View Full Version : Way of the Wicked: An Infernal Vision (IC)

Maugan Ra
2014-04-07, 02:48 PM
Act One: Prison Break

On the southern coast of Talingarde, there is an island. It is a miserable little lump of rock, barren save for a few particularly hardy examples of moss and lichen, perpetually lashed by the surging waves and howling winds of the southern ocean.

On this island, there stands a castle. A squat, forbiddingly ugly collection of weathered stone buildings surrounded by a thick defensive wall, it was built by a long-vanished noble family centuries ago, to act as an early warning post and rally point against any hypothetical invasion from one of the southern nations across the endless sea. This purpose, alongside the castle's initial name and the identity of it's founder, are now known only to the more dedicated historians of Talingarde. To everyone else, it is simply Branderscar.

Though the people of Talingarde are typically law-abiding and pious, and the laws both fair and merciful, every so often even the most placid herd will yield up a black-hearted monster. Rapists, murderers, devil-worshippers... it is for beings such as this that Branderscar was turned to it's current purpose, as both holding facility and execution ground.

The prison has acquired quite the reputation. No other place in the nation inspires quite so much fear and dread, or offers such security to those who might otherwise fear to sleep at night. Common wisdom holds that escape is, quite simply, impossible - in eighty years of service, none have managed to leave once confined within. None of which makes you feel any better about your present situation.

You are, all of you, condemned. Your undeniable guilt confirmed by the courts, everything you ever had has been long since taken from you, delivered to your victims as restitution or else seized by the state which you have betrayed. Bound hand and foot in heavy chains, clad in miserable rags, your flesh seared with the runic 'F' brand of the Forsaken, there seems little left for you in this world than to wait for the end.

The five of you have been thrown together into this single, slightly cramped cell, and generally ignored save for a few insults spat in your direction by patrolling guards and the delivery of an occasional bowl of gruel. It is cold, damp and virtually lightless, the small window and flickering torch in the corridor outside giving only the faintest traces of illumination.

In three days, the executioners will arrive, and your lives will end. Three days.

OK, so, that might have been a bit more wordy than I was expecting. Point is, you are all of you locked in a single, virtually unadorned cell in the middle of the country's most notorious prison. Feel free to take this opportunity to introduce your characters, and then we'll get the plot rolling.

2014-04-07, 03:38 PM
The bald dwarf sits with his back to the wall on the bare stone floor and scowls ferociously at the walls, the door, and his fellow cellmates. He does not speak much, though at least one guard has called him "Rockhammer".

From time to time, he strains with all his mightily muscled body at the chains that bind him, but the steel is stronger than he is, and he collapses, panting.

In a voice that sounds like rocks cracking, he finally gives voice to his frustrations. "Wish I could scalp just one of those puny guards."

2014-04-07, 04:44 PM
At the back of the cell, facing the door, stands a man with a lump on his forehead. What the lump is remains unclear, as does the name of the man. His eyes and mouth remain closed. To the most observant of his cell mates, slight dilation and contraction of the nostrils at regular intervals indicates that the man is still breathing and has not, in fact, died on his feet. The ragged prison garb reveals the man's arms, crossed in front of him, to be extraordinarily muscular for a human. Since arriving in the cell and walking to his current position, the man has made neither sound nor motion.

2014-04-07, 05:56 PM
In one of the corners stands a lithely muscled man of average height with the barest hint of pointed ears showing through his disheveled shoulder length brown hair. He wears the same outfit as all the rest but seems to have an extra belt a similar colour to his flesh. He peers intently at his shackles and makes a few experimental attempts to slip out of them, then turns to the others and says with a smile,"I don't suppose any of you have a plan to get out of here yet, do you?"

2014-04-07, 11:17 PM
Shackled to the back wall, along with the others, was a man sturdy yet thin, of relatively fair complexion, and lacking definition. Even with several days of growth on his face, sporting a black eye and bruised cheek, and garbed in nothing but prison rags, he stood almost regally, gifted with a presence and charisma that seemed almost unnatural. His brown hair a mess, his blue eyes starred into the dark cell as he listened to the other occupants and gave his eyes time to adjust.

In response to the question posed by the half-elf, Lukasz smiled calmly and replied "Patience and opportunity. One we will need as we wait for the other to present itself." I just hope one does, I have too much to accomplish to die in a dark hole with others who seem just as 'irredeemable' as myself, he thought to himself before continuing, "Until then, lets let thoughts of revenge on the guards that left their mark on us fuel us as we see what ideas we can come up with."

2014-04-08, 12:25 AM
Rockhammer glares at the man with the belt and pointed ears with undisguised and concentrated loathing. "I hate you."

He glares at the others, too, and snarls, "I hate all of you. You stink."

Then he lowers his head until his bearded chin brushes against his extremely wide and muscular neck and mutters, "But, by the Prince, I hate this place and the guards more."

2014-04-08, 05:21 AM
D'Rakka is clearly the oddest amongst the cell mates with his long horns and tail in constant motion. His body is slim and well muscled. He sits in calm contemplation as he has from the beginning. He sits near the bars staring into the torch outside the cell.
"As the human says, we need to wait for an opportunity. When that opportunity arises we must act and act without hesitation. If we get a chance, I can fight effectively with no weapons and if there is an explosion of fire, pay it no heed as is will simply be a distraction, a gift from Asmodeus. If I say close your eyes, do so without hesitation, but only until you hear the explosion."

Maugan Ra
2014-04-08, 06:30 AM
"Have faith."

One moment, the corridor outside your barred cell is empty. The next, there is a woman there, standing with one hand resting on the cold metal. She appears human, a tall and beautiful lady with platinum-blond hair and piercing green eyes, wearing a long black dress more appropriate for a funeral.

Her voice is smooth and melodious, tinged with a wicked hint of amusement as she surveys the five of you.

"There is always an opportunity, for those skilled enough to seize it."

2014-04-08, 07:06 AM
"Well if you are looking for skilled individuals, my lovely lady, then you have come to the correct place." Narciso responds calmly to their new guest.

2014-04-08, 07:09 AM

D'Rakka rises to his feet, his eyes meeting hers.

2014-04-08, 10:56 AM
Lukasz had met some like the dwarf, those angry at the world. He seemed to lack control of his emotions, and that type of personality could spell disaster for any type of escape. But it wouldn't do to confront the dwarf now on it, especially if the dwarf felt greater hatred for the men that had imprisoned them all. He would use that for now, and worry about the consequences later.

Before Lukasz was able to speak another word, he was surprised to see the beautiful woman suddenly appear outside of their cell. If he only had access to that kind of power, it would be an easy thing to escape this hole. Alas, that type of spell had not revealed itself to him yet. To the woman's words, Lukasz responded, "Yes, but the skilled cannot seize that which has not shown itself. Unless of course, you might be offering that opportunity. If that is the case, what would you, as benefactress, be asking in return?"

2014-04-08, 12:11 PM
Rockhammer glances sideways and twitches when the horned tiefling mentions Asmodeus. Then his small piggish eyes bug out in surprise as the beautiful woman manifests out of thin air.

He mutters, mostly to himself, "'Tis a trick."

But his intrinsic suspicion seems half-hearted at most. He nods subtly when the very pretty man asks what's in it for her.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-08, 01:07 PM
The pale-haired woman inclines her head slightly towards Lukasz, acknowledging his point.

"Call me Tiadora. I come with an offer... of employment, and other, greater things in time." She says smoothly. It strikes you that the guards should surely have heard this by now - their watch station is barely forty foot or more along the corridor. "My Master has heard great things about all of you, and he is curious to see whether they are true. However, he is somewhat unwilling to venture into a place quite so... squalid as this, so first you must escape."

She smiles, as though as some private joke. "This is the bargain. I provide supplies, and some limited assistance in assuring your escape... and once you are beyond these walls, you consent to a meeting with my patron, to hear his offer in person."

2014-04-08, 01:19 PM

D'Rakka nods without any hesitation. "I am in, Tiadora. My goal was to escape anyway. It seemed the better option over execution."

2014-04-08, 01:36 PM
Lukasz feigned deep thought, as if weighing his options. However, this was done more out of habit than any actual uncertainty on his part. Lukasz knew that no better deal would present itself and so responded, "That seems a fair bargain." The man winced a moment as the fresh brand accidentally rubbed against the stone of the cell wall before he continued, "If I manage to make it out of this place, I will meet with your patron."

2014-04-08, 01:38 PM
Rockhammer frowns in concentration as he tries to look for traps and loopholes, but any chance at all of avoiding the terrible fate in store for him must be seized.

He nods once and decisively. "Yeah, I agree."

For the first time since he arrived in Brandescar, the surly dwarf smiles. His teeth are a shiny and hard-looking gray. Strange.

2014-04-08, 01:50 PM
At the back of the cell, the man who had been silent and still lowered himself to one knee, bowing his head in subservience. It seemed that he agreed to serve this woman and her patron.

2014-04-08, 02:21 PM

"Well always interested in business, especially ones that at least temporarily save my life."

Maugan Ra
2014-04-08, 04:17 PM
Tiadora seems to be the sort of woman who smiles all but constantly - if not in particularly reassuring fashion - but right now, you would guess that she is pleased.

With her left hand, she makes a complicated arcane gesture - sadly too quick to get a proper look at the specifics - before reaching into what appears to be empty air and plucking out a moderately sized bag of some grey silk. This is tossed through the bars, and lands in the centre of your cell with a dull thump.

"No one has ever escaped Branderscar before. But then, there are weaknesses in the prison that were not there in the past, either." She says, in an almost mockingly thoughtful fashion. "If you should survive and make it to the shore, you will have proven yourselves capable enough, and I will meet you once again. But, of course, the chains."

The blond woman brings her hands together in front of her, the very tips of each finger touching their counterparts. When she pulls them apart again, thin strings of brilliant red light connect them like a spider's web. A quick flourishing gesture, and the scarlet strands flicker out towards you with blinding speed...

A moment later, and the heavy iron chains around your hands and ankles fall away, the severed ends glowing faintly. Tiadora banishes her spell with another gesture, then touches her hands briefly to her lips, almost as though she were blowing you all a kiss.

"Try not to disappoint."

Then she is gone, and the corridor is empty once more.

2014-04-08, 04:25 PM

D'Rakka quickly and quietly moves to check the content of the bag.

2014-04-08, 04:44 PM
Hoping that the others here were willing to work together, Lukasz sprung into action. Speaking in a whisper, he said, "I am assuming that we do not have much time. If any of you have a sharp eye, I suggest they keep watch while we sort out what we have been given." Moving with D'Rakka as he spoke, he also went to check what was in the bag. Continuing to speak, he said, "It would be a good idea to get to know what each of us is capable of. The faster we can learn to work together, the better chance we will have of meeting up with the lovely lass again. I am Lukasz and outside of my understanding of the corrupt Talingard structure, I have been gifted with arcane talent that can ensnare the mind and grease the way."

2014-04-08, 05:03 PM
taking the suggestion from Lukasz Narciso moves to the bars to keep an eye out for guards while saying, "I'm Narciso and I have many talents from acquiring objects to opening doors."

2014-04-08, 05:07 PM

After a quick glance in the bag he hands it to Lukasz. "I am fair at fighting without weapons and advising people how to improve their ability to fight. For now I will keep any eye on the guards."

2014-04-08, 11:37 PM
Rising to his feet, the yet unnamed man moves quietly past those gathered around the bag and next to the cell bars. He looks down the hallway towards the guard post; all three eyes are now open. His cellmates can see the unnatural coloration of the third. There is nothing in the bag that he needs; his free hands are enough.

Perception: [roll0]

2014-04-09, 12:52 AM
The burly dwarf inhales sharply as the chains fall away. He eyes the chains and rubs his wrists and ankles where they had gripped him, and he mutters, "Not all illusion, then."

He listens attentively as the others name themselves and describes their various talents. He also raises his eyebrows as the silent man opens all his eyes.

He rumbles, "I am Pugnacius, and I serve the Dark Prince." As he walks to the center of the cell, he tears off what little remains of his shirt, displaying the reddish-purple symbol of Asmodeus on his back.

Like the three-eyed man, he does not seem very interested in the contents of the bag. Still, he eyes it as he begins to incant. The symbol of Asmodeus on his back seems to pulse and writhe as the dwarf draws on his deity's awful majesty.

Cast Detect Magic. Scan towards the bag first, then in all other directions, particularly towards the cell door and including up and down.

Once Pug has identified all the directions in which there is magic, continue to scan until he has identified all the items and areas that emanate magic.

2014-04-09, 08:01 AM
Seeing the nameless man with a magical eye keeping watch Narciso decides he probably isn't needed at the bars after all, and goes to check the bag

Maugan Ra
2014-04-09, 02:07 PM
The sack is, as it turns out, surprisingly spacious inside... and to Pugnacius' enhanced vision, subtly magical. A series of items are held within, each carefully bound and sorted:

- A length of hemp rope, some 50ft or more.
- Two wickedly sharp daggers.
- A variety of small and complex looking items that some of you recognise as being of significant use to thieves and scoundrels (masterwork thief's tools)
- A small lantern, with a shutter to conceal the glow when required.
- A strange hollow square of wood, also magical.
- A number of sets of clothes, which further investigation reveals are actually tailored to your exact measurements.
- A small glass bottle, filled with an unknown magical liquid.
- A small pouch of coins, perhaps 100gp in total.

Those watching the corridor note that there are no signs of the guards coming to investigate just yet... but there is something else that catches at the eye. One of the other cells on your level is occupied.

Given the angle, it is difficult to tell who or what is incarcerated along with you, but the shadowy form is undeniably rather large...

2014-04-09, 02:22 PM
Pug squints at the gray silk sack. He rumbles, "Three are magic: Potion, wooden square, and the sack itself."

He frowns in concentration as he tries to discern what enchantment each item bears. Perspiration beads on his smooth but lumpy forehead.

Spellcraft - Potion: [roll0]

Spellcraft - Wooden square: [roll1]

Spellcraft - Sack: [roll2]

Maugan Ra
2014-04-09, 02:45 PM
The potion appears to be a healing tonic of some kind, judging by the patterns of magical energy Pug can faintly perceive swirling around within. The other two items, unfortunately, are beyond his skill to identify.

2014-04-09, 02:59 PM
Pug curtly says, "Healing potion. I don't need it."

"Looks like the bag carries more than it should. The square, I dunno."

Unless someone or something interrupts, he takes off his filthy rags and dresses himself in the dwarf-sized clothing.

Unless someone stops him, he also grabs one of the daggers.

After that, he steps back and watches the others to see which items they grab for themselves.

2014-04-09, 03:10 PM
Narciso will take the clothes that are his size and the thieves tools with a grin. "I'll take the other dagger if no one else wants it."

2014-04-09, 03:24 PM
Stepping momentarily over to the bag, the man takes a pair of pants his size from the sack and wraps them around his waist. No time to change now, when the guards may return at any time to check on them. The large shape in the other cell may be of use; the man notes it for later. He returns to his watch post while the others ready themselves.

2014-04-09, 05:16 PM
Listening to the dwarf's words, Lukasz mutters off a short incantation as his eyes too begin to glow. Identifying the remaining magical items, Lukasz put his knowledge of magic to use as he attempted to identify the properties of the enchanted items.

Whether his attempts functioned or not, he will find a suitable change of clothing so that he could get out of the prison rags.

Cast Detect Magic and attempt to identify magic items
Wooden square: [roll0]
Bag: [roll1]

2014-04-09, 05:20 PM
After looking over the fitted clothing, Lukasz begins to wonder how much the woman and her patron already knew about him. The fact that they were able to get clothing that suited each meant that they were with resources that could prove useful, but were also potentially dangerous. He would have to store this information for later.

2014-04-09, 05:32 PM

D'Rakka continues to watch beyond the bars.

2014-04-10, 11:08 AM
Pug looks to Narciso to unlock and open the door.

2014-04-10, 12:17 PM
Narciso will make use of his new tools and pick the lock on the door.


Maugan Ra
2014-04-11, 06:43 AM
The lock on the door stubbornly refuses to yield. Fortunately, none of the guards appear to have overhead the slight scraping noises created by the picks. At least, not yet.

Sorry, no taking 10 on this one, as there are definitely potential consequences for failure.

2014-04-11, 08:03 AM
Narciso will silently curse himself and try again


Maugan Ra
2014-04-11, 01:54 PM
This time, the lock gives way, and the cell gate swings silently open. You are free, and into the corridor. There are four more cells along it's length, and a pair of iron doors at the far end, which prior experience tells you lead to the guard post and an... interview chamber.

In one of the other cells, something large shifts, and moves forwards into the dim torchlight. Hands the size of dinner-plates wrap around iron bars, and small black eyes peer out from under a ragged mane of black hair.

The ogre watches you silently, and you cannot help but think there is more intelligence in those eyes than you might have credited to such a beast.

2014-04-11, 02:17 PM
Pug puts all unclaimed items (probably the wooden square, the potion, the rope, the lantern, and the coins) back into the grey silk sack and hauls it over one shoulder. He carries the dagger in his right fist.

When he sees the ogre staring back at them, he freezes, then glances furtively at his companions, a question in his eyes.

2014-04-11, 02:49 PM
Now clothed, Lukasz saves any primping and preening for when they are safely away. Moving out into the hall, Lukas spots the ogre peering at him. He had never seen one of these creatures before but had heard tales of their strength and savagery, two useful characteristics to have along in a prison break. Approaching the door of the cell, but staying out of reach, Lukasz asked in a whisper, "What is your name and what will you do if you can get out of this place?"

2014-04-11, 02:58 PM
Stepping out of the cell, the statue man walks quietly along the hall, examining the other cells as he passes them. Upon reaching the most obviously occupied cell, the man turns to face its inhabitant. His third eye focuses on the ogre within, yellow center dilating as it assesses the creature's attitude. If trustworthy, the ogre could prove an advantageous ally.

Rolling Sense Motive to try and get a Hunch on the ogre's trustworthiness.


2014-04-11, 03:27 PM
Seeing everyone peering at the Ogre Narciso will shrug and moves down the hall quietly peering into each cell before checking to see if the door out is unlocked.



only checking the door, not trying to pick it yet.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-11, 03:39 PM
"My name is Grumblejack, little one." The ogre says in a deep and rumbling voice - one that still manages to be surprisingly quiet. It grins, revealing yellowed teeth the size of daggers. "Before I was caught, I was a bandit, one of the best... or worst. Now, who knows?"

It is rather apparent to the silent man that the ogre is... trustworthy seems like the wrong word. Uncomplicated, perhaps. A creature of straightforward desires and relatively simple plans. Of course, this does not necessarily guarantee a lack of intelligence - Grumblejack is certainly considerably more eloquent than most ogres you've heard of. Perhaps their low intellect is merely the product of rumour and stereotype?

Narciso can tell that the door to the guard room - which is the only route out of this floor that you know of - is unlocked. He can hear the faint rattle of small items on wood, and the occasional mutter from the soldiers stationed within. How many is difficult to tell.

2014-04-11, 04:59 PM
Lacking in trained intuition and unskilled in negotiating, Pug positions himself 10 feet from the iron doors and behind Narciso.

He frowns in consternation at the metal composition of the doors, as even a thin metal sheet would block his Detect Magic spell.

2014-04-11, 06:32 PM

D'Rakka slips into the corridor silently and seeks any over he can find while keeping an eye for the guards and the Ogre.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]
Sense Motive on the Ogre to see if he is trudtworthy[roll2]

2014-04-11, 07:55 PM
Turning to face Lukasz, the man nods. His third eye remains trained on the ogre, to the side. It seems he judges the ogre to be potentially useful. Whether that use remained once they were out of the prison was impossible to tell, but the creature at least seemed smart enough not to blunder their jailbreak. And the more prisoners released, the more trouble for House Darius.

2014-04-12, 01:04 PM
Seeing the silent one nod, Lukasz was still unsure what it meant, but the significance of a third eye generally meant extra perception that went beyond the understanding of mortal men. Smiling pleasantly, Lukasz turns back to the ogre as he whispered, "Well, I am Lukasz. If you would be free, then you must assist in our escape. That includes following my lead. I can guarantee a bit of vengeance on the guards here if you agree. Once we are outside the prison walls, you can either come with us, or go your own way. Do we have an accord?"

If Grumblejack agrees to the terms, Lukasz will motion for Narciso to unlock the ogre's cell door.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-12, 01:09 PM
Grumblejack chuckles. "Follow your lead?" He rumbles, gazing down at you with an odd look in his glinting eyes. "And why would I do that? What is it you think you have, that would make me follow the orders of something half my size?"

2014-04-12, 02:31 PM
The man's role was not to convince the ogre. That would fall those prisoners skilled at manipulation. For now, he stood completely still next to Lukasz and stared into the cell, his mundane eyes locked onto the ogre's. The third eye was moving about, attention paid to the ogre's posture and body language.

2014-04-12, 03:24 PM
Pug glances back at Lukasz and the silent man and whispers, "Maybe we should just escape on our own. We don't need his help, do we?"

He seems impatient and also worried as he checks to make sure the iron door is not opening to reveal the prison guards.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-12, 03:52 PM
Pug glances back at Lukasz and the silent man and whispers, "Maybe we should just escape on our own. We don't need his help, do we?"

He seems impatient and also worried as he checks to make sure the iron door is not opening to reveal the prison guards.

"I think you do." Grumblejack says easily, evidently having overheard your whisper. "I have a window in my cell, same as in yours, and my voice can be very loud."

He grins toothily. "Wouldn't want the alarm to be raised, now, just because you didn't want to let me out of here, would we?"

The silent man can tell that the ogre is quite serious - and spiteful. That said, he can also see that the giant being looks vaguely discomforted by the third eye on his forehead.

2014-04-12, 04:13 PM

D'Rakka speaks in a hushed tone. "And without us you have no hope. We are out of our cell already. What can we offer you? Freedom."

"I suggest we take care of the first guards to show you what we can do and then let you out and you can do as you will, because that is what you will do anyway. Just keep in mind. We all escape or none of us do."

Maugan Ra
2014-04-12, 04:43 PM

D'Rakka speaks in a hushed tone. "And without us you have no hope. We are out of our cell already. What can we offer you? Freedom."

"I suggest we take care of the first guards to show you what we can do and then let you out and you can do as you will, because that is what you will do anyway. Just keep in mind. We all escape or none of us do."

"Sure." Grumblejack says, his enormous muscles rippling as he shrugs. "I'm not stupid. I want out of here, and that's more likely if I work with you."

He bares his teeth in a threatening smile at Lukasz. "But you don't get to dictate terms or give orders. Not to me."

2014-04-12, 04:58 PM
The third eye spins in its socket as it contracts, as though zooming in on the ogre's face. The statue man nods silently, the eye remaining trained on the ogre even during the gesture. This creature was proud and spiteful, but not a fool. So long as its spite was directed at their enemies, it would prove useful - just as the irritable dwarf said of himself. Walking over to where Narciso stood by the guard room door, the statue man taps the rogue on the shoulder. He nods behind him towards the ogre's cell. He takes up a watch position next to the door, ready to strike anyone who comes through before they can call for help.

The Statue Man is readying an action to punch anyone who opens the door to the guard post.

2014-04-12, 05:25 PM

"You are correct of course, my friend. I would have refused if he had given me those terms as well. We shall all work together and use our combined skills to escape this place and tech these people the error of their ways."

2014-04-12, 06:14 PM
Narciso will happily head over and pick the lock to Grumblejack's cell. Way I see it the more the merrier, and the better chance I make it out of here.


Maugan Ra
2014-04-13, 05:53 AM
The cage door swings open, and Grumblejack emerges into the corridor, rolling his broad shoulders and grinning happily.

"Much better." He says slowly.

At that moment, there is the sound of movement from within the guard post, and the door swings open. The man on the other side, dressed in the black and blue uniform of the Branderscar guards, certainly doesn't look especially ready for trouble. Indeed, he looks almost bored... an expression which drops from his face as he sees the silent man waiting for him on the far side.

Said silent man did, however, reserve an action. So go ahead and make your attack, RW.

2014-04-13, 08:23 AM
Nodding his head, Lukasz said, "You misunderstand my meaning. I do not presume to dictate your actions, simply that I hope you will not fall into the berserker rages that ogres are known for. Not while we are attempting to be stealthy at least." Hearing the lock on the iron door turn, Lukasz quickly added, "Do as you will."

2014-04-13, 01:55 PM
As the guard entered through the door, the statue man moved to strike him in the gut before he could get in a combat stance. Hopefully the man could knock the wind out of this guard before he could shout and sound the alarm.

Using my daily Stunning Fist with this attack. If it hits, the guard gets a DC 14 Fort save to avoid being stunned for a round.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: On his turn, the guard takes 1d4 bleed damage.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-13, 02:47 PM
The guard staggers backwards as the fist slams into his sternum... but the cold weight of chain mail robs the blow of some of it's force, and he's able to keep fighting.

Beyond him, two other guards sit at a small table, a pile of coins positioned in the middle of it. At the sound of the blow, they look around curiously... and then all but leap to their feet, expressions of fear and anger on their faces as they go for the weapons at their sides.

I'm not going to bother tracking a lot of initiative here, though I will for more serious fights later on. Right now, you have the advantage of surprise, and thus every PC may take an action before any NPC can.

Actions will be resolved in the order that you post them.

2014-04-13, 02:56 PM

D'Rakka charges the guard at the door and does a flying kick into him.

Attack [roll0]

Maugan Ra
2014-04-13, 03:30 PM
The flying kick catches the unfortunate guard in the side of the head. There is an ugly crack, and he collapses to the ground, either dead or unconscious.

Oh, to clarify, the Silent Man also gets another action before the guards, since his first attack was in the surprise round.

2014-04-13, 05:20 PM
Stepping over the first guard, the silent one strides quickly and quietly towards the two at the table, expression never changing aside from the third eye flicking rapidly between the two. He swipes his fist through the air towards the face of the one on the left.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Bleed effect applied on-hit.

2014-04-13, 05:31 PM
Pug charges with his dagger held like an icepick, a murderous scowl on his face as he gets to live out his dream of turning the tables on his oppressors, the ones who called him devil worshiper and blasphemer.

He attacks the conscious guard on the right.

Charge, with +2 bonus to hit applied to the attack roll below. Use dagger to attack. Because he is charging, Pug is at -1 AC until his next turn.

Attack with dagger: [roll0]

Damage with dagger: [roll1]

2014-04-13, 06:46 PM
Narciso will move opposite of the now free Ogre and then move up to try and get into a good position to attack the guard on that side.

Looking for flank, but assuming its not yet possible


2014-04-13, 06:53 PM

D'Rakka will charge into the guards room to help as soon as he is able.

Attack [roll0] This assumes a charge attack, otherwise it is 2 less.
Damage [roll1]

Maugan Ra
2014-04-14, 12:31 PM
Still momentarily off-balance, the two guards are easy prey for Pug and the three-eyed man, and both let out inarticulate curses as blood stains their relatively pristine uniforms. Unfortunately, these men are still trained soldiers, and when Narciso attempts to capitalize on their vulnerability he finds his dagger-thrust turned aside by a practiced counter-move.

D'Rakka doesn't get to act again just yet. Just waiting on Lukasz, then I can resolve NPC actions.

2014-04-14, 04:03 PM
Only equipped with his arcane talent, and still standing near the ogre's cell, Lukasz rushes down the hallway to the open iron door. If he is able to get within 25 feet of any guards who are still conscious, he begins incanting the words to a spell. As he finishes the articulated gestures necessary, the arcane energy reaches out to grab at the mind of any remaining soldier to ensnare them in its magic and see him in a much more favorable light.

Move action to move closer to the melee. If able to, Standard action to cast Charm Person on any remaining guard who has not engaged in melee yet. DC 18 Will save or be charmed.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-14, 04:18 PM
The guard just snarls at Lukasz - evidently, even arcane magic is unable to convince a man that you are his friend mere instants after your fellow escapee planted a dagger in his guts.

On each belt, the guards carry a stout wooden truncheon, evidently intended for non-lethal combat with unruly prisoners. In the face of his injury, however, the first guard evidently decides to dispense with such moderation, and goes for the weapon on the other side of his belt.

The Longsword makes a faint hissing sound as it slides free of the sheathe - a moment later, and Pugnacius bears a vicious cut along the length of his free arm. (Six points of damage.)

Before anything else can happen, however, Grumblejack intervenes. You can almost feel the stone shaking underfoot as the massive creature lunges into battle, a fist larger than your head smashing into the first guard like a sledgehammer. The human flies backwards and rebounds off the opposite wall in a broken heap.

At the sight, the second guard's nerve breaks, and he scrambles for the staircase in the corner of the room. Unfortunately, in so doing he underestimates the ogre's reach - an almost casual backhand, and the guard joins his comrades in a broken heap on the floor.

"Much better." Grumblejack repeats, a look of profound satisfaction in his eyes.

2014-04-14, 04:55 PM

D'Rakka walks into the guard room and smiles at Grumblejack. "Good work friend. Good work everyone, now lets not let this all go to our head just yet. Lets take up some weapons and maybe some uniforms and get out of this **** hole."
As he speaks his tail coils around the truncheon in the one guards belt and pulls it free.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-14, 05:03 PM
Grumblejack leans down and carefully picks up the dropped sword from his first victim. He frowns at the inferior size of it, then tears off a long strip of his own rags and wraps it around the hilt and the lower part of the blade, allowing him to wield it without risk of slicing his own skin open.

"Been a while since I've had to do this." he grumbles, before gesturing to the stairwell. "Way out is down there. Stairs, then a corridor, and we're outside... but that takes us right past the barracks. Quickest, but maybe there's another way through the kitchens or something?"

He shrugs. "Need to head downstairs anyway."

The following is available to be divided up between you:
- Three chain shirts
- Three clubs
- Two Longswords
- A selection of small keys, unfortunately unlabelled.

2014-04-14, 05:37 PM
"Hmmm this stuff could be useful," Narciso then starts taking items from guards. He starts by grabbing some chain mail and throwing it on, and then picking up a club, and lastly oohing and awing over the keys and collecting them.

2014-04-14, 05:46 PM
While the other escapees divide up the guards' belongings, the silent one simply unties the pants from around his waist and pulls them on now that there is a moment to do so. This done, he searches the room methodically for any alternative exits; perhaps a hidden passage. If nothing is found, he will stand guard just to the side of the stairwell entrance.


2014-04-15, 12:57 AM
Pug sneers in disdain as the guard cuts him and then subsequently dies. The tough and homicidal dwarf seems to ignore the wound. He just tears a strip of cloth off the dead guard and binds the injury to stanch the bleeding.

He then takes a chain shirt off one of the dead guards and puts it on. He cleans the blood off his dagger and sheathes it, then seizes a club for his own use.

He spends a while inspecting the bodies and especially the heads of each guard, muttering to himself, "Nice, nice... But I think I fancy a redhead, in honor of the occasion, hehe." He chortles gruesomely to himself.

If any longswords are unclaimed, Pug straps all unclaimed longswords to his back. He makes an odd face as D'Rakka uses his tail to pick up a club.

Put on chain shirt, changing Pug's AC to 14. Take club.

Ignore wound for now; Pug still has 8 HP.

Study the bodies and faces of the guards, just in case Pug needs to use Disguise Self. It'll be tough presenting as a human guard to the guard's friends, though.

Pug is not proficient with longswords, but he'll take them anyway.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-15, 12:39 PM
While the other escapees divide up the guards' belongings, the silent one simply unties the pants from around his waist and pulls them on now that there is a moment to do so. This done, he searches the room methodically for any alternative exits; perhaps a hidden passage. If nothing is found, he will stand guard just to the side of the stairwell entrance.


The silent man finds nothing in the way of secret passageways... but there is a fireplace on one wall, and the chimney connects to a room on the floor below as well. The opening looks large enough to squeeze down, which would likely bring you out in the kitchen area - avoiding the main corridor and barracks, but potentially allowing you to be spotted by a servant or two.

2014-04-15, 01:02 PM
Not finding anything of interest for himself among the items the guards had, Lukasz will move through the room, looking for all possible exits from the room.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-15, 01:04 PM
Not finding anything of interest for himself among the items the guards had, Lukasz will move through the room, looking for all possible exits form the room.

The only exit from the room - and indeed, from the floor - is the staircase leading down from this room. The prison, it seems, has been built with a mind towards defense, limiting the number of places the guards will have to cover in an emergency.

2014-04-15, 01:24 PM
While the others search, Pug tries to open the door to the "interview chamber".

2014-04-15, 01:37 PM
Kneeling down the peer into the chimney, the silent man lightly raps against the side of the fireplace with a dropped longsword to get the others' attention. The ogre would be unable to climb down through this opening, but the rest of them could. Unfortunately, the ogre had at least some knowledge of the layout of the prison, and could prove useful to them yet. He would leave it to the others to decide, setting the sword back down and standing aside so that they could see the passage.

2014-04-15, 02:33 PM

D'Rakka looks around at everyone's activities. "If anyone needs a club you can have this one." He holds it up with his tail. "I suggest those who can where the uniforms do so, it may help us gain an element of surprise and then I suggest we get moving. The more time we delay the more likely someone will wonder in and discover us."

2014-04-15, 02:42 PM
"I suppose I can wear one," Narciso says as he quickly dresses in the guard uniform leaving his fitted clothes beneath, "so are we going down the chimney then?"

Maugan Ra
2014-04-16, 01:27 PM
While the others search, Pug tries to open the door to the "interview chamber".

The 'interview chamber' is a small room at the very end of the corridor. The interior is largely unadorned, three chairs and a small wooden table the only furniture. Unremarkable in almost every way... save for the almost palpable aura of suffering that clings to the place like a shroud.

There are small bloodstains on the floor. Old, but certainly from within the last couple of weeks.

2014-04-16, 01:49 PM
Pugnacius Rockhammer

Pug snorts as he inspects the contents of the interrogation chamber. He turns back to the other would-be escapees.

"No way out here."

He eyes the chimney, looks down and considers his own squat burliness, and softly says, "I'd rather go down the stairs."

2014-04-18, 01:04 PM
While the chimney provided potential for a stealthier escape, Lukasz was loath to ignore the assistance the Grumblejack's sizable strength and size brought to the escape. "Yes, the stairs sounds best," he said. "Though if any of you are good at remaining hidden, it might be good to get a bit of reconnaissance for what might be downstairs."

2014-04-18, 01:14 PM

"I am reasonably sneaky and will go if you wish."

2014-04-18, 03:26 PM

Pug nods. "Go ahead. We'll follow."

He grins an ugly grin. "If you like, I just now thought of a trap to set. Pee down the stairs, and someone will come to investigate who has gotten drunk and used the stairs as a latrine. It'll guarantee at least one surprise attack. More if we can kill that one immediately."

2014-04-18, 03:42 PM

D'Rakka gives an odd look to Pug and then begins to sneak down the stairs.

Sneak [roll0]

2014-04-18, 03:45 PM
"Count me in for a surprise attack," Narciso says with a grin at the amusing trap.

2014-04-18, 04:14 PM

Pug follows about 15 feet behind the horned D'Rakka, hopefully far enough that his big clumsy dwarven feet do not give the party away to the guards.

2014-04-18, 04:59 PM
With the group of escapees moving forward, the silent one steps quietly down the stairs.


Maugan Ra
2014-04-19, 03:19 PM
Grumblejack follows you all in turn, doing his best to tread lightly as he proceeds down the stairs.

At the bottom, you find yourselves in a long hallway, illuminated by flickering torches at intervals on the walls. At the far end, a set of ornate double doors leads out of this main building and into the castle's courtyard. They are currently closed, but the bar is not down. It is easy to see why - a pair of guards stand at either side of the doors, each leaning on the wall.

They haven't seen you yet, but that is doubtless only because they are talking with one another in low voices rather than paying attention.

On the left side of the hallway are two doors, each with signs - SERGEANT'S OFFICE and ARMORY, respectively. The right has three doors, the first marked as leading to the kitchen, the second pair to what can only be the barracks.

The slightest mistake will see the alarm raised. How do you proceed?

2014-04-19, 05:14 PM
Pug murmurs, "Through the Prince of Hell, I can take the semblance of any one person for a minute. It doesn't work very well for me, though, when I look like a human."

He pauses, then says, "They seem kinda distracted. They might not notice the inconsistences in the illusion."

"C'n any of you think of a way to use that to get them?"

2014-04-21, 10:48 PM
"I have a bit of talent at the disguise, so why don't the two of us come to the guards in disguise and then attack before they realize we're not allies?" Narciso says grinning at the disception. "Then the others can wait here and charge to help if we need it."

2014-04-22, 12:23 AM

Pug looks to the others to see whether they agree with this crazy plan and accept the risks to the gang of escapees.

2014-04-22, 12:35 AM
The statue man gives a slight nod of approval. It was more likely to succeed than an immediate direct attack.

2014-04-22, 05:17 AM

"Let's do it."

2014-04-22, 09:41 AM
Narciso will spend a little time making himself up like a guard, then he'll turn to the others and ask, "How do I look?"


2014-04-22, 12:23 PM

Pug grunts and says bluntly, "Terrible. Better stay a bit behind me so they don't see your face too well."

He adds, "Once I cast this, I'll have a minute, then it wears off and I go back to lookin' like a dwarf. We can't hesitate."

He intones his spell. His appearance flickers and the wounded dwarf becomes a human male dressed in the clean and non-bloody prison guard uniform.

He immediately walks don the stairs and towards the 2 real guards talking with each other. He walks with his head down.

With Disguise Self in effect, Pug has a +10 to his Disguise checks, which I apply to the roll below.

Disguise: [roll0]

2014-04-22, 12:29 PM
Narciso just grunts and follows behind Pug, also with his head down.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-22, 12:39 PM
The two guards look up as you approach, breaking off their conversation. The first one frowns.

"Hans? The hell are you doing? I know the sarge is pretty easy-going, but you can't just walk away from your post like this..."

The second one squints at Narciso. "And... wait, who are you?"

Narciso, Pug, declare what you are doing now. You are about halfway down the corridor, so there's ~40ft or so between you and the guards.

2014-04-22, 12:59 PM

Hearing the guard question who Narciso is, Pug knows the jig is up. He charges to the attack the guard who called him Hans.

Charge, for +2 bonus to hit applied to the attack roll below. Hopefully the guard is flat-footed. Pug is at -1 AC until his next turn.

Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

2014-04-22, 03:31 PM
Narciso opens his mouth to bluff his way closer to the guards, but seeing Pug charge gives up that idea and charges the other guard.

attack with dagger: [roll0]

Damage with dagger: [roll1]

Sneak attack damage if applicable: [roll2]

Maugan Ra
2014-04-22, 03:46 PM
Unfortunately for Pug, the guard steps back at the last moment, and the otherwise-devastating swing of the club is wasted on the hard stone floor.

"****! Sound the alarm!"

The second guard turns to do so, then grunts as Narciso scores a thin cut up his side, the razor-point of the dagger sliding past the chain mail the soldier wears to strike at vulnerable flesh beneath.

I'll roll these, because it could become very important quite shortly...
Lukasz = [roll0]
Narciso (this may not be entirely accurate - please make your character sheet visible to everyone, as I currently do not have permission to see it) = [roll1]
Pug = [roll2]
Statue Man = [roll3]
D'Rakka = [roll4]

Pug and Narciso are right up next to the guards, everyone else is treated as being at the end of the corridor some 80' away. The corridor is 20' wide, give or take.

Guard One: [roll5]
Guard Two: [roll6]
Grumblejack: [roll7]

2014-04-22, 04:47 PM
Narciso will attack the second guard again before he has a chance to respond to the first attack.

attack with dagger: [roll0]

Dagger damage: [roll1]

sneak attack because the guard is still flat-footed: [roll2]

If the guard drops then narciso will try to move to the other guard opposite Pug to cut off the guards movements. If the guard doesn't drop then Narciso will stay put.

2014-04-22, 08:18 PM

D'Rakka runs down the Corridor in preparation for attacking.

2014-04-22, 09:07 PM
The statue man moves down the hallway, stopping in front of one of the two doors to the barracks. If the alarm was sounded, this could serve as a choke point.

Double moving if necessary to reach the closest door to the barracks, and standing next to it. If only a single move is needed, the statue man will ready an action to attack anything that opens the door.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-23, 12:50 AM
Unfortunately, this time the knife is deflected by the chain mail under the guard's uniform. It is not enough to prevent the human from turning and picking up a simple horn that lies on a small shelf next to the door. He lifts it to his lips and blows a series of loud, echoing notes that fill the hallway.

The alarm has been raised.

For my own records:

The second guard grins, and unslings a small shield from his back before settling into a defensive stance, evidently planning on ensuring his own survival until overwhelming reinforcements arrive.

[spoiler]Pug and Lukasz may now take actions.

2014-04-23, 01:02 AM

Pug snarls in despair and hatred and smashes his club at the wounded guard.

Attack the guard Narciso wounded.

Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

2014-04-23, 01:04 AM
Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

2014-04-23, 01:05 AM
OOC: Sorry for useless roll earlier.

Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

2014-04-23, 01:07 AM
OOC: Sorry again.

Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

Maugan Ra
2014-04-23, 02:58 AM

Pug snarls in despair and hatred and smashes his club at the wounded guard.

Attack the guard Narciso wounded.

Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

The guard, part-way through lowering the horn from his lips, collapses with a nasty crunch as Pug's blow staves in his chest.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-25, 01:45 PM
As noted, treating Lukasz as an NPC for the moment.

Lukasz reaches the bottom of the stairs and begins to advance along the corridor. A quick gesture, and the floor around the barrack's entrance is coated in magically-summoned grease.

Behind him, Grumblejack advances, hunched over slightly so as to avoid smacking his head on the stone ceiling. "The alarm has gone. We need to move... get that little man out of the way, and head for the bridge." he rumbles.

Beyond the nearby doors, you can hear the sounds of movement as the garrison becomes aware of your jailbreak.

For simplicity's sake, everyone except Lukasz may now take a round's worth of actions.

2014-04-25, 02:17 PM
Narciso will wince a little at the horn blast, then move to the side a little and attack again.

5-foot step away from my companions to make room and then attack with knife

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2014-04-25, 04:04 PM
With the other door protected by Lukasz's Grease spell, the statue man moves around it to join the others in pummeling the guards.

If he can reach them yet, he will take up a position next to Narciso and apply fist to guard.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Bleed effect on hit.

2014-04-25, 04:58 PM

D'Rakka kicks at the closest guard.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2014-04-25, 05:23 PM

Pug tries to flank the guard with Narciso and the others. He smashes at the guard with his club, muttering, "Asmodeus, take this do-gooder and roast him in the fires of your Hell."

If Pug can flank, he gets a +2 bonus to attack.

Attack with club: [roll0]

Damage with club: [roll1]

Maugan Ra
2014-04-26, 09:08 AM
Between the lot of you, the final guard is swiftly brought down, his desperate efforts at defense failing to save him. As he falls, Grumblejack reaches the doors at a dead run, using his immense bulk to slam them open and enter the courtyard beyond.

The night sky overhead is pitch black, and filled with twinkling stars. All around you, the bulk of Branderscars's walls loom menacingly in the gloom, and spots of light indicate where guards with torches are responding to your efforts. You can almost feel the tension as bows are drawn, and the barking of dogs is worryingly close.

Behind you, the door to the interior barracks slams open and the first of the guards within exits, slipping on the magical grease and falling to one knee. Judging by the sounds there are at least four of them in there, all armed and quite possibly armoured.

Directly across the courtyard from you is the great bulk of the gatehouse. The heavy bars that would seal it's doors against all attack have not been set into place just yet, so it should be possible to simply run through and onto the bridge to the mainland... but even the least military-minded among you knows that such a course would expose you to a dangerous level of bow-fire.

Of course, with the alarm raised and the garrison massing, you might not have a choice...

OK, please discuss in the OoC thread how you intend to go about escaping. That will allow me to calculate what happens. Heck, if you decide just to run for it, I could probably get Branderscar wrapped up in a couple more posts... and not with your inevitable deaths either.

2014-04-26, 03:35 PM
Narciso will run out after GrumbleJack yelling, "Escape, Escape, subdue the prisoners don't kill subdue." He'll continue across the yard after Grumble jack headed for the gatehouse continueing his yelling, "Subdue them Subdue them." Once the gate is open Narciso will waste no time getting out and across the bridge.

Running 4 times speed as much as possible. If GrumbleJack opens the gate before he gets there then he'll run straight through and if not then he will stop to open it before running on.

2014-04-26, 03:43 PM
Although he is much quieter, the statue man slips out of the doorway and follows Grumblejack, with Narciso chasing behind.

Maugan Ra
2014-04-26, 05:48 PM
"Belay that order!"

Back-lit by the torches within, one of the guards leans out of the upper gatehouse window to yell to the rest of his men. You recognise the slightly plump face and stringy black hair instantly - it is Sergeant Thomas Blackerly, the commander of the Branderscar guard detachment. It was he who branded you all with the runic F on your arms, and he who laughed loudest and most cruelly at the sight of your suffering each day.

"They're all condemned anyway! Kill the bastards!"

At his signal, arrows begin to hurtle down at you from the walls and watch-towers, clattering off of stone paving slabs and finding their marks in vulnerable flesh. Narciso and the Statue Man both take four points of damage, while Grumblejack the Ogre is struck twice.

Roaring in pain and rage, Grumblejack makes it across the courtyard to the gatehouse. His muscles bulge as he tears the doors open, revealing the path to freedom. All you need to do is cross the courtyard and then run what must be well in excess of three hundred feet across a completely exposed bridge, being fired at by archers the whole way.

Or you could surrender. The choice is yours.

2014-04-26, 06:05 PM
With no intention of surrendering again, the statue man continues his sprint to the bridge. If able to see over the side, he will assess how high up they are.

2014-04-26, 06:17 PM
Cursing and wishing that his sorcerous blood had granted him a way to protect himself from arrows as the chaos of this escape prompted them to adapt their plan to a suicidal flight, Lukasz also attempted to estimate the distance from them and the archers on the wall. At the same time, he kept an eye on the path behind them as he fled. Upon hearing the hoarse shouting of the man who had branded them, he was tempted to lash out with his magic. However, he desire to survive stayed his hand as he focused on creating diversions and fleeing the scene.

OOC: Follow the others through the courtyard and to the main entrance. If he can reach a group of archers with his spell, he will attempt to catch them in a grease spell, but he is focused on keeping up with the others.

2014-04-26, 06:19 PM

Without hesitation D'Rakka begins to run across the courtyard. "Move, now! The more targets for them to shoot the less arrows shot at any of us."

Move and then total defence +4 AC for AC 18.

2014-04-26, 06:25 PM

As D'Rakka moves arcoss the courtyard and looks to see if there are any fires, like a torch, anywhere along their path he can cast Pyrotechnics on to provide cover for their escape.

Perception [roll0]

2014-04-27, 01:03 AM

Knowing that to fall is to die, Pug casts his one Cure Light Wounds spell on himself. Then he hustles like the rest of them, only more slowly, since he is but a short-legged dwarf.

The back of his neck tingles in anticipation of a hissing arrow burying itself in his flesh.

Move across the courtyard -after- casting CLW.

Cure Light Wounds: [roll0]

Maugan Ra
2014-05-01, 06:24 AM
Sorry about the delay. I somehow got the impression that there were six of you and someone was missing... oh, and the Statue Man doesn't take that damage, on account of Catch Arrows.

United by haste and desperation, the small band of would-be-escapees sprints through the gatehouse and out onto the soaring arch of the bridge to the mainland. Arrows fall around you in a steady rain, and those of you without the agility to snatch the speeding missiles out of the air suffer five points of damage each. Grumblejack is worse off by far, though - the largest target, he is an obvious priority for the archers, and arrow after arrow slam into his broad form as he crosses the bridge. You are barely halfway across when the ogre's mighty constitution at last fails him, and he sinks to his knees, coughing blood.

Ahead of you, there is one final barrier. A small outpost on the mainland side of the bridge, which seals any access with an inverted portcullis. Climbing over may be possible, but you can already see the pair of guards stationed there drawing steel, and the snarling forms of three trained hounds slink around their heels. Going back is an even worse proposition, as the rest of the garrison musters and begins to pursue you. The only other option would be to dive into the cold depths of the sea below, and swim for the shore... but it is quite a fall, and the currents here are infamous, even if you jump far enough out to avoid the jagged rocks of the cliff-face.

Make your choice.

2014-05-01, 11:14 AM
Seeing the portcullis, the Statue Man thinks of the ogre with them. Perhaps it could lift it and get them through. Upon looking back, however, he saw that Grumblejack was in dire condition. There was little the Statue Man could do. Should another of their number be able to heal the ogre, so be it. For now, the guards and hounds were the man's priority. He approached.

Double move towards the portcullis. Are the guards and hounds on this side of the portcullis, or the other?

2014-05-01, 01:48 PM

Pug ignores Grumblejack's groan and bloody fall. He is much too interested in saving his own dwarven skin to worry about some other prisoner who did not show signs of being a follower of the Prince of Lawyers.

He continues to jog towards the portcullis, moving as fast as his true form allows.

Double move towards the portcullils.

Maugan Ra
2014-05-03, 12:03 PM
The guards and hounds stand on the far side of the portcullis from you, evidently intent on slashing at anyone attempting to climb over.

People need to make a choice here. You can do the following:
- Dive off from near the middle of the bridge, which is far enough out that you won't be dashed against the rocks, but is a longer fall and will require more swimming to make it to the shore.

- Dive off near the end, which is a shorter fall and swim, but runs the risk of hitting the rocks near the cliff if you are unfortunate.

- Attempt to scale the portcullis, and hope you can overcome the guards on the far side, who are evidently waiting for you.

2014-05-03, 12:44 PM
Taking a running start, the Statue Man attempts to jump as high up on the portcullis as he can to begin climbing to the top.

Acrobatics to jump: [roll0]
Climb to... well, climb: [roll1]
Acrobatics to balance at the top: [roll2]

Maugan Ra
2014-05-03, 01:52 PM
A fierce expression on his face, one of the guards stabs at the escapee through the bars of the portcullis, inflicting six points of damage.

Even so, the Statue Man makes it to the top and manages to balance there, temporarily out of reach.

2014-05-03, 04:00 PM

D'Rakka gestures at the lanterns behind the guards and causes smoke to spew forth and then runs to the portcullis to climb next round. "Climb now!"

Casts Pyrotechnics on the lanterns as a spell like effect.

Duration [roll0]

2014-05-03, 05:09 PM
Narciso will move as close to the end of the bridge as he can before diving into the water.
Dives and swims to shore

Acrobatics [roll0]
Swim [roll1]

2014-05-03, 10:44 PM

Pug grins fiendishly in his beard as the horned devil-spawn D'Rakka makes the smoke go up. Clever bastard. He puts his club in his belt and attempts to climb the portcullis.

"Sheathe" club as a move action. For standard action, climb untrained, with a -2 penalty due to wearing a chain shirt.

If Pug is within the area of effect of the smoke cloud and he fails his Fortitude save, his Climb bonus is +0 due to reduced Strength. His Fort save is at +2 because it is magic.

Fortitude save: [roll0]

Climb: [roll1]

2014-05-05, 07:40 AM
An arrow hitting him in his shoulder, Lukasz grunted in pain as he drew closer to the portcullis. Before he drew in range, he stopped for a moment, wary of the guards and dogs on the other side. Completing an arcane syllable, Lukasz extended his hand as the land on the other side of the portcullis is suddenly covered in a grease slick. Hoping that would be sufficient to trip up the guards on the other side, Lukasz also attempts to scale the portcullis.

OOC: Standard action to cast grease under the guards on the otherside. Ref DC 17.


Maugan Ra
2014-05-05, 07:50 AM
The guards on the far side of the portcullis are now sufficiently distracted, their feet slipping out from under them and their lungs filled with smoke.

Narciso manages a surprisingly elegant dive into the dark waters below, neatly avoiding any of the sharp rocks that threaten to impale him. Unfortunately, the currents so close to the shore are unforgiving at best, and he cannot make much headway.

Narciso suffers two points of non-lethal damage, and must try to make another Swim check to make it to the shore.

Pug, unfortunately, is not nearly as nimble as his silent comrade. Half-way up the portcullis, his feet slip from the bars, and he plummets. The bridge is smooth and slippery here, and before the Duergar can even begin to reach for a new handhold, he is over the side.

The sharp rocks below seem to gleam menacingly as he falls towards then...

Pug can make an Acrobatics check, DC 12, to avoid hitting the rocks. You, uh, you really don't want to hit the rocks.

Lukasz is likewise less nimble than the Statue Man, but his skill remains sufficient to see him to the top of the Portcullis without too much trouble. Ahead, the rolling moors of southern Talingarde - and freedom - await.

2014-05-05, 12:07 PM
Crouching down on top of the portcullis, the Statue Man attempts to jump onto the guardhouse roof.

Acrobatics to jump across (double DC, no running start): [roll0]
Climb to pull himself up if he doesn't make it, but does well enough to grab on: [roll1]

2014-05-05, 12:27 PM
Pug shouts in fury and panic as he plummets, trying desperately to avoid hitting the rocks. "Damn you, Mitra!"

Acrobatics: [roll0]

Maugan Ra
2014-05-05, 04:52 PM
The Statue Man easily hops over onto the roof of the guardhouse. There is now nothing left between him and freedom.

If you make it over the portcullis and basically start running pronto, you're home free. The guards are too distracted to give chase right now. Which means basically everyone except Narciso and Pug are currently out of there, and Narciso just needs to make a Swim check, DC10, to escape.

You plummet, cursing, towards the sharp rocks far below. The impact is extreme, and painful - you can feel the bones in your arms and chest shattering, and the cold spray of the ocean reaches up to swallow you whole...

Then there is fire, and smoke, and you are suddenly elsewhere.

When the blurring sense of motion stops, you find yourself lying on your back in what feels like a grassy field. Crouched over you, an amused smile on her face, is Tiadora.

"My, you are a mess, dearest." she croons, just about audible over the thundering pain that surges through your entire body. "And so close to freedom as well."

She leans in closer, until you can feel the warmth of her breath on the side of your face. "I can still restore you, servant of the Father, but there will be a price. An offering of blood to be made, nine lives given to the Pit in exchange for your own. Will you pay it?"

2014-05-05, 07:36 PM
Narciso will gasp in some air and struggle against the current to get to shore.

Swim: [roll0]

2014-05-05, 08:54 PM

D'Rakka leaps towards the portculli and climbs.

Acrobatics [roll0]
Climb [roll1]

2014-05-05, 09:21 PM
Dropping from the roof of the guardhouse, The Statue Man makes a dash away from the prison. He keeps an eye out for the woman from before.

2014-05-06, 12:24 AM

Pug screams and writhes for a second in continued panic, then stops as his sense of reality reasserts itself.

He nods eagerly, so desperate to regain his life that he doesn't even bargain. "Of course. Any true follower of the Master and his Laws would."

"Uh, what exactly are the terms? I'll even kill puppies and kittens."

Maugan Ra
2014-05-06, 06:22 AM
Tiadora chuckles.

"The life of an animal is hardly equal to the life of a devout servant. Do not worry - it will be obvious."

Then the beautiful woman presses her lips to yours, and the world dissolves into fire. The sensation of shattered bones and torn muscles pulling themselves back into proper order is, to say the least, deeply uncomfortable. Eventually, however, your benefactor stands and moves away once more, and you find your health restored.

"Come along then, dearest. Let us meet your other brave comrades."


In the distance, the torch-lights of Branderscar Prison burn with barely-veiled threat, and the faint sounds of alarm are still just about audible. They are all irrelevant, as you are free, sprinting across the marshlands and roads and into the surrounding countryside.

Tiadora meets you by the side of the road, a slightly-dazed looking Pug at her side. She smiles at you all in an unsettlingly predatory fashion. "Congratulations. You made it out in one piece... well, most of you. You have proven yourselves worthy to meet my Master, and hear his offer. We should not waste time."

She gestures, and out of the darkness comes a nobleman's carriage, drawn by four dark horses and entirely without any kind of driver. The coach rolls to a halt in front of you, and the doors swing open of their own accord, revealing the luxurious seats within.

2014-05-06, 01:16 PM

Pug still looks kind of dizzy as he climbs into the carriage with the sopping wet Bag of Holding still hanging over his shoulder. He mumbles, "That's fine. It would hurt a bit to kill a puppy, but an elf or a dwarf will be fun."

2014-05-06, 03:55 PM
Though he struggled at scaling the portcullis, the fog conjured by one of his fellow escapees and his own magic seemed to have held off the guards long enough to get him to the otherside and across the rest of the bridge where Tiadora waited. Still in pain from the arrow the stuck out from his back, he looked at the open door of the carriage with trepidation. He hated going into the unknown, however, with his only other options being the same fate as Grumblejack should he turn back or an expanse of swampland should he attempt to run, he steeled his nerves and entered the carriage. He swore to himself though that he would not take one doomed fate for other. He would listen to what this new patron hoped to accomplish with their escape and see how he could best turn it to his own advantage.

2014-05-06, 09:27 PM
When Narciso makes it ashore he quickly finds an empty ally to duck into and take off the guard uniform. He has no where to carry the armor without it showing so he decides to stash in favor of blending in better. So he searches quickly for a hiding spot and leaves the armor behind so he will look more normal. Upon exiting the ally again he is confronted by the others and Tiadora. His initially surprise at seeing her is completely overshadowed by the utter confusion of seeing Pug alive and whole. Narciso was sure he saw Pug fall to his death. So when the carriage arrives Narciso get in with a friendly nod, in no way wanting to offend someone with that kind of power.

2014-05-07, 02:02 AM
Holding a hand over the shallow wound in his side, the silent one steps solemnly into the carriage. His third eye swivels to look Tiadora over, trying to get a read on her. She appeared to be a servant of Asmodeus, as the unnamed man's father had been. The feeling earlier in his cell had been correct; the time for Mitra's faithful to fall had come. Truth in power would reign once more, by the Statue Man's hand or another. Sitting down in the luxurious seat, he began careful breathing exercises to slow his heartbeat and prevent unnecessary blood loss from the wound.

2014-05-09, 09:51 PM

D'Rakka silently climbs into the carriage. Anticipating a meeting with their benefactor. Certainly they were not helped to escape simply to harm them.

Maugan Ra
2014-05-10, 10:19 AM
Once everyone is aboard, Tiadora following you all in, the coach turns and moves off into the night. Judging by the speed that the countryside moves past the window, and the way that the ride is completely smooth, there is almost certainly magic involved. Tiadora keeps her eyes closed for the journey, and has a vaguely distant look on her face.

Approximately an hour later, the coach draws to a halt and the doors swing open again. You find yourself in the courtyard of what looks to be a sprawling mansion, complete with extensive grounds and numerous other subsidiary buildings dotted around the perimeter. As Tiadora disembarks, the main doors to the mansion swing open and a number of humans and dwarves dressed in elegantly tailored servant's uniforms come scurrying out. The blond woman turns to look at you all.

"The Master is eager to meet you, but it would not set the proper tone for such an auspicious event to be conducted while you are in such a... disreputable state."

Her tone almost makes it sound like your filthy rags and painful wounds are marks of personal failing on your parts. "You have each been assigned a suite inside the house. I suggest you take the opportunity to rest and clean up. The slaves will attend to your needs and desires."

Then she turns and strides away, leaving the attending serving staff awaiting you with heads bowed.

Essentially, you are being given the opportunity to clean up and select what your characters will wear by preference rather than prison rags. Just about any outfit is available. Likewise, fine food, wine and magical healing potions for your injuries are being provided.

Please describe how you make use of the few hours you are being given, and any questions you want to ask the slaves etc

There is also xp to come - see the OoC thread for details shortly.

2014-05-10, 11:26 AM

Pug grumpily orders two of the dwarves to help him bathe and get dressed. He seems distracted and worried, so much so that he picks clothes at random, and the colors don't fit together at all (orange shirt, gray pants and purple vest with dark gray onyx buttons).

He asks one of the dwarves, using Dwarven, "Who is the Master? Who else lives in this mansion?"

"Are there any shrines around here?"

Pug's voice leaks tension. Though he is glad to be alive, he hates being in debt to the Prince of Darkness, and he is eager to cut himself out of that debt as quickly as possible.

He also empties the Bag of Holding and leaves it and its contents to dry off somewhere.

2014-05-10, 11:45 AM

D'Rakka claims the two human female slaves and heads to his suite.

He has them bathe him, sates his desires on them and has them dress him in formal, but loose fitting silk robes.

"Who is the master of this place?"

2014-05-10, 11:51 AM
Stepping out of the coach, the Statue Man idly examines the slaves as Tiadora speaks. When she finishes, he gestures for one of the human slaves to lead him to his suite, and follows. Upon arriving he first drinks a healing potion to be rid of his minor injuries, and then washes the prison grime and blood from himself with a bowl and washcloth. Afterwards he dons dark scholarly robes, which are close enough to his preferred attire without drawing the same attention from Mitra's faithful. Fully dressed, he resembles a student from some arcane college.

The next objective was food. The prison gruel was not particularly nutritious, and the Statue Man sought to maintain his strength. With some silently mimed gestures for eating, he directs the slave to bring him something edible.

2014-05-10, 12:20 PM
Narciso will have the servants bring food while he baths and looks for appropriate clothes. As he rummages through the clothes he finds a well tailored Dark green outfit with dark red accents, and what seems to be many hidden pockets. After he dons the outfit and cleverly conceals his dagger, Narciso chooses a cloak that is an unobstrusive green on one side, and black with with and navy blue wisps on the other side. He fastens the cloak with the green side out and then enters the main room of his suite to eat quickly and talk to the servants. "So who is the lord here?" As he asks his questions he will wait for answers and full details before moving on to the next.
"Can you tell me how to get back to main entrance and the kitchens?"
"What do you know of Tiadora?"
Where is this mansion and what towns are about?"

After all his questions are answered Narciso will have the servants clean his stolen armour and head off to their mysterious saviour.

sleight of hand to conceal weapon: [roll0]

Maugan Ra
2014-05-10, 12:48 PM

Pug grumpily orders two of the dwarves to help him bathe and get dressed. He seems distracted and worried, so much so that he picks clothes at random, and the colors don't fit together at all (orange shirt, gray pants and purple vest with dark gray onyx buttons).

He asks one of the dwarves, using Dwarven, "Who is the Master? Who else lives in this mansion?"

"Are there any shrines around here?"

Pug's voice leaks tension. Though he is glad to be alive, he hates being in debt to the Prince of Darkness, and he is eager to cut himself out of that debt as quickly as possible.

He also empties the Bag of Holding and leaves it and its contents to dry off somewhere.

"The Master is... the Master." The first of the slaves tells you in a subdued voice. "We are to obey him and the Mistress in all things."

Pug has enough knowledge of magical techniques to realise that the slaves have been quite thoroughly enchanted. Prolonged use of such spells on a person can lead to irreversible damage, but it seems the Master does not especially care.

"Aside from the Master and the Mistress, there are four other guests at present." The second one says softly. "They did not see fit to inform us of their names. And there is a shrine on the ground floor, in the third room on the right."


D'Rakka claims the two human female slaves and heads to his suite.

He has them bathe him, sates his desires on them and has them dress him in formal, but loose fitting silk robes.

"Who is the master of this place?"

The slaves seem happy to obey D'Rakka in whatever he asks of them, to an almost unsettling degree. Their wills have been thoroughly broken, and the tiefling can only suspect magic or some kind of extensive psychological torture as the cause.

"The house is owned by Master Thorne." One of them tells you, carefully adjusting the fit of your silken robes. "We obey him in all things."

The second simply kneels by the side of the bed, eyes downcast as she awaits further orders.

Stepping out of the coach, the Statue Man idly examines the slaves as Tiadora speaks. When she finishes, he gestures for one of the human slaves to lead him to his suite, and follows. Upon arriving he first drinks a healing potion to be rid of his minor injuries, and then washes the prison grime and blood from himself with a bowl and washcloth. Afterwards he dons dark scholarly robes, which are close enough to his preferred attire without drawing the same attention from Mitra's faithful. Fully dressed, he resembles a student from some arcane college.

The next objective was food. The prison gruel was not particularly nutritious, and the Statue Man sought to maintain his strength. With some silently mimed gestures for eating, he directs the slave to bring him something edible.

The slave bows and departs. When he returns, he brings with him a tray set with several dishes of meat and vegetables, evidently prepared by a trained chef, and a selection of wine or clear water.

Narciso will have the servants bring food while he baths and looks for appropriate clothes. As he rummages through the clothes he finds a well tailored Dark green outfit with dark red accents, and what seems to be many hidden pockets. After he dons the outfit and cleverly conceals his dagger, Narciso chooses a cloak that is an unobstrusive green on one side, and black with with and navy blue wisps on the other side. He fastens the cloak with the green side out and then enters the main room of his suite to eat quickly and talk to the servants. "So who is the lord here?" As he asks his questions he will wait for answers and full details before moving on to the next.
"Can you tell me how to get back to main entrance and the kitchens?"
"What do you know of Tiadora?"
Where is this mansion and what towns are about?"

After all his questions are answered Narciso will have the servants clean his stolen armour and head off to their mysterious saviour.

sleight of hand to conceal weapon: [roll0]

"Master Thorne is the Lord of this mansion." One of the slaves responds obediently. "He has commanded that you have free run of this property. If you wish for directions, any of us would be pleased to assist."

"Mistress Tiadora is... she is the Master's majordomo." The second says, and it takes no great skill to realise that the blond woman evidently terrifies the slaves. "As for where this place is... we do not know. We were brought here from elsewhere to serve, and are not permitted to leave."

2014-05-10, 12:53 PM
Taking the tray of food, the Statue Man gestures for the servant to leave. Sitting down to a silent meal, he takes his time with the food, no further orders having come in from Tiadora or her employer.

2014-05-10, 02:48 PM

Pug listens to everything "his" slaves tell him. He says, "Uh. All right."

A bit curious, he asks, "What exactly are you supposed to do for me? Anything forbidden?"

He listens to the answer. Then he goes to the ground floor, third room on the right, to visit the shrine, which he hopes is dedicated to Asmodeus, so he can pay his respects.

2014-05-10, 04:42 PM

D'Rakka nods as the slaves answer him. "He has excellent slaves." He brushes the slaves cheek with his hand.

Maugan Ra
2014-05-11, 09:55 AM

Pug listens to everything "his" slaves tell him. He says, "Uh. All right."

A bit curious, he asks, "What exactly are you supposed to do for me? Anything forbidden?"

He listens to the answer. Then he goes to the ground floor, third room on the right, to visit the shrine, which he hopes is dedicated to Asmodeus, so he can pay his respects.

"Not to my knowledge, sir." The slave answers quietly.

The shrine is indeed dedicated to Asmodeus, a distinct rarity in this land of Mitra's faithful. It is a relatively simple place, evidently more of an improvised setup than a true shrine, but even so there remain infernal icons and a small copy of the faith' Unholy Texts to be found.


D'Rakka nods as the slaves answer him. "He has excellent slaves." He brushes the slaves cheek with his hand.

"Thank you, sir." The slave says softly.


After some time has passed, Tiadora visits each of you in turn. "The Master will see you now. He awaits in the study on the first floor." she says, and for once her attitude is completely serious.

(OoC: Assuming you all go...)

The study turns out to be exactly that - a well appointed room filled with bookshelves and comfortable chairs, a fireplace burning merrily away in one corner.

There is a single desk, and seated behind it is a bald human male in robes of dark red and black, a warm smile on his face.


"Ah, there you are." he says warmly as you enter. "Please, take a seat. I believe congratulations are in order - assistance or not, you are the first people to ever escape Branderscar prison alive. An impressive feat."

2014-05-11, 11:10 AM

D'Rakka bows. "Thank you m'lord. For your your assistance and for your hospitality." He then sits smiling.

2014-05-11, 12:18 PM
Upon entering the study, the group's silent companion kneels down before the evidently powerful servant of Asmodeus. The man's eyes look down with the exception of the third, which spins and retracts, focusing on their benefactor's face and scanning over his appearance. Seemingly with a mind of its own, the eye soon loses interest, and examines the books gathered in the study. Tomes of dark magic, texts of Asmodeus, supernatural romance novels? What evil secrets of power could this place hold?

2014-05-11, 03:59 PM

Pug bows and prostrates himself before the altar of the Prince of Darkness, the Master of Hell, and he intones the proscribed salutations. Still, his back feels very naked. While all his followers are in a sense his servants, Pug has never been in debt to his Lord for his life before, and his neck feels very vulnerable to a headsman's axe.

His fingers itch for a knife to stab into someone in offering. Better anyone else than him.

When he meets the Master, Pug first hesitates, then bows deeply again, though not as much as he did to the altar. He seems uncertain as to the bald human's rank.

He doesn't say anything for now, conscious of his own lack of charm.

Maugan Ra
2014-05-12, 12:58 PM
The bald human nods to D'Rakka. "Your thanks are appreciated. I could hardly let such promising individuals languish in such a pit for too long"

He settles back into his seat. "My name is Cardinal Adrastus Thorne, and by the will of the Pit I am named High Cardinal of Asmodeus in Talingarde."

The way he says it so casually is astounding. The Mitrans have been attempting to stamp out the Infernal faith for generations, and most believe them to have been utterly successful. For there to be such a senior agent of Hell at liberty within Talingarde's borders, especially one able to arrange an escape from the country's most notorious prison...

"I arranged for your liberty for a very simple reason. I wish to burn this country to the ground, and build a new one on it's ashes, and I believe you can assist me in such a task."

2014-05-12, 01:48 PM

A grin creeps across D'Rakka's face. "Burn it to the ground. I like the sound of that. Tear down this whole misbegotten kingdom and build another."

2014-05-12, 02:07 PM
No response is given from the silent one, who remains kneeling. No response except the once-more rapt attention of his third eye, and a slight twitch of a smile at the edges of his mouth that quickly vanishes.

2014-05-12, 06:36 PM

Despite himself, Pug openly cringes. This bald human is High Cardinal? Far more terrible than the Ringmaster ever was!

He rumbles, "How can we help this glorious cause? What do you want us to do?"

2014-05-12, 08:55 PM
At the Cardinal's words a grin creeps across Narciso's face while he visualizes burning down the house Havelyn for getting thrown in jail.

Maugan Ra
2014-05-13, 04:30 PM

A grin creeps across D'Rakka's face. "Burn it to the ground. I like the sound of that. Tear down this whole misbegotten kingdom and build another."

Thorne smiles. "I thought you might."

To the Statue Man's gaze, the books on the shelves are surprisingly mundane. Tomes of history, of genealogy and folklore seem to dominate the selection, though it is always possible that strange lore hides behind the innocuous covers.

The Cardinal steeples his fingers together. "Make no mistake, the work will be long and difficult. The Mitrans, though blinkered and foolish, are not without a certain skill and power of their own, and at present they hold virtually all of the advantages. Yet I truly believe a new world is a possibility, with individuals such as yourselves at my side."

"The rewards will, of course, be substantial. At the most basic level, the current regime has sentenced you all to death, and there is no life for any of you within it's reach. But work with me to overthrown them, and there shall be riches, power and influence aplenty. Never again will your fates be decided by the whims of lesser men."

"Of course, men of Destiny chose their own rewards, and I would expect no less from any of you. Asmodeus is Lord of Ambition, and I would hear from your own lips that which you desire most in this world, that I might arrange suitable rewards for offered service."

2014-05-13, 11:05 PM

Pug's scarred, ugly face looks thoughtful. Then he answers.

"I want power, wealth, and the favor of our Dark Prince. I want a nice menagerie of large, carnivorous animals whom I can daily feed Mitrans for the glory and amusement of Asmodeus."

"And I want every living dwarf in the world to either be part duergar or to die screaming. Every elf, too."

2014-05-13, 11:59 PM

D'Rakka smiles. "I simply want power in relation to my ability. I wish to explore my abilities to their fullest to gain that power. I want a just society, without the pretense of "good". I want my own place, servants and the ability to serve true justice."

2014-05-14, 02:33 AM
Touching his throat, the Statue Man vocalizes no reply. His only cause at the moment is to take vengeance on the one who took his mark of Asmodeus, and reclaim his name. Once he is once more, he may again have ambitions of his own. And once he is strong enough, he may find his voice.

2014-05-14, 09:07 AM
Before their meeting with the Master:

Having been shown to his suite, Andrezi eased into his chair. The ride to the mansion had been an uncomfortable one as every small shake of the enchanted carriage sent a jolt through his shoulder wound. Inexperienced in the ways of combat, his was the worst he had ever been injured, though he suspected that this wouldn't be the last time he was injured so. As the charmed servants went about their duties in extracting the arrow and giving him appropriate healing he ordered a set of noble's clothing be brought to him and a bath be grawn so he could wash and groom himself properly. As they went about his duties, he asked questions about the owner of this place and any other guests staying here. Being here might be the only option available to him, but that didn't mean that he was going to stumble into whatever fate held for him unprepared.

At the meeting:

Joining the others when he was called, Lukasz was adorned in a fine silk shirt of midnight blue with pants of the finest leather and black boots that rose to midway up his calf. Accustomed to luxury, even after his family had fallen on hard times, he wore a black cape that was trimmed in silver silk thread.

Upon entering the study, Lukasz hesitated a moment. Though he no longer followed Mitra, he had not yet taken up faith in another divine power and was among those who believed that the worship of Asmodeus had been eradicated from the land. However, listening to the Cardinal's words, he saw that this man had the power, means and desire to see Talingarde changed for the better. Judging the Cardinal's words and his own before he spoke, Lukasz, exchanging formalities said, "It is an honor to meet you and a pleasure to hear that your goals for Talingarde are in line with my own. I am Lukasz Pavo." Having always kept his true intentions from others, Lukasz was surprised when he found himself saying, "And I wish to see House Darius brought low. My family was once the holders of the legal history of Talingarde, but that history and position were all but decimated for siding against House Darius during the War and I would see the respect, honor and power of my family returned. If it means the deaths of all who align themselves with House Darius, so be it. However, I would have them suffer the humiliation that my family endured before they finally meet the god that they hold so dear."

OOC: I apologize for the lack of posting. Things have been chaotic after the hard drive on my computer crashed. I finally have replaced it and my computer is now up and running. Here is hoping this hard drive lasts longer than my last one.

2014-05-15, 04:34 PM
Narciso thinks for a moment and then says, "I wish to destroy the Havelyn for going back on our agreement and having me arrested. I will kill the head of their family last and with my own blade. The others I kill or have killed one at a time so those that remain can learn to fear when their death will come. I desire only the implements to accomplish this goal and dedicate their deaths to our lord."

Maugan Ra
2014-05-17, 05:47 PM
Thorne nods.

"All of these things are achievable." He glances at the Statue Man, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "Some may be more difficult than others, but this is to be expected - that which we truly value is always difficult to obtain, for if it were easy then we would not need to seek it."

He chuckles warmly. "I confess, I was expecting more difficulty in persuading you. Few have the courage and ambition to strive for true greatness."

The Priest of Asmodeus reaches into a draw in his desk, and removes a long strip of parchment that he lays out in front of you. It is an odd shade, almost like flayed hide, and on it are written words in red ink.

Behold on this day in the eighth age of the world, a perpetual compact is forged between Cardinal Adrastus Thorn (hereafter called 'The Master') and those who would be his acolytes (hereafter referred to as the 'Bound'). Both the Master and the Bound shall hold true to this compact through all trial and tribulation, and swear that it shall never be undone.

The Bound shall know and understand the Four Loyalties.

The First Loyalty is to their god and patron, Mighty Asmodeus, First amongst the Nine, our Father Below. They shall do all that can be done to further his worship and glory.

The Second Loyalty is to their Master, he who is called the Cardinal Adrastus Thorn, High Priest of Asmodeus in Talingarde. They shall do the Master no harm and obey his every commandment, so long as those commandments do not clash with their First Loyalty.

The Third Loyalty is to their companions - the other Bound who serve alongside them. They shall deal with each other fairly and honorably as long as doing so does not clash with their First or Second Loyalties. All treasure, influence and other rewards shall be shared equally amongst all the Bound who aided in it's acquisition.

The Fourth Loyalty is to themselves - for Asmodeus is The Lord of Ambition, and all who serve him should strive to become great and powerful so long as it does not clash with their First, Second or Third loyalties. By their weakness shall ye know the Unworthy.

The Bound swear by blood and soul that they will cleave to the Four Loyalties in the face of Death and Damnation.

The Master swears that as long as the Four Loyalties are held, he shall reward the Bound as they deserve for their deeds.

Thus it is written, thus shall it be.

We, being of sound mind and body, do swear this compact in it's entirety, and let any who break it know all the wrath of Hell Unending.

"These are the terms of the agreement I strike with all of my agents. If you would see your dreams realised, merely sign your name." Adrastus explains, producing a quill and a small silver knife that he lays alongside the contract. "Signing in blood is traditional."

2014-05-17, 06:12 PM
Standing now from his kneeling position, the Statue Man approaches the desk. Taking up the knife, he nicks his finger. With no name as his right to sign, he simply presses his finger to the contract. When it is lifted, an identifying bloody fingerprint is left behind. The Statue Man steps back so that the others may make their marks.

2014-05-17, 09:54 PM
Approaching the paper, Lukasz scanned the document, reading it several times as his legalistic training kicked in This is a masterly-crafted document: simple yet thorough and precise. Even if I had the time, I don't know if I would find a loophole that I could exploit. As he finished with his fourth reading, that familiar, yet mysterious whisper called out to him. It spoke of what ambitions he could pursue with the power he now held, but only once he found a Lord he could put his faith in. Finding himself reaching for the knife, he smiled as he nicked his thumb, drawing enough blood to wet the tip of the quill. With that, using beautiful penmanship that can only really learned by scholars and nobles, he scrawled his on the line. Once that was done, he could have sword that that whispering voice he heard had sighed and Lukasz knew that his fate was now not only tied to the other Bound and the Cardinal before them, but his soul was one step closer to Asmodeus' grasp.

2014-05-17, 10:31 PM
Narciso reads the document quickly and decides that if this brings the reward he desires than it is certainly worth working with Thorn and the others. He places his left hand beside the document and using the silver knife makes a small cut on the back of it. He then dips the quill in his blood and signs his name in one fluid movement that leaves perfectly penned letters in its wake.

2014-05-17, 11:10 PM

Pug makes a moue of disgruntlement as he reads over the terms, two times. Slowly, he cuts himself in the left arm and signs his name in blood: Pugnacius Rockhammer.

He blinks and glances with wide eyes at the Statue Man. Even on this document, he signed no name but his fingerprint.

2014-05-18, 09:11 AM

D'Rakka reads the contract over once and without hesitation cuts his left palm open and dipping the quill into the would signs his name in Infernal.

Maugan Ra
2014-05-20, 03:18 PM
Adrastus recovers the contract once the last name has been signed, tucking it away inside his robes. Then he rises, and inclines his head to you.

"We are bound together, now, in the service of Hell. Glory or death await. For now, go and rest. Your training begins tomorrow."

OK, so I'm kind of busy at the moment, which makes running a coherent arc difficult. It's just an unusually busy time at work, nothing serious or long-term, but it does mean that I'm forced into adopting a bit more of an unusual attitude here with regards to you lot.

Put simply, we're moving into a Training Montage. Cardinal Thorne is going to be training you all to become his elite agents and a worthwhile team, over the course of approximately three months. I'd like you lot to help me cover what it is that you all get taught during this time, be it in the form of small pieces of fiction, diary entries or whatever. I'll work together with you on some of the pieces, but my schedule means I can't give everyone's character arcs the full attention they deserve by myself.

There will be rewards for your snapshots of the training, in the form of xp, bonus feats and traits, equipment and whatever the hell else I think is appropriate.

So, in terms of helping you come up with ideas, here's the people who will help train you:

- Adrastus Thorne is a powerful Cleric, and will focus on educating you in your faith and scholarship. He also has numerous diabolic contacts and the ability to summon outsiders of various forms, which he uses liberally to aid in your training. In personality, he is a demanding taskmaster, but rewards excellence richly.

- Marcelus Wolfram is a giant human male of indeterminate ethnicity. He goes clad in dark armour of obviously fiendish make, and wields a wide variety of weapons. He is the one who teaches you combat skills, and is an intensely disciplined person who speaks only rarely.

- Tiadora instructs you in the more delicate social arts, with an emphasis on infiltration in all it's forms. She is outright sadistic, and relentlessly mocking. Anyone who takes issue with this also finds that she is far, far stronger than such a slender woman has any right to be...

There is also another group undergoing the same training as you lot, a band of humans from some foreign country you've never heard of. They're all tall and pale skinned.

- Elise Zadaria is a witch, with a rather intimidating range of winter-magicicks at her command. She is also breathtakingly beautiful, and willing to use that fact when dealing with others, to the point of outright seduction - but only of those she deems powerful. The weak or foolish gain nothing but scorn.

- Tallus Rakburn is a hunter of men and beasts, and a competent archer. He tends towards dry humour and a competitive mindset, especially around you, his new allies.

- Titus Rakburn, identical brother of Tallus, is a much more friendly and approachable individual. He is a sword-fighter, and apparently wields some form of divine magic, though his relationship with Asmodeus is unclear.

- Dostan is a large, silent brute with a greatsword. He says little, and is fanatically devoted to Elise, to whom he seems to owe some kind of debt. He is also a heavy drinker.

If you have any particular scenes that you'd like to cover as part of your character development, let me know and I'll try to find the time to help run them. Otherwise, go nuts - this is where you become a party, rather than a group of loosely associated escapees.

2014-05-20, 03:43 PM

Pug waits until the others have left, then he inquires, "Uh, what and how do you want me to sacrifice, for the greater glory of the Prince and to pay for my life?"

The dwarf fidgets uncertainly, unsure whether it was Thorne who was responsible for bringing him back, or Asmodeus himself.