View Full Version : Optimization Set Me On Fire!

2014-04-08, 05:19 PM

I'm working on a Phoelarch character and am trying to maximize their fire healing potential.

I'm looking for ways to set myself on fire! Preferably quick or move actions, and no spells/wands/scrolls/etc.
Any WoTC books and Faerun books, but probably no Eberron (though if it's really good throw it in anyway).

MUST do at least 3 damage. Extra points if you get at least 15. Every 3 points = fast healing +1 (basically).

Ready, set, go! :D Thanks!

2014-04-08, 06:12 PM
Standard DFI optimization, then attack yourself once with your lowest-BAB attack.

2014-04-08, 06:31 PM
Pick up some Desert Wind maneuvers from a swordsage dip. Use them on yourself for infinite out of combat healing and possible some spot healing in combat.

2014-04-08, 06:31 PM
Well, until I just looked it up, I didn't know what DFI was. I'm assuming it's Dragonfire Inspiration? Otherwise I STILL don't know!

I like the idea, but am not a fan of bards. How much extra damage are we talking about here? Also, Wouldn't I be giving up my only attack for the first (over) half dozen levels?

Very interesting idea. Looking forward to more.

-EDIT- I'm wondering if a melee attacker/tank would be a better role to play, since "fast healing" would see more play. I've already considered the sorcerer with lots of fire magic part, but they'd give up their entire turn pretty much.

2014-04-08, 06:53 PM
Regarding iterative attacks when used with flame dagger - "whats this jimmy you touch yourself multiple times with fire in a single turn and heal yourself with fire?!"

The two best spells in my opinion is Darkfire and Wall of fire.

Darkfire when sudden empower and sudden maximized at CL 10 will do 45 damage for every single melee touch attack you do to yourself. Wall of fire is just plain exploitable in that you get dealt damage every time you go through it, for every 5 ft of your BLS you get 18+CL of damage (a normal 30 BLS gives you 108 + CLx6 damage in a single round). You could also do a double move if you felt like it.

Also - add in blistering spell metamagic which does 2 damage per level every time the spell does damage, and fiery spell which doe an additional 1 point of damage per damage die. If you are a warmage you can add your warmage edge once or once per round (see what your DM says). Bane magic doesn't work because it explicitly points out the special healing cases as not working.

Entire list of helpful multi round Fire spells:
Incendiary Cloud (PHB, Wiz 8) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 36 damage every round.

Shroud of Flame (SpC, Wiz 5) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 18 damage a round

Inferno (SpC, Dru 5) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - reverse creeping cold starting at 6d6 (54) damage reducing each round

Wall of fire (PHB, Wiz 4 Dru 5) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 12 damage a round and 18 + CL damage every time you cross it (go back and forth to get hit multiple times, divide your BLS by 5 to get how many times you can cross)

Darkfire (SpC, Cle 3) with sudden empower and sudden maximize (persist this spell if you want) - 9 / 2CL damage per attack - works on iteratives.

Dark fire explicitly states it doesn't harm you or your allies.

Boiling Blood (CMag, Wiz 2) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 18 damage a round (don't fort save) but also sickened.

Flaming Sphere (PHB, Dru 2, Wiz 2) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 18 damage a round (don't reflex save, make sure to catch on fire).

Flame Dagger (SpC, Wiz 2) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 6 + CL damage for every attack - works on iteratives.

Heart Fire (SpC, Bar 2 Dru 2) with sudden empower and sudden maximize - 6 damage every round.

Animate Fire (SpC, Dru 1) small fire elemental can attack you, make sure to do melee touch attacks on it to get more fire damage on you per iterative.

2014-04-08, 09:50 PM
Oh man....very nice.

Wall of fire...straight broken...

I'll have to seriously reconsider sorcerer....I say sorcerer because of the Phoelarch's +6 Charisma.

Thanks for the tips!

2014-04-08, 10:07 PM
Dragonfire Adept and don't make yourself immune to your breath weapon?

2014-04-09, 04:36 PM
Not entirely sure it's an option? AFB right now.

2014-04-09, 04:42 PM
using your breath weapon on yourself could be an option - though I doubt any DM would allow that. Normally the cone or line of your breath weapon extends from you outward - but with aiming rules you can use any of your corner's or faces of your square / hex to breath it out, just put yourself in the way of your own breath weapon and don't roll a reflex.

2014-04-09, 04:47 PM
Just mundanely set yourself on fire using a campire or torch? Does 1d6, so it's only strong enough to activate two-thirds of the time. But considering it costs nothing, can be used offensively and defensively (most will hesitate to touch a burning person), its not too bad. Just willingly fail the save every round to put yourself out.

2014-04-09, 06:05 PM
Another way which isn't as broken as wall of fire but still pretty funny, is taking enlightened fist (at least until lvl 2), grab rapid stunning, grab fiery fist, make sure you have the flame dagger, and then flurry of blows with your unarmed attack on yourself (making sure to have a low strength mod so your fists don't actually deal more than 1 damage).

Every attack you can do does 2d6 fire damage to yourself and makes the flame dagger manifest damage as well (touch spells and effects which are active are applied when you hit with a natural attack or unarmed attack). Lets say you do 4 attacks, thats 8d6 + 4d4 + 4x CL - 4 (for taking minimum damage).

But eh, otherwise its not a great trade off. Its just something you could do.