View Full Version : Backpack Backpack

2014-04-10, 06:10 PM
The Backpack Loaded Up With Things And Knickknack's Too Anything That You Might Need I Got Inside For You!

Ok so say i wanted a backpack that could with a command word appear to be a normal backpack but with a command words it would act as a bag of holding or handy haversack.

So does anyone know a cost or how to make one for a game?

I also appologize for spelling and any coding issues doing this on my cell

2014-04-10, 09:27 PM
Handy Haversacks already look like a normal backpack...

2014-04-10, 09:29 PM
Ok, let me get this straight.

You want a HH/HHH or BoH which looks like a regular BP when you say the command word but is secretly a HH/HHH/BoH at the same time, and when you say another command word, the enchantment to conceal the identity of the bag is lifted and is seen for what it is?

OR did you want a HH/HHH/BoH which when a command word is spoken turns to a regular back back with all the stuff bulging out and crushing the user (or encumbering them), and on another command word turning back into the HH/HHH/BoH?

For the first one, its not bad, you could just use Nystul's Magic Aura (wiz/sorc 1) on it which lasts 1 day per level. If you want it built in - I'd double the cost of the bag as appropriate for having an alternate power (even though the cost of a continuous Nystul's magical aura would be 1000gp) so a HH/HHH would be 4k. If you had some type of magical luggage strap which did Nystuls magical aura, id charge you 1k for that alone and you would be free to toss it on any bag you got.

For the second one, thats a lot more involved, basically its a turn off / on feature. Some magic items have the off / on feature with their continuous nature, some don't (for good reason too). I would double the price for that weird off / on feature as its something a bag normally doesn't have, or not even allow the off feature because it can be exploited or just ruin the bag itself.

2014-04-10, 10:38 PM
Well what I want is a backpack that functions like a bag of holding or handy haversack bag. But after you fill it up with goodies say you get captured and they are going to look through your sack for your loot or secret magic item.

With a command word the backpack looks like an empty bag with the goodies hidden in the extra dimensional space.

Now either it somehow orphans the pocket dimension till the command word is said again or hides the entrance to prevent its discovery.

Also wondered if someone could get a hammer space graft a extra dimensional space sewn into the back would be interesting.

2014-04-10, 10:42 PM
Well what I want is a backpack that functions like a bag of holding or handy haversack bag. But after you fill it up with goodies say you get captured and they are going to look through your sack for your loot or secret magic item.

With a command word the backpack looks like an empty bag with the goodies hidden in the extra dimensional space.

Now either it somehow orphans the pocket dimension till the command word is said again or hides the entrance to prevent its discovery.

Also wondered if someone could get a hammer space graft a extra dimensional space sewn into the back would be interesting.

I allow players to make use of the glammered armour enhancement for non-armour items. Depending on the usefulness of the deception, I might alter the price slightly.

You may also want to look at some of the mundane and magical enhancements for sneaky stuff in Complete Scoundrel.

2014-04-10, 11:28 PM
Well what I want is a backpack that functions like a bag of holding or handy haversack bag. But after you fill it up with goodies say you get captured and they are going to look through your sack for your loot or secret magic item.

With a command word the backpack looks like an empty bag with the goodies hidden in the extra dimensional space.

Oh, I see. Deniable storage. That's reasonable, but pretty niche, and I don't think it exists; however, you could probably design a custom version that is a few hundred gp more for the purpose. (You would want to be sure to fill the alternate section with random stuff that looks plausible but is not particularly valuable, since otherwise they would be suspicious of an empty bag, especially if it shows a magic aura.)

2014-04-10, 11:38 PM
Also wondered if someone could get a hammer space graft a extra dimensional space sewn into the back would be interesting.
How would horde gullet (Dragon Magic) work for you? I could see it on something like a pearl of speech, taking up your face slot.

2014-04-10, 11:56 PM
Belt of Hidden Pouches (Magic Item Compendium page 74) does something similar.

2014-04-12, 01:13 AM
Honestly, I'd say take the item you want to do this with, and add 1k-1.5k to the cost. Why? Because it's essentially adding the duo-dimensional jug (found here (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070314a)) onto other storage items. It may not add as much capacity, but if the point is security, then that's okay.

Alternatively, build in an auto-resetting trap of dispel magic into an item that seems like it ought to be part of the bag (say, the drawstring). Set it such that the trap is on a timed trigger to dispel the bag, with a command-word bypass to turn the trap off when you want to get at your stuff. Otherwise, it's constantly being rendered non-magical, and the contents are unavailable. Obviously costlier to do this, but its another way to do it.