View Full Version : My old DnD party drawn by me.

2007-02-05, 02:20 PM
Hi, I thought I would post my drawing I made of the DnD party that weve been playing recently. Unfortunately they all died a few sessions ago, except for the small guy
Here is a link because the picture is a bit big (http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y196/Tobi-Sean/Gruppe2.jpg)

A short description:
on the very left we got Pyro the Gnome Wizard, the next one is Seras, a human Bard (the only female), then Pyrathien a Fire Genasi Rogue (played by me) and on the very right Zim, a Tiefling Barbarian.
The whole group was chaotic evil and therefor hard to control for the DM. We had a lot of fun spoiling his plots ^^
Since the Gnome was the only one who survived the terrible incident that led to the death of the taller characters, he found his place in a new party, thats now consisting of a female human fighter specializing in double bladed sword played by me (I'm thinking about getting a prestige class, but i haven found a suiting one that i could get the needed conditions for), a half orc barbarian (who is pretty much like Thog, but unintentionally), a human rogue cleric, and 2 new players one playing a human fighter specialized in longbows and a female Elf ranger.
I'm telling you this because a drawing of the new group will follow. (and the gnome has changed his style a little over the time)

2007-02-05, 02:28 PM
Heh, good drawing and story :smallbiggrin:

2007-02-09, 05:24 PM
Thanks. The story actually is longer. And muich mure dis(turb/gust)ing.