View Full Version : Druid Spell Q's

2014-04-10, 03:54 PM
I am playing a (Shapeshift) Druid Nightbringer Initiate (w/ the feat of course, but not the roleplaying aspect) who later goes into 2 lvls of Warshaper and Druid then onward, and I really want to know what might be the most helpful spells to me, since i see either bad spells, utility spells, or just op spells as i look at the several books i read.
My DM has warned me of Specializing in certain areas of spells to avoid overshadowing my fellow party members, and this is their spell Specialization:

Shadowcaster - No damage casting, all CC, Negative Levels, and Non-Lethal Dmg while using items and comiting to the non-damage course w/ vow of nonviolence to SUPERbuff her spell DC's

Wilder - Focusing on Offensive Casting w/ utility items, also is leaning towards astral Constructions for his own reasons

Warblade - Blade Magic... yaaaaa, not gonna overshadow him in that area

And that is my party, and so far i am leaning towards buffs, and even using stuff like Mass Snakes Swiftness to deal huge amounts of damage, but i wanna know what will be better later, or in the near future.

P.S. I REALLY LOVE GERALINS BLESSING, if you know any cool things i can do besides using morph body to have a huge number of natural attacks even w/ the arms i get w/ the spell, let me know!

2014-04-10, 04:05 PM
First of all, what level are you on and which books are you playing with?

Secondly, don't underestimate blade magic, wait until you get trapped in an antimagic room and cower in the corner while your warblade does all the dirty work... talk about humbling experiences.

It sounds like you want to specialize in transmuting. Have you seen the Master of Many Forms? Crazy shifting there yo.

Off the top of my head, A level 3 spell Menacing Tentacles from PHB II (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/evards-menacing-tentacles--3016/) sounds like something you'd like.

2014-04-10, 04:32 PM
It's not entirely clear what your goal here is. The major two aspects here that are mostly missing are level and book access, with perhaps some more attention paid to what you actually seek to do with your spells. Another question that must be asked is how you seek to enter warshaper, because I don't think shapeshift grants access. It's probably for the best that you don't enter that class anyway, as it's not all that great on a druid. Anyway, for just standard and wide breadth spell advice, I could always just PM over the handbook I'm working on, if you'd like. It probably covers most druid advice I would give in this situation.

As for spells that grant extra attacks, you should definitely look into the bite of the were x line of spells, from the spell compendium, if you haven't already. Also worth consideration is claws of the bebilith/savage (BoVD, 88), which both grant nifty claw attacks. Finally, unless you're being forced against your will (or otherwise forced by your desire to not be too powerful), you should strongly consider not going shapeshift. It's just generally not good.

2014-04-10, 07:00 PM
First of all, what level are you on and which books are you playing with?

Secondly, don't underestimate blade magic, wait until you get trapped in an antimagic room and cower in the corner while your warblade does all the dirty work... talk about humbling experiences.

It sounds like you want to specialize in transmuting. Have you seen the Master of Many Forms? Crazy shifting there yo.

Off the top of my head, A level 3 spell Menacing Tentacles from PHB II (http://dndtools.eu/spells/players-handbook-ii--80/evards-menacing-tentacles--3016/) sounds like something you'd like.

Truly sorry, im 5th, and i dont underestimate blade magic, in fact i really love it, i was just expressing how i cant really mess w/ it, also i will take a look at all this.
PS: limitations towards the faerun jazz, especially the feats that allowed me to summon things at an OP degree

It's not entirely clear what your goal here is. The major two aspects here that are mostly missing are level and book access, with perhaps some more attention paid to what you actually seek to do with your spells. Another question that must be asked is how you seek to enter warshaper, because I don't think shapeshift grants access. It's probably for the best that you don't enter that class anyway, as it's not all that great on a druid. Anyway, for just standard and wide breadth spell advice, I could always just PM over the handbook I'm working on, if you'd like. It probably covers most druid advice I would give in this situation.

As for spells that grant extra attacks, you should definitely look into the bite of the were x line of spells, from the spell compendium, if you haven't already. Also worth consideration is claws of the bebilith/savage (BoVD, 88), which both grant nifty claw attacks. Finally, unless you're being forced against your will (or otherwise forced by your desire to not be too powerful), you should strongly consider not going shapeshift. It's just generally not good.

My goal is to find the most useful spells that i can get out of my lists of spells, also i will take a look at that, and i will look into the spellooos, also i was forced into shapeshift, which yes i know, nerfs up mah ****, but i gotta cope, also shapeshift is allowing me to enter, and i am only doing to to get morph weapons, immunity to stuns and crits (as well as sneak attacks) and the +4 to str and con when in forms.