View Full Version : Question Pertaining to Chaotician

2014-04-08, 07:28 PM
Greetings, Playground.

So, I am going to be playing a Planar Campaign soon, and as I was looking through the Planar Handbook, I was intrigued by the Chaotician -- elite members of the Xaositects. So, I had a few questions that hopefully you guys might have an answer to. I was looking at the class, and it seems (to me) that it is geared towards melee mostly, and I was wondering which class would be best suited for this entry. Would a one level dip into Monk (to meet the save requirements) and then entering a melee class to acquire the BAB requirements be ideal? Also, what are some viable races for this class, in your opinion? I was thinking that perhaps Githzerai would work, but the LA:2 would be quite detrimental.

Thank you, and all input is appreciated.