View Full Version : Thog and Miko

2007-02-05, 12:24 PM
I hope Miko doesn't become a blackgaurd, because I like Thog too much.

Allow me to explain: If Miko were to become a blackgaurd, she'd need peaceful contact with an evil outsider. As many of you have theorized this could be attained during her jail time and subsequent escape with the linear guild. At this point she could become a blackgaurd, and moreover, she'd be an evil opposite of Roy. She's a more dynamic villain than Thog, and so for the linear guild to hold their name, Thog would have to go.

I like Thog though, he's a funny character.

2007-02-05, 12:25 PM
Thog will become Belkar's opposite. Belkar, after all, is a Barbarian now.

Alternatively, Hinjo joins the OotS after Azure City's destruction, and Miko because his opposite.

2007-02-05, 12:31 PM
Hinjo can't join the party because Belkar would violate associates. Unless Belkar gets left behind, which I don't think would happen, because there's an odd amount of loyalty amongst the Order.

Twilight Jack
2007-02-05, 12:36 PM
Also keep in mind that peaceful contact with Sabine does not necessarily mean that Miko must join the Linear Guild. Should Azure City be destroyed, they could easily go their seperate ways.

Grey Watcher
2007-02-05, 12:37 PM
Miko could also become Belkar's new opposite. A methodical, dedicated and skilled tracker versus an impulisve, easily distracted, and inept tracker. Plus Monk and Barbarian, well, you can't find two classes more opposed to each other than that (apart maybe from Barbarian vs. Wizard).

Of course, that assumes that Rich consolidates his villains like that, which I doubt he'll do. I like Miko being her own entity, and not just folded into the overall threat of the Linear Guild like that. Makes he much less predictable and more dangerous.

2007-02-05, 12:39 PM
Man, I misinterpreted what this thread was about. From the subject line I thought the OP was going to propose a new relationship was coming in the works. :smallbiggrin:

On the whole I think the Orders' members are pretty set until the foreseen deaths begin, unless an eventual joke is put in suggesting a Johnny-Come-Lately has joined the RP group and has taken over an NPC as a PC. However since there are no player references in the comic I'm not sure how this would work.

And they can't get rid of Thog! He's... Thog! *sniff*

2007-02-05, 12:43 PM
I also thought at first you thought that Miko and Thog would be invovled in an romantic relationship, and frankly, I support that theory :smallbiggrin: . Brains would explode, organs would cook. Kidneys would be stolen by certain persons that are too crazy to see the damage done.

2007-02-05, 12:46 PM
Thog could never get replaced; he's treated far too tenderly by Rich. Everyone loves Thog. He's the best!

2007-02-05, 12:56 PM
Yeah, I just can't see Miko joining the linear guild like that. She seems like she would make a much better villian just by herself than being lead around by some egotistical screwup like Nale. She could do much more damage on her own. Plus, Thog ain't leaving anytime soon- I reckon.

2007-02-05, 01:07 PM
yeah. Miko with powers could beat down the entire order- Miko with evil paladin powers could do the same- much better then the LG (who I have nominated for the inept villain award).

2007-02-05, 05:16 PM
If Miko joins the Linear Guild it would be on the notion of working with evil people to accomplish a goal that she perceives as good. While I could see Miko doing this, this would also be a repeat of Yokyok, and I can't see The Giant using the same joke like that.

So no, I don't see Miko joining the Linear Guild. Thog is safe.

2007-02-05, 05:30 PM
Man, I misinterpreted what this thread was about. From the subject line I thought the OP was going to propose a new relationship was coming in the works. :smallbiggrin:

Man so did I

And i Don't think that after all that happened (you know all that I' am the truth kind of thing) Miko would accept another Leader .
But i do not exclude the possibility that she might become a BlackGuard .

2007-02-05, 05:39 PM
I tend to agree.

She might very well become a blackguard.

Having Miko dead and all would surely get her into the lich kings followers catch my drift? :)

2007-02-05, 05:53 PM
Miko's way too badass to even consider joining a bunch of losers like the linear guild.

2007-02-05, 06:03 PM
Personally I would love to see Miko become a blackguard, with some convincing from nale only to have miko replace nale as leader and the Linear guild winning.:smallbiggrin: