View Full Version : Need help with PC

Barbarian Horde
2014-04-07, 09:53 PM
I know he goes on here sometimes so I'm changing this.

2014-04-07, 10:01 PM
What is your objective? To take out the character or to shut the player up? Unless the DM has given him some some over powered stuff he shouldn't be nearly as strong as he claims. At level 4 a archivist can only cast 2nd level spells and none of them make him unbeatable in combat. I can't think of anything they could do to avoid being CDG'd in their sleep, especially if they weren't expecting it.

Simplest method of shutting them up would be to steal their prayer book while they sleep. No prayer book = no memorising spells.

Barbarian Horde
2014-04-07, 10:16 PM
Yeah it would be to just get him to shut up. Tired of him trying to 1up everyone in the party. And lol stealing the prayer book sounds hilarious. I'm guessing he will try to get out of it with a combination of metagaming mixed with reasonable bs.

Example "(While he sleeping try to steal book) Like oh he stealing my book. Can I do a listen check to see if I hear him? (My character isn't very quite.) Fail the check and poop storm will follow."

2014-04-07, 10:18 PM
Before you go on, remember that it is always a bad idea to try to kill your fellow PCs without discussing it with the other players an the DM first.

Also important is this: are you arguing with another player over the characters' abilities, or ar your characters arguing wih each other?

If you are arguing as players, there is a relatively simple solution. With the DM's oversight, set up a minisession (maybe before starting or afyer ending a normal session). In this session, run two scenarios: a duel between the two characters, both conscious and aware of the other, and an ambush of the sleeping archivist by the barbarian. In the second scenario, the archivist may not use any additional protection beyond what he normally sleeps with.
Regardless of the battles' outcomes, both characters remain alive in the actual game.

If the characters are the ones arguing, then it would be a matter of roleplaying. Perhaps the barbarian could knock the archivist unconscious in his sleep, provin this correctness without resorting to murder.

Also, here's a point to make:
Average fourth-level archivist hit points are something like 24.5 (assuming 14 con).
An average fighter with a +1 greatsword has average per-attack damage of 11 (assuming 16 str), if they didn't take Weapon Specialization and are not using power attack. A full power attack brings damage up to 19. With a coup de grace, that's 38 damage an a DC 48 fortitude save vs death. No 4th level archivist could survive that in their sleep.

In a duel, grappling might help too, because you're big, and it makes casting hard.
And if you don't kill him, you have an excuse for the rest of the party: I needed to shut up his bragging trap.

Mind you, it's a bad idea to make an enemy of the party caster if the game is supposed to hit mid- to high-levels. Then, he'll actually be able to beat you up.

The best option you have is to talk to the DM about it. "[player]'s bragging about his chracter is really starting to get on my nerves, could you please make him stop."

2014-04-07, 10:20 PM
Is the problem here that the player is constantly claiming his character can beat up the other characters in the party?

Why not just ask him to stop being an ass?

2014-04-07, 10:22 PM
This is what notes to the DM were made for. Hand the DM a note saying you are going to try to steal the book. The other player has no idea what is going on and can't metagame. Your DM may roll a listen check for the other player since they are unaware. Since they are asleep they will be rolling at -10. Since you aren't being stressed you can take 10 or even take 20.

You should clear it with the DM before proceeding though. Some DMs get annoyed at PCs in conflict with each other even if one is mouthing off.

2014-04-07, 10:27 PM
This is what notes to the DM were made for. Hand the DM a note saying you are going to try to steal the book. The other player has no idea what is going on and can't metagame. Your DM may roll a listen check for the other player since they are unaware. Since they are asleep they will be rolling at -10. Since you aren't being stressed you can take 10 or even take 20.

You should clear it with the DM before proceeding though. Some DMs get annoyed at PCs in conflict with each other even if one is mouthing off.

Minor nitpick: Can't take 20 if there are penalties for failure, though taking 10 would be fine.

Barbarian Horde
2014-04-07, 10:31 PM
Stealing his book so he can't cast magic for a while sounds very funny. Hopefully he wont get butt hurt about it. And yeah that was kind of the issue Eisen. We did do a final destination type ordeal. I bullrushed him off the map for the win.

Thanks for the tip.

Edited to add this.

Final review I've decided at the next town I'm going to buy a prayer book that looks just like his. I'm going to take a sleight of hand for +10 and swap out his spell for book that has none. I'll hide the book near by till the next fight.

2014-04-07, 10:50 PM
Alternatively - If he's been pulling this on everyone, the other players are probably annoyed as well. Instead of trying to convince him your character would win in a fight, just start ribbing him every time he tries to one up someone. Once it's clear the whole "my character can take your character in a fight" shtick makes him look like an insecure twit, he'll probably stop it.