View Full Version : [D&D 3.5] 1. Welcome to Linhurst

2014-04-10, 08:13 AM
OoC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?340113-Linhurst-OOC-Comments-and-Questions)

Linhurst, 4 Azahar 314

Azahar, the first month of the year, has begun a few days ago. Another winter has passed and slowly the cold and snow start to disappear from the world. The first three days celebrations and ceremonies have been held to thank Créador and his gods that everyone survived the winter, to ask blessing for the new year, and just to prepare themselves mentally for the work ahead. Like every year priest Rhennia held a long ceremony and was everyone happy when it was done and the drinking could begin.

Today the first fishermen, the ones not too drunk or too hungover, will get in their boats and catch the first fish of the year. It is more superstition than fact that the one catching the very first fish will have luck all year long, and that if one doesn't catch any fish, he will die in the year.

The winter has been long and cold this year, making travel impossible and no one really knows what happened in the rest of Neperia during the last three months. It could be war and no one would know, except perhaps for Yerad the wizard. He often knows things first. But soon the first merchants will come, bringing food and letters from other towns.

So far the day seems as normal as always.

2014-04-10, 10:56 AM
Roric sat with frustration on the dock his fishing line dipped into the water What in the hell am I doing? Sitting trying to catch a fish when I could be practicing or even patrolling? Why do I even bother with this idiotic folk tale? Roric thought slouching forward with a sigh.

2014-04-10, 11:10 AM
The kobold wakes up in his modified bed and gets dressed, eats his breakfast etc... He then goes to the wizard's house interested if the wizard has progressed in reversing his "curse."

Sorry about delay of back story, I'll try to add it soon.

2014-04-10, 04:09 PM
Shadr wasn't coming along to fish. Fortune, death, yeah, okay, he gets it. What he had been interested in for a while was been those people who didn't fish; specifically, what the always rather unkempt toolmaker and the all-too-neglected minstrel, who was also the chief fishing boat captain's wife, were up to together. Shadr knew that the first journey of every year was a long fishing trip if any, so it was a good time for him to see if the two were up to anything less than loyal, which is exactly what he went to find out.

2014-04-10, 08:18 PM
Anthion had wandered into Linhurst during the second day of the festivities, intent upon staying until the first day of fishing of the new year, offering his help to the fishermen, and then returning to the forest. So, on the 4th day of Azahar, Anthion awoke at dawn and went down to the docks to offer his help to whomever requested it of him.
While he wiled away the dawn hours, waiting for supplicants seeking aid, he noticed the half-orc, Roric, (I assume he'd know his name) sitting on the docks fishing and decided that he'd talk to the other young "man" to see how he was doing, thinking that it couldn't be easy to be one of the few other half breeds in a town, and country, largely comprised of humans.
So he slowly walked over to where the half-orc was sitting and asked him, "How goes the fishing?"

2014-04-11, 01:13 AM
Stepping out of the temple, Theria is dead tired.
Yesterday she spent the day helping her mentor, Rhennia, with her duties as the village's priest. In the evening she retired to the temple to take a short peek into a book she discovered in the basement. The short peek became an all-night session as the book turned out to be a treatise on arcane magic practices for priests, complete with a few spells she could not quite understand.

Now she was dead tired and only wanted to catch some sleep, but seeing Anthion and Roric down by the peer made her reconsider. Walking slowly, she heads towards the two, yawning.

"Good morning!"

2014-04-11, 07:57 AM
(Roric, Anthion, Theria)
A few fishermen smile at Roric, and later to the others as well when they have arrived, but all of them are too busy right now for a chat. They get in their boats, going to deeper water where most fish can be found. There is no real competition between the men as fish is the way to survive here in Linhurst. Not just for food but most of all for income. All fish that gets caught will be sold or eaten so if someone else catches more than another was not really a big problem. The boats aren't very big, although the size is a clear indication on how skilled the fishers are, but none of them are very rich.

There was no movement yet in the house after Darren the fishermen left. Jenna the local bard had been very busy during the celebrations with cheerful songs and some acts. Then, about one hour after Darren had left, Veras the toolmaker showed up. Shadr could see the man didn't knock, but instead let himself in.

Yerad smiled as the kobold showed up at his place. "Goodmorning Heuy. I see you survived the celebrations." He spoke with a chuckle and let the kobold into his place. The home of the local wizard wasn't very big and looked even smaller on the inside with the chaos of things. Every place that was flat enough to be used as some sort of table or shelf had stuff on it. Flasks, opened books, parchment with writing, all kinds of strange looking objects. But, at least to Yerad, there was a structure to the chaos as so far he could find almost always what he was looking for. At the same time it was very clear there was no wife in his life, as surely those would run away screaming.

2014-04-11, 08:02 AM
Roric nodded towards the druid attempting a small smile "Well enough thank you" he said before noticing Theria "Morning" he said with another nod and small smile.
(It's a town of only 70+ people I don't see a reason why you wouldn't know)

2014-04-11, 08:22 AM
"Yes, but it's always confusing when most of the time all I see are legs. Have you progressed on finding a cure?" Heuy says urgently.

2014-04-11, 08:35 AM

Yerad gave a sympathetic nod. "I can understand that yes, quite a difference of perspective. But yes, I have a new attempt ready for you. Sadly accidents and curses are the hardest things to solve. Curses because they aren't meant to be solved and accidents not always follow the normal rules for magic. But I have good hopes for this attempt, and if it doesn't work I have some new ingredients coming when the travelling merchant arrives."

He looked around through the chaos of the room and then walked over to a couple of flasks standing on a pile of books that looked like they could collapse at any moment. He took the one with a green liquid in it. "Drink this but keep it in your mouth for 10 seconds and then swallow it. Try not to spill any of it as it seems to destroy fabrics."

2014-04-11, 10:13 AM
Shadr couldn't help but grin a bit, his suspicions closer to getting confirmed already. He lowered himself to a crouch and ensured he'd not be seen through the window, sneaking up to the door and placing his ear to it, poised to know whether or not Veras would take care to lock it behind him, or walk out of the room. He'd hate getting caught sneaking about, after all.


2014-04-11, 12:09 PM
After the bare essentials for polite small talk, Anthion just stood there for a while, staring out across the water seeming to have forgotten that anyone else was there. Theria's approach snapped him back to attention.
"Ah, good morning to you as well." He was a little uncomfortable being around women, after years of isolation he wasn't truly comfortable around anyone really, but he didn't want to be impolite so after a few moments of awkward silence he asked her, "So... you seem to be tired, did you stay up too late at the festival last night?"

2014-04-11, 07:01 PM
Heuy does as he is told (BTW I don't actually want to become a human again, but my character does.)

2014-04-12, 01:06 PM
""Not really. I went to the temple last night, after service, to take a short look at a book and some scrolls I had found in the basement. I found the book most interesting as it held information on how a wizard could with the right words and gestures cast....

she stops for a moment to yawn, trying to hide it behind her hastily raised hand.

"Well, it was an interesting read. I just looked up to find it was morning already."

2014-04-12, 06:05 PM

Judging by the sounds Shadr is able to make out though the door, he is quite convinced the door didn't get locked. He can hear Veras' footsteps leading further into the small house, most likely to the location of the bedroom.

Yerad watched with interest as his test subject drank the green liquid and clearly counted the seconds as well before the kobold swallowed it all. For a short moment nothing happened but then Heuy clearly felt 'a sensation'. Shivers ran through his body, goosebumps appear on his skin and then he turned completely purple. "Hmm... that was not supposed to happen. Well, I am sure this effect is only temporary... I think."

2014-04-12, 06:16 PM
The young man waits for another few seconds before he tries his hand at finding out more still about the situation. The door opens as silently as he can manage doing so, and should that not draw too much attention, Shadr would try to discern further sounds, not through the door this time, enough for him to confirm his suspicions is anything.

Move silent roll:

Listen roll: (provided the former roll goes right)


2014-04-12, 07:14 PM
"Hmm, so it was a book of wizardry? Why would you be interested in that? I thought that you were a cleric, like Rhennia." As Anthion says this, he stares down in the general direction of his two bare feet. He then quickly adds, "Not that there's anything wrong with being interested in that." He hesitates for a moment and then clarifies, "Wizardry, I mean." He then shakes his head slightly; stares out across the water for a brief moment or two; and then he turns towards Roric, with a quizzical expression writ large upon his face, and says (as if keeping up with a conversation that only he was aware of), "How long have you been fishing out here for?"

2014-04-13, 09:47 AM
"Great, now I'm not just a kobold, but a purple one as well!" Heuy storms out of the building.

2014-04-14, 09:18 AM
Roric looked over at Anthion then back at his bobbing fishing line then finally towards the sun "At least a few hours I'd say." Roric replied.

2014-04-14, 04:31 PM

Shadr doesn't get the impression anyone hears him enter the house or how he moves inside. Right now there is some talking coming from another room. There is no actual door separating the two rooms so the people there can see Shadr if he gets too careless. Judging by the talking the arrival of Veras was clearly no surprise. Soon the talking stops and sounds of kissing emerge from the room.


"I am sure it is only temporary" Yerad repeats loudly as the kobold storms away. His words are loud enough to be heard by the people at the dock, or at least to possibly draw attention to the purple kobold. Heuy doesn't feel any different than earlier this morning so the change is only visual... so far at least.

2014-04-14, 05:14 PM
Shadr only barely manages to suppress a gleeful snicker as he hears those unmistakeable sounds. He does his utmost best not to stand out, knowing full well he has frightfully little else to do, anyway, inching to a wall and pressing his back into it, should the two decide to look back anyway.

Hide roll incase they look back, only for 'if' purposes.


2014-04-14, 09:35 PM
Heuy quickly storms into the bar (if this tiny little town has one) and asks for a drink. Hoping to feel at least a bit better then his current miserable state.