View Full Version : Optimization new toys for the Warlock!

2014-04-09, 09:43 AM
Ladies and gentlemen (and whatever I have left out),

some of you may know I have a profound love for the warlock, not only because fluff wise they are fabulous (both in their basis fluff as well as the possibility of refluffing their tools to a different ancestry), but also because their casting system is so pleasingly simple to use. You pick an invocation and cast it whenever you want, all day, every day. However, in their fear of making the warlock too powerful they nerfed the Warlock into T4 (apart from the Healer the lowest caster class) by severely limiting the number of invocations they can get and the power of individual invocations. Common fixes for the Warlock include giving more Invocations, but I'm wondering if we could strengthen the warlock's invocation pool to include those spells that add versatility to the warlock without needing more invocations, so much that the Warlock will become a solid T3 maybe even skirt with T2. Obviously giving him an SLA for wish would seal the deal, but that would be too easy, as well as make the warlock an expy of the Truenamer (with it's conjunctive gate at lvl 19).

So, I'm curious if we can come up with a solid/high Tier 3 invocation pool for the warlock.

I was thinking of equivalents of:

Alter self (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17276936&postcount=5)
Polymorph (though a variant word of changing exists we may need to expand the invocation's uses)
Something like Teleport (long range transportation) - Already got Path through Shadow and if need be he can Dimension Door every 6 seconds, twice if he quickens it. Plus it doesn't really fit the warlock imo.
Shackles of Darkness (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17287921&postcount=11)
Eldritch Enslavement (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17305210&postcount=35)
Dark Strings of the Puppet Master (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17294702&postcount=32) - courtesy of Sgt. Cookie
(all 1 target at the time of course)
Maddening Blast (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=17305727&postcount=37) - Courtesy of Dr. Akzur
Any other tools/toys to give a warlock a slight boost?

2014-04-09, 09:51 AM
Presumably, a scaling or higher-level Summon Monster would bump it up to T2/high T3, depending on which he got at what levels.

2014-04-09, 10:07 AM
I can see a case for porting over the Draconic Invocation Humanoid Shape, which is pretty close to an uncapped Alter Self, although only humanoid forms (obviously).

John Longarrow
2014-04-09, 11:05 AM
I'd take a look at ToB for what maneuvers a Sword Sage gets. Some of those as invocations would work really well (50' dimension Door as a standard/move/free seems very Warlock friendly).

2014-04-09, 11:08 AM
so, in keeping with the Warlock fluff I present you:

Eldritch Mask
lesser, 2nd
The invoker body assumes a different body of the same type (typically Humanoid) within 1 size category larger or smaller. The new form can have a base HD no more than the Invoker level. The invoker can choose the details of the body within the typical range (eye color, hair length, skin tone, etc.). The invoker retains all his/her own ability scores, attack bonuses, feats, skills, etc. the invoker can remain in this form for a maximum of 24 hours. Using this invocation requires a standard action. Dismissing the form taken on with this invocation requires a standard action. Using this invocation while a previous shape changing form is active (Racial ability, class ability, spell or effect) ends the previous effect in favour of the new form. Except where noted otherwise in this description, this ability works as the Alter Self spell

I'm only pondering whether this invocation should be least or lesser. On the one hand it's extremely useful late game for each of it's possible alternate forms and it's durations, on the other hand, early game the HD restriction makes it relatively harmless, only able to cycle through bodies and not feats or skills. It does make the Fell Flight invocation useless though...

Edit: @John Longarrow: the Warlock already has that in Flee the Scene (and it leaves a Major Image behind as well)

2014-04-09, 11:28 AM
Eldritch Awe. Invocation (Lesser, 4th). As a Standard Action, you can attempt to Demoralize all foes within 30 feet.

Fearsome Utterance. Invocation (Greater, 6th). As a Move action, you can attempt to Demoralize all foes within 30 feet.

Moment of Doubt (Dark, 9th). As a standard action, you can attempt to Demoralize a single creature within 30 feet who would normally be immune to the effect (creatures immune to fear, unintelligent creatures, etc).

2014-04-09, 11:30 AM
There are a number of polymorph type Invocations already. I think they should be conslidated into one and have some more options depending on class level. Maybe not an open polymorph but a select warlock flavored list.

Flee the Scene is super kool, I don't see why it couldn't be opened to a longer range teleport at a higher level.

We already get Charm Person, not sure why we couldn't Dominate as well.

I think by consolidating a few Invocations, improving them thematically, scaling by level and maybe kicking Invocations known to 15 total that could move up the class a fair bit.

I love how the class can consistently deal damage and then you can tailor the class to your liking with utility Invocations. I'd love to have invocations that covered all skills and scaled up as you leveled.


2014-04-09, 11:50 AM
I think there's already a draconic invocation for alter self.

2014-04-09, 12:36 PM
Check out my Sig for some warlock love. I converted for pathfinder but many of the invocations have been altered or taken from the dfa. I like some of your thoughts for the alter self line, and may borrow something (with credit of course) if we can come up with a good consensus.

2014-04-09, 12:39 PM
I think there's already a draconic invocation for alter self.

It's only for humanoids. Now if you start as an outsider you can become another outsider...

Arkangel: I must first stress that I have no idea of any balance in Pathfinder and thus cannot judge it. However I like some of the ideas you put forth even though I feel they are a bit lack luster for 3.5 (which to me seems just a bit having more of a powercreep). Love what you did with the skillbonus invocations. One thing isn't entirely fine with me however: the fact that you make them class skills. Before you pick the invocation (even if it's af first lvl) you still (for that level ) need to put in cross class ranks into the skill. Maybe it would make more sense to retroactively make those skills into class skills for all warlock levels present (or for the full build though that may invite cheese). That way if you select it at first level you can put CC ranks into it, make skill a class skill and as it were 'realise your full potential' in that skill. I may borrow some of you ideas (will give credit)

Bloodgruve: It's precisely what I'm doing, however, I also think that consolidation should give a choice: For instance: the charm invocation could either charm, dominate or hold, but one target at the time, giving negative effects is the effects wear off or when the target makes it's save (making the invocation unavailable for the rest of the duration)... And then there is balancing work, but it should be doable. I also think that while Flee the Scene is a good thing, Teleport requires study o the location and to be much more the realm of Wizards. That said The warlock gets Shadow Path as a travel invocation, so that's imo good enough. Take care, I want to raise the Warlock's tier to 3, not to 2...

2014-04-11, 04:49 AM
And a new one, not a fusion of charm and Hold Person/animal, but a restraint all the more (more a fusion of Magic Circle against X and dimensional anchor)

Shackles of Darkness
Greater, 5th level, will negates
The target of this invocation is restrained with dark tendrils in the form of shackles binding his limbs. this leads to the target being restricted in every sense of the word and tethered to the invoker for a maximum distance of 50'. The Invoker may direct the restraints to include ways to inhibit the target's senses, and/or enable or disable movement. Allowing the target more movement options, senses and/or communication options requires only a free action. Taking away movement options, sense and/or communication options requires a standard action and grants the target a will save to keep the options previously granted for one hour until the Invoker can try to take it away again. For example: the invoker allows the target to speak for a free action. When the invoker wants to take away the right of speech of the target the target gets a will save to keep it's right of speech. The chains also inhibit any form of extra-dimensional including but not limited to Plane Shift, Blink, Astral projection and Teleport. The Invoker can only keep one such target restrained at a time. Casting the invocation on another target dismisses the restraints of the previous. The invoker is able to dismiss the restraints using a standard action.

I have chosen to make this a greater invocation since such a restraint is arguably better then a Wizards because it allows for both flexibility and no spent resources. Any thoughts?

2014-04-11, 06:48 AM
The warlock kind of already gets something better than Alter Self - Humanoid Shape is a Dragonfire Adept invocation the Warlock can take.
What I would do for such a project would be taking a cue from the Dragonfire Adept. Separate essences/shapes from normal invocations and merge both lists. They should have been the same class, really - you would just get different abilities depending on your 'bloodline': dragon, fiend or fey.

2014-04-11, 07:02 AM
The warlock kind of already gets something better than Alter Self - Humanoid Shape is a Dragonfire Adept invocation the Warlock can take.
What I would do for such a project would be taking a cue from the Dragonfire Adept. Separate essences/shapes from normal invocations and merge both lists. They should have been the same class, really - you would just get different abilities depending on your 'bloodline': dragon, fiend or fey.

That's the thing, the invocation I made for the warlock opens up other options for non humanoid warlocks, while leaving the HD cap off.

You are right on the whole bloodline thing instead of static fluff. That said, refluffing the warlock is one of the easiest tasks out there...

2014-04-11, 07:56 AM
Here is just what I would do for a rework of the Warlock.
Grant it Swordsage progressions for their Invocations(Maneuvers known), Blast Essences(Manuevers Readied), and Blast Shapes(Stances Known)
Allowing the Warlock to use DFA invocations and to use Breath effects as either Blast Essences and work along with the blast treating it as the breath attack or rolled into the invocations known section.

I don't know how much of a fix this is though.

2014-04-11, 09:00 AM
Here is just what I would do for a rework of the Warlock.
Grant it Swordsage progressions for their Invocations(Maneuvers known), Blast Essences(Manuevers Readied), and Blast Shapes(Stances Known)
Allowing the Warlock to use DFA invocations and to use Breath effects as either Blast Essences and work along with the blast treating it as the breath attack or rolled into the invocations known section.

I don't know how much of a fix this is though.

That would be very strong though. Besides, my aim is to strengthen the invocation pool to the point where a warlock can contribute meaningfully, even with only 12 invocations (+invocations gained through the Extra Invocation Feat)

2014-04-11, 09:16 AM
One technique I've used for trolling for ideas for new Invocations is to look for long-duration spells. As an example, Anticipate Teleportation (http://dndtools.eu/spells/complete-arcane--55/anticipate-teleportation--435/) could easily be a decent Lesser Invocation.

The biggest problem it has is how situational it is; still, it would hardly be overpowered, and when it was useful, the Warlock's ability to take a round or two to ready his actions for precisely when the teleporter arrives...

Maybe include a "trace teleportation" effect with it, allowing him a glimpse of the destination sufficient to help him teleport there if he has other means of teleportation.

2014-04-11, 09:43 AM
Incarnate's Necrocarnum Shroud Circlet soulmeld bound to Crown Chakra by itself pretty much pushes the Incarnate up from Tier 4 to Tier 3. It's at-will (unlimited use), Animate Dead with no material component (normally 25 gp per hit dice), usable at a range (not touch), and it creates a creature with the Necrocarnum Zombie template (which is far superior to standard zombie or skeleton). The limitation is that you can only have 1 at a time, and it's hit dice is limited to your meldshaper level.

An at-will summons of that quality has a huge number of applications. If you're not going to use Incarnum in your game, you could easily port it over to the Warlock, and it would push it up to Tier 3 without having to add any new sub-system or power progression.

2014-04-11, 09:53 AM
Incarnate's Necrocarnum Shroud soulmeld bound to Crown Chakra by itself pretty much pushes the Incarnate up from Tier 4 to Tier 3. It's at-will (unlimited use), Animate Dead with no material component (normally 25 gp per hit dice), usable at a range (not touch), and it creates a creature with the Necrocarnum Zombie template (which is far superior to standard zombie or skeleton). The limitation is that you can only have 1 at a time, and it's hit dice is limited to your meldshaper level.

An at-will summons of that quality has a huge number of applications. If you're not going to use Incarnum in your game, you could easily port it over to the Warlock, and it would push it up to Tier 3 without having to add any new sub-system or power progression.

It is indeed fantastic, but the Warlock already has The Dead Walk, which is better then the Animate Dead spell. One could improve it further by removing the material component for the permanent zombies/skeletons.

2014-04-11, 09:53 AM
Porting Charm Monster and Dominate Monster over as Lesser and Dark invocations that can only apply to one creature at a time is perfectly reasonable.

2014-04-11, 10:13 AM
Porting Charm Monster and Dominate Monster over as Lesser and Dark invocations that can only apply to one creature at a time is perfectly reasonable.

charm person is already a lesser invocation, so extending that to monster as well should be no trouble. Dominate X should probably be greater instead of Dark...

Segev: I think that one is a bit too situational to use. It is a technique I use though. I look at what make for powerful wizard's spells, how to tone them down a bit and port them over.

2014-04-11, 10:18 AM
charm person is already a lesser invocation, so extending that to monster as well should be no trouble. Dominate X should probably be greater instead of Dark...

Segev: I think that one is a bit too situational to use. It is a technique I use though. I look at what make for powerful wizard's spells, how to tone them down a bit and port them over.

I had forgotten about the charm invocation, but it already duplicates Charm Monster. Dominate Monster is a 9th level spell, I would hesitate to drop it down to a Greater invocation.

2014-04-11, 10:22 AM
The warlock kind of already gets something better than Alter Self - Humanoid Shape is a Dragonfire Adept invocation the Warlock can take.

Warlocks cannot take DFA invocations by RAW, though it's a reasonable houserule.

John Longarrow
2014-04-11, 10:37 AM
Just as a thought,
How about Armor of Darkness as a Lesser? Seems very thematically appropriate for a lot of warlocks.

2014-04-11, 10:39 AM
@socratov: Skills work differently in pathfinder. all skills cost one point, all skills max at your HD and no x4 for first level. being a class skill just gives a +3 bonus to your check. If you wanted to use these invocations in 3.5 I would give a static +6 and let it be used untrained. Ultimately the skills system in pathfinder i find far easier and should probably be ported to 3.5, at least I would do it if I were GM. Also, I effectively raised their Blast to be just like a rogues SA progression, and everytime I add an ability I try to compare it to another class of equal level to see just how it stacks up. Honestly a gish still beats out the melee lock even with the buffs I gave it, but the gish runs out of spells around 3 encounters while the warlock is still just as strong on the 9th encounter.

In my sig check out the invocation hellspawned grace. I beefed it up some from its 3.5 counterpart and it allows for a few different forms. I left off the humanoid form invocation but have been debating adding in an alter self type version in the greater category (mask of flesh (disguise self) is already a lesser). Also bossted their invocations by 4, giving 1 more at each new invocation level (least,lesser,greater,exemplary(dark)).

@nedz there is a feat that lets warlocks pick up DFA invocations, though a good houserule would be to let them have it anyway without the feat tax.

2014-04-11, 10:48 AM
Just as a thought,
How about Armor of Darkness as a Lesser? Seems very thematically appropriate for a lot of warlocks.

Yeah, but that is something that can easily be bought with WBL. Invocations are a much more precious resource.

2014-04-11, 11:29 AM
I like your idea of shackles of darkness but I think its a little too complicated. Why not just make it as the spell dominate person. With this spell you can do exactly the same thing as your more complicated version if desired. Even knowing your intention I am finding it quite hard to understand and follow it as written. And your eldritch mask should be changed to a greater, the disguise self one (mask of flesh) is already a lesser and alter self is better than disguise self.

also when looking for invocations i found this on google. No idea whether it is official but here is the link. http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Invocation_Descriptions there is some summoning abilities and some other abilities not on the warlock list.

2014-04-11, 11:38 AM
How about an invocation called Return Home or some such. It would open a one way portal to an Outer Plane with at least one alignment component matching the Warlock's alignment. It would have use as a method of transport and an attack. If used as an attack it should target an area and allow a reflex save to avoid. Just throwing out an idea.

2014-04-11, 11:42 AM
I haven't looked at many of the Invocations in quite some time, but I seem to recall Warlocks being rather deprived of Divination-type magic. Perhaps consider giving them some that can duplicate one or more of the more popular spells: Locate Object/Creature, Detect Alignment/Creature type/Thoughts, Identify, Legend Lore... Information gathering is one of the most significant differences between tiers, so if you want to bump up the Warlock, getting at least some Divination Invocations would go a long way.
Some environmental targeting effects would be add to versatility. Everyone who loves the Warlock knows how handy Shatter is, so just imagine how well received something like Stoneshape, Fabricate, X to Y spell line (Mud, Stone, Salt...). Out of combat they can be used to circumvent challenges like reinforcing a castle wall, building a bridge and the like, while in combat they could be used for BFC.

If I have the time later, I might actually try my hand at making up some example invocations.

2014-04-11, 03:43 PM
For a while I was thinking it would be neat to get something like arcane fusion in an invocation...

But then I realized that doing so would give you EVERY round a free level 1 invocation on top of any level 4 invocation, talk about breaking the action economy.
And at the dark level when Greater Fusion is used, you would get a 4th or 7th cast for free, or using the 7th slot make another 4th and 1st, so 3 invocations a round with no quicken SLA...

Thats why I don't like to homebrew because I tend to break the game sometimes.

But what about "Replicate Casting" as a dark level invocation?

2014-04-11, 04:16 PM
@nedz there is a feat that lets warlocks pick up DFA invocations, though a good houserule would be to let them have it anyway without the feat tax.

You mean this (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070613) one ? (Infernal Adept, near the bottom)
Unfortunately it's not very good. Requires greater invocations (so 11th level) and limits you to Leasts (or Lessers after 16th)

2014-04-12, 07:05 AM
I like your idea of shackles of darkness but I think its a little too complicated. Why not just make it as the spell dominate person. With this spell you can do exactly the same thing as your more complicated version if desired. Even knowing your intention I am finding it quite hard to understand and follow it as written. And your eldritch mask should be changed to a greater, the disguise self one (mask of flesh) is already a lesser and alter self is better than disguise self.

also when looking for invocations i found this on google. No idea whether it is official but here is the link. http://wiki.faxcelestis.net/index.php?title=Invocation_Descriptions there is some summoning abilities and some other abilities not on the warlock list.
Wow! Great link! Oh, and a greater invocation is only available

I haven't looked at many of the Invocations in quite some time, but I seem to recall Warlocks being rather deprived of Divination-type magic. Perhaps consider giving them some that can duplicate one or more of the more popular spells: Locate Object/Creature, Detect Alignment/Creature type/Thoughts, Identify, Legend Lore... Information gathering is one of the most significant differences between tiers, so if you want to bump up the Warlock, getting at least some Divination Invocations would go a long way.
Some environmental targeting effects would be add to versatility. Everyone who loves the Warlock knows how handy Shatter is, so just imagine how well received something like Stoneshape, Fabricate, X to Y spell line (Mud, Stone, Salt...). Out of combat they can be used to circumvent challenges like reinforcing a castle wall, building a bridge and the like, while in combat they could be used for BFC.

If I have the time later, I might actually try my hand at making up some example invocations.
no to the first thing. It somehow feels like making the warlock in to a miniwizard instead of a real warlock. the second thing, however, is a very good idea. I'll add them to the list.

For a while I was thinking it would be neat to get something like arcane fusion in an invocation...

But then I realized that doing so would give you EVERY round a free level 1 invocation on top of any level 4 invocation, talk about breaking the action economy.
And at the dark level when Greater Fusion is used, you would get a 4th or 7th cast for free, or using the 7th slot make another 4th and 1st, so 3 invocations a round with no quicken SLA...

Thats why I don't like to homebrew because I tend to break the game sometimes.

But what about "Replicate Casting" as a dark level invocation?

Again, let's not remake the wizard and sorcerer here, just someone who throws around awesomeness they got handed to them in a deal with the literal devil/demon/fey/whatever.

Sgt. Cookie
2014-04-12, 10:44 AM
How about this for the summon invocation:

Dark strings of the puppet master
Least, See Text

When you take this Invocation, select a single monster from the Summon Monster X list, where X is the highest "level" of spells your Invocations count as.* Whenever you gain new level of Invocations you may select a different monster to summon, up to a maximum of X.

This Invocation otherwise functions as the Summon Monster spell, except that it has a Full-Round Action "casting" time, rather than 1 round. Additionally, you always summon the same creature each time (As a result, any Per-Day abilities are not reset) and you may communicate with it, as if you shared a language.

This Invocation's Spell Level is equal to the level of the Summon Monster spell it draws from.

*So, a first level Warlock can have Invocations that count as 1st and 2nd level spells. When he gets Lesser invocations, he gets 3rd to 4th. Greater 5th-6th and Dark 7th-9th.

2014-04-12, 10:46 AM
How about this for the summon invocation:

Dark strings of the puppet master
Least, See Text

When you take this Invocation, select a single monster from the Summon Monster X list, where X is the highest "level" of spells your Invocations count as.* Whenever you gain new level of Invocations you may select a different monster to summon, up to a maximum of X.

This Invocation otherwise functions as the Summon Monster spell, except that it has a Full-Round Action "casting" time, rather than 1 round. Additionally, you always summon the same creature each time (As a result, any Per-Day abilities are not reset) and you may communicate with it, as if you shared a language.

This Invocation's Spell Level is equal to the level of the Summon Monster spell it draws from.

That's actually pretty good. Can the invocation be taken multiple time for more summons? (through extra invocation or by gaining new invocations?)

Sgt. Cookie
2014-04-13, 07:19 AM
Personally, I'd say no. Like you said, we're not making the Warlock a Miniwizard here, so being able to load up on multiple monsters doesn't seem very Warlock-y to me.

2014-04-14, 12:32 PM
Eldritch Enslavement
Dark, 9th level, will negates
You can control the actions of any sentient target through a telepathic link that you establish with the subject’s mind. If you and the subject have a common language, you can generally force the subject to perform as you desire, within the limits of its abilities. If no common language exists, you can communicate only basic commands, such as “Come here,” “Go there,” “Fight,” and “Stand still.” You know what the subject is experiencing, but you do not receive direct sensory input from it, nor can it communicate with you telepathically. Once you have given a dominated creature a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities except those necessary for day-to-day survival (such as sleeping, eating, and so forth). Because of this limited range of activity, a Sense Motive check against DC 15 (rather than DC 25) can determine that the subject’s behaviour is being influenced by an enchantment effect (see the Sense Motive skill description). Changing your instructions or giving a dominated creature a new command is a move action. By concentrating fully on the spell (a standard action), you can receive full sensory input as interpreted by the mind of the subject, though it still can’t communicate with you. You can’t actually see through the subject’s eyes, so it’s not as good as being there yourself, but you still get a good idea of what’s going on. Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus. Obviously self-destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, the range at which it can be exercised is unlimited, as long as you and the subject are on the same plane. You need not see the subject to control it. If you don’t spend at least 1 round concentrating on the Invocation each day, the subject receives a new saving throw to throw off the domination. Protection from evil or a similar spell can prevent you from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so warded, but such an effect neither prevents the establishment of domination nor dispels it. You can use this invocation on only one target at a time. Using this invocation dispells the invocation on the previous target.

Aside from adding the one target at a time clause I could take this spell almost verbatim from the SRD :smallsmile:

2014-04-14, 12:35 PM
I would totally allow that in a game.

Dr. Azkur
2014-04-14, 02:18 PM
What about an Essence for having EB do ability damage? Here's a really quick and indecent draft:

Maddening Blast
<Grade>,<Spell Level>,<Save>
By letting sink the sinister powers that aid you into your mind, you manage to turn your eldritch blast into a maddening blast, infusing it with the disarray of insanity.
Each time you invoke a maddening blast you receive 1 point of Wisdom Drain. However, any creature struck by a maddening blast receives <1/X> your eldritch blast damage as wisdom damage, instead of the regular amount. In addition, it must make a Will save or be affected by a Confusion effect, with duration of 1 round.

Although the whole thing is followed by a huge question mark, these are my prime doubts:

What I marked in purple I'd like your input in. Specially the fraction of how much Wisdom damage. I also was thinking of not using a fraction and rather use a fixed amount, such as 1 point per 1d6 in your EB damage.
What I marked in blue I'd like to hear your opinion on, if you have one.

EDIT: Did I mention this is my very first attempt at Homebrew?

John Longarrow
2014-04-14, 02:38 PM
As a Greater, the Possession ability a Fiend of Posession (FF) gets seems about right, though this could wind up being a Dark. Similar to a Dominate ability but much more sinister...

2014-04-14, 03:29 PM
What about an Essence for having EB do ability damage? Here's a really quick and indecent draft:

Maddening Blast
<Grade>,<Spell Level>,<Save>
By letting sink the sinister powers that aid you into your mind, you manage to turn your eldritch blast into a maddening blast, infusing it with the disarray of insanity.
Each time you invoke a maddening blast you receive 1 point of Wisdom Drain. However, any creature struck by a maddening blast receives <1/X> your eldritch blast damage as wisdom damage, instead of the regular amount. In addition, it must make a Will save or be affected by a Confusion effect, with duration of 1 round.

Although the whole thing is followed by a huge question mark, these are my prime doubts:

What I marked in purple I'd like your input in. Specially the fraction of how much Wisdom damage. I also was thinking of not using a fraction and rather use a fixed amount, such as 1 point per 1d6 in your EB damage.
What I marked in blue I'd like to hear your opinion on, if you have one.

EDIT: Did I mention this is my very first attempt at Homebrew?
the idea sounds good, however, I wouldn't make it hurt your own wisdom though... I'd peg the ability damage right between useless and too strong when you make it 1d4 per 4 invoker levels, fort save half. As for level, I'd peg it on Dark, for it's resemblance with Fell Blast, spell equivalent is a mystery though.

As a Greater, the Possession ability a Fiend of Posession (FF) gets seems about right, though this could wind up being a Dark. Similar to a Dominate ability but much more sinister...

I like the flavour, but, I think it's easier to use the ported version of Dominate Monster (in this thread presented as Eldritch Enslavement).

Dr. Azkur
2014-04-14, 03:41 PM
the idea sounds good, however, I wouldn't make it hurt your own wisdom though... I'd peg the ability damage right between useless and too strong when you make it 1d4 per 4 invoker levels, fort save half. As for level, I'd peg it on Dark, for it's resemblance with Fell Blast, spell equivalent is a mystery though.

Why not Wisdom? Very low Wis madness, very low Int is stupidity and Low Cha is... well I don't know what low Cha is.
Is it because ability damage is too strong?

2014-04-14, 04:00 PM
Well, the type of damage is not a problem so much. str/dex 0 is helpless, con 0 is dead, int/wis/cha 0 is catatonic it doesn't matter what type, as long as it's not con.

Dr. Azkur
2014-04-14, 04:48 PM
Ability damage is tricky...

2014-04-14, 08:54 PM
I know Arc Fusion is kind of game breaking for a warlock. But why is replicate casting bad?

The way I see it, you have to have something that was already cast in order to use this power, and its not entirely useful for a warlock who can cast any of their SLAs for free already. I see it only working when you need a 2nd caster to emulate what the first caster is doing, like delivering mail, buffing people, or simply making a bigger swath of BFC. Its like a free twinned spell which requires the actions of a 2nd caster to work.