View Full Version : DnD class quiz

2014-04-05, 02:32 AM

I had time to kill, so I try some ''what DnD class are you'' quiz. I thought they were pretty stupid. So I decided to make my own.

What do you guys think of it?

P.S. I'm not english, so there is probably many mistakes. I'm sorry!

ace rooster
2014-04-05, 05:52 AM
q15 is two unrelated questions, with your own bias connecting them. Again at q50 and 56. It made answering some of them tricky, as it seemed like I was being led to an answer I disagreed with.

Anyway, I am a rogue apparently. I would have put myself as a wizard/monk.

2014-04-05, 07:29 AM
I am a wizard. Hrm...

2014-04-05, 07:53 AM
Druid or ranger? never thought about this... i think i'll start train my goldifsh for war!

2014-04-05, 09:35 AM
Thanks for your input guys!

Rooster : Questions are randomly mixed up when you take the quiz, so I dont know wich questions you are talking about. But anyway, I get your point. I will change some questions!

Captnq : Could you please tell me why you dont agree with the result and wich class do you think will fit you better ?

MrNobody : lol ! Same question as Captnq !

Just FYI, I tried to seize the class concept and philosophy and adapt it to modern life. It's not an easy task. My perception of a class can be quite different than someone else. Anyway, here is the essence I tried to capture for each class :

Barbarian : A nomad who follows his heart, passions and dreams, no matter where it brings him.

Bard : A charismatic dude who likes to be in the spot-light. Also a jack-of-all-trades.

Cleric : Someone who lives by his convictions and do what has to be done.

Druid/ranger : I tried to stay away from all the ''I love nature'' stereotype. Nobody wants to live as a hermit in the woods anymore, so it's irrelevant. I think that harmony, tranquility and stability fit with this 2 class.

Figther : Someone who puts a lot of effort and wants to be the best.

Monk : Someone who seeks a perfect balance in life. In DnD, monks perform rigourous training to reach illumination. I have a hard time with this one.

Rogue : An opportunist who use cunning and tricks to get what he wants.

Sorcerer : Someone who push his limits to see what he is capable to do, no matter what others say or do.

Wizard : A nerd who seeks knowledge and perform well in an academic setting.

2014-04-05, 11:21 AM
Captnq : Could you please tell me why you don't agree with the result and which class do you think will fit you better ?

No. It actually fits. Just the first time I got that results on one of these things. I'm always a rogue or something.

2014-04-05, 11:48 AM
The questions...

I prefer a structured life with strict rules. I am highly disciplined.
I am disciplined and well structured.

...seem redundant.


The same with
I live by my convictions. I do what needs to be done.
Im driven by my convictions and I work to achieve an ideal I believe is right.

Edit 2:

I'm not sure what this means
I seize people easily and Im in tune with their feelings.

Edit 3:
This phrase comes up a LOT.
I seek a perfect balance in my life.

Edit 4:
Apparently I am a Monk. That's pretty solid, as I usually qualify for Paladin on these quizzes. It may need some polish, but it seems good!

You are a monk

Druid or ranger

2014-04-05, 12:20 PM

I did a lot of modifications !

I think it's a little better.

2014-04-05, 12:55 PM
I scored my usual primary class result:

You Scored as Rogue
You are a rogue.

Rogue 93%
Barbarian 78%
Figther 78%
Sorcerer 70%
Wizard 67%
Druid or ranger 59%
Cleric 52%
Monk 48%
Bard 48%

I felt that some of the questions would normally have two answers and in some cases conflicting ones at that.

I.E.: I live my life by my own rules. I do what is right.

For me that has two completely different answers. I do things my own way and generally don't care much about the set rules for how to do it, but at the same time, what I do often times isn't seen as "right" by most people's standards.

There are two different rights: what is write by/for everyone and what is right for me. So I strongly agree with the first section of it, but the second section often times is at least a minor disagreement for me.

ace rooster
2014-04-05, 01:41 PM
"I believe people are distracted from what really matter. Self-improvement should be everybodys priority."

I agree with the first bit, disagree with the second. Which statement am I answering on?

"I want to be a specialist in my domain. I (will) have college degrees."

I do have degrees, but I value a broad background higher than specialism.

"I like to try new things and see how far I can go. I dont know my limits."

I like to think I have a decent idea of my limits, but I still like to try stuff and push my limits.

"I have a tendency to believe Im always right. When I say or do something, Im pretty confident about it."

I am well aware that I am often wrong, but I believe that knowing how likely I am to be wrong is grounds for greater confidence.

"I am a mixer and a mingler at parties. I am stimulated by group discussions."

Again two questions

"Im a straight forward person. Im not afraid to say or do what is right. I strongly believe it is more important to be truthful than diplomatic."

I am not afraid to say or do what is right, which I believe is usually to be diplomatic.

"I am a self-taught and I like to go beyond my limits. "

I don't see how those things are even related.

"Id rather fight dirty. I take advantage of my opponents weaknesses."

This question does not need clarification, and taking advantage of weaknesses is what combat is about. "I'd rather fight dirty" is all you need.

"Im a lone wolf. I seek peace and harmony."

Again with the two unrelated questions. You need to relax about clarifying yourself, especially given you seem to have very different ideas from me (and probably others) about what is synonomous. Mostly not a problem, given you can just split the questions in two.

Also the nature thing is what druids are all about. Nature is not tranquil, or in harmony, or any of that hippie bull. Nature is cruel and violent, and druids love it all the more for it. Also I would kinda like to do the hermit in the woods thing.

2014-04-05, 01:57 PM
You both are damn right!

I did more modifications. I think I cut out most of the contradictions!

2014-04-05, 07:22 PM
Seems about right. I'm a sorcerer (but very close to bard- both 59%).

I would also like to remind you that for every spelling mistake you make, a baby dies.

2014-04-06, 12:00 AM
Hahahahaha I'm a freaking bard. I love it. I don't get how barb was tied with wiz for second tho, that was a trip. Bravo.

2014-04-06, 12:34 AM
I'm pretty rightfully a bard, with Wizard, Barbarian, and Rogue all tied at 52%, which is pretty hilarious.

2014-04-06, 12:45 AM
Cleric or monk? Yes, that fits me.

2014-04-06, 01:38 AM
Got Cleric:smallbiggrin:

2014-04-06, 02:07 AM
3 way tie! :smallbiggrin:

Druid or ranger-63%
Monk -41%
Wizard -41%

2014-04-06, 04:48 AM
Hm, Druid or Ranger? But i wouldn't last two days in the wild. All i said was that i enjoy the calm of nature more than the city. Well, it is clear to me that i am a (bad) Factotum in real life.

Which reminds me: Do the other Standard classes. (Yay for making things more complicated)

Druid or ranger: 78%
Cleric: 52%
Monk: 48%
Rogue: 44%
Barbarian: 44%
Wizard: 41%
Sorcerer: 37%
Bard: 30%
Figther: 26%

ace rooster
2014-04-06, 07:03 AM
I'm a druid monk wizard (not quite a tie, but all over 80)! That seems very good now, but one question still bugged me a little:

"I dislike routine, rules and discipline. I am a free-mind."

Routine, rules and discipline have been a massive help in freeing me from 'dangerous' patterns of thought, that previously had been crippling. Some randomness in my thought has been sacrificed, but I am in much better control of myself now. That control is not loss of freedom, quite the opposite. The contrast is somebody who is led entirely by their emotions. They have no control over their actions, so how can they be free? Wild maybe, but not free.

An analogy is ownership of a car. It ties you to roads, fuel companies, insurance companies and mechanics, but it is hard to argue that you are less free owning one.

I can see why I scored so highly for monk. :smallsmile:

2014-04-06, 08:33 AM

Thanks everybody !

2014-04-06, 02:17 PM
You know, I usually hate these sorts of quizzes, but I'd say yours is a lot better than most. One minor problem I have with it is that your idea of a cleric seems more like a paladin to me, but the two are pretty similar so I guess it doesn't really matter that much. I got a tie between Cleric and Druid or Ranger with Monk as a close second, which, going by your definitions of those classes, actually fits me pretty well.

2014-04-07, 07:10 AM
You know, I usually hate these sorts of quizzes, but I'd say yours is a lot better than most. One minor problem I have with it is that your idea of a cleric seems more like a paladin to me, but the two are pretty similar so I guess it doesn't really matter that much. I got a tie between Cleric and Druid or Ranger with Monk as a close second, which, going by your definitions of those classes, actually fits me pretty well.

Thanks man, that's appreciated!

Cleric was a tricky one. In DnD, gods really exist and people/organization can draw power from them. IRL, it doesnt work that way.

2014-04-07, 07:28 AM
It worked out very well for me. The top result was Sorcerer, which is the only class I've really played much so far, and second to that was Rogue, and I haven't played that class so far, but in pretty much every other game I play, I tend toward that class/skillset (Elder Scrolls games, for instance).

2014-04-07, 08:36 AM
Pretty low overall... a few of those questions I would've liked to click some sort of middle ground between I slightly disagree and I slightly agree...

Druid or ranger

2014-04-13, 08:37 PM
I'm a Rogue/Sorcerer with emphasis on spellcasting, I guess.

2014-04-13, 11:56 PM
I'm a Cleric. Hello 9th Level Spellcasting!

2014-04-14, 07:56 AM

Very happy with the outcome. Suits me quite well.
Even though I dont see Wizards so much as knowledge/academic nerds, more like highly skilled problem solvers who like a challenge on an intellectual level. While the rogue part goes for solving these probles in very creative and sometimes mean ways.

The ideology of the classes are attuned I guess. Just surprised that Rogue came before Wizard as I answered most physical discipline questions negatively.

Nicely done though! It worked perfect for me. Just a LOT of questions =D\

Good Job,


2014-04-14, 08:14 AM
You Scored as Wizard
You are a wizard.

Druid or ranger

This is a nice test altogether. I'm pretty much a nerd, so Wizard would be the obvious way to go, I think. But I especially appreciate that Monk, Bard and Druid/Ranger are tied for 2nd place : I feel it accurately describes me and the not-so-coherent mess of my aspirations.

2014-04-14, 11:02 AM
It worked out very well for me. The top result was Sorcerer, which is the only class I've really played much so far, and second to that was Rogue, and I haven't played that class so far, but in pretty much every other game I play, I tend toward that class/skillset (Elder Scrolls games, for instance).

I'm glad the test fit well with your play style! It was exactly my goal :D

Pretty low overall... a few of those questions I would've liked to click some sort of middle ground between I slightly disagree and I slightly agree...

I feel like it adds precision that way.

I'm a Rogue/Sorcerer with emphasis on spellcasting, I guess.

Exactly :D

I'm a Cleric. Hello 9th Level Spellcasting!



Very happy with the outcome. Suits me quite well.
Even though I dont see Wizards so much as knowledge/academic nerds, more like highly skilled problem solvers who like a challenge on an intellectual level. While the rogue part goes for solving these probles in very creative and sometimes mean ways.

The ideology of the classes are attuned I guess. Just surprised that Rogue came before Wizard as I answered most physical discipline questions negatively.

Nicely done though! It worked perfect for me. Just a LOT of questions =D\

Good Job,


Thanks for your time hehe :)

The extensive hours of studying, practice and book reading make the wizard quite an academic nerd IMO.

The way the questionnaire is designed sucks. Each results (wizard, rogue, cleric, etc.) may have X questions. Each question gives or takes points from the result. Responding "I fully agree" to every wizard's question will give you 100% wizard result. I wanted to test many aspects of each class (alignment, characteristic, motivation, etc.), but this cause many over-lapping and redundance. If I erase some questions, it will drastically reduce the accuracy of the test (I think so, though).

This is a nice test altogether. I'm pretty much a nerd, so Wizard would be the obvious way to go, I think. But I especially appreciate that Monk, Bard and Druid/Ranger are tied for 2nd place : I feel it accurately describes me and the not-so-coherent mess of my aspirations.

I'm glad the test reflect it :D