View Full Version : "Lower Spell" Mechanic?

2014-04-10, 08:39 AM
Does their exist a mechanic that allows a caster (particularly a spontaneous one) who possesses a "Greater" version of a spell to spontaneously convert it into a Lesser version using the lower level spell slot, kind of like Clerics and cure spells? For instance, a Sorcerer with Globe of Invulnerability (5th level spell) on their list of spells known could instead cast Lesser Globe of Invulnerability (4th level spell)? Same with spells like Summon Monster X.

If something like this doesn't exist, any thoughts on what the implications would be if it's allowed and how much it would break?

2014-04-10, 09:09 AM
It'd be tricky, since it's not really well-defined what a "lesser version of the same spell" is. OK, Lesser Planar Binding is a lesser version of Planar Binding, but is Alter Self a lesser version of Polymorph? Is Protection from Evil a lesser version of Magic Circle against Evil?

2014-04-10, 09:25 AM
imho I would say no for this reason. Divine spells are gifts for what ever deity you chose to worship for being devout. so it is not up to YOU the pc to cast the spell or it's effect it is how much favor you have with your deity determines your blessings. I.e you can substitute spells for healing spells. Clerics can lose faith, palidins can lose hope ie loose their status as cleric or palidins. You can be MORE devout or LESS devout in your deity.

the wizard has to learn formulas and do things in a precise manor to manifest spells effects. i.e you do these things and this happens. Scalability has nothing to do with it. so if a wizard loses the ability to cast is is cause life has been drained or some sort of mental trauma has happened. when you learn 2+2 it will always be 4 you can't know it any more or any less.

hope this makes since for you.

2014-04-10, 09:29 AM
There is no such thing. Spells are always completely separate from each other. There is no difference between knowing planar binding and lesser planar binding and knowing two spells that are not thematically linked.

If you want ad-hoc upgrades you need to look at psionics.

2014-04-10, 10:59 AM
It'd be tricky, since it's not really well-defined what a "lesser version of the same spell" is. OK, Lesser Planar Binding is a lesser version of Planar Binding, but is Alter Self a lesser version of Polymorph? Is Protection from Evil a lesser version of Magic Circle against Evil?

You could define some parameters such as "lesser"/"greater" + spell name, and "works like (insert lower level spell here) except". And if there is a 2nd and 3rd level that both work like the same lower level spell, you could also allow the 3rd to convert into the 2nd. But spells that are merely similar without referring to each other by name would not qualify.

No you can't do it by RAW. But you could make something up like the above as homebrew. I'd make it a feat.

2014-04-10, 01:48 PM
This would have been pretty cool if 3.5 went with one idea they were talking about in 5e: That the same spell has upgraded effects when you cast it with a higher slot. That way you wouldn't need to learn, say, 10 or more iterations of Summon Monster, 8+ different versions of Polymorph, or 4+ versions of Teleport. That would eliminate a lot of redundancy in the magic system.

Also, you could potentially learn Fireball (more likely a smaller version of it) at 1st level, and keep using it all the way to 20 and beyond.

2014-04-10, 01:51 PM
This would have been pretty cool if 3.5 went with one idea they were talking about in 5e: That the same spell has upgraded effects when you cast it with a higher slot. That way you wouldn't need to learn, say, 10 or more iterations of Summon Monster, 8+ different versions of Polymorph, or 4+ versions of Teleport. That would eliminate a lot of redundancy in the magic system.

Also, you could potentially learn Fireball (more likely a smaller version of it) at 1st level, and keep using it all the way to 20 and beyond.

So you want Psionics.

2014-04-10, 01:57 PM
So you want Psionics.

Psionics still suffers from the greater/lesser paradigm, though to a slightly lesser extent. It's a step in the right direction, though.

2014-04-10, 02:26 PM
Psionics still suffers from the greater/lesser paradigm, though to a slightly lesser extent. It's a step in the right direction, though.

Psionics has some redundancy maybe, usually just changing maybe area or something, but Psionic Charm is the perfect example of packaging the Sorc/Wiz charm effects together. Psionics is pretty great in that regard.