage Bard 5 / Ur-Priest 10 / Hierophant 1
Paladin 2 / Sorceror 2 / Marshal 4 / Abjurant Champion 5 / Spellsword 1
Swordsage 16

This group should have options to take down those guys. Multiple fun ways to gank the enemy.

However, as a rough guide:

The Paladin and Rogue take Tattoo Focus as a feat and burn slots on Circle Magic to power the Red Wizard's Save or Die; The RW should have Spell Power from Archmage and Split Ray + Metamagic School Focus. His specialty school should be Necromancy; we are attacking with Enervation, Twin, Split Ray, Empowered for 3d6 negative levels on a successful SR check. WE do this twice in the first round with our Belt of Battle, plus a Quickened version that is not Twinned (2d6)).

Our level is 16. We have +6 Spell Power. We get +5 from the Marshal (see below). +2 from Arcane Thesis. +1 from Tattoo Focus. Oh, right who cares? We just heighten our CL to 40 with Circle Magic and ignore his SR.

He takes 8d6 negative levels, and is then Sneak Attacked by the Swordsage.

The Paladin just stands in the back with Motivate Dex and after rolling for iniitiative swaps to the SR-breaking Marshal aura.

2014-04-08, 02:25 AM
The classes themselves don't matter the party just has to look this way and fulfill the roles with out being clearly being a better fit for another role.

So Rogue, Ranger, Swashbuckler and the like for the sneaky role.
Barbarian, Warblade, Paladin and the like for the melee fighters role.
Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer and the like for the magic user.
Cleric, Druid, favored soul and the like for the divine magic user.

So now ranged has transformed into sneak? Is that the last call?
A cleric is easily a much better fighter than any of the classes you listed can hope to be. But ok, got it.

2014-04-08, 05:14 AM
The party has an hour to prepare, right? Oh, and can magic user be replaced with psionics user?

2014-04-08, 01:30 PM
The party has an hour to prepare, right? Oh, and can magic user be replaced with psionics user?

Yeah that's fine. I just want it to be a caster like that.

2014-04-08, 01:39 PM
Here's my shot. Point buy is mostly irrelevant. Max the casting stats, otherwise have fun.

Wizard 5 / Red Wizard 10 / Archmage 1
Savage Bard 5 / Ur-Priest 10 / Hierophant 1
Paladin 2 / Sorceror 2 / Marshal 4 / Abjurant Champion 5 / Spellsword 1
Swordsage 16

This group should have options to take down those guys. Multiple fun ways to gank the enemy.

However, as a rough guide:

The Paladin and Rogue take Tattoo Focus as a feat and burn slots on Circle Magic to power the Red Wizard's Save or Die; The RW should have Spell Power from Archmage and Split Ray + Metamagic School Focus. His specialty school should be Necromancy; we are attacking with Enervation, Twin, Split Ray, Empowered for 3d6 negative levels on a successful SR check. WE do this twice in the first round with our Belt of Battle, plus a Quickened version that is not Twinned (2d6)).

Our level is 16. We have +6 Spell Power. We get +5 from the Marshal (see below). +2 from Arcane Thesis. +1 from Tattoo Focus. Oh, right who cares? We just heighten our CL to 40 with Circle Magic and ignore his SR.

He takes 8d6 negative levels, and is then Sneak Attacked by the Swordsage.

The Paladin just stands in the back with Motivate Dex and after rolling for iniitiative swaps to the SR-breaking Marshal aura.

Won't be too easy.

•Aura of Might: Anyone attempting to attack the wielder must
first succeed on a Will save or instead bow down, becoming
helpless for 1 round.
• Reverie of Nessus: Once per day, as an immediate action, the
wielder can encase himself in a 5-foot-radius spherical wall
of force. The area 50 feet around the sphere (but not within
it) becomes an antimagic field. This effect lasts for 3 rounds.
In the first round, the wielder is automatically purged of any
unwanted spells or effects. In the second, the
wielder is purged of any diseases, poisons, or physical maladies
(including lost body parts). In the third round, the wielder is
healed to full hit points and feels refreshed as though he had
just rested a full day, regaining spells and spell-like abilities accordingly.
This ability triggers automatically (without the wielder
having to spend an immediate action) if the wielder ever fails
a save against an unwanted enchantment spell or effect, such
as charm person or dominate monster.

Along with this he can keep summoning Devils (Big tough ones like the Aspect of Baalzebul and Mephistopheles) while he is protected to overwhelm you. While you can't attack him.

2014-04-08, 02:44 PM
Won't be too easy.

Along with this he can keep summoning Devils (Big tough ones like the Aspect of Baalzebul and Mephistopheles) while he is protected to overwhelm you. While you can't attack him.

Nope, he won't have line of effect through the spherical wall of force.

2014-04-08, 03:36 PM
Nope, he won't have line of effect through the spherical wall of force.

This is true now that I have checked. How ever he can wait while the Aspect of Dispater and Titivilus fight while he rests. Added on his gaze attacks can still effect creatures close to him as they are not spells or spell likes.

2014-04-08, 03:43 PM
This is true now that I have checked. How ever he can wait while the Aspect of Dispater and Titivilus fight while he rests. Added on his gaze attacks can still effect creatures close to him as they are not spells or spell likes.

Unless his is special, Gaze attacks are Su abilities, and won't penetrate his own AMF.

2014-04-08, 06:16 PM
Unless his is special, Gaze attacks are Su abilities, and won't penetrate his own AMF.

Ah I made a mistake I thought Su were the abilities that worked in AMF's. Never mind that then. Still if he feels like he needs to he can just teleport out of the force wall and AMF While and start summoning once he is out or he can just stay put while his servants take care until the effect goes away.