View Full Version : Computer Warlock II - The Exile

2014-04-10, 09:08 AM
So, I purchased this game 'cause I had some fun with the original game.

And I have to say, I am really, really impressed. The game has improved on every single metric possible. The "exile" mode is the closest thing you can have to a genuine campaign storyline while, at the same, time, retaining everything as you progress.

The new "alternate cities" option are a very sweet map-filled while, at the same time, reduce micro-management and yet comes off as extremely useful.

The research methods have been entirely revamped to be less random.

The game is as unforgiving as ever :smallbiggrin:

Only thing I dislike are:
- We need better tooltips regarding what the unit perk upgrades DO when you have the option of building the ressource upgrade.
- I'd like to be able to exploit ressources with my "alternate cities". I mean.. it's just sad to waste them because they are out of the way...

Overall, you should have fun with the game more if you look at it as some form of Adventure/Strategy rather than a Civ-like strategy game. Is especially like the setup of the "Exile" game mode --> You are one of the mage who lost the previous game :smallbiggrin:

2014-04-10, 11:04 AM
I've been keeping my eye on this game since it was announced, so I'm glad to hear someone likes it. I'll probably be picking it up myself down the line.

2014-04-10, 12:43 PM
Warlock 2... color me interested. How similar to the first Warlock (and it's half dozen addons) is it, both in depth, style and width? :smallsmile:

2014-04-10, 12:53 PM
Same style, more depth, but also more focused gameplay.

Witdh... well, it depends on the gamestyle. The "Exile" mode throws you into a labyrinth of interconnected-planes you have to navigate and find your way home. With challenges at every step of the way. And yet, every success of challenge just opens the way for even more challenges.

The gameplay also has the Big Bad's lieutenant keep harassing you by throwing spells at your lands. I especially HATE when they summon 4 volcanoes right in the middle of my lands.

2014-04-10, 12:56 PM
Whadda ya mean by "more focused"?

2014-04-10, 12:59 PM
Whadda ya mean by "more focused"?

There is now a limited number of cities you can have under your direct administration before you start growing unrest. Which means, as you expand, you have to eventually convert cities into trading towns, defensive fortress or religious temple-cities.

Trading town generate gold for you, temple-cities give you favor with a specific god and gives you mana. They still grow in population, but it just increase their combat strenght and the ressource yield. they don't actually grow in territory.

The consequence being, you don't have to worry about administrating twenty cities yourself --> more focused.

edit: also, the research tree actually allow you to plan and see where you want to go. You need to research a certain number of spells or ability in a specific category of spells (ex: "Sorcery") before gaining access to the higher-level spells of that category.

2014-04-10, 09:55 PM
hm, that does sound pretty good...

How linear is researching? How's character creation for your protagonist? Are there still multiple connected worlds and subrealms, similar to Warlock 1? :smallsmile:

2014-04-10, 10:18 PM
hm, that does sound pretty good...

How linear is researching? How's character creation for your protagonist? Are there still multiple connected worlds and subrealms, similar to Warlock 1? :smallsmile:

Research has some elements of linearity. You really need to research, say, 4x Lvl1 spell of a certain school to progress to level 2, and so on. But except for a few spells that have specific requirements (ex: Firebolt requires Lesser Firebolt, and they are both Lvl 1 spells, and thus both count for the 4x Lvl 1 spells).

Character creation is exactly the same as in Warlock 1. Maybe a few little different perks, but that's about it.

Regarding multiple connected worlds and; I already talked about it. In fact, it has became a major gameplay focus in the new "Exile" mode, where you have been stranded on lost Shard and have to start your journey across the Multiverse through the gates to find your way back in Ardania, where the United One awaits (United One is basically the Great Mage who cast the Unity Spell in a precedent game your character lost :-P)

Going on exploring through the various gates, trying to figure out where they go and finding great dangers everywhere you go is damn fun. Certain worlds are very high level, and will generate a great deal of powerful enemies. But the ressources you might find there are incredible, and there are spells and items laying around for you to loot. I just discovered a massive AoE spell that does a base 80 Elemental damage. Since most units have about 50 hit points, I can tell you how powerful it is. (it does cost about 600 mana to cast!!!)

I found special runes that you can use to boost spells. Making their casting time less long, increase their power, mix new damage type, increase/decrease their mana cost, increase crit chance..

I really boosted my Megaspell's power, and now it does 126 AoE damage, with +45% crit chance. And it now cost.. huh.. 820 mana to cast...

But at least, I can cast it three times in a single turn :smallbiggrin: Man, am I developping my Mana-producing cities like crazy