View Full Version : Pathfinder Bypassing a Circle of Power

2014-04-10, 04:25 PM
After spending several months of in-game time making their way through an enormous underground complex, my players have finally slain the dungeon vault's terrible guardian and the artifact they seek floats just 25 feet in front of them.

Unfortunately, between them and the Orb of Palantha-kawon lie 4 circles of power. Three with runes written in Aklo, the fourth with runes written in Celestial. Anything they've tried to lay over or throw into the area of the runes has been vaporized by a green energy field that rises out of the first layer.

The first layer was made to keep the minions of an evil god from getting their hands on the artifact. Frustrated (and often killed) by their many failed attempts to lay hands on the artifact, the dark minions crafted a series of three power circles around the first - figuring that if they couldn't get their hands on the artifact, then no one else could either.
Now, thousands of years later, both of the battling cults have disappeared from the world but the players need the artifact to help turn the balance of the world back toward good.

I have six level 11 players - a human wizard, a human artificer (ported from 3.5), a human duskblade (ported from 3.5), and elf ranger, an elf bard, and a neutral good Jyoti without class levels. I really do want them to get the artifact, but I want to make them feel like they really worked their butts off to get it.

Do I have reasonable bypass and destruction requirements? Is the penalty for trying to just smash the power circles too punishing?

The innermost warded circle seems to have been made in an entirely different way than the other circles. The script is different. This layer was made by one of the last servants of a demigod sacrificing himself and binding his soul to the power circle. The caster level is 25.
It radiates magic from the schools of Abjuration, Divination, Conjuration and Transmutation
A Mage’s Magnificent Enclosure (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/mage-s-excellent-enclosure) spell is constantly in effect around the circle, extending as a complete sphere around the circle’s center point. The Orb still floats; it’s an artifact, and therefore immune to mortal magic.
Bypass: The enclosure deactivates when a good, living creature touches their Kelic Item of Power to the barrier. The circle of power allows living creatures that bear one of Kela’s items of power to cross it, so long as Detect Good picks up a moderate or better aura of good from that creature. If someone who does not fit the bill attempts to pass, following effects activate at a DC of 27:
Prismatic Sphere (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/prismatic-sphere) on the power circle, .25 inches outside the power circle.
Polymorph Any Object (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/polymorph-any-object) on the transgressor, turning them into a mudskipper.
Summon Monster IX, conjures an Astral Deva (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/outsiders/angel/astral-deva) 30 feet above the top of the Enclosure
The players (3 of whom bear Kelic items of power, all of whom are good) shouldn't have trouble getting through this layer.

Unlike the first circle, the outer three circles were painstakingly inscribed with great care and the letter forms are heavily embellished. There is some variation in the type of embellishment; a careful eye can determine that the different layers were written by different people or groups of people. Each has the effects of a Magic Circle Against Good (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/m/magic-circle-against-good) in addition to other effects.

This layer seems to be made by some sort of divine magic. It is quite powerful and seems to have something to do with the elements. The caster level is 20.
It radiates magic from the schools of Abjuration, Evocation and Necromancy.
Hits anyone crossing it with Implosion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/implosion) (DC 24 fort save or take 200 damage per round for 10 rounds). Once dead, the creature’s soul is hit with Create Greater Undead (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/i/implosion) and sent into the rest of the dungeon to defend it.
Bypass: This layer can be bypassed by applying at least two pints of the blood of an outsider with a strong aura of good (5+ HD) poured over the section of runes to be crossed. The circle burns away the blood covering in 30 seconds, reactivating the circle after 5 rounds. The blood of a summoned creature is insufficient to bypass the rune.
Destruction: Cover the entire circle in the blood of a strong, extraplanar good creature. 16 pints of blood will do. Alternatively, the circle can be broken by destroying the stone it is carved into. Hardness: 15, 120 hit points, Break DC 35. Must be done at four separate points within 1 hour to keep the circle from regenerating itself. Each attempt triggers the circle’s implosion effect unless somehow triggered without being in contact with the striking implement.

This layer is most likely made by potent arcane magic. Its caster level is 17.
It radiates magic from the schools of Abjuration, Enchantment and Necromancy.
Hits any creature crossing it with Symbol of Insanity (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/symbol-of-insanity) (Will DC 22 or suffer permanent Confusion (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/confusion)) and Horrid Wilting (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/horrid-wilting) (17d6 damage, half with Fort DC 22)
Bypass: This layer can be bypassed by applying at least 25 points each of fire, acid, cold and electricity damage to a 3’ long section of the circle within 30 seconds.
Destruction: Summon an elemental of at least large size to four equidistant parts of the circle within a space of 30 seconds. Must summon an earth, air, fire and water elemental. Each elemental takes 15 points of damage per round and are destroyed at the moment the circle is destroyed. Alternatively, the circle can be broken by destroying the stone it is carved into. Hardness: 15, 120 hit points, Break DC 35. Must be done at four separate points within 1 hour to keep the circle from regenerating itself. Each attempt triggers the circle’s Confusion effect (flip a coin; heads) or Horrid Wilting effect (tails) unless somehow triggered without being in contact with the striking implement.

This layer is the least powerful of the four, but still made by a very skilled divine caster, with a caster level of 14.
It radiates magic from the schools of Abjuration, Conjuration and Transmutation
Hits any object (or undead) crossing it with Disintegrate (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/d/disintegrate) (Touch attack d20+9 for 28d6 damage) as a pulse of green energy builds and blasts the interloper. Living creatures are targeted with Harm (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/h/harm) (140 damage, will save DC 19 for half, can’t reduce HP below 1).
Bypass: Apply 40+ points of force damage and 40+ points of positive energy (including cure spells or lay on hands) to a 3 foot area of the circle within 30 seconds.
Destruction: A creature must enter the circle, suffer damage and immediately after, cast a force spell of 5th level of greater on the the circle while receiving the effects of a conjuration (healing) spell of 5th level or greater. The circle is destroyed, but leaves its mark on its bane in the form of the circle’s runes spiraling up the destroyer’s hands and feet. Treat this as a Curse of caster level 14. Alternatively, the circle can be broken by destroying the stone it is carved into. Hardness: 15, 120 hit points, Break DC 35. Must be done at four separate points within 1 hour to keep the circle from regenerating itself. Each attempt triggers the circle’s disintegrate effect on the striking implement (or harm if it is hit with a natural strike or unarmed attack.

TL;DR - Are my protective wards around an artifact too punishing or too weak for a level 11 party?

2014-04-10, 05:03 PM
So they are able to attack the stone itself without having to cross through the circles?

The wizard should be able to easily Disintegrate the stone then and break the circles that way, since you are giving them hardness and hit points.

Any sort of Acid attack or adamantine projectiles (to prevent contact) will also make short work of the stone.

Sounds like a perfect roadblock for level 11 adventurers. If they stop and think for a few they should be easily able to bypass what would otherwise be lethal spell effects.

2014-04-10, 05:40 PM
Have you assigned Spellcraft and or Knowledge (Arcana) DC's for the PC's to gain helpful information about these circles? You've included caster levels for each one, are you prepared for Dispel Attempts?

While you've created non "hit it with a rock" ways of bypassing the circles, the PC's have no way to determine what those are. Especially seeing as the bypass methods are not directly aligned with the schools of magic involved in their layers or the effects from trying to pass them.

Is there any particular reason they wouldnt simply dimension door, or some other way to translocate to the innermost circle to get the artifact?

2014-04-10, 06:45 PM
Great questions! Spellcraft and relevant knowledge check DCs range from DC 28-DC 37, depending on the question.

I'm totally comfortable with them just destroying the floor the runes are written on. I don't see any special runes magic that would prevent Disintegrate. Sadly, the mage doesn't have the spell.

Dimension door won't work, due to the constant Mage's Mage's Magnificent Enclosure effect surrounding the first circle.

Thank you for the thought-provoking ideas!

2014-04-11, 10:56 AM
Just a quick update - this wound up working really well. Thanks to carefully planning and smart spellcasting on the part of several of my players, they were able to interpret the runes and understand how they worked. Our archivist wound up with a spellcraft check of 44 to decipher the most dangerous ring.

Best of all, everyone got to contribute. The bard motivated and dropped some knowledge, the Jyoti contributed her blood to the effort, the ranger helped shut down one of the layers with his bow of frost, the duskblade delivered force and elemental damage to help bypass two of the layers and the wizard and archivist squeezed every last drop out of their spell knowledge to bypass the circles and recover the artifact.

The session went by fast! Everyone had a great time, and left impressed with themselves.

And now they've got a glabrezu waiting for them when the come out of the dungeon complex. :smallamused: