View Full Version : Stuart Snyder Resigning.

2014-04-07, 07:23 AM

Ok, so, I actually think I first heard this from a different report and source that was posted near, not on but near April fools day, and I discounted it cause don't trust the net too close to April fools day. But I keep hearing this report, and I'm starting to think it's legit.

So, does anyone know if this is a real thing that is really happening? And if it is, anyone got any inkling on weather this means CN will FINALLY start pulling themselves back on track?

Aotrs Commander
2014-04-07, 09:45 AM
It seems hardly likely they can get much worse, is it? I mean, I barely watch CN over this side of the pond anymore anyway, aside from maybe some of Ben Ten [Series I haven't Watched To Death] if there's nothing else on any of the other children's channels.

2014-04-07, 09:46 AM
Well, your article is dated Mar. 6, 2014, so it doesn't look like an April 1st prank.

Especially if it is posted in multiple sources (and before April) I would suspect it to be real. Different news websites or organizations generally don't work together on their April Fools pranks.

2014-04-07, 10:15 AM
Commander: They could, but they'd really have to work at it. The bigger question is weather they'll actually improve or just languish where they are.

erikun: *blinks and looks.* So it does. I was a bit suspicious because of the time frame I first heard about this, but that pretty much trumps that.

So, that all said, does anyone have any news on who's replacing him and what the guy who he's leaving rather then work with's stance on Animation is?

2014-04-07, 04:43 PM
So, that all said, does anyone have any news on who's replacing him and what the guy who he's leaving rather then work with's stance on Animation is?

I don't think anything has really been confirmed yet.

Though this is basically right on expected schedule, truth be told. He had a bit to lay out his five year plan, the five years to execute it and fail miserably and repeatedly, then a bit while his bosses at the parent company decided to throw him out. Snyder got by in that time by shifting numbers around for press releases and ratings, trying to trump up a reputation as "fun", and trying to smokescreen the truth since he has no direct shareholders to answer to. But those tricks don't work against your bosses. They knew exactly which decisions were his and how many successes ran counter to his wishes(Toonami's revival being a big one, with it's decline being directly due to him to begin with). He couldn't make excuses or run distractions, so when heads started to roll, his was first on the block.

Turner and Time Warner are probably going to look into things more heavily to figure out what went wrong, then appoint someone based off that info. They've been notoriously mismanaging a few subsidiaries for a while and at this point they're painfully aware exactly how bad it is.

Scowling Dragon
2014-04-08, 12:24 AM
I hope the door breaks his ass on the way out.

2014-04-08, 01:37 AM
So CN might actually show quality cartoons again? I miss those days.

2014-04-08, 01:49 AM
This is an argument for the existence of a benevolent god if there ever was one.

2014-04-08, 03:32 PM
Jay: So, what your saying is that this "creative differences" thing that's being given as the official reason is just him trying to damage control being fired so that his reputation is, hopefully, not so horribly tarnished that he can't get another job, and his bosses trying to be gracious enough to allow him that much on his way out?

Scowling: Don't wish that on him, if it happened he might be encouraged to sue for faulty building maintenance and pad his pockets more at the possible expense of money that could be used toward a budget for a revival of Young Justice. ;)

Grif: That's the question I'm hoping to find an answer too. I know he was the big problem, but I want to know if the guy who's gonna replace him is gonna be no improvement/not much of an improvement, and if his bosses have figured out based on his track record how to avoid all of his horrible mistakes.

TheSummoner: I wholeheartedly concur.

2014-04-08, 07:28 PM
Jay: So, what your saying is that this "creative differences" thing that's being given as the official reason is just him trying to damage control being fired so that his reputation is, hopefully, not so horribly tarnished that he can't get another job, and his bosses trying to be gracious enough to allow him that much on his way out?

Oh without a doubt. The pacing of these decisions and the things said by various people over the years all point to Snyder essentially being forced out. He's a man who likes to waste time and distract from scrutiny, drove off basically every creator in the networks stable, hasn't been able to get a solid contract with anyone he's had the network working with, and generally screwed up bigtime in every area. Everything I know about business says Snyder failed to live up to expectations and was booted as a result. If he'd left of his own free will, we'd probably have had this announced much farther in advance, had a successor picked out, and had more weighty statements from him on the matter. At business speed, this was kind of shockingly fast for something this dramatic. The only reason he even lasted this long was basically because he never really came under scrutiny before.

Seriously though, I'd give anything to be a fly on the wall in those meetings. The list of failings has got to be as long as your arm and they probably decided to drag him through every single one of them.

2014-04-09, 02:58 PM
So Jay, here's a question and if anyone on this board has an answer too it it's probably you, since I know the decline of CN and Snyder in general are a couple of your particular infuriants. (That's probably not a word but you get the idea.)

With Snyder out/on his way out, is there anyone else involved in the management/editorial department/executive levels of CN and it's parent companies that needs to similarly be either axed or at the very least demoted/transferred in order for CN to get back in gear and return to focusing on the thing that people bother to watch the network for, namely, medium to high quality cartoons and animation? Or was it JUST Snyder, and now that he's gone is the only thing that can go wrong and prevent a comeback now would be putting someone who's similarly bad/barely any better/actually in defiance of all the laws of the universe a down grade form Snyder, or is there another potential pit fall that I should be watching for before getting my hopes up?

Scowling Dragon
2014-04-09, 03:59 PM
Well its gonna take a while before things get rolling. Even as a start Snyder pissed off every golden egg laying goose.

2014-04-09, 04:12 PM
Yes, but if he was the only problem child, or the only thing keeping the problem children from being rapidly removed form the equation, I could see them going to some of there better creative talent and going "ok, so, last guy was incompetent and has been sacked for it, what's it gonna cost to get you to work on a project or two for us? We promise you will not be jerked around like the last guy was so fond of doing."

Course, that assumes they've accepted there gonna have to put in some serious money and work in in order to repair the damage Snyder did during his tenure, and are actually prepared to just suck it up and do it. And that there aren't one or more problem people to first be rooted out before that can work. Which is sorta the question at hand. Are there any more in house problem children that need to be sacked/demoted/transferred away/something, and have they accepted there gonna have to swallow a lot of work, grief and monetary spending to get back on track and repair the damage to there network, ratings, reputation and proverbial creative infrastructure that Snyder inflicted in his obsession with putting his own senses of happiness, satisfaction and enjoyment over the actual needs of CN for years?

2014-04-09, 06:09 PM
I have no idea who'll need to be axed or who's replacing him. Odds are he wasn't alone and he used his authority to appoint yes-men or intimidate people into complying, since even in videos made to make him look friendly he comes off as a sycophant. Just a CEO alone can't screw up this bad and even going along with things for this long should be considered a sin. Obviously this is the kind of thing that needs a full, legit explanation before anything can proceed. If there was just one bad egg they could just take out Snyder and announce a new guy. Heck, even if it was just two. But there are so many things that have failed over the years indicative of bad business sense there's probably more than a few people that need to come under scrutiny.

Remember, this is a series of screwups that've gone on for six years. Just surface level examination will reveal glaring issues and once you go deeper it just gets worse. I don't know what the guys at Turner and Time Warner are looking at, but it probably isn't pretty.

Scowling Dragon
2014-04-09, 07:09 PM
I know its slightly early but....


Tanuki Tales
2014-04-09, 07:39 PM
So CN might actually show quality cartoons again? I miss those days.

Adventure Time and Steven Universe are pretty good. >.>

2014-04-09, 08:50 PM
Adventure Time and Steven Universe are pretty good. >.>

In addition to these two, I'll throw in Gumball. It's actually the closest thing on the channel at the moment that resembles the main content that was around pre-Snyder, being a animated comedy that mostly succeeds at it being comedic without being as radar-breaking as, say, uh, Regular Show.

2014-04-09, 09:51 PM
I have no idea who'll need to be axed or who's replacing him. Odds are he wasn't alone and he used his authority to appoint yes-men or intimidate people into complying, since even in videos made to make him look friendly he comes off as a sycophant. Just a CEO alone can't screw up this bad and even going along with things for this long should be considered a sin. Obviously this is the kind of thing that needs a full, legit explanation before anything can proceed. If there was just one bad egg they could just take out Snyder and announce a new guy. Heck, even if it was just two. But there are so many things that have failed over the years indicative of bad business sense there's probably more than a few people that need to come under scrutiny.

Remember, this is a series of screwups that've gone on for six years. Just surface level examination will reveal glaring issues and once you go deeper it just gets worse. I don't know what the guys at Turner and Time Warner are looking at, but it probably isn't pretty.

I was afraid you'd have an answer along those lines. So, step in the right direction but it's not time to pop the quark just yet then.

On the bright side, you've been saying for awhile the guy needed to go, and now we know why they kept him long as they did. They were giving him enough rope to hang himself on his own plan, and he did exactly that. And now he's gone, hopefully with a lot of yes men to follow.

Oh, and Gumball and Regular Show arn't that bad, but they look better then they are I think by simple virtue of how bad the rest of the network lineup is.

Steven Universe and Adventure Time happened and worked in spite of this guy, kinda like Toonami;s revival.

2014-04-10, 12:37 AM
Does this mean we might get Young Justice back? :smallfrown:

2014-04-10, 01:32 AM
Does this mean we might get Young Justice back? :smallfrown:

No. that was axed because the toys sold poorly and too many women watched. (I know, I know)

2014-04-10, 10:48 AM
Does this mean we might get Young Justice back? :smallfrown:

From what I understand Weismann is off doing the new Star Wars stuff, so he probably hasn't got time for Young Justice. From what I remember, they didn't even pay him for season two and he had to show up for free on top of everything else he was doing in his career. Which is true for most of the other shows that've gone. They've either got key people who aren't working for the company and have their hands full, or else there's some kind of other issue, and anything leftover probably wouldn't be considered due to how long it's been/would take, since a revival years down the line might be something of an issue.

If a show you like is gone, it's basically gone. If it were greenlighted, you'd get a revival years out missing key people, and maybe with major overhauls as well the same way Xiaolin Showdown and Teen Titans came back.

Scowling Dragon
2014-04-10, 12:12 PM
So you would probably want them dead over a crap revival.

2014-04-10, 03:03 PM
Maybe, though in fairness Young Justice would be unique in that they've successfully done interconnected and none interconnected DC properties as animations quite a few times before. So, while exact continuation of Young Justice would be hard, it's not impossible. And another higher end DC Animation is, if anything, actually probable, since I'm certain someone will think to say "What if this time we went for the young justice demographic, but we didn't invest much in toy marketing and instead focused on marketing T-shirts and such and splitting the advertising space between adds for male's and adds for female oriented products?"

That said, if Wiesmann was not paid for season 2, getting him to work with the network on anything sounds, again, like it would take a massive amount of sweet talking and apologizing and involve giving him a lot of money up front and an Iron Clad Contract that says "no matter what, you get paid in full." to get him to treat them like there on the up and up. And if it were me in his shoe's, I wouldn't be able to blame him.

Though personally, since they want a flash cartoon about super hero's being funny, I kinda like the idea of hiring Lauren Faust to do SBFF's as a full show in place of Teen Titans Go.