View Full Version : Would you allow a wildshape ranger to go into planar shepherd?

2014-04-09, 12:05 AM
So we talk about how druid/planar shepered, is just about the most powerful combo in the game almost, it is atlest on tier with other very top choices, but as a DM.

Would you allow a wildshape ranger, chose this prc?

2014-04-09, 12:13 AM
How exactly your Ranger is casting Summon Nature's Ally spontaneously is beyond me, but other than that I don't see why not.

2014-04-09, 12:16 AM
How exactly your Ranger is casting Summon Nature's Ally spontaneously is beyond me, but other than that I don't see why not.

Why you think it needs to do that, is beyond me.

2014-04-09, 12:21 AM
So we talk about how druid/planar shepered, is just about the most powerful combo in the game almost, it is atlest on tier with other very top choices, but as a DM.

Would you allow a wildshape ranger, chose this prc?

I wouldn't allow anyone to, Druid or Ranger. The thing is either almost strictly superior to straight progression, or ridiculously massively vastly superior; neither is acceptable. Planar Shepherd has, so far as I know, no balanced use.

2014-04-09, 12:22 AM
Why you think it needs to do that, is beyond me.
Greensinger/nightbringer initiate is a prerequisite feat, and they have spontaneous SNA as a prerequisite. You can pull it off with spontaneous summoner (CDiv, 85), however. Anyway, as for your main question, assuming you find your way in, I don't see why not. I mean, if you're banning the class then you should just do so completely, but if druids can get in, then it makes sense that rangers can too. It'd actually probably be at a reasonable power level in a high power game, as long as you don't use one of the crazier options.

I wouldn't allow anyone to, Druid or Ranger. The thing is either almost strictly superior to straight progression, or ridiculously massively vastly superior; neither is acceptable. Planar Shepherd has, so far as I know, no balanced use.
I don't really have any citations for it, but I'm pretty sure that there are some planes that don't break the game in half. Also, wild shape ranger+ doesn't have quite the same aura of power as druid+.

2014-04-09, 12:45 AM
I don't really have any citations for it, but I'm pretty sure that there are some planes that don't break the game in half. Also, wild shape ranger+ doesn't have quite the same aura of power as druid+.

Well, you could be a shepherd of a demiplane that is exactly like the Prime except nothing lives there. Other than that, I can't think of a plane that doesn't offer some kind of strict upgrade over straight Druid whether in wildshape choices or planar bubble trickery.

2014-04-09, 12:58 AM
Well, you could be a shepherd of a demiplane that is exactly like the Prime except nothing lives there. Other than that, I can't think of a plane that doesn't offer some kind of strict upgrade over straight Druid whether in wildshape choices or planar bubble trickery.
I don't mean lacking in strict upgrade capabilities, because planar shepherd is ridiculous like that. I just mean lacking in completely broken capabilities. With just standard upgrade powers, you go from world rending druid and world rending ranger to something like druid+ and ranger+. Still a crazy prestige class, but I could see allowing it into a sufficiently high power game. Hell, if you restrict the planes a bit, then the high power game which allows the ranger entry could be just a standard tier one game.

2014-04-09, 02:19 AM
Most of the abilties do seem rather , super powerful, but nothing that breaks what a master of many forms build could accomplish . The twice a day super abilties, that the realms seem to give, would be interesting, to unleash a bunch of arrows.

2014-04-09, 02:43 AM
I don't mean lacking in strict upgrade capabilities, because planar shepherd is ridiculous like that. I just mean lacking in completely broken capabilities. With just standard upgrade powers, you go from world rending druid and world rending ranger to something like druid+ and ranger+. Still a crazy prestige class, but I could see allowing it into a sufficiently high power game. Hell, if you restrict the planes a bit, then the high power game which allows the ranger entry could be just a standard tier one game.

I was counting Druid+ and Ranger+ as unbalanced, yes.

2014-04-09, 02:45 AM
Most of the abilties do seem rather , super powerful, but nothing that breaks what a master of many forms build could accomplish . The twice a day super abilties, that the realms seem to give, would be interesting, to unleash a bunch of arrows.

There's one really big difference - Master of Many Forms doesn't give Supernaturals and Spell-Likes. That's the main source of Planar Shepherd's power if you're not doing Time trait shenanigans; picking a plane with a sufficient variety of Outsiders and Elementals gives you access to just about every spell effect you could possibly want plus some interesting special qualities.

2014-04-09, 02:55 AM
I was counting Druid+ and Ranger+ as unbalanced, yes.
I don't see why, necessarily. I mean, druid+, definitely, but ranger+ can cover a wide swath of the power curve. I suppose that it's imbalanced within the list of choices for the class, but you are taking two feats that are pretty useless, and losing BAB in the process. Also, honestly, that's kinda how wild shape ranger works in the first place, sacrificing the majority of classic ranger progression in favor of this one amazing ability.

2014-04-09, 03:00 AM
I would if there are other tier 1s playing in the game. A wildshaping into Marilith Ranger is no better than an Artificer afterall. Druid I would say no.

2014-04-09, 11:16 AM
Two feat tax and knowledg requirement. Not the worst things although an sure shapeshifter would want.

I think it would make the character a solid tier 3 weak 2

rephrase that, that super powers bit, comes into play way... way late in the build. Other then once a day effects, the class doesn't have much going on as far as abuse, before you reach level 15.