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View Full Version : Pathfinder White Haired Witch- Int to Hit?

2014-04-09, 10:42 PM
So in an upcoming game, I have a player who wants to play a White Haired Witch. The White Haired Witch gets int to damage and some combat maneuvers with their hair. (Between this and the Scarred Witch Doctor, I'm beginning to suspect that Witches just don't give a gadzooks how their stats are supposed to work).

However, there are some problems- given the Witch isn't full BAB, at higher levels the fact that the WHW doesn't get Int to attack rolls, RAW might really start to tell. I'm considering a houserule to fix this- basically making the WHW's hair work like the prehensile hair feat- an extra limb with strength equal to the character's intelligence. Given that they're giving up all their hexes for this, it doesn't seem like it'd be too overpowering, but it might make the concept work better in the event that this is finally the game that hits high levels.

So- has anyone tried a similar houserule to this? How did it work out? Thoughts, suggestions, recipes for birthday cakes?

2014-04-09, 11:41 PM
However, there are some problems- given the Witch isn't full BAB, at higher levels the fact that the WHW doesn't get Int to attack rolls, RAW might really start to tell. I'm considering a houserule to fix this- basically making the WHW's hair work like the prehensile hair feat- an extra limb with strength equal to the character's intelligence. Given that they're giving up all their hexes for this, it doesn't seem like it'd be too overpowering, but it might make the concept work better in the event that this is finally the game that hits high levels.

I'm not sure if there's a (more) official ruling on the Paizo forums or not, but there should be no problem letting them use INT for To-Hit as well.
It's close enough to the Hair-Hex that it may have just been an oversight, or it may have fully been intended to work that way (for some reason).