View Full Version : Demonweb pits - player advice

2014-04-06, 05:18 AM
Heya playground!

I'm starting a Demonweb campaign as one of three players. We plan to play as a [divine caster], [arcane caster] and warblade (me), since someone needs to man the front lines and recieve buffs from the batman.

So, do you have any advice on what is a must have spell or item for this campaign? From the name i'm guessing we're gonna be dealing with spiders and demons?
Furthermore i'm deciding on the tripper build, but if there is a strong emphasis on spiders (with many legs) i don't really see it working that well. Is it viable?

2014-04-06, 06:47 AM
It's not a terribly difficult campaign for such a party, there's little need to worry. Tho Spot in class can help and of course, you'll be adventuring on the planes so your adversities will be more versatile than that. Tripper would work okay but you're a Warblade, there's little need to specialize that much. You get a lot of versatility from your maneuver selection alone. Obviously anti-outsider spells are convenient, but at the same time I wouldn't overload on them.

I'll say this: The Demonweb Pits are the domain of Lolth, the Spider Queen of the Drow. It's never that simple to simply go where you want on the plane: you'll need to travel so expect to see a lot of planar terrain. Knowledges, diplomatic and observational skills and of course magics (from stealth to control to even buffs) are all worth your while. And there's plenty of combat, as ever. More if you seek it out.