View Full Version : Reincarnate and Necrotic Cyst questions

2014-04-06, 04:26 PM
Greetings! In the most recent turn of the campaign i'm running, the party finished off a trio of assassins sent by an evil organization.

One fled via planeshift. Another surrendered...

And the third exploded via necrotic eruption, causing 2 party members to be affected.

The one who surrendered is now bound to the party, giving this a great chance to RP as the captured villain, horrified by her comrade's demise, is gradually shifting her alignment from CE to CN, even asking for her freedom in exchange for atonement and a geas, suggested by the party's wizard.

However, that is a different issue. The real objective of said organization was to send a 4th, much more skilled assassin, to kill a glaistig (MM3) npc ally to the party.

The party arrived at her lake too late, finding her dead and the party's druid cast reincarnate on her, turning her to a half elf.

The glaistig is grateful for this, but from a RP perspective, feels alienated. She is no longer a fey. Not even an elf, but a half elf.

Mechanically speaking, according to the spell, as a half elf, the glaistig gets no physical bonuses at all. But what about her SQ as a glaistig? Would she retain her DR? Her water symbiosis? SLA?

Now, as for the affected PCs, the necrotic cyst implanted in them opens up for a bunch of nasty spells. They know, though high checks, that "chirurgery" is required to remove the cyst (according to Libris Mortis). It also details the mechanics- a Heal Check.

Would any npc or PC with enough ranks in heal be able to do so? Or would it require someone with Profession (Chirurgeon) to accomplish this?

Thank you in advance.

2014-04-06, 11:33 PM
First off.. anyone with heal skill could make the check. they dont need any profession to do this.

Any creature reincarnated, would not retain any special abilities from a former form, imo.