View Full Version : With thin boundries - IC

2014-04-07, 09:41 PM
For the briefest of moments, you are consciousness without shape. Formless and limitless and all is yours to view. As the most rudimentary of bodies forms you notice others near you, bright spots in the endless nothing around you.

There is nothing, save you and your brethren, all as new and unformed as you yourself are. The only thing separating you from the all consuming nothing around you is that you are aware of yourself.

Another presence makes itself known, a gleaming sun of power compared to your bonfire. Ao, the maker separates itself from you and your siblings and sits back to view what results.

(EDIT in spoiler)

You can chat and whatnot right now, I am waiting for everyone to post in their characters in before I officially start the first Aeon. The rules for that Aeon will be posted then

Toxic Mind
2014-04-07, 09:57 PM
Hissek feels life flow through him. He feels arms, a body, a powerful tail. He stands, though there is nothingness to stand on. Hissek looks to the receding light and warmth, and tilts his head quizzically. "Why does it leave?" He says to no one in particular. He absentmindedly flicks out his tongue, tasting the substance now formed on one of his claws. "More bite, more power." He thinks to himself, and the poison has what he wishes. Satisfied, he looks around, searching for others that the light has left.

God Name: Hissek

AKA: The Cold Death, The Endless Toxin.

Personality: Hissek is quiet and unassuming, and his words are few, if any. This leads many to assume that he is weak, or stupid, which is anything but the case. Hissek prefers peace to fighting, liking more to be left alone. However, when startled or provoked, he is vicious and final. Hissek rarely shows any emotion at all, and is generally cold and distant to those around him. Most find this put offing, but those that remain stalwartly by him find him, while no warmer, a staunch and resolute ally. Hissek values victory by any means, and is ruthless with his foes. In his free time, he concocts new and virulent poisons, and tests them out, which is one of the few times that genuine emotion can be seen on his face.

Manifestations: On the physical plane, Hissek can appear as a large python, intelligence burning in its eyes, or as a lamia, half man, half snake. His torso is muscled and his face shows all the seamless beauty of a god, and a muscular tail coils under him, supporting his body weight. This form is also the one he most heavily favors when interacting with other gods.

Portfolio: Serpents and Poisons (moving towards decay and then Death)

2014-04-07, 10:21 PM
A collection of energy weans into existence, coming along with it a sense of consciousness. It wavers slightly, slowly materializing, and shaping its own form.
Tail too short, body to small...Maybe some wings? Terkuni thought to herself. She then settles in the form of a small bipedal creature, with glowing eyes, and and thin fur covering her skin. The form initially had wings, but after some slight movment, and realizing the wings served no purpose, they simply melded into her body, leaving a butterfly winged discoloration of her fur along her back.
For what purpose am I here for? She asked quizzically, seemingly at no one. Scanning her surroundings, she notices other orbs of consciousness, starting take shape around her. She stares with curiosity at these forms, mesmerized.


Commonly referred to as:
The trickster, The guide

Terkuni loves to cause mischif, she would take pleasure in approaching unseen to others, and to whisper secrets and actions, toying with their conscience. She enjoys trying to scare just about anything, with noises of creatures never heard before, and with her ghostly appearance. To her brother and sisters, she tries to take a more direct approach to her tricks, but is careful not to go overboard. This usually takes the form of changing the appearance of their possessions, or to tell them tall tales, from great battles in the faraway lands, to a great mountain of wealth, hidden away by another god. When her tricks to get out of hand however, she is excellent at hiding and changing her form, until things calm down.

Despite these tricks however, Terkuni doesn't want to mean true harm to those she trick. When she spies a creature that catches her fancy, she would enjoy toying with it, but would try to keep it safe from harm, though she's more partial to those she created herself. If the creature was lost in this newly formed land, she may lead it through swamps, and make it believe it's being chased by the most frightening beast its ever heard of, but she will try to lead him back to his home. When being asked for guidance, she'll help people get to where they want to... eventually. In terms of emotions, she is fairly expressive of her positive emotions, she laughs at other people's bad luck, and is happy when one of her tricks work the way she wants it to. She tries to keep her negative emotions from surfacing, since that would give those she tricks a method of getting back at her. However, she strongly dislikes seeing the death of those she is guiding, in part because that would prevent playing tricks on them (not much fun making scary noises and visions to corpses), but in part because she does feel obliged to properly guide those who ask. Though she's not much of a warrior, she can ascertain that the killers lives will become a living nightmare.

Terkuni doesnt normally appear before mortal plane in her normal form, but rather prefers staying unseen, perhaps as a fleeting breeze, whispering in the air, or as a creature invisible to mortal's eyes. However, she does sometimes enjoy taking the form of a monstrous beast or a darting shadow, to scare what newly formed creatures her siblings spawned. When asked for guidance, she would whisper to their ears. In the heavenly realm, she enjoys taking on the form of whatever catches her fancy, usually of a small creature she newly invented, or sometimes of greater mythical creature, but that's not to her liking. As her natural form, she appears as an girl with the appearance of being around the age of 18. She doesn't carry with her fancy jewelry, but rather she carries a small notebook where she writes her plans for an upcoming trick, or maybe a secret she shouldn't have learned.

Starting portfolio:
Direction and Secrets

Terkuni truly wants to simply continue her mischivious ways. She may eventaully get bored of doing tricks to her fellow gods, she'll begin creating creatures in the mortal realm for her to toy with, or play with the creatures the other gods have created. She may want to begin with creating one type of creature, but then lose interest and create another. In the end, she'll finally settle with one which she deems her favorite.

In terms of portfolio, she will tend towards nature, and geography, but will enjoy playing with illusions and mirages. (May subject to change, seeing and reacting to how the world will be shaped).

2014-04-07, 10:23 PM
Khan experiences his "birth," bloodlust and rage that would last lifetimes and a longing to use his new-formed claws to shred any and all enemies he could ever possibly have. Khan felt his true form shaping together, outstretching his wings, with too much disgusting white on them, rolling his shoulders and feeling his claws for hands move about. The huge ugly horns growing from his head was a feeling he cherished, the power contained in them made him smile. "It left because it wishes us to earn its attention" Khan's thinking immediately jumping to the idea of physical fighting to determine who would should earn it's attention.

Name: Khan

Commonly referred to as:
The Insatiable Warrior, The Bloodied Angel


Khan is is always in the mood to fight, to kill. His murderous rage is always just beneath the surface of whatever facade he is wearing. He is prone to outbursts of harsh emotion and because of this some would question whether Khan knows the meaning deception and and smooth-talking. Those people would be correct, Khan is, in every aspect of his being, straightforward and to the point. If Khan is not living in the moment, then most of his ideas or plans involve spilling blood always in the form of combat. He loves fighting, no matter who is fighting, if he was devious enough he would love the idea of watching gods fight each other but because of his lack of tact he would be the one stuck doing the fighting himself. For those around The Bloodied Angel, his view is usually simple and black-and-white. Either he likes you in which case he would defend you tooth and nail, or he hates you. At least those around Khan usually know where they stand with him.


When in the mortal realm, Khan shows himself always as a roughly 9ft humanoid made entirely of muscle. He is clean shaven and has bloodred pupils. He wears a master crafted metallic armor usually splattered in the blood of his foes, he will carry two huge axes that have jagged bloody edges. Khan radiates an aura bloodlust and the will to fight and murder.

While with the Gods, Khan's form is still human-esque, if not larger. He still has a shaved head, and blood red pupils but now he has a pair of huge bloody wings bursting from his back. It is said each feather splattered with blood is a foe Khan has brutally murdered(at the moment, those wings are almost all white). He is missing his two battle axes in favor of grossly proportioned clawed hands, where each finger ends in a vicious talon. While he still has a humanoid head and face, his mouth is filled with vicious daggers, and on top of his head are a pair of huge twisted horns.


Combat, Bloodlust

2014-04-07, 10:43 PM
in the darkness chaos swirled and mingled, growing in intensity as magical energy sizzled. First she was just a ball of darkness, but then she shifted taking on several shapes and forms, the shift into each smooth and flowy; it was as if she could not decide what she wanted.
Settling on something, for now, Chaos gathered into a vaguely feminine humanoid shape of darker than darkness itself. Tall and lean, it appeared as if to swallow the light. Shadows danced and twirled around her. A smirk formed, beneath a set of almond shaped eyes, currently violet in hue and radiating mischief. Long flowing locks of reds, blues and purples fell past her knees. Skin dark contrasted that rainbow of color that made up her hair.
Lady Chaos took bodily form.
She looked around, eyes meeting each person who stood in the gathered group. Casually she stretched as from a long deep sleep before plopping back like there was an invisible chair behind her and holding her up in the mannor.

Name: Araushnee Shadowdancer
Nicknames: Lady Chaos; Mistress of Mischief
Domains/Portfolio: Darkness; Chaos
Personality: "Some things will never be truly or fully extinguished. Chaos being one. Darkness being another. Things come. Things go. Change is good. It keeps things from becoming stagnant, dull. It gives hope to the oppressed, throws off the tryannical and makes the world balanced in a paradoxical way.”
Araushnee is the epitome and embodiment of change. Her existence is spun from the fabric of chaos itself and gathered into the elvish woman know by many titles. She brings balance by stirring up order and creating chaos: from chaos comes change, creativity and ingenuity; in chaos is surprise, excitement, spontaneity, newness. In these changes is the underdog rising up and overcoming otherwise stagnant. Araushnee's nature makes her fickle and unpredictable with her fancies as fleeting as a desert rain. She is often easily bored becoming the well known trouble maker is truly is; this also makes sly, mischievous, and devious in fun ways. To everyone, she appears incapable of remaining still or concentrating on a single task for any extended period of time. Mostly, Lady Chaos enjoys causing trouble for its own sake, but her work is rarely either helpful or deadly. Sarcasm, jokes, and all round jesting often pepper her words, only to add to her double edged smirks.
When angered (by other deities in particular), she uses cool, subtle, deceptive and deadly ways to create havoc and damage however and where ever it will hurt the most. This will be one of the few times patience can be used to describe her. She will, one way or another, get her revenge.
Description: The Shadowdancer is a young, tall, and lean elven woman of dark flawless skin with sweeping hair that is always changing in color. her almond shaped eyes color according to her mood, but they are most often violet to maroon in color (and the only feature she cannot hide if disguised). Often she wears dark clothing, fitting of one of stealth; but is not above wearing whatever fits her whim and favors dark reds, blues, purples, and blacks. Her appearance to mortals depends on her mood and favor, appearing as a shadow or creature of the night.

hope to add thievery/stealth and trickery.
Dogma: Bring change and excitement where ever you go be it for good or ill. Live on the edge in a constant state of self-reinvention. Thrive to puncture the self-righteousness, sanctimony, and pretension that pervades orderly society with mischievous actions that both amuse and enlighten. Enjoy causing trouble for its own sake.
Other teachings: using whatever you can, have the ability to take care of yourselves should things prove to be deadly or go awry. Inspire laughter and happiness, giddy silliness, and welcome release from care so that the routine of day-to-day existence does not become worn so deep that it grinds all the joy from life. Celebrate the spontaneous.
Be deadly-romantic in your charm and subtlety of skill. Brave and yet flighty. Be champions of field and modest in ability. Those who underestimate you court the surety of becoming the victim to an amusing, well thought, elaborate hoax or plan that could end up costing them and being at your cost.

2014-04-07, 10:52 PM
Aria does not directly improve on the crude 'body' she is given; the Goddess of Song forms as a cloud of sound and color that swirls around itself, letting out joyous noises as it discovers itself. Aria sings without words and slowly becomes not more complex, but simply more defined - the lights that compose her sharpen into shifting shapes, the sounds that she lets loose become words, and the song that weaves through her gains notes and melodies, harmonies and dissonances that make her ripple in the void.

"To live! To be! Oh, what joy it is to know oneself, to see Without and Within and know that they are apart! Glad tidings to you all!"

Name: Aria
Goddess of Song

Personality: Aria is a kind, if often slightly confused goddess. She is eager to promote her nature in the nascent world and loves sharing her interests with others and learning about theirs in turn. Aria's great joy is in seeing lives enriched by beauty, and in the creation of new and inspiring things.

Manifestations: Aria doesn't often choose to have a physical body as such; she manifests as a living song, visible to the cunning or attentive as rippling distortions in the air. When she does choose to create a flesh-and-blood body she prefers light, airy forms, often small and invariably female, with clear voices and bright, eager eyes. Amongst her fellow gods, Aria is a dazzling display of light and color that shifts and whirls in a chaotic dance of joyous inspiration.

Portfolios: Music, Curiosity

2014-04-08, 12:15 AM
A slow dripping soon becomes a strong torrent. The flow courses through the aether and empties into a titanic basin. For what seems like eons the muck-like flow merely pools at the bottom of the tub. But inevitably, the flow reaches the top. Right before spilling however, the torrent ceases, leaving the basin perfectly full.

Slowly, a creature begins crawling out over the top of the deep tub. It flops out inelegantly and begins quivering at the bottom of the basin, shaking off the muck and goop from which it sprung. Then the creature begins to examine itself, and as it does, it gains form. A large, pear-like body. Four long legs with webbed feet. A wide, grinning mouth. A long, sticky tongue. The creature relished its form, anticipating the great things it would carry him to do.

But of all aspects of its body, the creature admired most its massive, jeweled eyes. The sparkling nature of them overcame the creature, and he knew he wanted more like it. More jewels. More wealth. His eyes alone would not do.

And so the creature, which had decided to name itself Ohnello, began hopping towards the small lights in the distance, hoping them to be some form of wealth, or at least something that could bring him to wealth.


Commonly referred to as:
He Who Bathes in Gold, The Toad, the Dweller in the Deep.

Imagine real-life frogs; they are capable of extending their tongue at ridiculous speeds out of mouth. This is done with a tongue multiple times the length of some of their bodies. And they do this simply to eat! Eating is a function that for most other creatures is a relatively simple process.

So why do frogs do this? It's because they are intensely dedicated to what they set their minds on, but at the same time they have no comprehension of getting things done the easiest way possible.

Ohnello is much like this. He wants wealth, but he would never think to set up a business or try trading for it. He goes to weird lengths and devises strange plans to increase his hoard. Sometimes these plans work, sometimes they don't.

So in essence, Ohnello is a god would like to be complacent and lazy, but his strong desire for wealth combined with his no understanding of simplicity make that very difficult for him. He spends most of his time on strange, quixotic, logic-less quests for more wealth.

Ohnello manifests as a horse-sized toad covered in dripping slime from his lagoon and with large gems and coins embedded in his flesh. Instead of eyes, Ohnello has two large jewels embedded in his face, with which he uses to greedily admire his riches.

Starting portfolio:
Greed and water.

Future Plans:
Acquire more wealth. Found a society that has no value for wealth and instead offers it to Ohnello as their god. Adopt invention, creativity, sloth/laziness, jewels, wealth, and amphibians into his portfolio.

2014-04-08, 03:52 PM
Cius comes into being with a clear sense of being separate from the rest of existence. "Oh why, hello", he says to the nothingness, "Would you fancy a deal? I will give you shape and you will offer yourself to me." Cius is silent for a second, as if waiting for a reply, then chuckles, "Agreed, then!"
Suddenly, the mass is added to his rudimentary body and within instants takes the form of a hunched silver-pelted primate.
He looks himself over and grins a toothy merchant's smile.
"Ah, a deal well struck."

Spotting his siblings in the vast darkness, he greets them most heartily, "Beloved siblings! You cannot believe how happy I am to find you. Being alone would be a dull affair."


Commonly referred to as:
The Prime Witness, Through Whom We Pray

Cius is polite and generous, but does not like being taken advantage of. Every thing and act has its value and every gift has to be made up for eventually - even better if it is with interest.
He does not take much interest in creation for his own sake. He prefers likes to mediate between his siblings or act out what he considers a fair trade-off between them. Also, he loves to intertwine the fates of the mortal races his brethren create by helping them to communicate with eachother and take advantage of that.

He condemns contract-breakers but is sympathetic to those who can take advantage of an agreement.

His ambition is to make and see members of all mortal races interact with eachother competitively but peacefully.

Cius divine form is akin to that of a great ape, somewhat resembling an orangutan, with a large mouth and grin. His fur, however, is made of the purest silver.
When interacting with mortals, he may appear in his original form or a disembodied voice. If he wishes to hide his true nature, he will appear as a mortal with silvery hair.

Starting portfolio:
Language, trade

2014-04-09, 02:51 PM
Ao looks down at it's children, as silent as the universe is loud, watching them form themselves to their liking. It didn't move, it had long ago lost the need to indulge in such pointless antics and simply willed the world into existence.

A formless lump of rock, and a space for its children to play.

"Go now children. It is yours, do as you will with it."

In this Age you will start with two Acts and receive one Act every six hours. You have

Miracles: Unlimited
Curses: 0
Endowments: 1

Remember, whether or not you have a miracle/curse/endowment available, you MUST use an Act to expend it.

2014-04-09, 03:29 PM
Excited, Cius claps his hands.
"Amazing! What shall we do with it? Do you have any ideas? It looks so empty..."

Toxic Mind
2014-04-09, 04:12 PM
With what may have been the invention of sarcasm, Hissek looks at his brother. "Atmosphere."

"No Volunteers? Very well, I shall try my claw at it." With his speech, Hissek FALLS. He plummets towards the barren planet, and slams into its' surface, digging his claws deep into the ground. A massive cloud of dust rises, large enough to be seen from on high by all his brothers and sisters. He swirls it around and around, and with a flick of his wrists, sends it streaking around the whole planet. Air, such as it is, though with nothing to breathe it. Though Hissek had added his own flavor to the mixture. The clouds of dust formed together, and within them, each of the gods could sense VENOM lurking. Hissek had created air, the start of any life, but added a deadly twist. All creation would have to deal with toxic clouds, which the very air itself may cause to descend upon their head. The clouds themselves were few, and from what the other fledgling gods could see, currently floated well away from the surface.

Hissek returned to his brothers and sisters, looking smug. "Good enough?" he said, not expecting an answer. He sat back, and waited to see what the others would do.

Hissek used 1 Act[Miracle] to create a poison gas atmosphere: Portfolio - poison

1 Act
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

2014-04-09, 05:34 PM
I forgot to mention, there is a format I would like for you to detail your Act expenditure.

[Name] used 1 Act[type of act ei Miracle, endowment ect..] to describe here. What portfolio it relates to

how many of what remaining

So, Toxic, yours might look like this

Hissek used 1 Act[Miracle] to create a poison gas atmosphere: Portfolio - poison

1 Act
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

also, what's with the all caps and green on venom?

2014-04-09, 07:08 PM
Ohnello gazed lazily on as one of his brothers tore his claws into the rock, digging up the land and creating a sort of pillow of air around the planet.

Hopping towards the planet, Ohnello decided to add his own touch. Hopefully some creatures to play with, as Ohnello was sure that he and other gods would like something to do other than play with a hunk of stone.

But upon drawing close to the planet, Ohnello sensed something off with the atmosphere surrounding it. The air seemed to carry with it a venom, or a toxin. Something inimical to life itself.

Realizing that he would have to do something about the toxic atmosphere if he wished to create life, Ohnello began to think deeply. To some, the most obvious solution would simply be to make life compatible with such air. But Ohnello was not like most, instead his mind worked like a flowing stream, weaving and twisting around problems in contorted shapes, unable to flow right through them.

And so, from his thoughts, a river flowed. But soon this river magnified in strength. Within moments it had become a flood, filling all the lower areas of the planet. Ohnello had created an ocean.

"In this way, future creatures that wish not to breath my brother's toxin will have an alternate place to dwell. Beneath the waves, none of the venomous atmosphere shall be able to touch them," Ohnello explained.

Ohnello used 1 Act [Miracle] to create an ocean that covers about 40% of the planet's surface. Portfolio - water.

1 Acts
Unlimited Miracles
0 Curses
1 Endowment

2014-04-09, 10:27 PM
Looking at the dim and dull planet being crafted and manipulated below her, Terkuni thinks of something to add. I suppose those that will reside on the land will require some way to navigate the barren planet. Hopefully creatures will still be able to see past that haze. Terkuni then spawn some small orbs of light, stationary in the nothingness that they float in. These orbs of light shall be visible from the surface of the planet, providing direction to those who may see them. However, above the largest of land masses, Terkuni places a light, slightly brighter than those others she created. There. This shall guide and gather those of this land.

Pleased with what she did, she returns to the conversation she had with Cius.

Terkuni used 1 Act[Miracle] to create stationary lights in the sky: Portfolio - direction

2 Act
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

2014-04-10, 02:16 AM
"Where is the fun in everything looking the same? When everything is equal, there is no tension. Someone needs to fix this!"
Of course, when he says "someone", Cius refers to himself. He focuses his will on the planet and its form begins to ripple. Mountains and ranges thereof are created all over the world, spread out rather evenly. They take the form of rolling hills, sharp cliffs and cloud-scraping peaks. One particularly high mountain stands out from the rest - standing easily twice as tall as the second-highest peak of the world.

Cius uses 2 Acts[Miracle] to shape the world into mountains and valleys. Portfolio: out of portfolio

1 Act
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

2014-04-10, 09:37 AM
Aria has watched her siblings create - not in contemplation, but in wonder. Her form flits brightly through creation, taking in the sights and sounds of what is here, what is real and not still in potential, and she sings joyously at every sight.

The Goddess of Song shines brighter than the new-made stars.

Spires begin to coalesce all over the world - objects both great and small, high and low and all sizes in between. Each is made of a curious material, semi-transparent and like steel, which emits music. Each spire's song is unique and ever-changing, flowing into new tunes, new harmonies and melodies, as time passes. Slowly, around the spires, wind begins to pick up...

Caught by her inspiration, Aria seeds the world with the material which she invented for her spires.

1 ACT (Miracle: Music) - Created the Songspires, a collection of objects that radiate beautiful music in a range starting at half a mile around themselves and extending to ten miles around the largest, most powerful spire. This music is not magical in nature, but the power of the constant song is intended to begin moving the atmosphere and create currents in the nascent ocean (as sound is just kinetic energy). Who knows if Aria miscalculated, though...

1 or 2 ACTS (Miracle: Music or No Portfolio) - Created Hymnglass, a metal-like substance made from solidified sound. Hymnglass is very similar to steel, except that it is semi-transparent and may be smelted and shaped through song instead of fire (flames destroy Hymnglass if they're hot enough). Once smelted and forged into a shape, Hymnglass is difficult but not impossible to re-shape with song. Items made of Hymnglass radiate music that shifts and changes.

2014-04-10, 09:44 AM
Hm....there is still lacking something...ah, I know! Allow me to make something which shall provide amusement for me for the eons to come.. She descended her form to the surface of the planet, reverting herself back to the canine form that she begun with. However, the fur that was once dirty and dull, is now brilliant and gleaming, though it was still colored the darkest of black, flecks of light seemingly danced off of it, reflecting the light of the brightest of stars directly above her form. It was as if the sky itself was painted on to her fur. Truly quite the spectacle. I must thank Cius again for providing me with such a beautiful coat. And then, she dug, gouging the earth and creating a hole descending into the earth. The caverns extended for miles in all three dimensions, forming a complicated network of tunnels. When she finished digging, she paused, feeling tired of the effort expended. Digging is such an extrenous process. I hope much so that this will be able to provide the enjoyment I envision.

Terkuni used 2 Act[Miracle] to create a vast cavernous system: Portfolio - No Portfolio (Caves).

0 Act
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

Toxic Mind
2014-04-10, 01:32 PM
Hmmm... How boring. And why wait for chaos to enjoy herself? Hissek thinks to himself form his perch. He looks to his brothers and sisters. "Let's lighten things up now shall we?" Hissek bares his fangs in a terrifying simulacrum of a smile. He heads for the caverns most recently dug, and when he reaches the lowest point, goes incorporeal. He moves through the dirt as if it were non-existent until he reaches the center of the planet. He creates a crystal, quicksilver and fluid, and sets it slowly rotating. The crystal pushes against the world, moving no earth, but lightening everything. Rock becomes easier to move, the weight of songsteel becomes lighter, and Hissek, back on the surface, jumps 20 feet in the air as easily as one world hop over a pebble.

It becomes easier to moves, easier to fly. Hissek returns to the heavens, and cleans his teeth. "You like it bouncy, yes?" He says, looking at Aria. "I didn't affect the music too much, did I?"

I'm imagining something around 1/4 earth norm.

Hissek used 2 Acts [Miracle] to lower gravity well of planet make bouncy gravity
Domain: earth/space?
Acts: 0
Miracles: Unlimited
Curses: 0
Endowment: 1

2014-04-10, 01:35 PM
Araushnee watched as her siblings headed off in each directions to create and shape the world. With a smirk, the Shadowdancer decided to watch them at first. Her dark form drifted over the lands, observing how an atmosphere, stars, mountains, metallic singing spirals, and cavern system came into existence. There was no need to create darkness, as it existed already, and she would keep it that way. If her siblings tried to adjust that, then she might would have to counter it.
A random idea popped into Araushnee's head.
a wave of her hand, area of strange magic appeared. Varying size zones of wild magic. Actions here were unpredictable. following the first one, more then showed up all across this untamed world.
"We must keep this place interesting," she said to herself.
Not staying long to observe what these would do she headed off, moving twords a sibling who was more like herself.

Araushnee used 1 Act to create wild magical zones: Portfolio - chaos

3 Act(?)
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

2014-04-10, 03:28 PM
Ummm..... what molten core? I wasn't kidding when I said Ao just gave you a hunk of this and that the size of a planet. No one has made a molten core, so thus far, the planet has none."

send me a PM and let me know more about this wild magic would you?

2014-04-10, 04:38 PM
Khan watched all the gods to see what they would do. He found their inventions interesting but they lacked something. Khan put the claw to his chin thinking wondering what he could do that would cause the most fun. Tapping his claw against his chin he drew blood. Feeling the sharp pain, and the warm blood flowing down his hand. "Brothers, Sisters. I believe your missing something absolutely...essential." Khan flaps his disgustingly white noting that he needs do something about that soon. Reaching the odd land, Khan landed with a thundering crash. He stood turning looking around at the landscape. He made his decision, he took his left hand, spreading out his claw fingers, then rapidly plunged them into his right arm down the length. Making four punctures, then viciously ripping them out. A smile came over Khan's face as his deep red blood started to flow, flipping his arm he let it land on the ground. His blood was pooling together, the blood that was filled with his essence was swirling together into weird shapes. After a few moments the blood stopped flowing and Khan was almost wistful of the passed moment. Flapping his wings he retreated to watch and see what would happen although he knew it.

The pool of blood reached a crescendo when a humanoid shape similar to Khan's walked out, the blood hardening into a pale kind of flesh, that bound in the mass of muscle. Many beings walked out, each one was similar, the males were muscular and were like Khan, like they were meant to kill. The females weren't quite like that but they had sharpened claws and teeth. Together they were formed a race in Khan's image.

"That my siblings should produce a lot of fun." Khan stood arms folding in his waiting posture.

Khan used 1 Act[miracle] to create mortals similar to him. Portfolio: none, bloodlust

3 Acts?
Unlimited Miracles
0 Curses
1 Endowment

2014-04-10, 08:03 PM
As she drifted easily, some might say lazily, still observing her siblings at work.
"perhaps," her reply to Khan, "or we can also throw in some of these."

Her hand swirled the darkness around her as it gathering into a vaguely humaniod shape not unlike herself. Inky black beings with no true shape to call their own, these incorporeal mortals had no feature other than a set of pupil-less eyes that appeared to glow with a faint violet tint. Imbued in these shades were bits of Araushnee's nature.
They were neither alive nor undead, but merely existing, calling upon the shadows for its existence. They needed not to eat, sheep or breathe. Araushnee knew light would someday be their weakness, and it would be up to them to survive, overpower or outwit their enemy. Those who didnt then were doomed to their fate.
a wave of her hand she dismissed the shades, "have fun."

Araushnee used 1 Act to create shades: Portfolio - darkness

2 Act(?)
Unlimited Miracle
0 curses
1 Endowment.

2014-04-10, 11:36 PM
Aria looks at the actions of her siblings and glows worriedly. What would come of these new and wonderful creatures on this barren world? Something - well, many things - need to be done. Slowly at first, and then with quickening speed and glorious volume, Aria begins to sing.

In the first verse of her song, life sprouts forth over the world - plants in a rainbow of colors, hymnglass woven into their organic forms. They have fruits like wind chimes, branches like flutes, roots that vibrate through the earth and break the unforgiving stone into soil. Where they grow, the constant song of the world is changed by their harmonies and dissonances, becoming many new songs that weave into, or clash with, one another.

In the second verse, the skies open and let forth animals of the air. They fly on delicate wings or propel themselves with blasts of sound that cut through the background music like a clarion call. Their colors shift with every note, and they prey upon other forms of life - the unaware plants, or upon each other.

And in the third verse, life is changed, imbued with a love of learning and knowing. Seeing what she has done, and that it is good, Aria's song draws to a close.

Since making Hymnglass was just 1 act, here we go:

1 Act (Miracle: Music) - Created plants, mostly beneficent, though some create dissonances that are painful to other forms of life. These plants naturally produce hymnglass, and if grown in sufficient quantities could theoretically be used in place of mining the sonic metal from the earth.

1 Act (Miracle: Music) - Created flying animals endowed with various kinds of music, from complex bee-like communication through whistles to maddening woven shrieks that make eyes bleed and blood vessels burst. Some are predatory, others herbivorous. Some fly with wings, others through sonic propulsion.

1 Act (Miracle: Curiosity) - Endowed all things living (including some of the more cunning plants) with a love of learning and experiencing new things.

2014-04-11, 08:16 AM
Hearing the noise coming from the surface of the planet, Terkuni recommences her grand design. She shifts and morphs the cavern that she dug into another form. The cavern's walls change, and the floors shift to create a labyrinth, with winding paths and treacherous traps. The labyrinth extends for miles underground, in all three dimensions, and it is layered on top of each other, with each layer descending deeper into the earth, and becoming more treacherous and confusing, with shifting walls, and false floors. With secret passages and corridors that loop. Coming out of the cavern system, she admires her work.
Perfect. With this, I may avoid boredom for at least a couple of centuries.

Turning to look around her, she spies wonderful creations made from her siblings. She sees what appears to be living music, creatures who make noise with every motion. She sees darkness, wandering the surface, as well as creatures, with bloody wings. These shall be the perfect subjects for me. She noted, bemused. She then imbued all creatures with a mental compass, inexplicably guiding them and tugging them towards her labyrinth, beguiling them to enter, and to seek their way to the very depths.

Terkuni used 1 Act[Miracle] to transform the caverns to a labyrinth: Portfolio - Secrets.
Terkuni used 1 Act[Miracle] to draw creatures to her labyrinth: Portfolio - Direction.
Acts Used: 5
Acts Left: 0
Miracles Left : Unlimited
Curses Left : 0
Endowment Left : 1

2014-04-11, 08:31 AM
Ao watched its children set about the tasks they had set for themselves with benevolent interest. It did note, however, that one of it's children seemed singularly unsuited to the current endeavors. Without moving or even changing expression, Ao wrapped Onhello in a shroud of dim light.

"Sleep my son, you will awaken at a time when the world is ready for you."

Clouds of toxic gas formed, Oceans filled the basins of rock, and hanging, stationary above the planet, six lights appeared, casting a dim, ever-present twilight over the world. These light hung at the six corners of the world, creating a point of reference for anything on the surface to navigate by.

If there had been anything living, it would have died in terror as the very earth itself pitched and dove. Great mountains thrust themselves up at the same time as the rock groaned and shuddered, cracking open to created gorges, valleys, and basins. huge long shadows were created by the mountains, forever shrouding miles of earth in darkness. The deepest parts of the basins and gorges were almost universally as dark as the deeps of the oceans.

In the chaos of this great Act the oceans rushed in to fill cracks and caves, and to follow what little gravity there was in carving streams and creeks.

As the dust from this began to settle, the goddess of song saw stagnation and shook her head. Great spires of a new metal thrust themselves into existence from nothing and roared their song as loudly as their size would allow, pushing the air and water before them. winds blew up huge storms of dust and sand that coated the surface of the flat places of the world, a clinging mist that had formed in the absence of air movement whipped itself into a huge storm that settle the grit and began the first mountain rivers.

Once again the earth shook and moved, as the great system of caves was pushed out of and into the rock of the earth. over where these came near the surface the rock broke and crumbled again, leaving rolling hills for miles and miles. On these rolling hills is where the first life began. Large beasts, made in the image of their god rose and took their first steps, and then their second. It was not long before they gathered in groups and each made their own way somewhere else on the rolling hills, searching for ways to make their life.

Shortly after their arrival, something new made it's way into existence, the mountain shadows and deep caves became home to a spectral race. These specters preyed on Khans creations, which had begun to call themselves by their various tribal names. It was only a matter of two or three generations before, having only each other to feed on created a loop of diminishing returns, add the predation of the Shades when one was foolish enough to wander into the shadowed places, the race was nearly extinct.

In burst of song and color, life springs up everywhere. Plants with sturdy stems, huge trunk, and crystalline elements here and there erupt over the entirety of the world. Grasses heavy with seeds that tinkle as the wind rustles them, trees with huge pod-like seeds that whistle in the breeze and scream in the wind. Flowers with hymnglass petals that cut the unwary, or cup the rains for the weary traveler to drink.

At the same time the skies, once barren and empty fill with life. Birds of all kinds, large and small, predatory and vegetarian go in all directions, adding their own notes to the ever present symphony created by the goddess of song. When she is finished, she gave them all an inate curiousity, a desire to know more, to follow the strange sound, to find the source of a new scent.

As this explosion of life is occurring, a very different movement is taking place deep in the earth. The deep caverns form themselves into a nearly endless labyrinth. When she is finished Terkuni sends out her silent call, drawing all creatures into the entrances to her labyrinth.

The caves fill, first in droves, and then by the dozens, until finally, the last stragglers of life pulls themselves into the deep maze. The Shades descend immediately upon the first meals they have seen in decades. sucking the energy of life out of their victims and leaving behind the remains for the blood drinkers and predators to consume. In less than a decade there is no life left for them to feed off. Either through the predation of the Shades or each other, breathing life ceases to be on the planet.

lacking the birds drawn to their nectars, all plant not pollinated by the winds die off within that same decade. leaving the world waiting for life to come again.

Ao watches the drama unfold and turns its gaze to Its daughter.

"Let this serve as a warning for Acting without first thinking, my children. Your sister acted in greed to fill her caverns with life that they were unprepared to sustain, and that life died."

you have accumulated Acts normally during the course of the update.

2014-04-12, 10:39 AM
"Oh my children," Aria whispers as she descends on one of the high places of the world. Up here, on the side of a mighty mountain, the songs below can only barely be heard as whispers at the edge of one's perceptions. "You never truly had the chance to sing..."

Here at this high place away from the songs of the world, Aria bends her will. Hymnglass forms from the air, graceful and ethereal and oddly silent. It twines together even as more appears, forming into tall walls, broad windows, mighty doors. The outside, except for the windows, darkens to a glossy black color; within, bright, colorful pictures form, depicting the murdered children of the gods. For herself, to tell those that come later who owns this place, Aria leaves a crystal bell in the center of the room, along with a ringer. With a quiet sob, she imparts power into her creation and departs to contemplate her grief.

1 Act (Endowment - Artifact: Music) - Created the Shrine of Silence, an artifact in the form of a temple. Those who enter within (the doors may not be barred, locked, or otherwise used to deny entrance to anyone who comes here) may ring the bell within. When they do, the Shrine shows them the images and voices of every sapient species that has come and gone from the world, singing the tale of their lives and deaths to the petitioner.

Toxic Mind
2014-04-13, 08:08 AM
Hissek sits alone on a mountaintop, watching the world. His heart is saddened, not by the deaths of the creatures, but by the senseless nature of the death. He sits there for a long time, thinking on what can be done. As he sits, one of the poison clouds that his magic had created passes by. He reaches out, and feels the faint spark of his own divine nature pulsing inside. There is power in that spark, but there is also the same senseless death that he currently laments.

Hissek rises, his decision made. He will not undo his creation, but he will change it. He takes four scales from his tail, and from each, forms a massive wind serpent. He sets them in the sky, and gives them each a fourth of the sky as their domain. Their bodies undulate through the sky, unaided by wings like Aria's birds, but aloft nonetheless. Their mouths are filled with razor sharp teeth, and their scales as hard as Hissek's cold embrace. Yet these leviathans reap life, not death. Hissek imbues them with the hunger for the toxic clouds. So each in his own section of the sky devours the clouds that form, and draws life and power from the small divine spark within the cloud. And when new clouds of toxin were created, the sky-serpents would be there to consume them again, for as long as they existed.

Hissek though long and hard, and realized that the sky-serpents would need more than just the clouds to survive. And so he made their scales absorb the light of the orbs in the sky, and draw energy from that. The heat of the orbs would be another part in sustaining the great serpents in their never-ending mission.

Hissek used 1 Act [Miracle] to create the 4 Sky Serpents. They consume the toxic clouds that form, constantly searching the sky for new ones. Domain: Serpents (OOC: I will be continuing to enhance them as I gain more acts.)

Hissek used 2 Acts [Miracle] to imbue Sky Serpents with ability to absorb orblight as energy and food. Domain: Light/Energy

Hissek Remaining:
2 Acts
Miracles: Limitless
Curses: 0
Endowment: 1

2014-04-13, 10:01 AM
Terkuni watched when the first few creatures began trickling in, drawn towards the cave. She watchs silently, observing their movments. Then comes a few more creatures, and then some more, and then some more. Quickly, she realizes the folly of her desire, and frantically attempts to reverse it. However, it was too late. She watchs in horror all the creatures mindlessly file into the cave, then commence to devour each other. Some tried to flee, but ended lost and starving inside the seemingly endless caverns. It did not take long for the carnage to end. Terkuni goes down, sitting amongst the dead, staring with blank, void, eyes, immobile. I.....did this....I....killed everything...

From behind, she can hear the lament and the screams of her siblings, barely registering their voices. Turning to face their voices, she feels the weight of her actions, pressing down on her. Her face tearing up, and distorted from anguish. I.....must learn to control myself better...I...cannot repeat this ever. With that thought, she vanishes, dissolving back to the chaos she once came from.

2014-04-13, 05:44 PM
Not happy with the dim twilight of the world, Cius decides to put Terkuni's creation to good use.
He seeks out the deepest point of the maze and focuses his divine power for a difficult task. He compresses it until it forms a large, bright-glowing crystal.
From this crystal, a seemingly endless flood of light pours out. But unlike the light emitted by the orb, this one flows like a liquid. Rising, it fills the whole of the maze in a couple hours and, once it reaches the surface, continues to rise until it engulfs the world's surface and miles of the sky. Then, the tide of light reverses and the light receedes back into the crystal before the cycle starts anew.

Back at the surface, Cius is very pleased with the results and how his pelt glimmers in the light.

Partly to himself, partly to his siblings, he elaborates, "Now, everything can at least find its way out of the caves by following that flood of light. It's also somewhat practical out here..."

Cius uses two Acts (1 Miracle) to create a well of light at the deepest place of Terkuni's labyrinth. (no portfolio)
It emits liquid light for 12 hours and then absorbs that same light for the next 12 hours. It takes 4 hours to fill the whole maze with light and further 8 hours until the whole planet is bathed in light. It then receeds back into the crystal at the same pace. The light flows light a liquid but does not follow any other physical laws that apply to liquids (for example, it has no relevant mass). Since it can flow around obstacles, caves and rooms are illuminated during "day-time" unless they are completely sealed shut. The only exception to "flows like a liquid" is that it can flow back towards the crystal even if it has to flow uphill but it can theoratically be trapped to keep a room illuminated permanently.

As long as the maze remains with only one entrance, "daytime" will be longer the closer one is to that entrance.
F.Y.I.: .: I have chosen a 24 hour rythm for convencience. I hope nobody minds this dull choice. ;-)
Cius Remaining:
4 Acts
Miracles: Limitless
Curses: 0
Endowment: 1

2014-04-13, 05:53 PM
((someone always post while I slowly type :smalltongue:))

Lady Chaos watched with amusement the dealing going on. Many of her creatures did survive. In fact, flourished, as much as an incorporeal creature could. It was more than expected. Tho with too much success from such circumstanses, they were becoming less interesting. Maybe soon she would change this.

Araushnee thought what to do now, with all the that happened.
In several large valleys among the mountains were great open spots. A wave of her hand, these areas were covered in a dark mist becoming like a secret vale. An oasis in the midst of barren rocky lands. Seeds from before still dormant, waiting for the chance to spring up, Araushnee willed these to come as she cause the rocky land to ground up soil. A lake, thick and dark like ink spilled upon parchment, provided the sourse of the midst; in its depths a spring extending deep into the bowls of the earth. Letting it come, thick vegetation and special (crazy) plants formed strange mysterious forest blanketed by the thick mist. their growth and formations were such to form a maze. These plants were nourished by the mist and shadows (instead of sunlight). Too add a little to it, some were glowing with a faint bioluminesence in shades of purples, reds, and blues. What flowers or small plants sprung up were asymmetrical, moving and weaving to the songs by Aria. In this valley was one of her wild zones, intentional by her of course.


Watching her sister's misfortune, Araushnee drifted twords Terkuni.
"So, how do we do something new?" she asked, no anger or hatred twords her sister. Surprisingly her tone was neutral. "what can we change? Perhaps we throw in something together?"
the Mistress of Mischief having an idea already in mind, the smirk on her face and glint in her maroon eyes clear to her.

used 3. created Vale of Shadow; dark mist and changing land. partial portfolio in darkness.
3 acts left

2014-04-13, 07:14 PM
((ooc: someone always post while I slowly type :smalltongue:))

[Acts] used possibly 2. created Vale of Shadow. partial portfolio in darkness.
I am unsure of how many are left.

All OOC comments in the IC thread must be made in a spoiler block.

Please label all your spoilers, it makes it much easier for me.

You used one Act to create the mist, and two for the vegetable life that you created/altered.

F.Y.I.: I have chosen a 24 hour rythm for convencience. I hope nobody minds this dull choice. ;-)

I repeat... all OOC comments made in the IC need to be in spoiler blocks to keep things clean please.

Start keeping track of your acts. If I keep seeing posts that are using more Acts than you have available, or I keep seeing Acts: unknown or Acts: ?? I will reset everyone with 2 Acts available and the other Acts which may have accumulated will be thrown away.

2014-04-15, 05:19 AM
Curious about Araushnee creatures, now again living in eternal darkness as the valleys' mists shield them from his own light, Cius decides to give them something to interact with.

"If I make them as different as possible, these people will have much to exchange and learn from eachother!"
Cius thinks hard about what the perfect opposite to these beings would be. His first instinct is to create energy beings of pure light but these won't do. Their true opposite are creatures that is neither bound to shadow nor light, although they may prefer light over shadow to keep things interesting. They will also be very physical in nature, unlike his sister's creation, and feed of other matter like plants and their fruit. Remembering the recent disaster, however, he makes sure to keep their appetite and numbers reasonable as to avoid another drastic extinction of life. There is a balance to be stricken and Cius takes great care to do so.

He forms his creations in his own image, but with a grey pelt instead of his magnificent silver; then he settles the first of them close to the maze's entry as to allow them to enjoy the long days. He trusts in the safety measures he added to it and his creature's lack of the irrational drive to enter it. Curiosity may make them enter but will always find their way out when hungry. Maybe in time, they will even find use for the extended times of daylight within the caverns!

For now, Cius keeps their minds primal but he has great plans for these beings.

Cius spends 2 Act (1 Miracle) to create a race in his image. The apes are 4 ft tall on average and feed on fruit of the less-crystaline plants. They are a diuarnal people but have the capacity to adapt to a nocturnal lifestyle, like RL humans. They initially live close to the underground maze's entrance but are adaptable enough to spread out.
No sentience for now.

Cius Remaining:
4 Acts
Miracles: Limitless
Curses: 0
Endowment: 1