View Full Version : feats for high sword low axe dervish

2014-04-08, 05:28 AM
So this is the continuation of a threat i made a while ago, only this time more specific questions.

I have a character of level 6 (2 levels wolf totem barbarian, 4 levels fighter) with the following list of feats:
-weapon focus [longsword]
-weapon focus [handaxe]
-two weapon fighting
-improved trip
-high sword low axe
-combat expertise
AKA, everything needed for "high sword low axe" and the dervish prestige class.

I will be going into dervish next level, so will only getting feats at levels 9, 12, 15,… with the exception of a free spring attack at dervish level 3.

So, what feats do i take next? i have some trouble deciding:

-elusive target [nice defences + the free trip against failed attacks of opportunity after moving fits well with mobility and improved trip]
-combat reflexes and double hit [get "high sword low axe" activated should i get both attacks to hit, but requires 2 feat to have, double hit would arrive at level 12]
-sense weakness [let's just say, we encounted a thing with damage reduction 10 and i was completely usesless that battle]

These are the ones i really like, but no idea how to prioritise these.
Improved two-weapon fighting is out of the picture, as my dexterity is not high enough and i will get that glove that gives you the feat instead at some point. oversized two weapon + power attack is also no-go as i want to focus on tripping and not power attack damage.

Suggestions on magic items and what to do after dervish is completed are also more than welcome.

2014-04-08, 10:48 AM
-elusive target [nice defences + the free trip against failed attacks of opportunity after moving fits well with mobility and improved trip]

Elusive Target is the official apology for having to take Dodge/Mobility. I'd take it. Any particular reason you're not using Expeditious Dodge?

-combat reflexes and double hit [get "high sword low axe" activated should i get both attacks to hit, but requires 2 feat to have, double hit would arrive at level 12]

I'm guessing you've already seen my TWF OffHandbook (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?279079-3-5-The-TWF-OffHandbook), because this is my usual advice after you get Improved TWF. Combat Reflexes also lets you grab Robilar's Gambit once your BAB is high enough, if you're so inclined.

-sense weakness [let's just say, we encounted a thing with damage reduction 10 and i was completely usesless that battle]

That's... something I need to add to my handbook! Since you already have the prereqs for it, that's a great pick. I'd probably take that first, then Elusive Target, then worry about Combat Reflexes/Double Hit later (since you don't know when you'll get your hands on Gloves of the Balanced Hand for Improved TWF).

Suggestions on magic items and what to do after dervish is completed are also more than welcome.

There's a section in the handbook for recommended magic items TWFers might find useful.

So... assuming Barb 2/Fighter 4/Dervish 10...

Actually, consider swapping two levels of Fighter for Ranger 2. Same amount of feats, but you also get Track, which you can swap for the Trap Expert ACF (Dungeonscape) to pick up Trapfiding, more skill points, Favored Enemy: Arcanist (Complete Mage), and you can put wand chambers (100 GP, Dungeonscape) in your weapons for Ranger wands (instant of power, blades of fire, swift haste, lion's charge, hunter's eye, cure light wounds).

For your last 4 levels, you could finish off with more Ranger and grab Improved TWF regardless of your Dex. Or how about:

Soldier of Light (Deities & Demigods). Gives you Turn Undead as a cleric, so you can grab Travel Devotion for more move + full attack.

Psychic Warrior 4 (XPH). This gives you hustle as a capstone, so you can use Spring Attack for move + full attack + move.

Otherwise... Dread Commando 4 (Heroes of Battle) would probably do nicely.

2014-04-08, 11:38 AM
*Everything he said*

Thanks for the advice. I'll keep it in mind, but as it is still 3 levels before choosing the next feat, i can still chose it based on what my character seems to be missing during all the fights in those 3 level ups.

Also, the thought popped into my mind to instead of immediately taking dervish, to take 2 more fighter levels first for another bonus feat, but didn't really think that to be a good idea. What do you think?

2014-04-08, 12:25 PM
Also, the thought popped into my mind to instead of immediately taking dervish, to take 2 more fighter levels first for another bonus feat, but didn't really think that to be a good idea. What do you think?

My biggest concern with TWF is usually how quickly can you get your bonus damage online. This build... doesn't really have any, so I'm not sure what you should work towards first. If you want to pick up Fighter +2 for Weapon Specialization and the +2 damage, maybe that would be best... but if you're going after style, then it may be better to get into Dervish quickly and get those cool Dervish-y things working first.

If low damage is an issue, then I'd start saving up for a pair of +1 Pitspawned (DMGII) weapons with a pair of Lesser Crystals of Acid Assault (MIC), maybe throw a couple Caustic Surges (DMGII) on there for spike damage.

What exactly are you using for your slashing weapons? Scimitars?

2014-04-08, 02:23 PM
What exactly are you using for your slashing weapons? Scimitars?

Longsword (main) and handaxe (offhand), since you need a sword and an axe for "high sword low axe" to work. And yeah, i think going dervish immediately is best.

Andion Isurand
2014-04-08, 03:59 PM
Here's a dervish build you might like, even though its not exactly what you're looking for.

Wood Elf = +2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Con, -2 Int
"Arctic" Template = +2 Con, -2 Cha (Dragon 306)
Skilled City Dweller ACF (trade Ride for Tumble) is optional

Use weapon groups variant to gain proficiency with double scimitar.
Flaw: Quick Burning Rage (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/flaws)
Flaw: Slow to Anger (http://eberronunlimited.wikidot.com/flaws)

01/ FLEET OF FOOT (1st level only feat) (Player's Guide to Faerūn, +10 speed in light or no armor)
01/ WEAPON FOCUS [Double Weapons]
01/ MWF
18/ SUPERIOR MWF (custom feat that should exist since the attacks it provides at this point are made at a -15 penalty)


+01/+02/+00/+00 = 01 lvls Barbarian (Spiritual Lion Totem = trade Fast Movement for Pounce)

+01/+00/+02/+00 = 01 lvls Battle Dancer (Improved Unarmed Strike)

+01/+02/+00/+00 = 01 lvls Crusader or Warblade (Martial Spirit or Punishing Stance)

+01/+02/+02/+00 = 01 lvls Ranger (Select Arcanist as favored enemy using Arcane Hunter ACF)

+01/+02/+00/+00 = 01 lvls Fighter (Expeditious Dodge feat)

+05/+01/+01/+04 = 05 lvls Revenant Blade (Player's Guide to Eberron pg. 142)

+10/+03/+07/+07 = 10 lvls Dervish (Complete Warrior)

+20/+12/+12/+11 = Base Scores @ lvl 20


Battle Dancer included so you can multi-weapon fight with each end of the double scimitar and your body.
Essentially, at 10th level you can treat each end of a double scimitar as if it were a 2 handed weapon for damage purposes. (Power Attack can be gained from the class's Ancestral Guidance ability)
You can try to get an allowance from your DM and and expand the list of feats you can emulate with the Revanant Blade's Ancestral Guidance ability, to fit in versatile unarmed strike so your unarmed strikes can deal slashing damage for the purpose of dervish dancing.

2014-04-09, 02:59 AM
*everything he said*
seems nice, but filled with stuff not allowed, + the focus of the build is the "high sword low axe" stuff, not the dervish part. But thanks anyway.

2014-04-09, 09:23 AM
Consider checking out this build: http://community.wizards.com/forum/previous-editions-character-optimization/threads/1062806