View Full Version : <SPOILER>Hinjo's Evil Opposite?

2007-02-06, 06:31 AM
With Roy now Hinjo's bodyguard, that would now create an extra link between Hinjo and the Order, right?

Now, if Miko ends up in a cell and gets tricked by Sabine, she could end up working for them for a while, in effect being Hinjo's 'evil opposite' as if both were temporary members of either party...

Does that make sense/seem likely?

Alex Kidd
2007-02-06, 06:51 AM
I'd say Evil Miko will be her own evil opposite from when she was in the party, myself, but your idea is good too.

2007-02-06, 07:35 AM
By Alex Kidd
I'd say Evil Miko will be her own evil opposite from when she was in the party, myself, but your idea is good too.

Was Miko even a part of the party? From a DnD gaming standpoint, I'd put her as a DM story-relevant NPC who's herding the Order along in the direction the DM (i.e., Rich Burlew) needs the party to go.
From another perspective, one with less meta-fiction involved, she was their jailer who was bringing them in and lacked the ability to compromise and the cohesiveness with the party that a real member of the group would have or acquire.
And, yes, I consider Belkar to be part of the party, too. As Roy said, he could have joined forces with their enemies, killed them all, and taken all their magic items. I admit that's mainly because he didn't think of it, but he still has a very basic attitude of cooperating with the group that Miko never had.

2007-02-06, 07:40 AM
Roy´s remark: "Stupid railroad plot!" makes pretty clear, that MIko is a NPC. IMO.

2007-02-06, 08:27 AM
For similar reasons to those of Miko's PCness, I doubt that Hinjo counts as a member of the party for the whole evil opposite thing. Although I do think that looks better than the Belkar opposite of Miko theory I've kept hearing.

However it would be cool to see another Miko against Hinjo duel. They probably will fight again but because Shojo's heir becomes Miko's enemy too by default, not necessarilly because of Miko joining the LG or anything.