View Full Version : DM Help Yo ho ho and a bottle or Rum

Ranting Fool
2014-04-06, 04:21 PM
Hey there fellow playgrounders the puny adventurers have decided to travel to the "Thousand Islands" in my campaign in search of lost knowledge epic adventure and the Ranger's Horse that he lost and got shipped off there with the army currently conquering/exploring the place.

I'm looking for seafaring ideas or help (luckily there is a copy of storm wracked in the big old pile of DND books)

Those islands are known for:
Magic not working at all unless you have a talisman (Which lets level 3 spells or lower work) - Heroes want to find out why.
Rumors of Dragons there - Heroes want to slay if Evil
Undead Pirate Ships - Already bashed one rather small one
Magical Fog that leaves ships days off course - "Getting Lost is fun!"
Dangerous Storms - Heroes state they are "not afraid of a little rain" and went right through it
Renegade warships with Warmages - Big bounties on the 3 ships with Warmages but the 25+ other ships that have either gone missing or turned Pirate are unknown.

So any suggestions of joyful fun? (Party level 6-7, 4 with 2 cohorts. Cleric, Ranger, Fighter, Barbarian/Dragondisciple + Bard and Fighter/wiz)

Oh and if you are in my campaign and read this far.... shame on you.

2014-04-06, 06:12 PM
Krakens are always good fun, or Leviathans if you wish to really get jiggy.

Maybe there could be a story involving the navy, in which your party is severely outmatched in terms of numbers and resources (and no pirate story is complete if you aren't an underdog)

An Amazon-style civilization can be good fun if done right.

If all else fails, throw in a hurricane which turns into a skill puzzle.

2014-04-06, 06:36 PM
Island campaign? You could go with the classic Volcano Sacrifice scenario. :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-06, 08:24 PM
With a little work, a clichéd buried treasure with a map leading to it can actually be a fun evening. It probably goes without saying, of course, but I didn't see it on your list so I thought I'd suggest it.

2014-04-06, 09:02 PM
I have a nearly compete d100 Encounter and Hazard Table for Naval Adventures if you'd like me to post it.

Ranting Fool
2014-04-07, 03:49 AM
I have a nearly compete d100 Encounter and Hazard Table for Naval Adventures if you'd like me to post it.

Sounds good :smallsmile:

2014-04-07, 04:31 AM
How do you deal with alternate magic abilities such as Vestiges and Incarnum?

Shadow Magic, true naming, psionics, heck even warlocks have spell / power levels assigned.

If you want you could use Vestiges and Incarnum against the PCs - that way your villains could skirt the 3rd level limit, and magic would still be explained as restricted.

For NPCs, a few Vestiges and Soulmelds grant water supporting abilities, and they can get by without some magic equipment.

2014-04-07, 04:32 AM
A fun idea would be to arrive on the scene where a naval battle between to rival island nations is about to break out. Assuming your players are traveling on their own ship, they could choose to either side with one tribe, try to negotiate peace, or try to just sail in-between the opposing forces (which I think would be hilarious).

A magic area of water within the "get lost" fog that drags ships to the bottom, but otherwise allows them to function and the crew to breathe.

2014-04-07, 05:14 AM
85/100 complete on this table. Here we go:

1. Reefs- without caution a vessel can be driven onto a reef. Perhaps becoming trapped or even worse floundering and sinking. This will likely doom the crew to drowning or being battered against the reef if the seas are rough enough. Fishing will often be good near a reef.
2. Water Spout- a waterspout forms capable of sweeping sailors off deck and into the waters (those in rigging are almost certainly doomed). The sails are surely damaged and the vessel itself may be damaged.
3. Dolphin School- a dolphin school will follow the ships for hours or even days. Sailors who fall overboard may be rescued. Sharks will be driven off and encounters with other sea life may be mitigated.
4. Sudden Squall- sailors in rigging may be in danger. Strong chance of oncoming weather change.
5. Sandbar- usually only scrape bottom of boat but this can be a warning of a larger and more hazardous sandbar. May trap or flounder ship.
6. Giant Squid- will generally ignore ship but may snatch a few sailors from the decks before retreating. It will not stay to fight unless compelled by magical influences.
7. Sirens- will sing to draw sailors overboard or tempt the ship to be piloted into a nearby hazard.
8. Mermaids- a number of mermaids are sighted following the ship. With a good reaction they will defend the ship from sea monsters or warn about other hazards for a few days. on a bad reaction they may guide the ship to it's doom or tempt sailors to leap overboard to their doom.
9. War Canoes- savages or orcs attack the ship in a number of large primitive war canoes.
10. Sharks- sharks follow the ship for a few days. They will attack any sailors who fall overboard and may harass any small boats that launch while they follow. They will drive off schools of fish and may drive off other encounters.
11. Pirates- A ship or 2-4 longboats full of pirates. A ship may feign to be a merchant vessel prior to attack.
12. Raft- a raft with castaways. The cast aways are either survivors of a wreck, mutineers consigned to doom at sea or hapless victims of a pirate raid.
13. Raft, Ghoul- It will appear to be a raft of castaways but all onboard are dead (perhaps with a chest or other visible wealth to draw the greedy). Under the raft are a pack of ghouls ready to pounce.
14. Dragon Fly-by- A dragon flying high overhead. It may ignore vessel or possibly take a peek at the vessel in curiosity before moving on.
15. Hostile Squadron- 2-4 vessels of a hostile nation.
16. Patrol- 2-4 vessels of friendly nation patrolling the waters. They will be looking for pirates and smugglers.
17. Vortex- The ship is drawn to the exposed sea bed which will eventually close dooming those that can't escape.
18. Compass Malfunction- compass will be working improperly may throw the vessel off course for 2-7 days if navigation aided by compass.
19. Sea Snakes- little danger to the vessel unless it is becalmed unless one falls overboard or sailors are attempting to fish with nets.
20. Storm Damaged ship- a storm damaged ship is sighted limping along the sea. There will be a desperate captain and crew happy to be saved.
21. Rudder Comes Loose- the ship will be unable to maneuver quickly or well until repaired or replaced.
22. Rigging Fault- a sailor may fall from the rigging or people on deck may be harmed and possibly swept off deck.
23. Merchant Ship Approaching- A merchant ship is sighted and it is moving to match course and meet ship.
24. Merchant Ship Fleeing- A merchant ship is sighted and it is clearly avoiding the party vessel. Could be smugglers or simply cowards.
25. Ship Towing Another Vessel- a ship is sighted towing another ship. The second ship will either be clearly damaged or under-crewed. They could be pirates or buccaneers.
26. Plague Ship- a seemingly under-crewed vessel is sighted. It may have warning flags it may not. The ship is packed with dying victims of a plague that will surely spread to those that board it.
27. Ghost Ship- an odd vessel is sighted. It may appear recently abandoned or be clearly crewed with undead.
28. Trick Lighthouse- A lighthouses signal is spotted at night, indicating the ship has arrived at port no less than 8 hours early. Should the captain approach, he will be baited into rocks by the false lighthouse, and the ship will be stormed by vagrants/natives.
29. Lost Ship- a strange ship from some exotic land (or time) any who stay on board for too long will be lost with the vessel and will either be displaced in time or vast distance.
30. Turtles- a school of sea turtles is spotted they are edible and may be trapped by nets.
31. School of Fish- a school of fish is sighted. Fishing will supply the crew with 1-3 days worth of food for each day the school can be followed and fished.
32. Flock of Sea Birds- a Flock of seabirds is seen. May be a harbinger for a weather change or a nearby school of fish.
33. Shore Birds- may be from a nearby rookery. They are often edible and a sure sign of a nearby island. If a rookery each hunter can gather 2-5 days of food per day. 10% chance of despoiling rookery each day.
34. Carrion Birds- land is nearby as is something they would be feeding on.
35. Whale Sighted- a lone whale is spotted in the distance. If followed it may lead the vessel to a school of whales.
36. Whale School- a school of whales is spotted. Some may attack vessel (or launches). Will drive off a school of fish, may be followed by sharks.
37. Water Supply Sours- something has polluted the ships water supply. It will only be possible to save 10-30% of the ships water supply.
38. Food Stores Spoiled- Rot, mold, weevils or rats spoil the ships food stores. Only 10-30% of the ships food supply can be saved if quick action is taken.
39. Grog Turns- the ships precious supply of grog turns and is inedible, at best it is vinegar. A mutiny could follow if steps are not taken to correct.
40. Illness- a disease appears and quickly spreads among the crew (not likely if vessel hasn't been in port in past 3 weeks).
41. Scurvy- crew begins to sicken. Only possible if crew has been eating poorly.
42. Duel Between Sailors- two crewmen challenge each other to a formal duel.
43. Fight!- a number of sailors engage each other in a brawl. The brawl will last until one sailor is badly hurt, tossed overboard or killed if it isn't broken up. A loyalty check may keep the fight to little more then sour words.
44. Mutiny- a significant portion of the crew is unhappy with the captain and attempt to takeover the vessel.
45. Thief- there's a thief on board stealing from other sailors, the ships stores or the captain's cabin.
46. Stow-away- a stow-away is found. Could be a foolish youth, a beggar, a thief or possibly a family member or lover of one of the sailors.
47. Icing- a sudden cold snap coats the decks, ropes and sails in ice. The ship may be damaged and sailors are in jeopardy of falling from the rigging or overboard.
48. Becalmed- no wind or current of note for 1-6 days.
49. Contrary Winds- the winds are against the plotted course for 2-5 days.
50. Cross Current- an unexpected current draws the ship off course for 2-7 days.
51. Sargasso- calm waters overrun with troublesome sea plants. A sailed vessel will be slowed some but a rowed vessel will be drastically slowed for 2-7 days.
52. Flotsam- a wooden crate and a few boards drift by in the current. Floating debris is a possible sign of nearby island and/or a shipwreck.
53. Lights- lights are sighted at night. Could be nothing a warning, cast-offs seeking rescue, wreckers or pirates seeking to lure a vessel to it's doom.
54. Flying Fish- a single fish leaps from the water and collides with the mast of the ship. Then suddenly, scores of fish soar through the air, pelting and injuring some members of the crew and littering the deck. They stop as quickly as they began.
55. Sea Lions- sea lions circle the boat for days. Should anyone fall into the sea, they will quickly become food. If the ship has seen damage to the hull, the sea lions will force open the holes in the hull again out of curiosity, threatening to sink the ship.
56. Water Calm- Water calms, humidity rises to 100%, temperature climbs, you are driven mad with unquenchable thirst, the sun seems to stand still
57. Stormguard- ship is boarded and searched by the Stormguard for illicit goods. They roughly handle the crew (throwing about men and crates) and leave as unceremoniously as they arrived.
58. Insect Swarm- approaching low band of fog is actually a swarm of insects.
59. Underwater ruins- A lone rock ahead is covered in gulls. Closer, is is possible to see that the lone rock extends from a series of ruins very near the surface of the water.
60. Heavy Water- The waves of the water make an unusual boundary, and if not spotted promptly, the ship may crash into this heavy water, which might cause structural damage.
61. Pirates- These pirates are actually somewhat gentile, treating people with respect, vowing harm to noone, but still boarding the ship to take all supplies worth gold.
62. Whirlpool- a whirlpool nearly takes the ship underwater. In the aftermath, it seems the ship is in need of course correction and will be delayed by one more day.
63. Rogue Wave- a massive wave appears, nearly capsizing the ship and dealing some damage to the hull.
64. Sail Damage- The main sail finally succumbs to age, and tears loudly in the high morning winds. The crew works tirelessly to repair the sail for three days, accomplishing a patchwork job. 1D4: 1-2, a pirates spot the vessel and make to capitalize on its weakness, 3, a merchant vessel spots the ship and assists in repairs, shortening the repair time to two days, 4 uneventful.
65. Insanity- one of the crew goes loudly, but harmlessly insane. He spouts prophesies, many of them related to the PCs, but is locked up in the brig, leaving the deck a man down.
66. Strange Cargo- it is discovered that some of the cargo being carried is highly extraordinary. This might be a frozen creature from an ancient time, a large arcane relic from the time of the elves, or a living creature (one that is not human and looks to be a cross between a human and diabolus) which is bound and gagged, wearing a ring of sustenance.
67. Injury- a shipmate is struck by the boom and slips into a coma. The deck is now a man down.
68. Wet Gunpowder- it is discovered that the gunpowder for the ships only cannon has gotten wet. Except for a small crate containing 5 flasks of alchemist fire, the ship is defenseless.
69. Aurora- the night is lit up by a marvelous Aurora Borealis. This is though of as a good omen.
70. Time Loop- It is unclear how or why, but the ship has been caught in a loop lasting one hour, but using resources, at the end of which everyone falls asleep only to awake where they were an hour ago, with the sun and course reset. Only a few people (only those below deck) have memory of the loop. The fault is with an elven relic pulled aboard in the fishing nets at the end of the loop, though several red herrings might be found, like the presence of a strange mermaid out at sea, the captain's secretive actions (which reflect his planning to sell the boat and retire), a few strange lights in the sky, and a crew mate completing a marvelous painting which he titles “Time.”
71. Eclipse of Sun- Total eclipse of the sun is a very poor omen.
72. Fire!- a small fire breaks out on board, threatening to destroy the ship if not put out.
73. Sabotage- it is revealed that the lifeboats each have a hole drilled in them. Whoever is behind this wants to make sure noone makes it off this boat, but why?
74. Sudden Storm- a single dark cloud produces a squall which drenches the ship and crew for less than five minutes and dissipates.
75. Unmarked Island- After a disastrous trip, land unmarked on the map is spotted. A search party is assembled to go land side, and search for food and water.
76. Strange Plant- a bird lands on deck carrying an unknown plant. If left on deck, is grows overnight into a massive tangle of vines, covering the entire hull.
77. Floating Chest- A floating, watertight chest knocks up alongside- it might contain a relic, philosopher's journals, or junk
78. Port Closed- The scheduled refueling port is closed due to plague. The PCs may influence the captain to go into town and attempt to buy supplies, but if anyone gets sick or purchases contaminated cargo, it might be disastrous.
79. Glowing Algae- At night clouds of bio-luminescent algae light the water with an eerie blue glow, revealing dark shapes which move underneath the water.
80. Dragon Turtle Sighting- the spikes of a dragon turtle appear to on side of the ship. It is traveling in the same direction, but appears uninterested in you. Perhaps it has eaten recently.
81. Immense Storm- an immense storm, which has been gathering for days, strikes in just a few hours, causing minor damage to the ship and blowing it far off course.
82. Gull Droppings- one PCs is persistently defecated upon by one or more sea gulls over the course of several days.
83. Dark Island- an island cloaked in what appears to be a dark shadow (climbing high into the sky above it, in fact) appears on the route. If the PCs or captain choose to investigate closer, it is revealed that the island is uninhabited and volcanic and recently suffered an eruption.
84. Message in a Bottle- With some luck, the PCs might see a corked bottle knock against the side of the ship. Inside, a fragment of a treasure map can be found, on the back of which is scrawled a plea for rescue by a stranded sailor.
85. Visitation By a Strange Entity- In the middle of broad daylight, a man stands on deck and nobody is certain how he got there. He wears a dapper suit and speaks in riddles. While he is on board, all fire goes out, and no fire can be lit. He seems to offer the crew a great reward. In exchange for what, the PCs cannot yet tell.

Point of note: chunks of this were plundered from where I could find content, so I can't claim complete originality. That being said, most things were at least altered and expanded upon.

Ranting Fool
2014-04-12, 04:40 PM
85/100 complete on this table. Here we go:

85 ideas *snip*

Point of note: chunks of this were plundered from where I could find content, so I can't claim complete originality. That being said, most things were at least altered and expanded upon.

Thanks for this.
I've found that there is some good pirate music online (Assassin's Creed 4 is a good one) which my players enjoyed.

I'm currently mapping out the islands near them that have been "charted" and trying to think of cool island ideas / other tropical like features.

The whole region has mystical Fog that seems to leave ships massively off course. Players believe they are being teleported by these fogs, which is not an unreasonable Theory seeing as they are also kind of looking for temples to the dead God of Travel (Teleport spells more then Dimensional Door haven't worked for over 150 years)

A few I've listed that they know about.
Big Storm/whirlpool
Island with bay full of sunken ships (From 40+ years ago, the last time their empire tried to conquer/map this place) some ships seem do have had Evil rituals happen inside (bones of sacrificed bodies ect) and wraiths seen in a Ships Hold. Island itself was uninhabited from the little they saw before leaving (They had other things to do)
Large stretch of ocean with rocks just below the waves, nothing but tiny bare rock islands.
Bunch of little Islands
A few larger ones with port towns.