View Full Version : Full spellcasting progression on partial progression PrCs

2014-04-06, 10:23 PM
Are there any new standouts if I give every partial progression PrC full progression? Aside from the old ones, like Initiate, Hathran, Incantatrix, Dweomerkeeper, etc.

2014-04-07, 01:34 AM
Well some gish prestige classes look more appealing, though I don't think you're particularly worried about those. Swiftblade becomes one of the best gishes EVER. 10/10 casting, Full bab, 2 good saves, spellcasting stat to initiative, 50% concealment vs attacks, 50% chance to make targeted spells fail against you, AN EXTRA STANDARD ACTION, LOWER LEVEL TIME STOP. It has abilities that really are worth losing 3-4 caster levels for.

Out of the gish classes I think that's the highest jump in value. Spellsword becomes kinda usable but still outclassed by other abilities (nice 4 level dip I guess though), Jade Phoenix Mage and Ruby Knight Vindicator become better but they were already pretty awesome.

2014-04-07, 04:57 AM
Hmm... Mindbender might be more playable then too. With the enchantment bonuses and all you could almost get yourself up to being a kind of arcane Thrallherd between the Eternal Charm, Domination and regular castings of Charm and Dominate.

I'd give a full casting Mindbender a try.

Green Star Adept could be kinda fun too as a full caster, but being a dust-junkie wannabe golem never appealed to me.

2014-04-07, 05:02 AM
Blood Mage becomes slightly less bad.
Master Transmogrifist is now amazing.

2014-04-07, 05:17 AM
Wyrm wizard will be a good dip, or a full fledged no-strings-attached option for nabbing other spells.

Better eldritch theurge/disciple, as well as ultimate magus.

True Necromancer becomes playable and worth checking out on dual-ninths necromancy.

Rage mage becomes a real good class in flavor and playability.

Prestige Ranger/Bard/Paladin becomes a viable build, instead of spell list dips.

Walker in the Waste will be more crazy awesome.

Arguments on Rainbow Servant will die down.