View Full Version : Help Picking a Ranger's Deity

2014-04-09, 07:08 PM
Now, i'm making a new character for a campaign. He is an anthropomorphic Sea Snake. At any rate, he is, as far as anyone knows, the first, last, and only member of this rather unique species. Ever. Given his unique position and the fact he only has 5 charisma, he has a pretty odd philosophy that revolves around identity of self as the only real person. He's rather egotistical, but not really on purpose, simply because... other beings are not people. Only he is people. And he needs a deity for his spells.

For reference:
1. I tried to get him to be able to use his body as a divine focus, no go =( (not because cheese, but because it's a cool idea that fits).
2. Because of 1, i feel like a divine focus could be like, an emblem of a deal between a god and this character to allow him to use the deity's spells.
3. There are no alignments, but they are still kinda seen as guidelines.
4. This is actually e6.
5. I traded ranger spellcasting and the animal companion for druid spellcasting.

maybe the deity is trying to influence him (good). maybe the deity doesn't give a damn. maybe the deity is trying to corrupt him (evil). help me pick a deity that adds to this character's story. remember that because it's e6, the idea that he'd actually ever get into real contact with the deity is a bit ridiculous.

2014-04-09, 08:07 PM
Why exactly do you have to have a deity for his spell casting, is this 3.5 or Path?

Edit: Talos the Storm Lord from the FR deities.

2014-04-09, 08:11 PM
Solipsism (http://dresdencodak.com/2009/01/27/advanced-dungeons-and-discourse/), eh?

That one ***** of a Sea Goddess might fit in with the solipsism. Not that she'd appeal to him as a deity, but that she might grant him spells anyway. I believe Cyric or Shar might be an option there for spell-granters who aren't actually acknowledged patrons.

2014-04-09, 08:17 PM
Solipsism (http://dresdencodak.com/2009/01/27/advanced-dungeons-and-discourse/), eh?

That one ***** of a Sea Goddess might fit in with the solipsism. Not that she'd appeal to him as a deity, but that she might grant him spells anyway. I believe Cyric or Shar might be an option there for spell-granters who aren't actually acknowledged patrons.

yea, i found her too, she might work. especially since he's a SEA snake and she's a SEA goddess. still looking for input though.

Why exactly do you have to have a deity for his spell casting, is this 3.5 or Path?

Edit: Talos the Storm Lord from the FR deities.

because it makes for an interesting story, is why. because it makes my character have to bargain for spells, despite being suuper self-centered and not wanting to acknowledge others.

2014-04-09, 08:21 PM
yea, i found her too, she might work. especially since he's a SEA snake and she's a SEA goddess. still looking for input though.

because it makes for an interesting story, is why. because it makes my character have to bargain for spells, despite being suuper self-centered and not wanting to acknowledge others.

Okay so just for fluff reason, Now I can get behind that idea. Hmmm what exactly are you looking for in a Deity. Like what Dogma would work best?

2014-04-09, 08:35 PM
Okay so just for fluff reason, Now I can get behind that idea. Hmmm what exactly are you looking for in a Deity. Like what Dogma would work best?

that's exactly the problem. he doesn't respect other creatures. not true solipsism, i guess he acknowledges their existence, or at least their existence within his reality, but he really does not fit. he doesn't care for them and their wishes. that's why i came here. as much as i hate to say it, my character is probably chaotic neutral *shudder* (shoot me now). does that help at all?

NB: i' don't have his philosophy totally hashed out. just the basic idea. please understand that. i just realized i contradicted myself, and that's okay, because i'm not totally sure about certain things here. i'm just making a loner mindset for a non-social animal that works for 5 charisma. of course, that's not to say i won't work on the philosophy, just that i can't answer every question now.