View Full Version : Is Drivethrurpg licensed to distibute D&D products that they have advertised?

2014-04-09, 06:45 PM
I want to know if DrivethruRPG is actually licensed to sell the PDFs of D&D products so I can get the books I am missing.

But all I know is that they were de-licensed in 2008 and I haven't seen a notice contrary. I've purchased things like PF and a few campaign settings from them from 3rd parties, but I don't know if they are licensed distributors of D&D first party books.

Cost is not a big option for me - I was either going to buy a few books off amazon (physical) or save on physical space and buy the PDF versions from DrivethruRPG.

2014-04-09, 06:50 PM
Yes they are :) enjoy

2014-04-09, 07:18 PM
Ah now that I can get my hands on rules compendium I will be unstoppable!!

but on a side note - Is the following books worth it - note that I havn't really made dungeons in that much detail, I just focus on character design / npc design a lot in the past.

Cityscape - design a city from what I hear - also has the awesome city damage type which I have no idea what that means.

Exemplars of Evil - supposedly like heroes of horror - but what exactly does this book do?

Weapons of legacy - I've heard that this book isn't great - what makes it not as good as say Magic item compendium?

are each worth the 14 dollars I will be spending?

2014-04-09, 07:25 PM
Exemplars of Evil is more about making villains.

Weapons of Legacy are magic items that level up with you, but you have to make sacrifices, like penalties to hit, skill penalties, sacrificing spell slots/spells per day, and save penalties. Usually they aren't worth it, but they can be fun. There are also rules for making your own, which can be really fun.

2014-04-10, 02:58 AM
Thanks everyone!

I decided to order city scape but not exemplars of evil or weapons of legacy until I actually need them. Also getting rules compendium ;)

2014-04-10, 05:38 AM
Oh yeah, I've been meaning to buy Rules Compendium too. While I'm at it, there's some Eberron books I'm missing, and my *ahem* current copies of Elder Evils and Exemplars of Evil both have this weird freezing problem.