View Full Version : LFM Star Wars Saga Edition - Dawn of Defiance

2014-04-08, 01:36 PM
Hey all I recently suggested running a SWSE campaign to my group and unfrotunately most people just wanted to stick to Pathfinder so currently I only have 2 players so I figured I'd pick up a few more from here.

Now for the details:

- I will be DMing a pre-made Lvl 1-20 Campaign called Dawn of Defiance
- The game can be played anywhere between 4pm and 7am EST on either Monday or Friday...w/e works out best fro everyone involved
- 18+ Applicants preferred as we don't censor ourselves whilst playing
- Speaking of censorship anyone who is overly sensitive need not apply we try to keep things civil but sometimes characters may need to argue with one another and this being star wars some in-game racism and other inequality might happen (this is not to say i will accept you being racist,etc. against other players...only characters if its relevant)
- We play on Roll20 using a teamspeak server for chatting....web cam optional but preferred as imo its enhances player interaction

So..uh yeah feel free to respond here or PM me with any questions, concerns or if you want to play.