View Full Version : Extraordinary Spell Aim and AMF

2014-04-08, 12:45 PM
Would ESA allow a wizard to cast spells within their own AMF?

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-08, 01:28 PM
Yep, your equipment works as well.


it removes much of the point of an AMF. Spells can now effect you when cast outside the area, as you are not counted as being in an AMF. It turns off the spellcasting and equipment of anyone standing really close to you, but even physical objects like arrows would regain their magical properties as they hit you, so you don't even keep that.

2014-04-08, 01:36 PM
The way I read it is that you're still in the area of the AMF, it just doesn't affect you personally. Any outside spell wouldn't work on you because they'd be suppressed within the AMF. Mastery of Shaping from Archmage would allow outside spells to affect you because it creates an actual opening around you.

Fouredged Sword
2014-04-08, 02:46 PM
Whenever you cast a spell with an area, you can attempt to shape the spell's area so that one creature within the area is unaffected by the spell.

A spell cannot be cast in a AMF or target a creature in an AMF (with exceptions for instantaneous conjurations and a few other things). If you are unaffected by the AMF, you are not flagged as in an AMF. Therefore you don't trigger the second half of the condition. Think of it as a bubble clinging to your skin within the AMF that is not an AMF, and you shaped area of exclusion that starts a millimeter from the outermost edge of your equipment. You are not actually in the AMF, you are just wrapped by an AMF.

The feat literally excludes you from the area of the spell.