View Full Version : Lord Raziere vs. Everybody

2014-04-11, 01:41 AM
Today begins what will truly be the battle of all the ages. On one side of the battlefield, there stands an army nearly beyond the scope of human comprehension. Superman and Goku have settled their differences. The 300 Spartans form a phalanx to distract the enemy from the Ninjas hiding off to the side. Cthulhu rises from the depths of R'lyeh and shares a pre battle cigar with the Three Stooges. Every warrior to ever go to war, every civilian to ever not go to war, and every being to ever be or not be come together to face the most dreaded force in all the universe.

Across from the endless horde of heroes sits a lone figure. She waits, her eyes closed, as she radiates an aura of tranquility. She will soon come face to face with Armageddon itself, but not even this thought can break the stillness that surrounds her. Suddenly, her eyes open and she stands. Her lips form a slight, nearly imperceptible smile, and she slowly walks toward the infinite waves of opponents.

Her name is Lord Raziere.

Let the final battle begin.

Arguments for "Everybody:"

-Effectively infinite numbers.
-Abilities encompassing everything from the most trivial chores to the most miraculous wonders.
-Ian Anderson's flute playing.

Arguments for Lord Raziere:

The Story of Lord Raziere
Lord Raziere Wins At Everything. The End.

Let's remember to keep this discussion civil, alright?

Mystic Muse
2014-04-11, 01:49 AM
Lord Raziere wins, the end.

More seriously, there's no argument here. Either what she said is true, and she wins no matter what, or what she said is false, and she loses because of the sheer force going against her.

There is one definitive answer one way or the other. There aren't any sort of abilities she has to weigh against the abilities of her opponents, and the sheer scope of the opposing side makes it impossible to quantify exactly what she has going against her.

So, either you take her at her word and she automatically wins, or you don't and she automatically loses. There is no other possible result, and there's nothing to argue here.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 01:58 AM
Well you can make the argument that Everybody includes other Lord Razieres from parallel universes.

so Lord Raziere would then destroy all the other Everybody's, then fight another herself for all eternity.

whether this means that Lord Raziere wins or that Everybody wins is hard to tell, as I'm a part of Everybody but then again I can defeat Everybody, even win against myself, question which myself do I win against? certainly all of them, but that means all Lord Razieres win and lose. the resulting paradox then destroys everything. so it might be a tie, if you count myself as a part of Everybody, because then I'd have to fight myself.

2014-04-11, 01:59 AM
Obligatory Courteous Links
Concerning Vs. Threads (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?70661-Concerning-vs-Threads)
Forum Rules (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/announcement.php?a=1)

2014-04-11, 05:17 AM
Doesn't Caine win?

2014-04-11, 05:31 AM
Well you can make the argument that Everybody includes other Lord Razieres from parallel universes.

so Lord Raziere would then destroy all the other Everybody's, then fight another herself for all eternity.

whether this means that Lord Raziere wins or that Everybody wins is hard to tell, as I'm a part of Everybody but then again I can defeat Everybody, even win against myself, question which myself do I win against? certainly all of them, but that means all Lord Razieres win and lose. the resulting paradox then destroys everything. so it might be a tie, if you count myself as a part of Everybody, because then I'd have to fight myself.

I did that once! I don't think we e'er decided the 'winner'.

Morph Bark
2014-04-11, 07:33 AM
Since Everybody includes the other party, wouldn't this effectively be a win by suicide? The premise by definition means Lord Raziere would win, because she's on both sides at the same time.

2014-04-11, 07:39 AM
Random Dude: 'I challenge you to a suicide-off!'
Raziere commits suicide and 'wins' the challenge.

Random Dude solos.

Might require a low-level telepath to make Raziere accept the challenge('wins at everything' confers no immunity if it isn't a kind of telepathy that works as a contest of wills).

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 09:08 AM
Random Dude: 'I challenge you to a suicide-off!'
Raziere commits suicide and 'wins' the challenge.

Random Dude solos.

Might require a low-level telepath to make Raziere accept the challenge('wins at everything' confers no immunity if it isn't a kind of telepathy that works as a contest of wills).

oh but then I win at coming back to life and snapping my fingers so that his head explodes. I win.

2014-04-11, 09:13 AM
oh but then I win at coming back to life and snapping my fingers so that his head explodes. I win.

But then he wins at staying dead.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 09:15 AM
But then he wins at staying dead.

I win at doing both at the same time and winning anyways.

2014-04-11, 09:30 AM
Does "everybody" include the rpg.net forum? Because I'm pretty sure the latter won. Multiple times.

2014-04-11, 09:32 AM
Does "everybody" include Guile's Theme and/or Trombe! ?

2014-04-11, 09:40 AM
Yes, the premise is logically impossible and leads to contradictory results. Which was the whole point I guess? Ridicule self-insert Mary Sues, or ridicule the idea of unlimited power?

Of course, it can be fixed, like saying Lord Raziere wins at everything he wants to win at, that removes the suicide-off, logical contradictions like winning two exclusive contests and similar.
It also removes a meta-victory by character assassination. As it stands Raziere wins at brutally murdering the most innocent cute little kitties, wins at being the most detestable person to ever live, wins at many more things better not spelled out. So maybe Raziere wins by the power of -one-sentence-canon, but by making up contests I can make that victory look really really bad.

And of course, nothing stops anyone else from making up a character with the same power, or a character with a power to counter it.

Lolno has the power to change the meaning of words within fictional canons of his choosing.
He changes the meaning of 'win' in Raziere-verse and all crossovers with Raziere-verse. Perhaps to 'fail', but then we get the same contradictions again(fails at staying alive, fails at dying). But point is, it is easy to design a counter.

2014-04-11, 09:46 AM
Also, you want a serious answer?

As far as I know, Raziere is a normal human without any combat training. 2-3 random people, or 1 random combatant, are enough to win. Everyone? Just an overkill.

This thread reminds me of the 4chan Power Man comic, only less funny and more self-indulgant. And Power Man wasn't very funny to begin with.

2014-04-11, 09:47 AM
Everybody includes Power-Man, the most powerful man in fiction. Link, NSFW warning (http://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/a/image/1337/25/1337253043017.png).

EDIT: Dammit Tengu

2014-04-11, 10:03 AM
Since Everybody includes the other party, wouldn't this effectively be a win by suicide? The premise by definition means Lord Raziere would win, because she's on both sides at the same time.

Oh neat. Okay.

Does "everybody" include the rpg.net forum? Because I'm pretty sure the latter won. Multiple times.

Eh, no need to be petty about it.

Also, you want a serious answer?

As far as I know, Raziere is a normal human without any combat training. 2-3 random people, or 1 random combatant, are enough to win. Everyone? Just an overkill.

This thread reminds me of the 4chan Power Man comic, only less funny and more self-indulgant. And Power Man wasn't very funny to begin with.

Can't be self indulgent if it's someone else doig the thread, now can it? Someone else being irate with Raziere doesn't make her self indulgent. That's pretty much the opposite of self indulgence; it's both not the self and it's not indulging them.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 10:12 AM
Also, you want a serious answer?

As far as I know, Raziere is a normal human without any combat training. 2-3 random people, or 1 random combatant, are enough to win. Everyone? Just an overkill.

This thread reminds me of the 4chan Power Man comic, only less funny and more self-indulgant. And Power Man wasn't very funny to begin with.

real Raziere yes.

the character in fiction, no. Fictionally, I win at everything. The evidence is right there. its canonical.

unless of course, your abandoning the canon mode of thought in VS Threads, in which case the purpose of this, to point out the ridiculousness of it, has served its purpose. Even if I lose in that you start applying a different form of logic, one that I heartily approve of because it means your applying actual sense rather than the ridiculous canon beats all logic, I win because thats the entire point I am making: when you get down to it, the canon is ridiculous and you should apply real sense like you just did.

y'know, like Batman getting killed by beings more powerful than him because he is just a human, that is totally in keep with the logic you just used. logic that should be used instead of going "oh some stupid writer wrote that Batman can breathe perfectly fine underwater without any equipment, clearly this is canonical and we should all adhere to it instead of applying actual sense and logic to the fight".

Kitten Champion
2014-04-11, 10:34 AM
I will add to Raziere's canon, retroactively.

Everything stated to have happened, all her previous feats and abilities as presented (winning everything ever) actually occurred in a computer simulation which do not translate into reality.

Kitten Champion however, can actually kick abstract concepts in their assorted multi-versal genitalia and breath in space.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 10:40 AM
Only if I accept it as a part of Lord Raziere canon. your a different author, so even if you do add something to it, all your doing is creating a different version of Lord Raziere, much like how one person created an original batman, and then other authors created different versions of Batman.

and since I am under no obligation to accept that into Lord Raziere canon, I don't, and what your doing counts as a fan-fic. therefore not canonical, or even valid fiction for a VS Thread. therefore Lord Raziere wins, otherwise I'd be able to write up my own version of Batman and just destroy him in a million ways however I want.

Edit: unless your saying that fan-fic DOES count, in which case, I'll be happy to start writing up my own versions of all characters that I hate and allowing them to get killed by characters I like.

Kitten Champion
2014-04-11, 11:12 AM
Only if I accept it as a part of Lord Raziere canon. your a different author, so even if you do add something to it, all your doing is creating a different version of Lord Raziere, much like how one person created an original batman, and then other authors created different versions of Batman.

and since I am under no obligation to accept that into Lord Raziere canon, I don't, and what your doing counts as a fan-fic. therefore not canonical, or even valid fiction for a VS Thread. therefore Lord Raziere wins, otherwise I'd be able to write up my own version of Batman and just destroy him in a million ways however I want.

Edit: unless your saying that fan-fic DOES count, in which case, I'll be happy to start writing up my own versions of all characters that I hate and allowing them to get killed by characters I like.

I'm sorry, I'm afraid I kicked the embodied concept of authorial ownership of fictional characters hard in the groin and have taken its place.

2014-04-11, 12:13 PM
I'm really confused. Why is Raziere female but calls herself Lord? Is that one of her superpowers?

On topic: Raziere wins, clearly.

2014-04-11, 12:36 PM
Huh, indeed. I did accidentally refer to Raziere as 'he'. The Lord in the nickname is way more noticable than the tiny gender tags.

2014-04-11, 12:55 PM
real Raziere yes.

the character in fiction, no. Fictionally, I win at everything. The evidence is right there. its canonical.

Yes, create a character who is clearly meant to be your fictional alter-ego and give her the ability of "is always teh best at everything". This is what I meant by indulgence.

2014-04-11, 12:56 PM
I wrote two crossovers for Lord Raziere, I hope she accepts them into her canon.

Lord Raziere vs Superman
After Superboy-Prime punched time, Lord Raziere was dragged into the DCU. She just kind of stood there doing stuff, then Prime came back and she didn't like the look on his face, so she punched him with the power a three hundred billion exploding suns (she was holding back) and Prime was vaporized. Earth was vaporized as well. Then Flash went back in time. That's the real reason Flashpoint happened. After nu52, Raziere met Superman and Wonder Woman making out for no reason whatsover, thought it was stupid and beat some sense into them. After beating them, Raziere traveled through dimensions to meet the Superman from All-Star Superman. While that guy was very nice, Raziere was in a bad mood and kicked him in the face with the power of six hundred billion exploding suns, unmaking the bonds between his atoms and scattering his spirit across all multiverse. Raziere shed a single tear during all this, because she did it all while reading the old Birds of Prey and boy was it good before they ruined everything.

Lord Raziere vs Wolverine
Logan and Raziere meet up in an ice cream parlor. The fight begins when they try their ice cream throwing skills at each other and Wolverine clearly loses. Then, Wolverine tries to hit Raziere with his Berserker Barrage special from X-men vs Street Fighter and Raziere parries each strike, just like that famous Ken vs Chun-li fight in Street Fighter 3. After parrying all those strikes, Raziere summons the power of the Phoenix. Wolverine gets scared, runs away and gets the Avengers to help him. Thor is the first to arrive, but Phoenix Raziere makes quick work out of him and claims Mjolnir as her own. Thor realizes she is worhty of Mjolnir and joins her. Razier thinks that's cute, so she uses her powers to create another Mjolnir for Thor. Since she likes dual-wielding she creates another Mjolnir for herself, but the new one is on fire, because it's cooler that way. The Sentry shows up saying something stupid regarding him being death incarnate or something like that, but Raziere uses her twin Mjolnirs to transform him into candy. She then eats him. He tastes like chicken. Wolverine wants to join Raziere like Thor did, but she just smashes him with her hammer(s) and then reality warps his healing factor way. Squirrel Girl mourned Wolverine, but admited immediately she was no match for Raziere, for Raziere has shattered her hope. Raziere and Squirrel Girl had ice cream together.

2014-04-11, 01:13 PM
Yes, create a character who is clearly meant to be your fictional alter-ego and give her the ability of "is always teh best at everything". This is what I meant by indulgence.

Oh, come on. It's just a joke.

In other news I have decided to create a fictional alter-ego Comrade, whose sole power is 'does everything that Lord Raziere does, except better and more fashionably'.

2014-04-11, 02:11 PM
Doesn't Caine win?

Not if Superman is present

2014-04-11, 02:30 PM
Oh, come on. It's just a joke.

Then I don't like it because it's not funny.

2014-04-11, 02:43 PM
Per Raziere's One Piece Thread, there are several people in the One Piece verse that are simply so freakish that there freakishness should allow them to chase her off the battle field as she'd be too freaked out to do anything other then flee.

Also, per the same thread, she's outmatched by Silver Age Superman, which was her stated reason for not capturing him and forcing him to sit through some of her one piece reviews.

And since everybody Includes both. Sorry Lord Raziere.

Mystic Muse
2014-04-11, 03:07 PM
Per Raziere's One Piece Thread, there are several people in the One Piece verse that are simply so freakish that there freakishness should allow them to chase her off the battle field as she'd be too freaked out to do anything other then flee.

Also, per the same thread, she's outmatched by Silver Age Superman, which was her stated reason for not capturing him and forcing him to sit through some of her one piece reviews.

And since everybody Includes both. Sorry Lord Raziere.

Well, I believe this is warranted then.


2014-04-11, 03:14 PM
Well, I believe this is warranted then.


*Takes a bow.*

I can't believe I actually found a point that locked in one of these things!! I am far to pleased with myself right this second for it to be in any way decent!

And Raziere, your awesome and all, but, it had to be said. It did. Though, there's a certain Irony that the perpetual nemesis of Vs. thread everywhere, Silver Age Superman, and your perpetual arch nemesis One Piece had to be the things that undid you.

2014-04-11, 03:26 PM
Everybody includes Raziere.

Raziere wins.

Everybody wins too.

Hooray! Everybody wins! A happy ending.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 05:10 PM
*Takes a bow.*

I can't believe I actually found a point that locked in one of these things!! I am far to pleased with myself right this second for it to be in any way decent!

And Raziere, your awesome and all, but, it had to be said. It did. Though, there's a certain Irony that the perpetual nemesis of Vs. thread everywhere, Silver Age Superman, and your perpetual arch nemesis One Piece had to be the things that undid you.


The Story of Salgo
Salgo Wins At Everything Even More Than Everyone Else. The End.

my point still stands.

2014-04-11, 05:46 PM
Wow, I was expecting more "CURSE YOU SILVER AGE SUPERMAN AND ONCE PIECE!!!!!!!!!".

You, um, took that a lot better then I was expecting. Why does that worry me?

Lord Raziere
2014-04-11, 06:14 PM
I just recognized that using my own screen name was a mistake for the point I'm trying to make. so I admitted defeat there, and improved it so that people will focus on the actual point.

what? I can be reasonable when I need to. that and I'm trying to avoid overdramatics when trying to make points in debates these days. it gets me nowhere, only pain and suffering.

the point, is that if you want go by canonical reasoning for VS Threads, you have to accept the logic that no matter how bad a work of writing is, if its canonical its valid, and that its completely exploitable to make a character like Salgo with very little effort, and that by the "virtue" of bad writing, thus wins at everything. when I don't see why you would consider it desirable to use such bad writing and thus give it validity, when its completely ridiculous, completely stupid, completely dumb.

like, point out how maybe this kind of reasoning isn't all that good and such? show it through the logical end conclusion of it?

Edit: that and it doesn't work, when its obvious that your doing it specifically to get to me.

2014-04-12, 05:38 AM
The point Raziere is making is very, very sound. I see it frequently about the Flash.
One writer had the Flash saying he can react to events that last a femtosecond. What that could imply:
a) Flash really has such a reaction time. This makes me invincible. This also contraditcs all of his comics.
b) Barry was boasting and lying. This contradicts his character.
c) Barry didn't know what a femtosecond is. This contradicts his character.
d) The writer didn't know what a femtosecond was, didn't think it through and just wanted a "science word" for Barry to say.
In versus threads, people only go with "a". Unless it's someone on the other side using it, because then it "doesn't count" fo whatever reason. It's beyond silly.

Kitten Champion
2014-04-12, 01:44 PM
The funny thing is, if Flash could think in femtoseconds his life would be an unmitigated hell. If Quicksilver is anxious and aggressive because people are too slow for his pace, Flash would be suicidal.

Killer Angel
2014-04-12, 02:08 PM
I put a mirror of opposition in front of Lord Raziere (or Salgo).
For a while, I enjoy watching the two equal beings fighting each other, with no one losing. When I'm bored, i go do something else, leaving the couple to their eternal struggle for dominance upon each other.

EDIT: if someone doesn't know what a mirror of opposition is, it's a D&D magical object.
If a creature sees its reflection in the mirror’s surface, an exact duplicate of that creature comes into being. This opposite immediately attacks the original. The duplicate has all the possessions and powers of its original (including magic).
Lord Raziere jus saw its reflection in the mirror, the fight begins.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-12, 02:17 PM
oh but you don't understand.

Salgo wins at not seeing his reflection, wins at not having a reflection when he doesn't want to, and wins at having mirrors break for no reason when it would benefit him.

Salgo wins.

Killer Angel
2014-04-12, 02:30 PM
oh but you don't understand.

Salgo wins at not seeing his reflection, wins at not having a reflection when he doesn't want to, and wins at having mirrors break for no reason when it would benefit him.

Salgo wins.

This is not possible. The starting conditions are already settled. Salgo saw its reflection and the duplicate appears. It was written, so now it's canon! :smalltongue:
The reason may be unclear (was Salgo bored? who knows...), but the fight is FOR REAL!

Lord Raziere
2014-04-12, 03:02 PM
This is not possible. The starting conditions are already settled. Salgo saw its reflection and the duplicate appears. It was written, so now it's canon! :smalltongue:
The reason may be unclear (was Salgo bored? who knows...), but the fight is FOR REAL!

no, I already explained this.

I'm the original writer. what is canon is only what I want to be canon, because its my original work. you just created a different Salgo that deviates from my canon, not actually changed him. you just wrote a fan fic. you didn't actually win, because the original work is still undefeated.

by your logic, I could say the Silver Age Superman suddenly loses all his superpowers and dies to a single bullet fired from a normal guy and that it would be canon, when its not because all I did was create a version of that Superman wherein in deviation of canon, he loses all his powers and dies from that bullet, but the original Silver Age Superman, is still there, unharmed and undefeated, because all I did was make a fan-fic version of him. as soon as he is changed, he is no longer canon, and is a separate entity.

heck, just encountering the mirror is non-canon, because Salgo canonically doesn't exist in a universe where those exist, and therefore encountering it makes a different version of him that sees it all, just like if Batman were to suddenly encounter Gandalf, canon isn't suddenly changed so that Batman encounters Gandalf in the DC universe, it just means that its a non-canonical fan fic where the author's version of Batman encounters the authors version of Gandalf.

Salgo's story is the canon, it has ended and thats the whole of the canon, because I'm the only author of it. because you have made a story of him without my permission, thats a fan-fic therefore non-canon and he isn't changed. see?

Forum Explorer
2014-04-12, 03:14 PM
The point Raziere is making is very, very sound. I see it frequently about the Flash.
One writer had the Flash saying he can react to events that last a femtosecond. What that could imply:
a) Flash really has such a reaction time. This makes me invincible. This also contraditcs all of his comics.
b) Barry was boasting and lying. This contradicts his character.
c) Barry didn't know what a femtosecond is. This contradicts his character.
d) The writer didn't know what a femtosecond was, didn't think it through and just wanted a "science word" for Barry to say.
In versus threads, people only go with "a". Unless it's someone on the other side using it, because then it "doesn't count" fo whatever reason. It's beyond silly.

The problem is that it contradicts itself as other writers will change things, use different numbers, or simply forget about the previous incidents. It's not the same as shown, not consistently used, and doesn't fit with events in the past. Like you said it simply contradicts everything that we've seen before and later.

Salgo in this case wins at everything. There are no contradictory events and thus the only fact is that they win. It's boring and stupid, but there you go. People are looking for ways for Salgo to lose because this thread was presented in a challenging method (rather then an honest question).

But if I was to make a Flash vs Spiderman thread I'm pretty sure people who quickly tell me that Spiderman doesn't have a chance even though they both have wildly contradicting feats.

2014-04-12, 03:21 PM
But if I was to make a Flash vs Spiderman thread I'm pretty sure people who quickly tell me that Spiderman doesn't have a chance even though they both have wildly contradicting feats.Static beat The Flash in his cartoon by making the floor sticky. Spidey webs the floor, game and match. :smalltongue:

2014-04-12, 03:30 PM
oh but you don't understand.

Salgo wins at not seeing his reflection, wins at not having a reflection when he doesn't want to, and wins at having mirrors break for no reason when it would benefit him.

Salgo wins.

Pointless cherrypicking. He also wins at seeing his reflection, wins at having the most handsome(and ugly for that matter) reflection etc. Salgo at the same time does everything and does not do it by using different wordings of what he wins at.

If you had spent a modicum of effort you could have created a logically consistent canon for an undefeatable character. But you didn't.

And that's why you lose.

Killer Angel
2014-04-12, 03:35 PM
no, I already explained this.

I'm the original writer. what is canon is only what I want to be canon, because its my original work. you just created a different Salgo that deviates from my canon, not actually changed him. you just wrote a fan fic. you didn't actually win, because the original work is still undefeated


Salgo's story is the canon, it has ended and thats the whole of the canon, because I'm the only author of it. because you have made a story of him without my permission, thats a fan-fic therefore non-canon and he isn't changed. see?

You explained it, but I disagree.
You are the original writer of Salgo, and Salgo's story (Canon) is published in the OotS forum.
I'm another author, and my story involves Salgo, and is published in the OotS forum.
Our stories are both published by the same "publishing house", hence they're both Canon, especially 'cause my story doesn't contradict the original material: Salgo wins every encounter, but now he's facing himself.

EDIT: to improve my point, I'll add that, the rules of this "publishing house" are very clear: once published, the material is no more "yours". So, no copyright for Salgo. :smallwink:

2014-04-12, 07:34 PM
I kind of want to find out what happens if I drag meschlum into this, but I forgot to ever replenish my sacrificial-game-designer supply and the next eclipse of the moon by itself isn't for a century anyways.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-12, 07:44 PM
fine, whatever, you clearly just want to cling to some form of logic about VS threads that I just proved is ridiculous. I'm gone. enjoy your arguments that will get you nowhere and solve nothing. as I recall, there are no actual winners announced in VS threads, only a bunch of people claiming they won with no confirmation as to whether that is true, with no agreement as to whether which character actually won the thread, and therefore no one did. this has been a waste of my time. no thank you for making this unproductive with semantics clearly designed to rile me up again. bye.

2014-04-12, 11:15 PM
Wait, I'm confused, was someone taking this thread seriously?:smallconfused:

Lord Raziere
2014-04-13, 01:02 AM
Wait, I'm confused, was someone taking this thread seriously?:smallconfused:

when I debate a point, I am taking it seriously. if I'm not taking it seriously, why debate it? there is no point to that. if you were being silly then specify that you are if I misinterpret it as being serious, so that my time is not wasted. my sense of humor is not something I expect to use when I'm not specifically trying to talk about something funny.

Killer Angel
2014-04-13, 03:39 AM
when I debate a point, I am taking it seriously. if I'm not taking it seriously, why debate it? there is no point to that. if you were being silly then specify that you are if I misinterpret it as being serious, so that my time is not wasted. my sense of humor is not something I expect to use when I'm not specifically trying to talk about something funny.

My serious point is that even the most "serious" Vs thread, are to me no more than simple fun. You cannot have a winner, and this is complicated by the fact that, very often, official canon for a setting, contradicts itself.
I was applying to this thread the same logic I apply to many of the other Vs threads i partecipated in: I deliberately pick only what's favorable to me, and use the contradictions that are always present in the material we're discussing to undermine my opponent's pov.

But, given that (IMO) this thread was specifically made to emphasize the background silliness of Vs threads, then the thread itself should have a light tone.

2014-04-13, 06:49 AM
Wait, this was supposed to be a serious thread? I feel... dirty.

Mono Vertigo
2014-04-13, 09:47 AM
Wait, I'm confused, was someone taking this thread seriously?:smallconfused:

Wait, this was supposed to be a serious thread? I feel... dirty.

And so, Lord Raziere wins.

2014-04-13, 12:07 PM
Lord Raziere fails at being taken seriously.
Sorry, no. Raziere wins at failing of course.

Lord Raziere
2014-04-13, 12:10 PM
if you really think this was about me winning the actual VS thread fight, then you never got my point. :smallsigh:

Killer Angel
2014-04-13, 12:51 PM
It seems we are doing a race, not to understand each other...
I suppose the wisest thing, from me, is to still follow the thread, but to don't post in, to avoid further misunderstandings.

2014-04-13, 02:02 PM
if you really think this was about me winning the actual VS thread fight, then you never got my point. :smallsigh:

Who praytell was that directed at? I see noone making the claim you disparage.

2014-04-13, 02:24 PM
I'm really confused. Why is Raziere female but calls herself Lord? Is that one of her superpowers?

On topic: Raziere wins, clearly.

Is that relevant?

Why do female knights in Amtgard use the sir suffix over dame? Because enough people question it for it to have baggage.

Per Raziere's One Piece Thread, there are several people in the One Piece verse that are simply so freakish that there freakishness should allow them to chase her off the battle field as she'd be too freaked out to do anything other then flee.

Also, per the same thread, she's outmatched by Silver Age Superman, which was her stated reason for not capturing him and forcing him to sit through some of her one piece reviews.

And since everybody Includes both. Sorry Lord Raziere.

I am so confused. Your avatar. D:

2014-04-13, 08:22 PM
when I debate a point, I am taking it seriously. if I'm not taking it seriously, why debate it? there is no point to that. if you were being silly then specify that you are if I misinterpret it as being serious, so that my time is not wasted. my sense of humor is not something I expect to use when I'm not specifically trying to talk about something funny.

But... but it's one of the single least serious thread premises possible.:smallconfused:

Lord Raziere
2014-04-13, 08:31 PM
But... but it's one of the single least serious thread premises possible.:smallconfused:

would you consider threads about theoretical optimization to break the game system on the same level of seriousness? many of which, the entire point of is to point out the flaws in the system and thus improve peoples awareness of such problems?

2014-04-13, 10:27 PM
would you consider threads about theoretical optimization to break the game system on the same level of seriousness? many of which, the entire point of is to point out the flaws in the system and thus improve peoples awareness of such problems?Yes, and the usual solution to that would be the original poster or the DM making house rules. Besides, this doesn't apply, really, since the majority of the games already have a tacit houserule regarding silly RAWs, and there are even those high-powered game that allows it explicitly. No such thing present in VS Threads since obviously plenty of posters (if not the majority) subscribe to that otherwise-ridiculous premise. So, you know, if you want to make such VS Thread, feel free to add house rules. If the original poster doesn't have that limit or there are no majority consensus on what to allow, then "RAW" or Canon-as-Written (CAW) applies.

At the end of it, the ridiculousness of "Lord Raziere vs Everyone" threads falls flat, given that threads such as "The One Above All vs. X", "The Presence vs. X", or "Gan vs. X" (and to a lesser degree occasionally, "Batman vs. X") aren't normally seen on a frequent basis for the exact same reason.

2014-04-14, 06:59 AM
Is that relevant?

Why do female knights in Amtgard use the sir suffix over dame? Because enough people question it for it to have baggage.

I am so confused. Your avatar. D:

What? I waited three threads for this Avatar. It's easy. Raz's is Yang in a good mood, Mine is Yang after you've messed with her hair.

Anyway, I'm literally just using statements Raz made in a different thread about herself and things she was doing and why she was doing them as a submission. I expect this isn't gonna be serious cause come on, it's a thread, about quasi OC persona visa-vie Linkara or The Nostalgia Critic, taking on every possible everyone and thing that ever is was, will be, or wasn't, isn't or won't be, in every conceivable point of every timeline in every location in every multyverse ever. It's an intrinsically insane and none nonsensical concept, like Power Rangers, Atop the 4th Walls story arcs or Frank Frezetta's artwork.

2014-04-16, 05:37 AM
What? I waited three threads for this Avatar. It's easy. Raz's is Yang in a good mood, Mine is Yang after you've messed with her hair.

The avatars are so very similar it's painful. It took me a dozen or so posts by each of you to figure out what that weird unsettling feeling when looking at the avatars was.


2014-04-16, 04:05 PM
I fail to see it as a big deal, it's not like it's same character, same outfit, same pose.

Just remember, if you see Red, it's Metahuman, if you don't, it's Lord Raz. That simple.

2014-04-17, 07:30 AM
The funny thing is, if Flash could think in femtoseconds his life would be an unmitigated hell. If Quicksilver is anxious and aggressive because people are too slow for his pace, Flash would be suicidal.

Exactly. This thought makes the Ballad of Barry Allen seem like a happy fun song...